/kdm/ /kdg/ /kdmg/ - Kingdom Death General

New mechanics edition

>what is Kingdom Death
Monster Hunter the board game, set in the world of Berserk.

>which pledge do I get
If you don't have the game, get the Lantern pledge. If you do have it and just want to update it, get the upgrade pack. Everything else can be added on from those two pledges.

>is the stuff in the upgrade pack a stretch goal?
>is the stuff in the gamblers chest a stretch goal/is it random
Not a stretch goal. Everything on the table, revealed or not, will be in the chest. The gamble is just that you don't know what's in it yet.

>what are the stretch goals?
There aren't any, really. We blew the lid off this campaign so hard, we unlocked everything and more in the first day. So instead of posting 40 days worth of content at once, he is staggering the reveals. Everything is already unlocked though.

>i won't get the game till 2020???????
No. read the shipping section on the kickstarter page. The game ships in 2017. 2020 is a worst case scenario for some of the very very early in production items, not the game itself.

Kickstarter Page: kickstarter.com/projects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description
Adams comments: kickstarter.com/profile/poots/comments
Rules errata: kingdomdeath.com/wp/faq/

Where is my update, Adam?
Where is my Wendigo?
So many unanswered shitposts.

hey guys

how does one get started on TTS?


Has anyone ever put together a rough timeline on what monster/monsters and what levels you should be hunting any given year?

Poots said like fucking 11 hours ago that "I think everyone is going to like the result today."

I hope that means he rolled on a quarry or nemesis monster that is included in the Gambler's Box and the reason the update it so late is because there's a lot of shit to prepare.

It's gonna be disappointing when it's just another narrative sculpt plus a pixellated teaser for the same thing he's teased four times already.

i saw a thing about the game being on version 1.3 or something similar. Is there a list of compiled errata?

Too variable imo. Sometimes you can start hunting level 2s in year 7, other times not till 10+

Just join an in-progress game
SharpKris is running one at the moment, I've played with/watched him. Alternatively, Nognoth is streaming on Twitch, but his game is pretty unserious.

The game that shipped was apparently version 1.31 by their internal naming scheme.

In the update from 1.31 to 1.4 the only things I'm aware of that changed are the Lantern Hoard, the Pictography innovation wording, and I think one other tiny tiny thing. It's on the official website.

literally any gameplay thing that isnt a narrative sculpt is find with me

or a shirt~

Reminder that I am the person who provided all the scans of all expansions and a moderate number of promos. I am backing at the Satan Level. I will be scanning all content again and making them freely available.

Don't pay a dude who took someone else's scans from someone else's mod, and just reposted them and started scripting it. It's always been free, and if I have a say it will always be free.

His mod is pretty and offers some nice utility, but it's not "$2000 with a 4 year payoff" pretty. Cause it will be a full $2000 after shipping, make no mistake about that.

If you want to thank him for the work, buy him a freaking steam game or something.

>TTS is for stupid faggots without friends.
>All the posters ITT play on TTS.
Well that makes a lot more sense.

I've only played a couple of sessions, but I always get nervous putting down my fourth or fifth lvl 1 lion in a row.

It's probably the third rules system. Which at this point is probably just the ADVANCED CARD TYPES that we have been seeing.

I play both


>Veeky Forums is for stupid faggots without friends.
Seems about right

Any updates tonight?

He already rolled. Will probably be up in like 5 more hours.


lonely fags chat

Oh boy i sure am having FUN

That could be. And I mean shit, if there's enough in there then maybe it'll be good. I know I'm only paying effectively $50 for my GC, so it's probably going to be worth the money even from a gameplay persective just from what we know to expect.

But maybe what's taking so long is revealing the Satan expansion. He keeps putting a fucking teaser up for it every day. And it didn't exist at all even in concept until the KS launched, at least according to Poots.

It's a fuckin' blast, man.

1666 level gets all stretch goals from first kdm ks?

>Cards aren't in the right places.
Man for all that work this really doesn't look very good does it.

Having the shit on an actual table looks less cluttered for fucks sake.

hes going to tonight release an update thats both automated and WAY less color

Is that the new version? That looks way worse than the current version. The fuck is that monster panel doing there?

nope, this is the one currently on the mod list.

I want to color your mom

Didn't he say in his stream his doing the same thing, and will be going forward in growing the KDM community whether he reaches $1666 or not? He said it himself.

>buying snake oil.

I wish Poots would license the game to TTS as an official mod, or make it a standalone computer game. All the figurines have 3d renders, so it could be perfect.

Though that doesn't get you a 8mil Kickstarter. Wonder what Poots profit margin is on that.

Dude has a business around making minatures.
>Why doesn't he make a computer game where the profit margins are a lot worse?
>Why doesn't GW just make virtual warhammer?
>Why doesn't this game cup my balls while I pee?

Whats going on with the Nognoth Stream?

You probably didn't pay him enough jew gold.

THey are showing pics of their cocks...wtf

where the screencaps at


>I wish
>Why doesn't he

Yeah like i want to see screen caps of dirty gamer dicks

agreed where they at

>So because I couldn't play the game in real life, I wanted to create a mod in Tabletop Simulator that would look great and play well in a digital world. Because of the first table, (over 5000 downloads!), I have made so many friends and found a community of fellow masochists of the KDM world.

>Now the second reprint has happened and I, with an incredible team, am almost done with the 2nd board. I have spent hundreds of hours over both tables, a combination of passion and OCD pushing me forward. In the past, I have turned down offers of Patreon accounts because I didn't want to make money off my mods. It is Adam Poots' game and I am a devoted fan seeking better ways to play and more friends to make.
He did it all with his team.

You didn't do shit.

That kid eskander seems like their jailbait

I couldn't listen to that stream for more than 5 seconds.
Dudes need their balls to drop or something. You can literally hear how limp wristed they are.

During some trash talk they were talking about some liberal cry baby shit


Your point?

This. I've spent the last few weeks doing a custom table based on Nognoths and I got to see first hand that all of his assets came from here and from someone else that uploaded the xpac rulebooks to TTS. Even the character sheet scripting was was made by another guy so Nognoth's grand contribution was merely rehosting everything.

I actually like the guy, his Sherlock Holmes mod is good, but he really is taking the piss asking for a fucking satan pledge.

Update is out

garbage update

What are you talking about.

((((Nosgoth)))) obviously scanned all the cards and stuff himself, despite not having a physical copy of the game.

Just lying to make ((((Nosgoth)))) look bad.

awful update woooo. Now we get to wait three days for an actual update.

>new update
>supposedly lose a chest slot
>here's two pinups

And you fucks defend those trash teir models

Yea, it's literally trash.
Poo pls.

He is even missing fucking stuff. I had to go to an old, broken mod just to get an image of the Sunstalker's suntrack and make a token out of it.

Double pin ups and we lost a gambler box slot. Fuuuck this update. At least your mini is cool murderer, you fucking cunt.



I like the people that support the update.

Also his skrillex shit murdered my ears.

Worst update so far.

He's a hard-working fuck but as I recall he's no Single Dad.

>>Why doesn't GW just make virtual warhammer?
But they did.

>From the first time I played Kingdom Death Monster, I was hooked. This is a game that defied so many preconcieved notions that I had about what board games could be. Once I learned that the physical copy had a retail of 400.00, I knew that I would probably never be able to afford the game. I'm a single dad, and I could never dream of a time when I had that amount of money to spend on a board game for myself. Usually all the extra money goes to spoiling my little ones.
>I'm a single dad, and I could never dream of a time when I had that amount of money to spend on a board game for myself. Usually all the extra money goes to spoiling my little ones.
>I'm a single dad,
Get Rekt Scrub

Seems like if he was that worried about money and shit he'd spend more time with his kids or get another job to support them.

But nah, better make a mod and beg virtually.

>It's gonna be disappointing when it's just another narrative sculpt plus a pixellated teaser for the same thing he's teased four times already.
I like how my low expectations weren't even met.

What are you talking about, he revealed MOTHRA!

Aren't you fucking excited for a shitty godzilla villain knock off monster?

I stand corrected.
Enjoy being right. Not many fags on teh interwebz admit to being wrong.
'coulda sworn Ana was his wife, tho.

Well I asked this a thread or two ago but I suppose I'll ask again:

Gorm aside, what are the best xpacks to get? I want to get into KDM since I missed it the first time round but with all the stuff I want I'm already hovering around $500. Right now I'm planning (and of course may change depending on whatever new packs are added)

-Core + gamble box

-Dragon King, Flower Knight, First Hero, Screaming God. Puts me at about $540 total. Is that a good line up of xpacks to get? The Dragon King is fucking expensive but I've been told it's the best pack to get.

So do you think it's the Lantern Parasite Queen or something else?

>Can't follow a conversation.
We're talking about Nosgoth you fucking retard.

It's something else. Otherwise it wouldn't be teased as "On the Horizon"

Plus it looks big and Parasite Queen is only 50mm base sized.

>First Hero, Screaming God
We don't know anything about these xpacs. So I donno what you expect to hear from us about their "worth"

I'd support him if he really put in work but like I mentioned in some other thread his mod is full of poorly organized shit.

Compiling content? Ok sure, whatever. But not even compiling it right and making the mod a ton more bloated than it needs to be, to the point it makes TTS break? Like come on.

Let's not even talk about the fucking shitty job with the resolution making some things borderline unreadable.

I'm new player as well, but I've been trying to get as much info on the expansions as I can without getting spoiled, so I can share a little info that I've picked up. Gorm is definitely an important one in order to not have to hunt the lion and only the lion for a while. Alternatively you can do spidicules apparently as early as year 3, though personally I have less interest in that one myself. One suggestion I would make though is dung beetle knight, as I've been told that's easily one of the best expansions to start with by a number of sources. And dragon king is good because of the content it adds, but keep in mind it's recommended to be used with the vanilla monsters, so don't go into it thinking you can mix and match a bunch of your expansions with it well.

Has it been confirmed that all current expansions are being reprinted? I wanted to pick up a few that haven't been listed as add-ons currently, and don't know if that's going to change or not.

Well, I wasn't focussing on that, but if that's the thread's theme, then so be it.
I'm just here to hop on the BF Gold Lantern bandwagon because I was too stupid to join in back in the day; don't hate me too much

That update was underwhelming.

Well yes those ones are unknown quantities. I suppose I should ask more clearly: is there another original xpack, should it show up in the campaign, that would be worth getting? And is flower knight a good pickup, or should I go with Dung Beetle instead?

Good call, thanks user. I guess I might pass on Dragon King if it's just for vanilla monsters since I love the aesthetics of a lot of the xpack creatures but I have plenty of time to mull it over and see what my finances look like.

Dragon King > Sunstalker > Gorm > DBK > Flower Knight > Spidicules > Lion Knight > Manhunter > Slenderman > Lion God > Lonely Tree > Green Knight Armor

Green Knight Armour is cooler than the Shittree and doesn't cost $75.

At least you get some pimp looking Green Armour wearers.

And Dragon King can very easily mix with other xpacs, doesn't really make sense that it's not recommended.

Reminder that Poo is a bit of a retard and says to only use 3 xpacs per run despite the fact that you'd never ever be able to make any piece of Green Armour if you played in such a way.

He downrezzed everything way way way too much, but the original KDM mods were practically hitting the game's memory limit before any expansion content even got pulled out.

I lost my 5 year old daughter earlier this year. I have one other. I have no wife or partner to help me out. How am I not a single dad? Please inform me how you know that I am not a single dad. Please tell me how you know my life, how you know my struggle, how you know my loss more than me to say I am not a dad? Please tell me how losing my daughter who called me Papa Bear everyday, who was my Little bear., was not my daughter?

Hate my mod, hate me, I don't care, but don't you dare dispute my fatherhood. You don't have the right.

Well then the other guys are dumb too. I have no idea why they tried to make image dimensions tiny, what you need is huge images compressed to fuck.

You didn't try to find her again?

Shit tier parenting.

I mean you failed on the other one, perhaps you are unfit?

Jesus fuck, spare the sob story to facebook where people pretend to care.

Lol, get a load of this guy

Don't take my word for it, like I said I'm a new player as well. I've just been looking into it a lot and what I've been told is that it doesn't play as well with other expansions for some reason. I have heard a few people say you can ignore a rule or two and just do it anyway though, so honestly, go for it.

Personally I think I'm gonna skip it myself. I think I'd rather grab some cheaper expansions in place of it to just add more variety to the base game, which should be plenty. Yeah, if I wanted to get dragon king later on (assuming it isn't out of stock) it's gonna be 150$, but I can treat it as a new game with it's alternate campaign, and I'd be ok paying that money then.

For reference, the expansions I've decided on for myself are dung beetle, lion knight, flower knight, slenderman, and gorm. Light knight and slenderman are both more for the flavor than for any particular mechanics or gameplay elements they bring; I really like the theme behind them. Might also cave and grab first hero because that seems like a smart investment, but I don't really think my wallet can take it.

Yep. I have a folder where I have all the original assets, I was going to fix them for my personal table but got bored of KDM.

Dragon King can, yes.
But you are just shooting yourself in the foot when you include more expansions into a People of the Stars campaign.
All the new Disorders and Fighting Arts just make it more unlikely you will draw a Dragon Trait.

That makes sense. After reading posts here and elsewhere, I'll probably do DBK, Dragon King, Gorm and slender if they show up in the kickstarter, and then first hero/screaming god. Huge, huge pledge but that's what christmas money is for I guess, and I hit a lot of the high notes of the xpacks from what I've read (unknown quantities of the new ones aside).

All you have to do is not add the other xpac arts/disorders or randomly remove some base set arts/disorders. It's not rocket science.

Slender is the only one I'd be iffy about. He's a late game boss alternative so until you fight the man or hand or whoever he replaces you may not want to add him as those fights aren't bad.

He is a neat duder though and he has a ton of interesting gear.

>He is a neat duder though and he has a ton of interesting gear.

Pretty much why I'm interested in him. Great sculpt, and the preview cards I've seen are very thematic. But he'd be the first to go if I had to drop something.

So you guys are bitching about getting a gateway to KDM? i mean thats what your bitching about...

Sup poorfag.

I don't really care, but the dude asking for crowdfunding so he can support a crowdfund?

Like what.

>Buy Nightmare ram pinup on Black Friday despite it not being on sale
>It gets added to my pledge level in the Kickstarter.
Gee, thanks Poots.

Even better, it basically got added for free on the Armor Pin Up

The Dragon King is added in one of two ways to your campaign.

The first way is as a quarry monster encounterable at year 8, like the Phoenix. If you add him this way you can mix and match him with any other expansion you choose.

The second way is through the People of the Stars campaign. In People of the Stars your settlement is ruled by the Dragon King (referred to as 'The Tyrant'). In this campaign, your progress will depend on achieving certain fighting arts, innovations, and disorders. Playing with extra expansions in Stars makes you less likely to get what you need to face down the final boss.

W/e delt fuck get off the ivory pedestal that your masturbating off of

Guys, i pledge for new kickstarter during bf , mainly because i somehow miss wfb, which i have dropped few years ago. I wanted to check the game more closely first thought. After watching a few gameplays I want to Try it myself throught tts. How's the automation and learning the rules in digital version? From what i saw you just play the game and it dont correct/restrict you in case of mistakes/ cheating? Does it simply have pdf in game that you need to follow/read beforehand? Tts newbie So give me some slack.