
It sometimes bothers me when elves look exactly like humans but with ears attached, does anyone have pictures of elves and other fantasy races that clearly differ some, but not drastically, from humanity. About the same level of "Non-humanness" as other historical hominids.

Also, Discuss demi-humans

Dwarves tend to be ok, but the females sometimes look a little too human when they have smaller noses.




What were those guys called again?





I don't have a problem with it really.

Elves in Skyrim look pretty freaky.

What about the other Skyrim games?

You mean other Elder Scrolls games?
In Oblivion, they look like potatos.
In Morrowind they look like this

>Would start a loving family in Skyrim with

The creepier the elf, the better.


this is a vamprie

this is some grade a blizzard style girl armor, but i like how this artist did this elf's nails and stuff


She wouldn't look half so bad with some better hair.


thats a good one

Yeah, I really like this guy.


i feel like eldar are honestly one of the best elf depictions, visually. like so much of the art is beautiful, and yet so disgusting and unreal. its a side effect of even humans in 40k being unreal, but it really works for the eldar when you try and visually think of them as elves.

>yolandi visser
>unnecessary elf

Yeah, and they are alien in thinking too, while still feeling like elves.

They're literally just every cybergoth cliché amalgamated into a fantasy race.


i don't think so, but could you expand on your point so we can discuss it further.


TES elves are best elves



neon green on black latex
Hellraiser references up the ass
live in a cyberpunk city that's made of pointy everything
literally alien vampires
early 2000s tribal tats
visual kei hair (even dreadlocks sometimes)
dude emptiness within my heart gnawing at me and stuff
drug vials that look like glowsticks
special characters with names that sound like prescription drugs
dude S&M lmao
combat dancers with sleeveless flak jackets

really the only difference is that they don't wear raver pants or combat boots

Although I gotta admit that Electropriests are also cybergoth as fuck.

I'm not sure I agree, but that was funny as hell.

It's not really supposed to be funny
it's just what Dark Eldars are like.

Knowing that GW writers coined the term "cybrgoth" ten years before the industrial raver subculture appropriated it, it's not really surprising to see Jes Goodwin take some inspo from it.

And the cybergoth aesthetic wasn't that obscure at all in the 2000s. Every high school in Europe had a handful of those and for a while Hollywood blockbusters were all about that shit (in diluted amounts).

Anyway I fucking dare you to find another culture/aesthetic/group of people that has ALL these characteristics.

It's fucking obvious that dark eldars are based on cybergoths.

Well... to be fair, the aesthetics probably emerged concurrently. Dark Eldars were released all the way back in '98, and their mini's have had a relatively uniform 'look' and sense of aesthetic since then.

Yes and no. Original dark eldar just looked like late 90s comic book villains with those blades that look like tribal tats, and there were already Hellraiser references. It was just basic late 90s edge.
But it wasn't until their redesign (which was pretty drastic) that they really got the cybergoth inspiration in a purposeful and meaningful way, which makes sense because back in 98, cybergoths didn't really exist yet.

I feel like you are making my point for me. In '98 cybergoths didn't exist, but Dark Eldar did. Both Cybergoths and DE have evolved a look since then. You are just choosing to draw a conclusion from the evolution of these two aesthetics, that "one ripped off the other" whereas they really emerged during the same period, and probably both took their cues from some of the same sources.

Here are a few original DE, I also have pic for side by side comparison of the same units in 3rd and 5th ed.

The have maintained a reasonably consistent look.

>TES elves are best elves
>posts elves that don't really look like that in their games and official art

Give this one fangs/pronounced canines and you have what I designed my orcs to be.

>forgetting best mer race

>Men have facial aesthetics of a birth deficit baby that should have been aborted
>Women are fuckable after two large beer

Designers will never learn.



(early Dark Elf concepts for Morrowind)

Early Bosmer concepts for Morrowind, right up OP's jam.


A human male with silicone ears and bodypaint.

Demi-humans tend to be very very close to human in their depictions.

Faces in skyrim look pretty freaky...

Pretty sure it's Maiev, a character from a blizzard game, except in fetish gear under her cloak rather than full plate.

This guy knows.

>Bos means wood
Can't believe I only just got that

yee it is i'm just saying i like the details

Why start a thread with Benedict Bumberbatch pic though?

sorry i went to sleep before i responded
you're sort of right about most of this, but a large part of your complains boil down to "color coordination, gas masks, and combat boots on war game figures". other than that they took what was high tech (japanese shit) for long hair (elf shit) and made a parody of tolkien elves (>emptiness within my heart gnawing at me). other than that idk what to really respond to.
>dude [...]
>dude s&m lmao
i mean do you want me to respond to this? i'm not mad but if you write pretty much any fantasy like this it'll sound ridiculous.
idk whats wrong with this, and its not unique to dark eldar anyway. hellraiser was probably a big influence on wh40k in general, and they both drew from the same influences.

like, sorry, i think you have a valid point but its just... not bad? not a negative? wh40k is comedy, but i still think the visual design of eldar/dark eldar succeeds really well at what i like in elf design, which is for them to be both beautiful and horrifying at the same time, all while being specifically not human. its sort of the party line to say it, but they're kind of like (super intelligent psionic) spiders wrapped in a human-like skin.
furthermore a lot of your complaints are more about the time period and what was current then.

That's how you know someone has shit elves, when they want to be "original" but end up just making them vampires

I know somebody has shit elves when they are not using my homebrew.

post it
its from 30 days of night if I'm not mistaken

It was a joke.

>It was a joke.

Yeah I instantly stole that for my campaign, he is gonna be a great NPC.