GW is reboxing Island of Blood for AOS

GW is reboxing Island of Blood for AOS.

What do you think?

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I think GW should die in a fire

Are High Elves and Skaven good armies in AoS?

High Elves are very good

Skaven can be good if played properly, but when played poorly half your army runs away and you get crushed.

Reboxing how?


Renamed "Spire of Dawn" it is a 2nd starter kit for AOS

Circle bases (in addition to the square bases the models usually come with)

Updated rules and points for all models in the box as well as battalions

As in reissuing.

Thats...kinda cool actually

It's a good set and it'll get more people into AoS.

Good enough for me.

Have no use for bloodbowl.

Don't give a shit

>a second chance to get all those mortars and rat ogres

No, my traitor Guard has enough stuff, I don't need mortar squads and mutant ogryns... Would somebody please think of my credit card!

>in addition to the square bases the models usually come with
thats nice if true

They are reboxing Island of Blood to get rid of extra stock and it's cheaper to just add some circle bases instead of throwing out the squares from every box.

That depends, is the price going to be the same?

Should be $85 USD, same price as the start collecting boxes

I could totally dig this. Unfortunately never had a hobby group whom was interested in warhammer (only 40k). But now with AoS here I found one. This could be a nice entry point. Love the figures.

>What do you think?
Useless starter since GW is going to discontinued all Elves models and units.
Skaven yes, elves rean't even army, they are "legacy" army now and aelves divided to a lot of fireslayers-size armies (1 infantry/cavalry uni, 1 large unit)

Starter set for start collecting box price?

Skaven part are great, elves... well 8th models were shit as fuck, but shoud fit AoS cartoonish WoW-like design.
But I don't get, according to Attia all old HE units wouldn't be updated they will be totally replaced, does it mean that IoB elves are now separate support-army, or gW just lazy to make new actual starter?

>Useless starter since GW is going to discontinued all Elves models and units.
Are there really people this stupid out there

Hey, they got 2e plastic terminators and 5e 40k starter kits repackaged with Battle for Vedros and associated kits.

What's wrong mr. GW? Why I should buy the starter where half of the box willn/t be updated in future?

So the only reason you buy any models is because eventually they'll put out new updated versions of the same models, invalidating your purchase in the first place?

Are you REALLY this stupid

Nope redshirt, when I buy models for wargame (if AoS could be called wargame, not "abomination of 40k and Warmahorde hatesex") I want to start some army, here ony one actual army and it's skaven.

Why would GW discontinue elves, but not skaven?

>Why would GW discontinue elves, but not skaven?
Skaven are more popular, elves doesn' exist.

>Skaven are more popular
>elves doesn' exist

>>elves doesn' exist
Aelfs aren't elves, they were builded from elves souls.

I think gryphons are fucking cool and need to be incorporated into more wargames without going full space yiffs with them.

Demigryphs are even cooler.

>Demigryphs are even cooler.
Kys shiteater.

Stay mad - demigryphs are the coolest shit.

You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it?

>8th edition models

Skavens are copyrightable

Thats pretty dumb.

I see 2 perfect Start Collecting boxes right there. They'd sell more seperately, plus they'd probably make more money.

The Island of Blood figures are pretty much snap fit, and as a result of the low part count the models just don't cost as much as regular models.


Nothing but Sigmarines are good armies in Age of Shitmar. Only use for this set is to play WHFB and pretend AoSh never happened

>people are STILL mad about age of sigmar

The eternal butthurt is real

>redshirts still calling Age of Sigmar a full game.

>i liek spess muhreenz :^)
>omg spess muhreenz with crossbows instead of bolters pls take all of my money

Still got my dude from like 6 years ago, I sometimes use him as a proxy warlock.


>dat model
No wonder why 8th edition killed WHFB.

Yep. Tends to happen when you throw 30+ years of history and lore in the fucking garbage can, and, more importantly, completely invalidate the massive armies people had collected up to that point.

And yeah, I'm aware of the rules they gave so you could keep playing with your old models; those rules are fucking stupid bullshit. LOL LOOK IN A MIRROR AND GET A BONUS, GET A BONUS FOR HAVING A MUSTACHE, GET A BONUS FOR PRETENDING TO RIDE A HORSE, ISN'T THAT WACKY AND FUN? No, GW, it's just fucking lame.

But isn't it more fun calling elves Aelfs, dwarves Duardin, and orcs Orruks?

Not really. It is however way easier to slap a copyright on them when you slap a "totally not the same thing" name on them. So good job there, GeeDubs!

As someone who has been playing mordheim with a Skaven Vs. HE I would be hype


Jesus, who came up with these names? Coach Z?

Of course you will, it's your job.

>static monopose
Fucking liar, you never played Mordheim


get to fuck

I am! My new woodelf warband was routed off the table on their first game by a group of rampaging Flagellants.

I was just thinking its a good excuse to split a box cost between two people and split up the units. I could get my rat ogre models, he could replace some old busted up elves

I dont play that kinda skaven homie. Mostly spears. I keep em counted somewhere around 12 with a few giant rats to assist in spots.Black skaven are kinda awesome tho

>I am!
Fuck off, shill.

Actually by your logic, it's 3 seperate Skaven armies. Clans Verminus, Clans Skryre and Clans Moulder. The only thing they share is that they are all Chaos, but the same goes for the High Elves.

However, what is curious is that the Seaguard(now named Spireguard in this box) and Reavers had been renegated to 'Legacy' status, although they have a warscroll + points value for matched play.

>but the same goes for the High Elves.
Nope since skavens are actual army and they will have updates in future, while Elves will be replaced.
>although they have a warscroll + points value for matched play.
So as Tomb Kings, bret and Empire, but they all unplayable against actual armies like Nurgle or Sigmarines.


Oops forgot the reaction image

>Nothing but Sigmarines are good armies in Age of Shitmar
Bait, or a retard who's salty because he's too stupid to win at a casual wargame.

.Nope since skavens are actual army and they will have updates in future, while Elves will be replaced.
[citation needed] Oh and it's Skaven, not Skavens you mongoloid. Skaven as an united faction does not exist anymore, as do the High Elves, Dark Elves and Wood Elves for that matter.

It's the Slav warmachine troll/shitposter. He flip flops between supporting AoS and hating on it to get (You)s.

Aelves, Duardin and Orruk are more interesting names.

Dwarfs are disabled people.
Elfs help father Christmas.
Orcs are brown skinned mutants.

A baity retard, or retarded bait. Not sure what the correct form is.

Wood Elves exist as a united faction. Sylvaneth.

Where do you think the soul pods came from?

The medical term is: Argument for post natal abortion.


Those are not the Wood Elves. Sylvaneth came from the Everqueen grabbing the soulpods of the Treefolk from the old world and planting them in the Realm of Life later.

The Wood Elves in AoS are the Wanderers and they have a strained relationship with the Sylvaneth.

On that note some other correct plural forms that are commonly missed:

And the list goes on

How retarded are you Slav? And if Sylvaneth is how they are going to handle all the sub-factions from now on, then sign me the fuck up cuz that Battletome was quite amazing in both form and function.

>[citation needed]
Does Attia rumors counts?
>Skaven as an united faction does not exist anymore, as do the High Elves, Dark Elves and Wood Elves for that matter.
Except the fact that Skaven still playable as single army, while elves separated by small aries with one infantry/cavalry unit and on big unit monster/war machine.
>more interesting names.
Yeah Orruks totally not Uruks, and dAurDin aren't realted with Tolkien.
Not exactly, Sylvaneth are Space Marines for not-Wood Elves, like Sigmarines for humans.

So, Outcasts and Spite Revenants aren't ex-elves?

Yeah, they aren't elves.

The Everqueen shaped the Revenants to look the same Wood Elves forest protectors of the Old World. They are really reincarnated spirits of tree folks.

The Outcasts and where they came from is a mystery. Most hints say they are treefolks corrupted by bitterness and hate.

How are Elves less playable than Skaven as one army? Neither have specific Battletomes outside of the Grand Alliance stuff in the GHB. My own Skaven army is still a combination of 3 different factions.

>How are Elves less playable than Skaven as one army?
No updates in the future.

Got a factual source on that? And -A rumourmonger said so- is not a source, that's a source for an (unconfirmed) rumour

Is it really? I can't find it on their site.

Anyway, when it came out it was a pretty sweet deal. It didn't have the same enormous bulk of miniatures of the previous box (the one with dwarves and goblins) but the quality was definitely superior, there were more 'special' unit and some pretty sweet models like the hawk-griffin . If the price won't be increased too much it will remain a very sweet deal I guess.

With the Lorthern SeaGuard apparently re-released as 'Spireguard' will they also fix the fact that they are not battleline?

It's also the only source of good looking Warlock Engineers, Mortars and Fire-Throwers. Oh and the Rat Ogres and Packmaster looks way better than the current plastic abominations we have...

There is not even actual source of reboxing of ioB, go away shill.

>cuz that Battletome was quite amazing in both form and function.
Models ugly and rules ar still bad.

Go away Slav

We have screenshot from an excel order sheet for the box, that's a better source then just:

>Hasting/Some other chucklefuck/ said this thing on a forum

>will they also fix the fact that they are not battleline?
Nope because it's not actual army, it's "legacy" which mean "well you can play if you want but it will be like Tau in 5th edition".

Yeah, they're pretty cool. I'm actually tempted to get my hands on them...

Bought two full boxes at the time and split them with my Elf bro. Why they havent released the Warlock Engineer as a seperate kit is beyond me at this point (it's probably because his sprue is not a seperate entity so if they want to release it they are better of with sculpting a whole new one...)

>Bought two full boxes at the time and split them with my Elf bro.
>t.8th editions shiteaters

>can old thing to make new thing
>new thing is so bad you're not justified to make even newer things and put up old things again
>because new thing only sells when catering to old thing


>reddit projections

>Age of move into the middle of your Citadel™ Realm of Battle® Gameboard in between your Chaos Dreadhold Helfort® with your Stormcast Eternals® Extremis Chamber® Dracothian Guard® and roll 3+ 4+ for everything

Not even a butthurt ex-Fantasy player but this new setting sucks, I have none of the curiousity for it. The Generals Handbook was a minimal effort in painting over the cracks and they charged £15 for it on top of the £45 "rule"book

you forgot to mention the warhammer age of sigmar® combat gauge and rangefinder®

$45 rulebook?

He's probably confusing the first book as the rulebook

74 USD

This is on top of the web of Battletomes and Alliance books. That's GW all over though now, I remember when you got the rulebook for £25-30 and your codex for £10-15 and that did you.

Jee I wonder what starter beginners will choose now

>I wonder what starter beginners will choose now

You mean..?

With a little help from Homsar.

You don't need any of those to play though.or do you consider D&D campaign books to be required to own as well? You'd be a retard but at least you're consistent with your mental disability.

The only book you 'need' is the GBH, and to be fair GW should have released that like a month after the AoS launch.

So this is still the rulebook?

Is it still abortion if it's post natal?
Why not execution, cleaning the gene pool, or simply euthanasia?

I'd say the General's Handbook is the closest thing to an actual rulebook. Since that contains most of the content that people consider important for an actual rulebook.

But you are most likely just baiting so enjoy the (you)

that island of blood is a way better product