Nobledark 40k Part VIII: Patching Things Up edition


fortifying this position

>Corax and Eldrad filled in last thread, Lady Malys also having some stuff needing to be mirrored, I think
>FAQs about jubblowski, the Isha Panty Raid, Lofn (and possibly Reri as a mirror?) and the Eldar and IoM seperatists all covered.
>I have no idea what the hell else to do though because I'm gonna be busy revamping the 1d4 page. There's a link there to the page where actual shit is still going on, though.
>Still need non-Battle of Terra WotB stuff
>Still need Weebs
>Still need Bugs
>Need lots of Croneldar if they're still big enough to be as much of a problem as CSM are in Vanilla 40k (or at least big enough to pull off a decent few Black Crusades)
Also holy shit I had no idea how quickly autosage killed. I just started setting up the draft page on the 1d4 and suddenly last thread was archived, like, 10 minutes tops.

Other urls found in this thread:

Gonna start posting the writefagging I'm doing as a setting overview, so all of you can check it for consistency and shit. Some of it's up on the 1d4 already, but I'm probably gonna tweak it a lot in future.

> In the depths of the Old Night, the one known as Malcador discovered a relic of the Dark Age of Technology; a Man of Gold, created by those who came before with intellectual, martial and psychic prowess like none other. Others of his kind had devestated humanity in wars long gone, yet this one would restore it to its former glory. The Man of Gold, returning to Terra to find it a war-torn shell of a homeworld, immediately vowed to dedicate his existence to restoring the race he was created to serve. Thus, he became the Warlord, unifying his world through alliance, war, and every flavour of diplomacy between them. Nations united under his banner or were conquered by it, and soon a few figures became famous for their achievements, whether done in the Warlord's name or their own. These would become his Primarchs.

> The years passed, and the Warlord looked to the stars. After the alliance with Mars gave the Imperium the logistical and materiel strength to begin reclaiming their former worlds, the Great Crusade began in earnest. Many worlds saw the bright future of the Imperium and greeted the Warlord with open arms, and for those that did not? The Warlord had his Primarchs; who each had a legion of elite Space Marines under their command, along with their own unique brand of warfare. A world with armies elite enough to fend off the ferocity of Leman Russ's Vlka Fenryka would be dismantled by the logistical superiority of Roboute Guilliman; one fortified enough to stall the methodical Ultramarines would be infected by plague and rotted from the inside out by Mortarion's Night Lords, and one who dared use such weapons on the forces of the Imperium would have their horrific gases and plagues shrugged off by Ferrus Manus's inhuman Skitarii.


> Closer to home, however, there was a problem. The Warlord had originally been designed to serve humanity, not lead it, and it was a curious irony that the greatest leader in human history did not see himself fit for the role. Nevertheless, he was concerned at how an artificial construct such as himself (although precious few other than Malcador knew of this fact) was shown such reverence across the reclaimed worlds; some worlds approaching worship. Thus, he declared that the Golden Throne of Terra, an ancient artifact discovered that may have predated even him, was the centerpiece of the Imperium, and that he would be its Steward until a suitable Emperor were to emerge.

[more to come]

You're doing God's work user

Bump for good work

Just posting this story written by a writefag who namefags himself after a Hotline Miami character. Wonder if that guy is still writing anything, both Veeky Forums or warhammer related.

And hey if you're out there and see this thread, you still gonna work or elabortate on this? It's pretty funny as someone who likes LCB.

Also nice Hitler rants parodies reference/easter eggs

>Krieg born inquisitor who constantly rants and raves about an Eldar Harlequin antic master
>said Eldar Harlequin is oh-so-subtly named "Fegerleen."
>the Krieg born Inquisitor's dumb Grey Knight servant is Gunshe
>another fellow inquisitor of said grumpy Krieg born inquisitor is a guy who loves pointing at maps and fish
>another one is an alcoholic who loves his Amasec and maybe even the map and fish loving co-inquisitor
>a bald co-inquisitor who objects the plans of said krieg-born head inquisitor

Looking good


Here's an excuse to post such pics

With collected notes from previous threads I've done a thing.


Given that Corax seems to have been changed from a Banian former slave to a Sino leader of an uprising could Lion be changed from a knight of Franj to a western Merikan tribal?

In the older DA fluff they had a more native American feel to them than knight-monks.

Also in the last thread or the thread before that Merika only started to ramp up the Manifest Destiny in response to the Warlord's actions, seeing that they would have to claim all the land possible to stand against his expansions.

He could be of one of the tribes that resisted and refused to just meekly accept the Merikan occupation. The Fishermen Kings of the far coast were described last thread as being civilized but primitive and small. Could have been one of them.

Possibly he could have been one of the ones the expeditionary forces of the Imperium encountered after they took the Yndonisic Bloc and Straylia and started sailing, eventually meeting them the long way round.

So in this AU are space marines allowed to have some sort of life outside of alwayswar?

In the old fluff Salamanders had families. Is that back?

magpies even stealing our waifus, will this never end


Countering flat and grumpy eldar with busty jiggly horny eldar.

Seems a good idea.

Anything to avoid Brother-Captain Grimdour van Biblicalreference

...who? I expect the reaction to this to be pic related, but I'm afraid I don't know that much about DA fluff (either canon or anything hammered out for nobledark) and have generally been put off because of the constant Wolf/Lion shitflinging here on tg

belated pic related, whoops

All DAs in Vanilla have biblical reference names or names that sound biblical or at least end in iel to sound angelic. That and putting in "grim" sounding shit.

It's not anywhere near as bad as wolf wolfing wolfy wolves but it does get annoying.

Back in the 80s and early 90s they were supposedly slightly native American flavored.

So far they have no Nobledark fluff at all.

That story is comfy as fuck to read.

Yeah, the only bit of fluff is that Luther is the Arch-Traitor during the War of the Beast since I like the canon fluff of a master jealous that his student usurped him.

But what would he have done in WotB?

DA names are based on Angel names

iel in Hebrew means "of God"

No idea, could have just been a generic fall to Chaos or maybe he tried to carve out his own empire.

DAfag here. No. Because of three simple reasons

>The Lion is based on a El Sid
>The Lion is based on King Arthur
>The only native American Elements were in Deathwing terminators from a specific planet.

The VERY FIRST Dark Angels model was a Space Marine captain with the teutonic knight style crest.

>fluff discrepancies
>"three very simple reasons"

[runs for cover]

Seeing Ops pic.

What happens to the Squats?

Bumping out of interest

Since a common fan-explanation for the Great Retcon of the Squats is that they were eaten by Tyranids, maybe we should go with that?

That'a actually the canon explanation.

They were discussed back in the earlier threads, though without a whole lot of detail IIRC. They're still around, and abhumans as a whole are treated better in this Imperium than in canon. I could see the Squats as drinking buddies/friendly rivals with the Demiurge, who have also been incorporated.

Say, what if...perchance...their worlds were to have fallen to Chaos? There's a severe defecit of homo sapiens being the bad guys at the moment.

I feel funny

How was this general created again? If I recall correctly it was a thread about the emperor and isha having kids

It was about 3 months ago, original OP was "What would have happened if the Emperor and Isha decided to make babies of their combined god genes?"

Space Zombie AIDS.

Possibly originally pread by Nurglite Deamonettes.

Possibly repeated mass outbreaks across Imperium during the otherwise quite times helps keep everything fucked over.

Give it quite potentially 30 to 40 year incubation period and a tendency to trigger all at the same time and mature from zombies to deamons if left untreated.

And then some guy went on about this regiment of scions being ishas sons

Was eventually decided that they have no kids due to inherent incompatibility.

It also allows better for the Impossible Child of the Starchild Prophesies.


If it was wide spread enough and was spread but those dastardly Croneworlders far enough in the decades long incubation period it could be a serious Imperium wide problem.

It would certainly give the Ordo Sepulturum an actual reason to be any sort of important presence.

Bonus points if Dorhai craftworlders helped with the spread of the disease. Chaos on Imperium action they see as Mon-keigh killing each other and that is never a bad thing.

They were given the same deal as the Interex, Ultramar and other Strife survivor empires.

They despise the eldar because they had a protection deal with the old eldar empire that the old eldar empire was too off it's box on cocaine to care about. Hub-worlders were covered in Orks when the Imperium established contact with them.

I think Idranel would make a good flat chest waifu...

The best thing about flat chested waifus is watching those titties grow as they round out with child. Idranel needs to do her part for the elder people now that they have Isha back.

That's a Blood Angel, he doesn't have the raven shape surrounding the teardrop/blood-drop on his armor's insignias.

>Implying that's his armour

afaik it was way before that, just a thought about how something like the Last Alliance would be in 40k and if it's work what difference it'd make, etc

On the subject of which is it possible for a human to become an Aspect Warrior?

Salamanders always had families. As in "the immortal uncle who watches over the clan for centuries"

wasn't that retconned at some point like all the good things?

Probably not. Humans tend not to be more stable.

Path system was built because eldar be crazy.

Needs more Cain.

This Regiment of Scions?

short question: I am not really interested in 40k but verily into warhammer fantasy, may I ask why you use a whf pic? Maybe you can get me interested in your little party here

Two species of Dorf.

One is fighting endless orks one fighting endless nids.

One hates eldar the other trolls them mercilessly.

Both are part of the Imperium. Eldar are happy about neither.

OP here, because it was late and I was too tired/lazy to find an appropriate 40k one

>Hey Joe you wana play another mothafuckin zombie game!?

This is a deamon plague. U R teh deemunz!

...Is that, lord commissar Bern with a eldar waifu!?

>why did mom and dad have to make me have a mon'keigh girlfriend?
>I just wanna live out my decent life with decent paying job all while shitposting in the extranet
>this human sucks at kissing, just slobbering her tongue all over my lip

Nice story, but I don't get these references.

So, when LIIVI goes on his proactive vengeance spree, what do the Ordo Sicarius have to say about this?

They give him a rather stern talking to and hope he doesn't set his inlaws on them.

>based on El Cid and Arthur
Just made the connection between that and Lion "sleeping under the Rock until the final battle" fluff, which makes him a bit cooler in my eyes.

Would be even cooler if he removed space kebabs/Saxons from space Iberia/Britain


So we going to have to put parallels with El Cid and Arthur in the Lion story when we get round to it?


How about Russ and the Lion fought a war way back. Russ was defeating Jonson's people until Jonson took charge, driving back Russ's forces, leading to a bloody stalemate. Would explain the rivalry n this universe.

Thats good.

Only problem I see is the timing of it.

By the time of the Warlord's rise both the Nordyc and the Franj have to be at the stage where they can stand talking to one another in a civil manner for at least some length of time to be in the same Imperium.

So the conflict between Franj and Skand has to be far enough back to be thought of as "old wars our fathers/grandfathers fought". Still sore points but not blood price type murderous rage inducing levels of sore.

It should be a chip handed down from shoulder to shoulder for Lion and Russ from Luther and Thengir respectively.

The exact nature of the debt should be kept deliberately muddy. Franj owed Skand warriors/mercenaries from numerous tribes money for fighting Jermanic and Gredbritton aggressors. Thengir was the one nominated by the Nordyc fighting men to represent them and speak to the king of Franj.

King of Franj short changes them to an insulting degree and they have a Skand - Franj war.

Thengir kills the old king Clovis Fouché, the Franjish soldiers fuck up huge tracts of Skandish land and exterminate a bunch of Nordyc villages in retaliation. Yolande Fouché at aged 15 takes the throne calls a meeting with Chief Thengir, now known as Thengir the Cripple, apologies and hands over the rest of the cash and then some for bloodprice. The war is over but considerable hate remains especially in the families of the Russ tribal nobility and the noble house of El Jonson who were thickest in the fighting.

Thus Lion and Leman grow up despising the other nation in general and that family in particular.

Good shit, I like it. I notice the Russ fluff starts during the Great Crusade, does anyone want to write up this background for Russ? Is the original writefag still around?

I was the original writefag for Russ.

I think that was either in the first of second thread that it got done, such as it was. At the moment for me it is late and I have a hard day of work ahead of me tomorrow so it is unlikely that it will get done tonight.

I'll give it some thought over the day and If I am in any fit mental shape I will try and writefag it up a bit more.

I didn't think the Nobledark Imperium would take off like it has done or that we would attract such excellent talent.

Quick, someone rewrite this with Russ and Magnus.

I'm actually getting a little tired of Russ vs. Magnus.
Russ vs. Lion sounds like a nice change; it seems like Lion gets ignored a lot.

This, especially since it's plastered across half a dozen bait threads at any given time. Plus, Lion has the advantage of not having been fleshed out fully, so we have plenty of room to work with.

I feel like REEEE FALLEN GET OUT should either be wiped completely, or transcend to the point that they're the only major force of CSM that exist

Maybe they have a different secret?

The only Fallen written in is Luther, since I threw him into the Sangy fluff on a whim, but I now realize there needs to be a way to explain how he stands up to Sangy in a duel if he's too old to have gotten Astartes augments. Oops.

Wait, how about if Luther is Lion's older brother or twin so he can also get the augments, and becomes jealous of his brother outshining him? This riffs on Cain and Abel and keeps with the biblical vibe of the DAs. Thoughts anyone?

Older brother, or relatively young uncle, maybe? Opportunity for closeness, but more sense of seniority than a twin.

His augmentation might bring the date of Skand - Franj too far forwards.

Well, let's see if we can't finagle the timeline a bit.

Let's say Luther El'Jonson participates in the war as a young squire and wins fame for his exploits, being anywhere from 16-18 when Queen Yolande takes the throne and ends the war. Having gotten his knighthood and a taste for war, and seeing that Franj probably won't be fighting any time soon, Luther runs away from home to join this rumored Warlord he's been hearing so much about. Serves for a few years before receiving one of the early augments, perhaps the late Thunder Warrior pattern.

Now according to the Guilliman fluff he meets Yolande when she is "relatively young," and then they get married and Europia-Franj joins the Imperium shortly after, which I interpreted to be fairly early in the Unification. Yolande was 15 when the Skand- Franj war ends, and lets say "relatively young" means late 20s to early 30s, so roughly 10-15 years have passed. Luther, the prodigal son returns home, and Lion is born sometime around here. Lion grows up hearing about his famed older brother and idolizes the guy.

Now for Lion to receive the Mk III S augments, Sangy and Duscht Jemanic will need to have joined the Imperium since they help design the Mk III Astartes, and this means the Jemanic are one of the later joiners to the Imperium. In an earlier thread we made the augmentation window as late puberty instead of early puberty (to get rid of the grimderp of having 12 year olds fight to the death) and in Mortarion's fluff he's 22 when he gets augmented. So between Lion's birth around when Europia-Franj joins the Imperium (early Unification) and Duscht Jemanic joining (mid-later Unification) we have 20 years for the Lion to grow up and serve in the Warlord's army before he's one of the three people selected for the Mk III S experiments.

And bam, we have a potential timeline with an augmented Luther and Lion. Let me know if I've contradicted anything.

Looks to all add up.

So the optimal age of augmentation is the 18 - 24 age range?

Or is that the legal requirement the Warlord insisted on?

Either way I like it a lot.

>Eldar and IoM seperatists all covered.

So in the previous thread, there are aparently eldar and human terrorist-separatists who're totally against the integration of men and space elves and have committed acts of terrorism against the imperium and "official" eldar?

So imagine if those terrorist did a No Russian on imperial lands or in some eldar settlement?

Now whats wrong with that???

also, bump


holy shit yesyesyes y e s
I totally wouldn't put it past them to do that, and I'm betting that even if the IoM as a whole tries to Do The RIght Thing (TM), the other side's extremists kneejerk the fuck out and do the same.

context behind this pls, looks gud

Should Russ have a wife/wives?

I think that Russ didn't trust Magnus because his practices of warpcraft are very different to that of Nordyc shamanism and he was made a Primarch despite his weirdness.

That is basically it. Russ doesn't trust Magnus and keeps a wary eye on him in case he needs to be killed because possession.

Magnus doesn't like Russ because he won't put the axe down.

So should Luther fall to Chaos this time around?

I'm all for having him go against the young Imperium but it could be because he sees that it is the death of Franj as a nation and the nation was what he held most dear. Lion sees him as going against the people of Franj and that the Imperium is their only hope for survival. Luther sees the Imperium as the death of Franj as a people.

Both are right.

Maybe there were the insane on the side of Luther who resorted to Chaos. There were also the desperate on the side of Lion who resorted to Chaos.

go man in the iron mask with it

Not happening tonight. Brain is cabbaged. Sorry.

Lets not.

Long standing feud sounds good.

A question.

How technologically advanced was Franj? It is mentioned that they had relatively good farm land so they would have been able to support a stable population and have more specialists supported.

Would they have lasers and shit or are we giving the knightly warrior nobility Kalashnikovs?

For Lion I'm guessing he is going to be slightly like Perty in that he doesn't "get" people. Tends to micro-manage a bit too much.

Unlike Perty he isn't paranoid, depressed or prone to fits of rage.

Groomed for leadership of the knightly order by Luther because for all his faults he is tactically brilliant. In the end Luther sees Lion as having betrayed his oath to his queen and his people by selling the country to the Imperium. This would happen during the War of the Beast, Luther trying to break away in the Chaos so when the dust clears Franj stands again as an independent nation like Hy Brasil.

As a result Lion is out taking care of personal business and never comes to the aid of the Emperor or Sanguinius in time.

Russ is his greatest detractor. Russ challenges him to a duel. Russ gets his shit wrecked. Russ relocates to Fenris completely and severs almost all ties with Old Earth in a manner of "I don't want to live on this planet anymore".

During his fight with Luther Lion ends up with a piece of metal lodged in his brain that gradually over the next few years migrates till it embeds in something serious. Lion goes into a coma. Biologicus can't take the metal splinter out with out cutting through some serious grey matter and killing him.

As of 999M41 the Dark Angels are still claiming that Lion El Jonson sleeps. Maybe he does. He was a pimped out Mk3 S Astartes and nobody is quite sure how long they could theoretically live if kept in a coma on a life support machine. Maybe he does still sleep.

No sure what this is referencing to be honest.

Let's see if we can reconcile these.

If Luther served the Warlord for a time and received augments, what would embitter him towards the Imperium? I could see him as the arrogant blood knight who loves battle and becomes disillusioned when the Warlord turns out not to be the ruthless warrior-king he imagined. He returns home to Franj and finds that Queen Yolande has married a weakling from Europia (maybe Luther and Yolande had a teenage romance?), and to rub salt on the wound the united Europian-Franjish senate votes to peacefully join the Imperium a few years later.

Lion wasn't responsible for Franj joining the Imperium, so Luther's animosity comes from the fact he tries to incite a rebellion towards the end of the Unification when the bulk of the Warlord's forces are busy. He approaches Lion, who at this point has received the augments and is a great general himself, and tries to convince him to join, believing that ties of blood and country should trump all. Instead, he's shocked and enraged when Lion refuses and remains loyal to the Warlord. He goes ahead and rebels anyway and is defeated, only being spared because Lion intervenes on his behalf. Humiliated, Luther bides his time and serves in Lion's legion, who happily thinks Luther is a changed man, and wins enough distinction to be made First Captain of the Dark Angels.

Then the War of the Beast comes and Luther sees his chance again, so it's HERESY TIME. Luther's clash with Lion could come at any time before or after the Battle of Terra as long as Luther is at the Eternity Gate to duel Sanguinius (since he probably figures that would be his best chance to try and kill the Steward).


Looking good. Though I'm wondering, how plausible is it that Lion would be able to save Luther from the consequences of rebellion?

What would be a 40K version of No Russian then? Especially for this nobledark AU with the IoM or eldar separatist-terrorists?

"Remember, no High Gothic/High Tongue?"

> Luther is at the Eternity Gate to duel Sanguinius

Not digging that but otherwise looks good.

It was a throwaway bit of fluff since I wanted to have Traitor Marines in the Siege of the Imperial Palace and Luther is much more interesting than Abbadon (who has gotten a cool little story himself in this AU). Luther doesn't die, Sangy just cuts his arms off, so he can still be alive and kicking long after with sweet robo-chaos arms.

Upon reflection I can easily swap out Luther for another Traitor Marine to be at the Eternity Gate so feel free to throw out some names.

How about Kor Phaeron? He needs a kick in the dick.

Not this time.

This time Kor Phaeron was the fatherly and caring Archbishop of the Yndonisic Bloc.

How about Erabus? Nothing has been written concerning him.

Yeah, Erebus fits. Though, I wonder how that'll change Horus's deal.


C'mon, bump!