Dungeon Meshi

In which our heroes recover from almost being squished.

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Orcfu spotted.

Yeah, reading it now. Thanks for dumping.



The new chapter is already out?


Yes, unfortunately we won't be getting another until February.


You know what, that's completely fair. But you leave, I doubt the sorceress will follow you outside the dungeon.






Interspecies yuri?!?




Marcille gets no respect.




She shouldn't have made Wis her dump stat.


She's fiddling with the dark magic, why should she get any?


He's really badmouthing her, though, considering all she did.


>that recipe
I kek'd


When you meet new npcs and then remember that quest you took so long ago that you forgot you even had it



>mfw dungeon meshi isn't about meshi anymore

>orc woman
>not just a green skinned bane

Based Ryoko

It's about meshi orc grill now

> "Sure, she managed to make it all work out in the end but if she hadn't that would have been the stupidest thing ever!"

that hits a little too close to home

Poor long-ear.

>Implying the final solution wont be for Marcelle to eat the Sorcerer in order to be recognised as the new owner of the dungeon.



Welcome to Shin Dungeon Meshii: Eat or Be Eaten.

this orc girl is so cute oh dear

You will never have Chilchack sit on your lap pleading to go home

Second panel is the best. They reattach his fucking severed leg, and his reaction is just "Oh, it worked!" Their smiles are just the dopiest thing I can think of.

Sweet, forgot this came out around this time of the month, thanks a bunch for posting it user.

>Chilchack being deeply concerned about Laius lack of human emotions.

Orc girl recognizes Laius's strength.

Yes. Yessss.

fuck yeah the mangaka managed to find that sweet spot between cute and savage orc looks, props to her.

>"The stuff I gave him wasn't even an anesthetic and he's already trying to push past two people even though he has a fractured ribcage"

+10 Waifu points

The plight of rogues everywhere.

>Female orc
>Looks like a female
>Looks like an orc

We need more glorious Senshi beard.

Imouto power is a hell of a drug

Yeah. I'm used to japanese female orcs looking like green skinned elves. While orcs are green pigman self inserts.

>A human sized trail
Or hybrid?!

We were still deprived of hot orcgirl on elfgirl action. I am sad.

Isn't Chililack's contract technically over with now?

Yes. Which is why he has to admit to himself that the contract is no longer his reason for staying.

Do they have any LOOT?

They were racing the digestion countdown; that pressure is off, now. Chilchak's right, they need to get back to town and resupply. But can they afford to?

They're pretty deep in the dungeon, right? Deeper than most groups ever make it. There should be some undisturbed loot around, if the orcs haven't taken it. Or do they have some monster bits I'm forgetting that they can sell?

Senshi threw the loot away

>Frog skins
>Maps of the dungeon
>Some preserved food

Maybe they can pick up that armor if they go back the same way? But no, they have no real loot. The loot they were going to bring back was dragon parts.

OrcxHalfling when

is it true the author dedicated a twitter doodle to Veeky Forums?

I love dangeon

Someone mailed her a book to sign, and she did.

>wearing a fucking moose antler for a top
Something has gone wrong in the orc fashion industry.

>the bath
>Marcille almost got the party killed again

Once again, this Manga distinguishes itself from its peers by being consistent with its fantasy.

She didn't just sign it - that sketch isn't on that page!

I know this is trying to be gender-neutral, but you don't need to go for the meme gender neutral pronoun in this case, "it" would have worked absolutely fine since she's calling the elf by species rather than as a person.

In Japanese most 'titles' like sorcerer, monk, nun, etc. are gender neutral but indicate a person. Therefor the correct translation would be 'they', not 'it'' because sorcerer is a gender neutral term for a person.

That's why you'll sometimes see 'that guy' or 'that child' rather than a more normal reference to a person by a proper pronoun.

>they kept the frog suits
Of fucking course they did.

It's not being translated to Japanese, it's being translated to English. The word "sorcerer" or "elf" still denotes a person, per the meaning of the word, but grammatically it can be "it".

Well yeah. How were you expecting them to get back up through the tentaclus?

>recap episode followed by a month of no update
Next they're getting on a ship, right?

They are pretty damn useful against poison

I really hope we don't have to see them going all the way up and then back again, unless they find a new route or something.

What a nice woman, I'm glad this series is popular.

I think your being oversentitive here. 'It' is far less humanizing than 'they'. And everyone knows that the elf is a loving thing. Calling them an 'it' would be grammatically correct, but how often do you refer to another person as it?

That remind me, did Veeky Forums write any lewds concerning Dungeon Meshi or not?

You don't refer to a human as "it", do you? Nor say, to a human ship captain.

In that case you should be using singular "they", right?

Irony of people mocking SJW for inventing "xir" and the like is the fact that the English could actually use this sort of pronoun to avoid confusion.

How often do you refer to a single individual as "they"?

>implying elves counts as people

The gnomes set up a magic portal out of the dungeon, I bet they'll use that to get back out. That or we're in for a hilarious montage

didnt the orc girl said her tribe was going to help them go upside using their secret routes or something?


This whole "going back to the surface" seems like a set up to add a new party member, but who will be the next addition to the group?
The dwarf girl? The samurai guy who is in love with Fairlyn? Those losers from the other party? An orc?

either the dwarf girl or the orc girl.

It's being translated FROM Japanese TO English, and the correct translation would be "they" as a singular person because the object of the sentences is "a sorcerer", which is a genderless noun indicating a person, and therefore would be referred to using a 'personal pronoun' that is 'genderless' i.e. THEY.

This is a basic fucking grammar conversion, not rocket science or SJW bullshittery.,

Catgirl from the pilot.

>It's being translated FROM Japanese TO English
>and the correct translation would be "they" as a singular person
No, because that's not correct in English. Sometimes "they" needs to be used because there's no alternative which is correct, but in this case "it" is far more correct to refer to some non-human being that, while technically sapient, is still interacted with as a force of nature.

>This is a basic fucking grammar conversion, not rocket science or SJW bullshittery.,
I know that, but in this case the correct grammar conversion would have been very slightly less basic.

Will people even believe that thet killed the Red Dragon? Do they even have any proof of it?