Hello /biz

Hello /biz

I'm Lorri, and my grandson told me about bit coin, and said that you guys are good helpers for a bad momma who wants to make her money work for HER (I'm STILL with HER)

Can you tell me where to buy my first bit coin package, I can't believe I can double my money so easily!! Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Ms. McDonnel,

I hope you're having a nice evening and I'm sure your grandson is a sweet boy.

Thank you,

here are cheapest bit kongs, just bought with 1k, my son will be so proud of me


HI Lorri, always nice to see fresh new faces.

To purchase Bitcoin, or other fine cryptos such as Ethereum or Litecoin, you'll want to ahead and make an account on Coinbase.com. From there, you can transfer your crypto to exchanges such as Bittrex or Binance to invest in other "hot coins." Our community is primarily dedicated to this activity, and it's the reason why you've heard so many success stories in the news lately. Hope this helps!

Dear Mrs. McDonnel,

I just want to say how delightful it is to have you here. Please feel welcome to talk with any of us in the board.

Yours Sincerely,

Fuck you

Tits you fat pig

I am! Thank you peter!
I can't wait to double my money! I am so glad my granbaby told me about you nice folks. Kisses- Lorri
Except you, sir, I am posting THIS in response.



Hey, Lorri.
I would recommend some xmr due to being a very good privacy coin.
omg is another good coin. 2018 is going to be a great year for omg.
ltc is always safe as well.
Much love,

Hi Lorri!
Buy IOTA. It has a very bright future ahead, and their team is highly moral and progressive. It's already gone up a lot, but I think it has a long ways to go in 2018!
Good luck!! :)

Dear Lorri,

Confido charts are looking very good at the moment. This is a great project with huge potential!

Good luck on your journey to everlasting riches.

Kind regards,


I would love if some old lady were to really lurk here on Veeky Forums, and then larp as an unknowledgeable boomer

I like the name of this coin, it makes me fell CONFIDENT (Just as confident as I was that SHE would be our first Madam President)
Do I send the money to you to purchase this coin?

Tits or GTFO


Roastie you know the drill, tits out or gtfo


Please change the filenames of any further pictures you post to a later date, so as to make this thread more believable and fun!



Hi Lorri!

Welcome to Veeky Forums! My first piece of advice would be to stay the fuck away from pajeetcoins. If the is a stinky Indian involved in any way with a coin, run the fuck away!

All the best,
Jimmy Wells

Dear Lorey,

I absolutely love Confido's team. They look so friendly, reliable and Confident, ha ha.

And why yes indeed, I happen to be an official Confido reseller. Please send your Bit Coin to 321 Kangaroo Drive in Australia and I'll make sure you will get your Confido coins!

P.s. Do not forget to HODL! To the moon!

Kind regards,

Why do I want to see this gmilf's old dugs? What's wrong with me?

>What I did on my days off.
>Depression. (With 1 comment)
>Cars I have known.

>I am a tired old woman who works in a deli.

:( Lorri...

Dear Jason, I think my computer's time is messed up, is it a virus?


Does this mean you don't exist?
Do you not want to buy my Confido coins?

Looking forward to hearing from you. HODL!

Kind regards,

tits or gtfo

HI Lorri!

I hope you're finding your way around cryptos well. It's a complicated game at first but with some basic knowledge and HODLing mentality, you'll be great! C'mon here and get on this dick, gma.

Love ya
Your baby-boy

my sister unironically does. we're both in our 60s.


Spread pussy and sharpie in asshole and I'll send .05 Bitcoin


Hello everyone!

Polite normieposting scares me. Can you please stop and delete this thread.

Warmest regards,
C. Mongler

Post a pic old timer

nice larp

Fucking bit kongs again, we roasted em with napalm in my days. But every money is money I guess

Dear Miss McDonnel,

It's such a pleasure to see you again, love the new look! If your choice in glasses frames is any indication, you will do very good in the bit coin stock market!

- Devin

Hello Lorri,

Has your Grandson talked to you about the term 'Hot ICO' yet? I would like to give you some more information. Please PM me.


Jordan Belfort