/a/ has EVA

>/a/ has EVA
>/g/ has gentoo
>/k/ has the mosin-nagant
>Veeky Forums has mcchicken
>Veeky Forums has HJ
>Veeky Forums has SS
>/mu/ has ITAOTS
>/tv/ has TDKR

So what's Veeky Forums's running joke?



Is it GURPS?


>magical realm
>girls in gaming

Pick one. I'm sure I've forgotten about a dozen more.

Anal Circumference.


GURPS for everything is pretty classic.

Yeah, it's FATAL.

Either FATAL or GURPS then.

Probably closer to GURPS since the theme seems to be "things that come up constantly where people can't decide whether it's a joke or not."


Skub. It's literally the best thing to ever happen to this board.


GURPS definitely. I use Gentoo as my main operating system, own a mosin nagant, and play GURPS. It is very much the equivalent of those two as it is recommended all the time.


Depends on the setting

Eat my shit skub-poster


The Man, The Meme, The Maverick.

A real human bean.


Seconded. Lots of system questions are on here, and the answer always seems to be GURPS.


Playing D&D and GURPS.

Skub and That Guy

I think THIN YOUR PAINTS wins for that.

quests aren't Veeky Forums related

Sad but true

>Rocks fall
there's a lot more that could probably be considered contemporary but, yeah, loads

Magical Realm.
It us honestly the most heavily used phrase on this whole board, as it's both a description, an insult, an invite, an insinuation, a warning, and a buzzword for hing I don't like all in one.

It's the most meme phrase on all of Veeky Forums. I mean, that fucking Wizzard is essentially our own Pepe. Hell, I think he may have even been a banner once

Is this heresy?

>tfw Veeky Forums has too many memes and catch phrases

Even with all the 40k ones we even have others ontop of the Warhammer memes


Something something who needs other boards?

By god we are memelords

Depends on the setting
-4 Str

We have an entire fucking wiki.

Magic, and boy are we bad at it.

Well, duh. Nobody bothers to update the wiki anymore, and the Summer Kids binge that shit like it's Netflix. The wiki basically codifies summer kid persona, which is then refined by exposure to Veeky Forums, which mitigates the memes to some degree, but whenever a particularly dank meme rears up its hoary face, everyone comes out of the woodwork to chat about it.

>nobody bothers to update the wiki anymore

I'm a crossboarder and I'll say that Veeky Forums has too many.
Not saying its bad, but everyone knows THE running joke that can define a board (/pol/ is always right, it's only gay if the balls touch (Veeky Forums), etc.). Veeky Forums has too many running jokes to pick out a single one.

I would say That Guy, elves, FATAL, GURPS, and HERESY (or really any 40k meme) are a collective that can define Veeky Forums

>/a/'s running joke
>not Keit-ai
At least it was until it became bannable.

That anyone here actually plays games irl and doesn't just talk about said games online

that hits too close to home to be a meme, user

That every version of every game is rubbish and X is way better.

>>/a/ has eva
>not "i will post this everyday until you like it"
>not keit-ai
>not "gomen gomen~"

They're just role playing role players on the role playing board.

>not code geass

Its own existence

Believe it



Skub is life, I'll fuck yoru mother.

Typical low class vulgarity I'd expect from a skub addict.

>Getting throat fucked with ice cream

So on top of the trauma of subduction, she's getting fat. This must be somebody's fetish.

Thin your paints is too specialized. GURPS is like the Mosin Nagant of RPGs.

Depends on the setting.

-4 str?

Take your pic, we got a ton of them.

Rape Factory

By now Veeky Forums has become a static monolith devoid of movement.

Also, coasters.

That's not even a joke 80% of the time, though. It's just a wasted post made by someone who wants to feel smug.

I hope you mean the OP of those threads, not the ones rightfully criticizing those useless shitcunts.

Coasters and coaster etiquette.

Amen. There is such thing as a bad question and it's one that precludes a good answer.

Medieval potatoes
Katana copypasta
Owlbear stats for every stat me request


>There is such thing as a bad question
like? I'm curious.

It's not that we don't have one, it's picking JUST one. We have an entire wiki that's basically inside jokes.

-4 STR?

I believe I have our meme

If it stops meaningful conversation instead of starts it. A person could ask the most basic question in the world in such a way that it provokes a good multi-part conversation.

But if the question either can't be commented on because it's structured poorly (setting or rules questions that don't specify the setting or rules they're asking about) or if they just provoke too much noise to be of worth as signal, they're bad at their job.

Do you Catan, OP?

I wouldn't say it's the definitive Veeky Forums joke, but that fucking laughing elf is my favorite


Isn't that more /co/?



Do you Catan?