/kdg/kdm/kdmg/ - Kingdom Death General

Huge Lanterns edition

Old Thread: Kingdom Death is a game about living Adonis-like statues in hell that try to stay alive through killing walking body fetish horrors and wearing them as pants and hats. Ultimately they create a culture and learn a little about their existence, but then get eaten by a flashlight obsessed ghost.

>which pledge do I get?
Read the kickstarter.
>how is shipping handled?
Read the kickstarter.
>what new expansions are there?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is the game not coming out till 2020?
Read the kickstarter.
>why is this Lucy best girl?
Read the kickstarter.
>what is included in the Gamblers Chest?
Read the kickstarter.

>Kickstarter Page: kickstarter.comprojects/poots/kingdom-death-monster-15/description
>Adams comments:
>Pledge and addon overview: vibrantlantern.com/KDM15/#pledgelevels

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Black Knight

$750 Ancient Gold Lantern here, unless I am missing something it seems like the best pledge deal with the earliest delivery times.

(wont have to wait years). Is this correct?

Pledge helpers for people.

Pledge Comparator & Shipping Calculator:

Miniature Count with bonus statistics:

So far the witches have mostly been pinup-eriffic but that doesn't mean they won't get rules in the future. For the moment, Knights are the gameplay creatures (and tend to be Big Bads of their tier) and the witch stuff is mostly for pin up fun.

Check the two links I just posted, and keep in mind that there are at least two and almost certainly more new expansions yet to be revealed. Ancient Gold Lantern is certainly a great deal, especially with the early shipping time frame, but there's a lot of good deals in other pledges too.

The witch and her deciples are the only overtly-sexy humanoids in canon right now.

Knight is a title, there are many different and different kinds of Knight.

The only witch is the Flower Witch, and she has a handful of "human" followers.

Gambler's Chest Contents (so far)
>Advanced Rulebook
>1 Survivor (TK Fang) [1xMiniature]
>1 Survivor (Aya) [1xMiniature, +2 Promo cards, +1 Art card]
>1 Survivor (JoJo Adam) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art, +1 Philosophy]
>1 Survivor (Last Man Standing) [1xMiniature, +1 Mighty Axe Rare Gear ]
>1 Survivor (Scout of Death) [1xMiniature, +Pages to Advanced Rulebook, + "A bunch of cards"]
>1 Survivor (Murderer) [1xMiniature, +1 Philosophy, +1 Settlement Event, +1 Secret Fighting Art, +2 Gear Cards]
>1 Survivor (Bow Master) [1xMiniature, +1 Rare Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Deadrock Fighter) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art]
>1 Survivor (Romantic Adventurer) [1xMiniature, +1 Philosophy, +1 Rare Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Screaming Hoarder) [1xMiniature, +1 Advanced Disorder, +1 Hunt Event]
>1 Survivor (Darkeye) [1xMiniature, +1 Advanced Fighting Art]
>1 Survivor (Cockroach Queen) [1xMiniature, +1 Advanced Disorder, +1 Philosophy]
>1 Survivor (Beast Hunter) [1xMiniature, 1xArmour Set Card, +1 Rare Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Zanbato) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art, +1 Philosophy]
>1 Survivor (Bone Eater) [1xMiniature, +1 Philosophy, +1 Secret Fighting Art, +1 Settlement Event, +(?) New Bone Gear]
>1 Survivor (Bright Knives) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art, +1 Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Papa + Junior) [1xMiniature, +1 Fighting Art, +1 Gear Card]
>1 Survivor (Cursed Spear) ]1xMiniature, +1 Philosophy, +5 Rare Gear Cards]
Advanced Rulebook (Includes Philosophy of Death)
2xPromo Gear Cards
9xRare Gear Cards
4xGear Cards
1xArt Card
2xSecret Fighting Art
5xFighting Arts
1xAdvanced Fighting Art
7xPhilosophy Cards
2xSettlement Event
2xAdvanced Disorders
1xHunt Event
1xArmour Set Card
+"New Bone Gear"
+"A Bunch of Cards" for Scouts of Death.

>to be continued

I hope they do a pinup of The Hand and make her absolutely smug as fuck. Complete smug saturation.

Nah. MALE Pinup of the Hand which is basically just shirtless Vegeta.

The only pinup for the Hand would be one of himself.

Otherwise, you're thinking of a Pinup Handmaiden.

I want the hand pinup to be the hand just posing.

Here's some fucking crazy math for you guys:

Poots once said that a "100% gameplay pledge", including promos because those have gameplay, would cost more than a Satan pledge even after a bundle discount.

Ancient Gold Lantern: $750
Seven revealed new expansions: $290 total
New promos: $40 total (so far just Super Survivors)
Old promos: ~13 models, let's value it at $250 for argument's sake, probably high but approximately ballpark

1666 - 750 - 290 - 40 - 250 = $336.

There are at least $336 worth of new expansions and promos left to reveal. Probably more. Let that sink in for a bit.

In fact we've only revealed $330 worth of new expansions + promos by that count. We aren't even halfway done. Jesus christ.

If he releases the other 4-5 xpacs we're expecting that should easily be $200+

Also pinups of all the old monsters and some of the new ones. easily at least 5+ so that's $75.

Promos could be whatever.

But that's about what I'm expecting.

Pinups wouldn't be included in that figure, just promos. Promos have gameplay, pinups don't. At least, that's what Poots has been saying although he then immediately contradicted that shit with the Pinups of Death II pack so... yeah.

For promos, I'm still expecting a Messenger of Fashion JoJo figure. More Messengers, in general, could be really cool.


I don't take Poo at his word because he flips more than a light switch.

Plus if everything (xpacs) is revealed by the 24th there's what, one week worth of reveals.

This. I want stupid sexy shirtless The Hand that is just in an absurd pose and showing off his abs, but is still wearing his helmet.

We need to start sending this shit to Poots. This shit is gold.

Man, I would actually love some gag pinups. Like The Hand in the exact same pose wearing the helmet, a codpiece, and NOTHING ELSE.

Jesus...this is going to 100% worth it.

If it's trap isn't called FINAL SMASH I'm gonna be disappointed. It's fight LITERALLY uses Smash Bros rules.

I really hope he makes the model more interesting because SQUATS AND OATS gryphon just isn't really doing it for me.

Man, for once I really don't like a model. It's so uninteresting and I'm bored of penis tails. I hope the WiP is better.

Can't wait to crit to pop its back zit.

Yeah but I don't like the look of the armor sets.

Am I the only one who doesn't like any of the armor set images they've shown recently? Not the Frogdog ones, not the Oblivion Mosquito ones, and not the Gryphon ones. I don't even think it's because I dislike the design, I think I just do not like that art style / presentation. They all look exactly the same to me. It's real disappointing to look at. Just a bunch of variations on "cloth armor with WoW shoulderpads".

>gain 3 extra Gryphon resources and a Lingering Scent strange resource. Then, [_|_] INDOCRTINATING FRAGRANCE

>The survivors breath in a full lungful of the strange scent, their minds going into overdrive as they become obsessed with serving the Gryphon. The survivors never return. Archive all resources gained this fight and suffer the Starvation effect on the hunt board.

Yea the new armour sets look like trash. Whatever, they're not included in the xpac so the people who want trash you pay extra for it.

>not overtly pinupperrific and perfect in every way.

Frog dog and screaming god were both great, IMO.

The Screaming God armor looked great, but it was a different style and different artist. I'd be willing to bet, personally, that if the same artist did the Screaming God armor as did the others I would hate it too. It's just really boring and uninspiring.

At this point I'm just bitching for the sake of bitching, but it's something I noticed.

I think its just the art style, but you are right that the newer stuff seems a bit too... overdesigned.

The mosquito armor looks cool, at least, if only because of the mirror faces. Gonna put FOIL on that shit.

What expansions does Veeky Forums recommend, heard Lonely Tree wasn't too good.

Gorm and Dragon King

Gorm, Dragon, Beetle Knight
Sunstalker, Flower Knight, Lion Knight
Spidicules, Manhunter, Slenderman
>not worth the cost but good if you can get it black friday or through the ks
Lion God
>completionist bait
Wojack Tree, Green Armor

Great: Gorm, Dragon King, Dung Beetle Knight
Good: Sunstalker, Flower Knight, Manhunter
OK: Lion Knight, Spidicules, Slenderman
Bad: Lonely Tree, Lion God, Green Knight Armor

These are also sorted by value. The OK and even the Bad ones aren't actually terrible, they just don't give as much content as the ones above.

Doesn't Lion Knight come with role survivors as well as Lion Knight Armor survivors?

Nemeses don't have armor. He just comes with Role Survivors. And those are nice, but that's not really what I meant by value -- by that I meant gameplay value, the 'breadth' of play that the expansion effects.

The Manhunter vs. Lion Knight question is a monster of a question. The two play very similar roles in a campaign and really aren't usable in the same campaign unless you're very masochistic. Manhunter is mean as hell and just fucking kicks you while you're down constantly, while Lion Knight is a little more lighthearted and helps you out as well.

It really comes down to what you would prefer: a goofy lion who shows up at your settlement and wants to put on plays and helps as much as he hurts, or a savage bastard who just wants to kidnap people and drive you into the dirt.

>Nemeses don't have armor. He just comes with Role Survivors.
Thanks, I haven't played any of the expacs.

I hope this isn't confusing, but you can still get armor from Nemeses. They also have gear that can be attached to the ~120 figures you get from the main game.


>it's hyped, so we did it to cash in
>wtf is this, I can't even!
>it's so weird!
>it's so hard!
>it's so expensive!
>it's so sexist!

>this "Humor"
Holy fuck.

We just spent last thread talking about this. Move on.

bleh, I wasn't here last thread...
time to do some back reading then

Fuck you faggot, thread is ded as fuck we may as well yell at british people.

If we want to laugh at autistic idiots, and shitpost, lets talk about how Nognoth has reduced his gofundme to only ask for 750 dollars. He continues to be a poor pleb who does nothing for this game, but expects thanks from the community for stealing the work of other modders.

Fuck you right back cunt. Here, I'll boil down the conversation to you.

>He's an SJW
>He makes some good points
>We'll ignore those though because he sounds funny
>Fart noises

>he is muh internet friend because I watch his reviews
>so we'll ignore the grotesquely biased bullshit like at 17:40, where he displays NOTHING but tits from multiple rulebooks to prove a point.

Thanks for proving the point

>Talking out of your ass
>this is the first review of his I've ever watched

You're a faggot, your opinion is discarded.

>He watches review shows.

Well he makes a few big mistakes.

Like saying you need to do the tutorial fight every time you start a campaign.

>Fart noises

See I can do that too!



how sad, being such a raging sjw that you have to invade a rinky dink forum to ensure people are sticking with your one and only truth

Quality discussion

There was literally news that the gryphon, probably one of the hypest expansions so far, a giant dragon sized bird lion that rips survivors in half with a penis tail and enslaves civilizations to build its nest is on its way, and instead of talking about that, you're calling someone on the internet you will never meet a homophobic slur.

Why are you even here?

Why not?

It's not Ringtail OR BIG BLACK KNIGHT

You fucking cuck.

I just feel there could be a better use of your time. Isn't there some chores you need to do? You probably have dishes in the sink.

Wew Lad


Shit, I do have dishes in the sink. Well played.

And I do not.

Looks like the washcloth is on the OTHER hand.

My friends and I just finished a campaign last night, beat the watcher. Starting a new settlement right now! We'll be streaming it for a while


Posted wrong link before


as far as I can tell, it is the best bang for your buck tier. As of right now, its a $770 value on the kickstarter prices, and roughly double that for MSRP prices.

I would fucking love a JoJo promo, especially after getting a JoJo version of Poots in the Gambler's Chest.

>*Yes, we will fix the card with the wrong name and hook up anyone that needs it!
What did he mean by this?

Now wait a second, this 4 Million Pledge Goal was not there before, was it?
Are we getting something new again?

People are mad about this? This is a fucking glowing review.

His only complaint is that the format is unnecessarily messy and crowded, and that having to replay it from the top can be boring. Honestly, I'm not sure why he says he can't recommend it. Nearly everything he talked about was "hey if you like this kind of thing you'll love it but if you don't you probably won't care one way or the other"

All the shit about how everything is against you and this is a game where cascade failure is in full force like Darkest Dungeon or Xcom is exactly what I love about it. It's part of that new doom and gloom "you aren't meant to win you're meant to have fun losing" genra that cropped up recently. And even if fighting the white lion for the hundredth fucking time gets kind of repetitive, dude even admits that the randomness and learning as you play keeps things fresh despite that. Unless of corse you want to waste your time making the game less interesting by reading through every possible scenario, in the same way you replay a mission in xcom over and over until you get it right.

... I've been replaying xcom lately.

Both the $1,5M and $4M goal weren't there before last night's update. So yes Adam apparently came up with something new.

not mad, sort of amused rather. he really seems overwhelmed by it all

If you got to design a monster for the game just by giving poots it's name; what would it be?

El Presidente



The Living Martyr
Revelations Unheeded
King All-Thor
The Moon



The hulders were held to be kind to charcoal burners


Why is Lonely Tree so looked down upon? Is it just because it's a complicated build? Is it too punishing? Or are the rewards just not worth the inclusion?

You have to pray to the RNG during another showdown just to get the chance to face the tree.

Hydra, I'd fucking love a KD hysra.

Pick any of the stupid D&D original monsters.
Intellect Devourer
Displacer beast
Rust monster
Hook Horror.
All that silly shit would be treat.

Ok i think living martyr or goatsinner wins.

The Toymaker.

It´s just very expensive for what it adds, which is a Nemesis with pretty nice rewards that you have to get really lucky to ever encounter, though.
Most of the time it is basically just a pretty model for a Nightmare Tree terrain.


Domesticated Lionfish

Could someone explain the sunstalker campaign? I'm definitely getting dragon king but I dislike the sunstalker mini so I'd like to know if the campaign would make it worthwhile.

It's like moving in with abusive partner that leeches off you and every once in a while pukes all over your shit.

I've been in that kind of relationship already, I'm not sure I want to enter another one.

So much vomit.

The Sunstalker forces you into the Survival of the Fittest principle, though with a somewhat milder Intimacy table, that means quite a bit for the direction of your campaign.

Doesn't the lion knight also have rules for hybrid armor sets? Those seem awesome

The setup card incorrectly refers to the nightmare fruits as something else. Poots is going to fix this

The Lion Knight expansion comes with two Hybrid Armour Set cards if I recall correctly.

Three, actually.