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Unlimited shitposting edition.

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epub sucks ass

anyone who uses it is a retard.

Chaos players that whine about drop pod are retards.

nth for Sisters in February

Oh, and by the way, can I use Contemptor Dread instead of a Hellbrute? Im getting it no matter what (its in the Calth set), and I dont feel like buying a fucking Hellbrute, since I dont feel it would fit to NL.Dread also isnt fitting, but it fits more then a Hellbrute.

Dark eldar are awesome. Is there anything they can't take from real space pussies?

Good rules

February is the new L O N D O N

Victories on the tabletop.

>tfw you qute the wrong post
it was supposed to be this one

Is all this shitposting supposed to try and cover up the new release?
Since when where the anti 40k shills this triggered?

Good infiltrators.


>Chaos Lord on his way to Daemonhood: Ld10
>Chaos Lord ascends and becomes the ultimate expression of Chaos: Ld9
>VotLW already built in

What the flying fuck did Games Fucking Workshop mean by this fucking bullshite!?

Everytime I face Dark Eldar I imagine that their army is fully female, and that my [Insert Tier-3 Army here] are raping them til death after the battle is over.

Every Killpoint is translated into a dozen fertilized mongrel eggs.

Simple, GW doesn't hate Dark Eldar all the time


Daemon Princes are aloof fucks?

Alright Veeky Forums fess up; what lightly armored vehicle do you favor? AV 13/14 or Necrons need not apply

i love the slaanesh chariots. tough as a rhino (daemon of slaanesh 5++ and ignores immobilized) and if it lives long enough hits hard on the charge

i'm not sure what you're asking but they can't take a punch

>Instead of inquisitor I can ally priest into my war convocation.

yo i'm happy for all yuo traitor legions players but you think us Red Corsairs could get some special rules, detachments, relics and warlord traits too???

I started playing 40k 9 months ago and i already have +- 11k points( including reasonable, but by far not all upgrades ), do i have a problem ?

My drop pods are always fun :)

i love Blood angel Razorbacks and rhinos, they are fast ( and red )


dude come on no you dont

Vypers are pretty cool. They're cheap, can move at cruising speed and still fire everything at full BS, and carry more dakka point for point than shuricannon bikes (not quite as much as scatbikes though). The only real downside is that they basically ignite if someone gives them a mean look because 10AV all round and two HP


And now ForgeWorld's Exalted Bloodthirster will receive new rules, most likely making him actually playable since now with the "No more than 25% of the cost of the army except in apocalypse" none of those greater daemons can be played
Because, you know, Khorne has received so few models and rules in the last years

yes we know sisters butfucked again.

can you please go row on tau or ork players now?

Venoms, because fuck anything with a toughness (GC that are walkers go away)

I imagine it, it's in my head ever since I read that Eldar / Dark Eldar are fully functional.

I thought they were sterile for 15 years.

Not going into the hobbyshop with bondage gear, it's just 100% mental.

Why do people like AdMech? They are the lamest army in the game, every single model looks exactly the same.

Skitarii Sydonian Dragoons. I swear they are the most efficent unit in my army list.
They work great as suicide bombs into big squads thanks to I6, and they are excellent tarpits against non-krak models.

They are the anathema of Predators and Vindicators, too. Once had one get really lucky with hitting and it killed two damaged Vindicators in one charge.

Anyone know of any good right handed termi sword arms? I want to kitbash a Company Master out of some spare Deathwing termi parts and give him the Monster Slayer of Caliban. The sword arm that comes with the regular Deathwing kit has the arm pointing downward, which I'm not fond of.

Or I could just give him the Mace of Redemption, which is objectively better and cheaper.

Wat ?

how do servitors, kastelans and dominuses look the same ?

Try some reading comprehension. The article only said it will be receiving new AoS rules, not 40k.

Drop pods.

Sit the fuck down son.

DEldar seem like they'd be a fun bunch to be around if you could survive it

Shifty Old Men.

Say user, could you link me to the article?

Why can't they make a Start Collecting box for Slaanesh with the chariot as the obligatory HQ unit?

Always loved these guys. I always take a squadron when I play IG.

to be fair the chariots are a nightmare to build and GW doesn't like to talk about slaanesh. but fuck if that wouldn't be great. herald, 10 daemonettes and seeker chariot, and a fiend for 85

Same color scheme and clothing. *yawn*

Same reason they don't make a Tzeentch SC! With a burning chariot.

We're hitting levels of fast that shouldn't even be possible. Also, 125 points for 5 outflanking TL'd Rokkit's is pretty ok.

>Same color scheme and clothing
what about space marines, IG, Chaos space marines and every other army ?

I rarely saw armys that dont have the same colout scheme and clothing. Except nids, they dont wear clothes

Do you live with your mum?

Literally how fucked up do you have to be to play Night Lords, Emperor's Children and Dark Eldar? I haven't played anyone with those armies but I've always imagined them as edgy teens larping as psychos.

Where are these pics of imperial agents coming from?

yeah, why ?

You're not endorsing rape if you play people you think are the villains. Some people like playing the villains.

Dear GW,If you were a fat, ugly, middle aged woman, I would make love to you lovingly and passionately for what you've done to SoB in your latest release.

The sheer amount of salt, tears, butthurt and damage control from SoB players right now transcends mortal understanding of what should be possible. Never in my brief, humble existence have I laughed as loudly as am I right now, while my throbbing, erect penis continues to sprout out fountains of life-juice.I decidedly urge you to continue the cleansing of the SoB fanbase, ignoring their pleas and cries for mercy with righteous authority, building additional momentum until the final, divine blow is struck and the Sisters of Battle are inevitably removed from 40k. The sheer psychic backlash from such an action will resonate around the world, as hundreds (because less than a thousand people play them) of SoB players commit collective suicide, finally ridding the world of their existence. It is in that glorious day, as a hundred souls are sent screaming into the warp to be tortured for eternity by the Prince of Excess, in which I may finally pass away in laughter, knowing the Emperor's divine justice has been dealt and surrounded in a pool of my own cum.

Best regards,

it's true, Ork players always seem to be lacking in intelligence and initiative.



I'm a 20 year old gay male, with a boyfriend who plays CWE and I play DE and Harlequins , we both have thematic armies.
You should write "I would make love to you passionately and tenderly for what you've done", it flows better than "love to you lovingly"

Reviewers with official deals with GW get early copies.

I bet you vote for Hillary. It is the only logical explanation for this level of shitposting

user, there are skulls on the "good guy" human faction and they casually talk about death. do you really think you you above this?

It's different. SM have that problem too but different helmets, armor decoration and the fact that most of their things aren't actually marines makes quite a difference.

IG models can look quite nice with the right color scheme.

Orks have probably the coolest models, the sheer amount of customization and room for creativity is just outstanding, I have no idea why you mentioned them.

CSM are highly varied too, even their troops have a wide degree of different mutations and armor from the heresy.

Meanwhile every single AdMech model has the same 'lol robots' feel. Everything is crammed with some degree of metal + red that gets very old, very fast.


Goddamn that's cool.

Maybe he plays Tau


okay, you win, i am tired of talking to you
You are definitly right about Orks having the coolest models


Doomrider is never cool

Meant to send that second bit to

i'm tempted to say drop the aura of dark glory and mark of slaanesh for daemon of slaanesh. also remove independent character

Sweet, my shitpost became a pasta.

>gay male
That explains everything. It's not edge, just faggotry.


What's wrong with having some non-harming fun ?



1. An Initiative increase across the board. Boyz are now I3, Nobz are now I4, and Warbosses are now I5.

2. Army-wide Furious Charge.

3. A Ballistic Skill increase across the board. Boyz are now BS3, Nobz are now BS4, and Warbosses are now BS5.

4. Choppas are now AP4. Big Choppas are now AP3.

5. A Toughness increase across the board. Boyz are now T4, Nobz are now T5, and Warbosses are now T6.

6. A Leadership increase across the board. Boyz are now LD8, Nobz are now LD9, and Warbosses are now LD10.

7. Army-wide Feel No Pain 6+. This can be improved with Wargear and Painboyz up to a maximum of 4+.

8. Painboyz and Mekboyz are Elite choices. You may take up to 3 of each type as a single Elites choice, and you may distribute them as Independent Characters.

9. Mekboyz now have access to Kustom Force Fields. A Kustom Force Field grants a 4+ Cover Save to all models completely within 18 inches, including vehicles.

10. A Waaaaagh may be called once per game, and grants all Orks in your army Fearless for that turn. Calling a Waaaaagh also allows all Orks in your army the ability to reroll their Charge distance for that turn.

11. Characters now have access to non-Mega Armour wargear that grants a 2+ armour save, 1 per army.

12. Characters now have access to non-Mega Armour wargear that grants a 3+ invulnerable save, 1 per army.

13. Make new Ork boyz and Warbiker sculpts.

14. BRING BACK the rule about choppa reducing all armors better than 4+ to 4+, so that our boyz can kill TEQ once again.


I thought he was cool
Well yeah user, it's faggotry. Only pro-tier dick smokers play anything Eldar. The only group of bigger cock smokers are Ork players.

Please continue to use MOGFO, it makes you easy to filter

u should have thrown something about voting for trump in that shitpost.

As a Tyranid player, I shit myself every time a Dreadnought draws near

Repeating the question, can I use contemptor dread instead of Hellbrute in Chaos Warband formation?

No. Unless it's listed, the answer is almost always no.

you need help

does it say so somewhere ?
if yes, then you can , if no, then you cant

Boyz already massacre TEQ point-for-point, shitposter.

No, mong.

what do you think about striking scorpions? stealth chainswords dude

there's something suspicious about those tau guys, 1984 combined with advanced tech is bound to have doom on the horizon

>p-please stop!

As someone who was thinking about getting 40k and playing sisters of battle, am I really in for a bad time now? Seems like maybe I chose a shit not-fun army.

What I thought the SoB salt and salt producing people are just people shit posting.

There is no way the 10 SoB players are making that much noise

Sex on anti-grav

If anyone remembers this, I'm the guy who's fluffing a secret, black ops anti-Chaos Tau army. Working on making a Kroot Culexus, but generally it's not great for Kroot to eat chaos-infested stuff.

I'm thinking of getting a squad of Tzaangors to run as Kroot, since apparently there are many on the Planet of Sorcerors that are not TS-aligned, and potentially making Chaos Spawn with guns built into them to use as Krootox. I figure the Tzaangors could be familiar enough with chaos mutants that they may be able to guide spawn into combat and make it shoot what they want it to shoot.

The Tau certainly would not publicize the existence of the unit, but since they don't really have to worry about falling to chaos it's not a huge hazard.

Does this sound fluffy or just stupid?

I think they're metal as fuck. My favorite aspect is Warp Spiders, their old Flame Templates were brutal.

Eternal reminder that Tau are the good guys in the setting, and that theories of populace control is just lies spread by upset people who refuse to believe in a message as pure as the Greater Good

T3 armies are fun like playing old xcom like games.

If you enjoy playing on hard mode then sure go ahead

You'd be surprised. Queers and nu-males can bitch just as loudly as actual women.

Hell yeah motherfucker - wait, where are the drones' carbines?

Its almost unchanged celestine gone warbands split they are OK

i'm pretty sure the pariah thing is human only
no idea if the kroot could even get it

I don't see why you can't use it as a counts as, but you definitely can't use it with contemptor rules, sadly.

I thought people only play SoB because the concept of nuns with guns was way to funny.

The kroot pick up the genetic traits of stuff they eat (i.e. the entireity of their technical knowledge comes from Mekz) so I think some highly-motivated Ethereals and Shapers could make it happen.

Prepare to have Veeky Forums shit on your choices, other than that... nothing much changed really.