This bitch has suddenly burst into your party's throneroom...

This bitch has suddenly burst into your party's throneroom, and turned your mentor into a statue and claimed herself empress of your empire. What do you do?

Keep in mind, she has a army of clock work soldiers, a whole coven of witches, and a entire empire at her back.

punch her til she dies

Can't, she basically is a lich, execpt you can only kill her if you shove her soul back into her. Until than, she can apperantly survive a sword through the heart.

The game makes it really unclear if it's a "body is literally invincible" style immortality or a "explodes into rats and regenerates somewhere else" style of immortality. You never actually get to fight her before her weakness has been put into play, so if it's the latter one could theoretically kill her and then build up defenses to repel her when she tries to come back.

Although, as something I've been curious about: The Overseers' assault on Dunwall Tower fails specifically because void-negating music didn't do shit to clockwork soldiers. I kind of wonder if there's anything keeping you from getting close enough to her to play the Overseer music and killing her while he Outsider powers are negated, but hey soul being physically elsewhere probably would still cause trouble for that.

Throneroom? ...Honey, we're dirt-poor mercenaries who are living at one of our friend's rundown old family mansion because somebody had to lose all our money on a bet. This is the bloody dining room. The guy you just killed was Jeevis, the caretaker.

I mean, I'm pretty he was old and suicidally depressed anyways and would have probably dropped dead eventually anyways, but still. If want in on our "empire" there's a leftover bowl of porridge and some jerky there so help yourself.

have the dire honey badger and vampiric tiger grapple her, drive 20 adamantine climbing pinions through her joints and vitals, lock the most critical ones in place with immovable rods. then let the witch curse her into next century and go on a quest to find her soul and unpretrify sempi. end her forever, add another feather to my cap and likely another mythic tier.

but muh clockwork army. i see that and raise you a small dukedomes worth of soldiers and a litteral army of adventurers thanks to 3/5 the party having leadership. they can stonewall them till we kill the bitch who will be bound and drained of blood until we get back, if she gets uppity the dwarf can stone shape the floor around her or just smite the cunt repeatedly anytime she tries to cast.

Probably kill everything. They are PCs and they won't give up their shit.

you haven't seen my punches

I open a portal to the plane of energy and shove her through.

>What do you do?

...What, is the events of the actual damn game not viable?

I mean, it's a good plan; escape to Kanarca, eliminate her allies, find her soul jar, mess her up.
Heck, kicking her support out from under her is a solid Plan A regardless.

I push her into a demiplane to deal with later, and then forget about her until it becomes a problem.

Not in my setting.
All expys are depowered to lv 1 peseants.

I present her with bread, cheese, and meat so, as a woman, she is compelled to make a sandwich.

Get back handed like a bitch and dragged screaming to my room. Proceed to be helpless while my childhood friend is stabbed to death, and only after that do I escape my room and easily kill 18+ guards singlehandedly. Then I escape by ship to go on crazy adventures in my empire's version of Tropico and learn to turn into a shadowmonster and other crazy shit.

Escape the tower, get visited in a dream by a spoopy dude, tell him to fuck the fuck off, visit the Overseers and tell them that Deliliah is comitting the most heresy, team up with bro paladins to smite the evil.

Considering my current character is basically LG Necromancer Corvo (Complete with shadowy blink powers) backed by his own army of clockworks, undead, witches/warlocks/wizards and a (tiny ass) empire.
And fey, lots of fey, far, far too many fey. He has his own homegrown (hue) Rose-themed monsters.

Things would probably get very messy.
Then again, my character is the one in the party most likely to get turned into a statue for that exact reason, so I guess the rest of the party is going to have to go on a quest to gather allies from our allies and come back at her swinging.

Still, if she leaves me running around shit is going to get fucky for her pretty sharpish, since he has previous experience with bullshit wizards that can't be killed and have hidden their souls outside their body, it comes with the whole being a necromancer thing.
Come to think of it, he's pretty much Delilah with skeletons and they could probably find some very agreeable common ground to team up over.

So it'd either be a dramatic battle that'd shake the foundations of the world, or they'd take one look at each other, forget about the whole coup thing and start tearing off each others clothes in the middle of the throne room.

submit to her and kiss her feet

I step on her, because I am piloting a giant mecha Lamassu. If she dodges, I use my rapid fire laser eyes. Then I destroy her entire empire and all her clockwork horseshit.

Then I get back to fighting a legion of angelic conceptual mecha piloted by genocidal fanatics.

>turned your mentor
>playing as emily

I like her, and honestly the story seems more interesting that way. Having her forced to follow in her father footsteps instead of it just having daddy save the day again while she does nothing and learns nothing.

To be fair both characters have emotional investment in the story, just in different ways.
For Emily, its a coming of age story, she was handed an Empire she doesn't quite know enough about to rule in the first game and Dishonored 2 is her earning it, coming to see how her people are treated unjustly and becoming a better leader, all that jazz.

For Corvo meanwhile, its the closing of a circle, returning to his homeland to see how bad things have got, how they've changed, finally letting go of Jessamine, a 'can you still act moral when everything you fought so hard to keep is taken and basically becoming the thing he hated the most, the Assassin of an Empress.

Both are valid tales.

Perfect, so much new things to fight and defeat.

Daud did that. It worked for a few decades but then she broke free. She'd probably do it again.

Put on a mask, sneak like a ghost, mercifully eliminate all her major supporters, knockout any soldiers that get in your way and not touch civilians at all.

What, isn't that what you'd do?

> basically becoming the thing he hated the most, the Assassin of an Empress.

Yeah, he hated Daug so bad he let him live.

We wonder how she made it to Mars with all her forces without being stopped at all along the way, not even for a customs check.

Oh well, start evacuating the civilians and calling in the 1st Royal Martian Defence Force and placing a call to have some of our Earth-bound allies come to help us out.

Failing that, Mars does have a lovely supply of N2 bombs tucked away.
Purely in the interests of self defence, of course.

What makes autists post these threads, and what makes autists reply to these threads smuggly with stupid bullshit like "well my half dragon half golem Paladin wizard lives on the moon so she dies cause she cant breathe :^)"

I hate you guys

My army of chrono-half-vampires go back in past and kill you death before you write that reply.
"nothing peersonel kid..."
Now, what you do?

I'm going to shove something in her alright.

Great! Just great!
We still haven't resolved all the political backstabbing as is and now this bitch has just come in and messed things up even more.
Ok, lets make things simple.
Does she agree to set aside any animosity and actually work with everyone should an external threat come along?
Does she agree to not oppose dictation from the Office of Astrology?
Does she agree to keep all her, future, assassinations to that of character and her backstabbing political?
Will she agree with any directions given from the Solar Engine?

If she has agreed to all of the above then she can fight and bicker over the thrones to her black little heart's content.
If not, then Dinah, former Queen of the Red Hall is going to demonstrate why nobody breaks the rules in this little house of cards.

Our party is going to stay well clear of the ensuring bloodbath.

Presumably, Corvo listened in on Daud's guilt-ridden rant before confronting him.

Okay, let's assume that he claimed herself empress of my setting's only empire with army of clockwork soldiers and coven of witches, because my players never had and never will get a throneroom.

The actual claiming would be pretty easy. Current Emperor is a puppet of powerful Imperial Dukes, and capital is almost defenceless, so taking it fast and claiming throne wouldn't be so hard. What is hard is keeping it, because Dukes aren't going to watch this in peace and are going to call the banners. There is also the Church of the Saviour, which is the most powerful organisation in the setting with it's own lands, armies, knight orders and literal divine support.

If she plays her card right and anknowledges Church supremacy, the Patriach might support her claims (if she have these). The witches would've to got, of course, because magic is illegal in Holy Empire. Then it is just Dukes, and you can play those aganist each other. Show strength, crush one or two and show the others that you will anknowledge their rights and let them keep their lands and titles. Generally do stuff the first emperor did. She won't be an absolute ruler, but she need not to be a puppet either.

The problem will start if she won't play nice and will start flinging spells and crushing heads. Then it is the civil war, and she won't have much chances aganist the whole empire. The damage, though, would be immense, and here opens the third way for here.

The Dark Gods will surely see their chance to finally make it back to the world, and they will offer her power untold and empire throne for just a little favor in return...

Then it is Doomsday clock ringing, and my party will hunt her down and kill her before she can betray the world, whatever the cost.

>Burst into the throne room of a Chaos Battle Barge
>Tries to petrify an Undivided Chaos Lord
>Gets raped by daemonettes
>Army ripped apart nurglite sorcerers
>Chaos Lord himself slaps the coven of witches into obeying him
>Claims her Empire instead

We thank her for her donation.

18 inches of cold iron sounds about right.

>My character is a 1st level peasant and dies like a bitch because he can't stop the villain.

There, isn't that a much more interesting reply than 'Well my character might actually be able to do something', ain't it just fucking fascinating, a truly worthy tale.
The people who reply to the thread in threads like this are ones that have characters that might, you know, be able to react to such a threat., since there's no value or anecdotal humor to be found in
>My character dies like a pleb then I guess?
Or are you seriously so autistic that you can't recognize that people who don't have anything to add usually just don't post.

11 inches of bard justice.

Her whole plan was: "Hold this room until my magic is ready to turn the world inside out.", it seems that, all things considered, she was rather unpopular.

Daud's DLC was the best part of the first game and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the Brigmore Witches turn up in the trailers and shit.

As for my character... Probably would pull an Emily, really. Learn everything they can about magic before making any decisions.

underrated post

one of the kingdoms that makes up the empire sends out their expeditionary forces to locate her soul and accept her as empress for the time being.
Meanwhile using her clockwork soldiers to defeat the ice troll and ice giant invasion coming from the worlds arctic circle
Then once we have it we send the hit squad's and hope the dice gods have mercy on us.

Can I set her on fire?

>well my half dragon half golem Paladin wizard lives on the moon so she dies cause she cant breathe :^)
That's, what, standard fare in late game D&D and 3.Pathfinder?

I tip my Fedora
Teleport behind her
Whisper "shhh, nothing personell kiddo"
And swear my allegiance to her.
I'll be more of an hindrance to her rule as her ally than as her enemy.

Well, you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause you turned some asshole to stone!

>Supers campaign
Well, my She Ra Giantess-Expy just saw her beloved elder sister, as close a thing to a mentor she has, turned to stone. So first thing she's going to try and do is find herself a solution via repeatedly punching this magical upstart.
She probably won't get far doing that but that's where the rest of the party comes in.

Someone who can control any technology with a few words, an Übermensch, a Robocop x Ironman lovechild, a super model with a gun fetish and supernatural aim and an enormous, sentient, sapient, spider with a love of Shakespeare and trashy romance novels.

Now this upstart may still win but she's going to have a seriously hard time getting there.

Then the rest of the hero community is going to get involved.
And the Mermaid society is going to be pissed they are missing out on an opportunity to kill a surfaceworld leader, even if an illegitimate one.
Then the Venusians are going to be jumping in because, hey, any excuse to start shit on Earth.

Great, just great. World War III starts and everyone involved is part of the Hero or Villain community.
I bet DC and Marvel never had to deal with this kind of shit.

She has tits so I'm inclined to agree with her. There's a possibility she rewards me with sex if I do what she says!

Same thing I do to every king/emperor/warlord in their throneroom.

Shoot her in the face with my crossbow

Well, my last PC I made was a supernaturally empowered expert at stealth.

So I guess 'Here goes another one, same as the other one' as far as how she gets dealt with?

You know, except instead of a masked ninja or an empress ninja it's an not!egyptian spell thief with jewel beetle scouts, the ability to pin people's shadows to the ground and summon up several varieties of mechanical trap from shadowstuff.

>mentor is an asshole Golem
>faking the petrification out of laziness and calling it a lesson
>my character is more upset with the mentor than the witch

Hehe, that was surprising

You can totally fight her before putting her weakness into play. Any killing blows/assassinations work as well as they did for Corvo during the initial coup.

>What makes autists post these threads

Those looking to have a thinly veiled Dishonored thread?

I do wonder if she made an attempt at ruling properly, was terrible (her experience being in witchcraft and malice rather than statesmanship) and resorted to Plan B.

You know, people complained about optimization issues on PC but I never experienced anything like that.

Alright, Is it just me, or did they fuck up on Dishonored 2's story? It felt waaaay too short, and carried so little punch. It also focused on Occult bullshit for far too long, which was never really my cup of tea.

Just stupid, stupid stuff, or plot twists that dont make sense. Like, having Dr. Hypatia be turned into some retarded Dr. Hyde. It would have been far more intresting if they had Hypatia caring for a deluded Crown Killer who thinks that she is doing the right thing, and really does support the crown. But instead, we get a shamalama plot twist.

Or the fact that they trap the character you didnt pick in stone. What if instead of that, they split the characters apart, with Corvo having a campaign in Dunwall, and Emily having a canpaign in Karanaca.

I will admit, I did enjoy the villians they picked, aside from Delilah. The Duke was funny in a crude way, and his voice was nice. Kirin was probably the best, and had a very awesome level. Ashworth was bland at first, but I liked her as I learned more. Delilah just came across as a whiney bitch, although I found it refreshing that she did actually care for her underlings.

I charge.

>What makes autists post these threads, and what makes autists reply to these threads smuggly with stupid bullshit like "well my half dragon half golem Paladin wizard lives on the moon so she dies cause she cant breathe :^)"

user, are you really REALLY getting upset that people in this thread are trying to one-up OP?


get naked and rape her with a large floppy dong
she needs the D

Punch her in the tit.

Everyone will. Even if i am slain, my people will do the same until the very last child. It'll be bruised and sore like 24/7, she might even get cancer.

>she just burst into our debriefing room and petrified the debriefing officer
>debriefing rooms have surveillance cameras and mounted lasers in case someone needs to get immediately smote
>she just showed off a treasonous mutant power, and is clearly not wearing reflec
>Friend Computer Is Watching
So does she reincarnate somewhere else when she gets reduced to a smoking shoe, or has she just plain scrubbed out to the setting?

>Me: immunity to magic
>Best friend: shapes steel with his mind
Badaboom. I keep her in a headlock while my friend scraps her tin soldiers. Our soldiers clean up while I put her in a full nelson. Friend and the rest of the party come back and I do a backbend slam on her. While she's reeling, I elbow drop her soul into her and break her neck at the same moment.

>Party's throne room
So the closest throne room the party is on amicable terms with.
Turns out her clockwork army showed up at just the same time as ~30 to 50 paladins of varying levels, the party, a group of samurai, and at least two-dozen guards commissioned to guard the future vessel of a goddess.
An army of at least 50 men can march from the next town over within eight hours, but I suspect that doesn't matter as much as an Ancient silver dragon that can teleport in as soon as he realizes what's going on, the party consisting of 7th - level adventurers, and the varying adventurers and magicians already in the city.
The armies of four kingdoms will mobilize immediately in response to her attack, and the number can only go up from there. If she had showed up at a different court a few weeks earlier, it might have worked.