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Reminder that you should read the 4E DMG and incorporate its ideas of FUN and engagement into your games.

I'm working on integrating Kenku into my setting and am wondering what makes people like them.
The no creativity thing is interesting, but seems like it'd make them boring to roleplay as a PC since you will just sit in the backseat and follow the party all the time.
Mimicing is cool but doing only that makes it seem like it would just be gimmicky in play (do kenku players even adhere to it, or do they generally just speak like normal and it's assumed they communicate what they say via mimiced noises in the fiction?)
The rest is quite minor, but maybe being cursed by a greater being, wanting to regain the ability to fly etc. are wanted as well.

I think Kenku is great for a NPC or DMPC travelling with the party.

i could have prevented the first post to be about 4e

but i agree with you, being anal about rules or optimising DPR is great and all, but if you're not having fun you're doing the game wrong

fifth for paladin UA tomorrow.

Yeah they seem like really fun NPCs and enemy minions, but there are a lot of people who like playing them so since I want some kind of crow/raven people I'd like to carry that over as well if possible. I'll at least tone it down a bit so they can have their own ideas, maybe only the PC ones or something.

Rolling a new character in our OotA game, deciding between a Goblin or Deep Gnome ranged Ranger. Which do you think is mechanically better?

Nice satan trips my dude.

But you should go for the Deep Gnome.

so what is everyone hoping for in the Paladin UA?

I may be late to the party, but what does teegee think of the revised ranger class option?

I always thought that the RAW ranger was underpowered and underwhelming, but i'm worried that this revised class may be too much?

Anyone have experience running with it in their game?


The No creativity thing always bothered me, how can a creature with no creativity even function? How can it learn anything? like a fundamental part of development is creating solutions to problems posed, especially with the example of thevery, What does a kenku do if you just flap aroud like a jackass? Has it planned for it? Has it ever heard what to do in this situation, if not then the Kenku would surely just break because to have any response he would have to be creative.

Anti-Fey Paladin
Superiority Die Paladin
Undead Paladin

The general consensus seems to be that it's broken for multiclassing but a solid option on its own.

Have you guys ever tried mixing villain archetypes for shenanigans?

Patches the Pirate got me thinking and I remembered that PotC did do the Lich-Pirate thing right.

this card is so broken

It's good, gave me some cool ideas for both characters and setting fluff which a class should. It doesn't scale too well as it's too front-loaded, the beast should scale by ranger level and not overall level, but it's not OP I think. A level 3 deep stalker in an underdark game might be slightly, but again it evens out. Only issue is multiclassing, it's not as bad as the last ranger remake with ambuscade, but it's still frontloaded enough to make it too good of a multiclass option.

It's a bit front-loaded but otherwise is a massive improvement. Easily fixed by moving some of the ribbons in Natural Explorer to 6th level where the PHB ranger could pick up another favored terrain.

Is it broken because you can dip one level in to get advantage on initiative / people who haven't acted? Or am i missing something else?

Now that you mention it, it does seem pretty frontloaded...hmm

Well thanks guys, I'll definitely use it instead of the original option in my next game

Don't forget that Volo wrote that book and he's a racist, exaggerating dumbass according to Elminster.

I often toyed with the idea of undead gangsters in a mega-cijty setting but the ease with which a holy-based police order could deal with them seemed to solve the problem too easily.

When I've had Kenku in the past I've had the 'no creativity' thing be part of the curse.
That is, they can have creative thoughts, but they're incapable of expressing them with the sole exception of if someone reads their mind.

That and I always presume that a Kenku's mimicry is only an obstacle in particular cases instead of more everyday things.

Deep gnome might be better in OotA because of their superior darkvision, adv on saves against magic, and ability to blend into stone. It's probably the better choice

Goblin might have fun shanhooligan prospects with nimble escape, I imagine you running around the battlefield A LOT and generally being a bother, which is always fun.

Level 5 Rogue about to hit 6. I'm wondering if I should dip into another class or just stay Rogue. I was thinking 1 in Fighter, or 2/3 in Bard or Ranger. Fighter and Ranger both give me a fighting style (I only have a +3 Dex so it could be helpful), martial weapons, a longbow, and access to shields. Bard gives me another skill and some great magical options like Faerie Fire, Disguise Self, Cure Wounds, and more.

necromancer / lich mob bosses would be fun, I like the idea of the criminal underworld of the city being ruled by a family of powerful (and vaguely italian) necromancers who kill people that get in their way, resurrecting them so that they can join their cause in death

yea, it's broken in multiclassing because UA is designed without it in mind

when/if it gets released officially it will be vastly different from it's current form


Updated items.html to display cost, weight, and damage with properties.

When you play rogue, do you often rely on your magic more or your martial abilities?

It sounds like how YOU choose to play would have the most impact on your choice, so what sounds more up your characters alley?

That being said, 2 levels in ranger would also get you spells like hunters mark, fog cloud, and cure wounds. So that might be the best of both worlds?

I don't know if it's been done, this way specifically, or how many times people have suggested it, but Saiyans.

And I'm not saying Super Saiyan shit should be the point of it, but more of the basic racial traits - drastic power increases the closer to death they get, both over time and in the moment.

I don't know how you'd stat them as a race. Probably +2 STR +1 WIS, and then a couple traits relating to the battle damage thing.

+1 to Hit and Damage when under x hp, maybe going further to +2 or +3 with even lower hp, or having it scale with level in some way.

With the other factor of drastic power increases the closer to death they come, really, an experience boost would make the most sense, +x% correlating to y% of HP lost upon gaining exp on a kill or something, but that wouldn't be a very great trait when looking at the way some DMs dole out exp.

If you want Super Saiyan shit, it should just be a race-restricted Archetype for Monks. A bit like Battlerager for Barbarians in the SCAG. A question of how many tiers there would be comes up, but going SSj3 and 4 or God or Blue or whatever seems a bit much, unless you're going even further beyond level 20. Get it?

Good to know, none of my players are mechanically minded, and I doubt any of them would ever think seriously about multiclassing, so I doubt that will be a problem for me

as a rogue that just hit thief 7, level 6 kind of sucks, i mean more expertise is nice, but not like... super awesome. getting evasion at 7 is really sweet though. makes you really tough and hard to hit.

Oath of Seeking - knights focused on recovering relics (a la Arthur's knights searching for the holy grail).
Oath of Safeguarding - a wilderness knight that protects civilization from monsters. Can smite with a bow??!!?!?!
Oath of the Templar - a knight who guards mage towers/sacred locations. Has some wizard spells and advantages against spellcasters.

>high level adventure where you go into the Nine Hells and kick some devil ass
I'd really REALLY love that. I currently have plans to extend Tyranny of Dragons all the way to level 20 by having the party plunge into the Nine Hells to destroy Tiamat once and for all.

It's been done, and like all shit ideas it was done by dandwiki.

you should tell them upfront no multiclassing with it, just incase they see how good only 1 level is. just in case

>a wilderness knight
kinda like oath of ancients?
but the idea of a ranged paladin would be cool

"Nice ancestral graveyard you got there. Sure would be a shame if someone were to cast Animate Dead in it."

If you want to keep it both balanced and sort of true to DBZ """lore""", they should receive temporary combat bonuses if they come back from 0 hp. Permanent bonuses would break the game.
Also, wisdom makes no sense. Saiyans are dumbasses. They should have str and dex.

sounds rad

Good point about the coming back from 0 HP. Probably just another +1.

I figured Wis would be a fine second stat because it's not like they don't use energy attacks at all, so they must have some magical ability in a D&D sense. Maybe Charisma would make more sense for that.

yeeeah idk, magical dodge sounds nifty though.

Wouldnt using your action to give an ally dodge be OP for a cantrip?

Is his neck alright?!

Oath of the Ancients isn't exactly a wilderness knight. He has powers over nature because of the fey theme, but he doesn't necessarily have survival skills.

Nah, Saiyans don't really have any more "magic" attacks than humans. In fact, in Xenoverse humans have stronger ki than saiyans.

I posted this in another thread but it's not getting traction, thought I'd post here too:
I like D&D but I can't keep track of the mechanics. Even shit like rolling initiative I look at my notes every goddamn time.

My group must think I'm a fucking idiot.

Are there flash cards or something that I can use?

Hope this helps


Guy (or at least, one of the guys) who was looking at moving from 4th to 5th here.

Some of the things I hear and see are good, but it concerns me that a lot of people still are talking about martials being boring and less useful.

1) What could I pull in from 4th, or from Tome of Battle or anywhere else really, to help keep players moving through at least basic options?

2) Martials don't need to be AS flexible as casters out of combat, but they shouldn't be sitting around waiting for the casters to solve problems so they can hit things in the face. Is this a problem in 5th, and if so, what can I do to make it less of one?

>Nah, Saiyans don't really have any more "magic" attacks than humans. In fact, in Xenoverse humans have stronger ki than saiyans.
I suppose, looking at Xenoverse at least, but I don't want to go and base too much off that alone. Maybe a subrace thing with one being a little more Ki-oriented over another, but that's thinking too much.

Xenoverse is canon. Akira Toriyama wrote the story. You can safely assume anything in it is official DBZ lore.

The reason saiyans use more energy attacks in the show is because they're more integrated into the galactic martial arts military society (that looks a lot dumber on paper than it did in my head, but that's DBZ for ya). Humans who train to use their ki are typically very adept at it. Videl, who has no particular advantage, learned to use ki to fly in a manner of days. In fact, all this is why half-saiyans can become super saiyans so fucking easily.

If saiyans want ki powers, they can pick the monk class like everyone else. There's no reason for them to have an advantage in the mystical aspects of the class, though. But since they ARE faster and stronger than humans, they should get bonuses to physical stats. Not constitution, though. You WANT to go down in battle.

>Videl, who has no particular advantage, learned to use ki to fly in a manner of days. In fact, all this is why half-saiyans can become super saiyans so fucking easily.
Alright, that sold me. You have a point, I see it. Make the race physical and if I want to go through with the race-restricted Archetype for Monk, do that later. Alright.

The other question is guess is if I want to bother with the tail and Great Ape.

Does anyone have pictures of Firbolgs in the 5e style other than pic related? Everything else is just ginger forest giants, but I want more of this blue skinned, elfy looking Firbolg.

>+2 Str +1 Wis
More like +20 Str. A mere saiyan, an average as fuck one is immune to bullets even as a kid, can destroy armored vehicles with his bare hands and at full moon 4 of low level ones could take a planet like Earth

There's this concept art, but there's not much in the way of art for them since 5e's firbolgs are a new rendition of them.

Thank you!

Going to print these out, laminate them, and memorize the fuck out of them like the autist i am.

Nice tumblr nose.

Is there a "best" generation for stat generation and if so what is it?
I know of point buy, 3d6 (in order or assigned), and 4d6 drop lowest (in order or assigned) but is there anything else? Also where should picking stats be in terms of making a character?

We have to talk balanced like though if we want to have fun. Unless you have fun breaking things entirely, in which case, we can do that too.

Partly why I don't feel like talking about tails or Great Apes, because being able to turn into a giant is only debate ably fun. Could be interesting if fighting an actual Giant though.

Also, I don't know where you get the idea that Saiyans are immune to guns.

Arrays are pretty good honestly. The one where everyone has one 8 and one 16 has always been appealing to me.

In DB red ribbon army fired at Goku and bullets only annoyed him.

Also DB Super is shit.

I'm partial to 3d6 and 4d6 drop lowest assigned.
Point Buy always results in everyone having at least one 8 and one as high as they can go. Rolling adds an element of random, but it really sucks if you get a 3 or 4.


Thank you, this helps. Hopefully more art will come out as 5e gets older.



I like this too.
Because it means you will satisfy the min-maxer, and the person who likes to match their character flaws to their worst stats.

And if someone wants they can have an 18 starting, which basically ensures they will get to choose at least 1 feat.

The default method is Elite Array which is one stat at highest possible (15) and one at lowest possible (8) and the rest is 14, 13, 12, 10.

flip 8 coins for each stat
heads = 2
tails = 1

And we are talking about a saiyan kid of average low power

If rolling for stats, ignore the order in the book. Roll for stats as early as possible, as it can really fuck over your possibilities.

If you want an element of random, it should be in order rather than assigned. Everyone is likely to put high stats in con and dex, dump int/str and then boost up their main stat(s). That's not variation, that's just some characters rolling higher numbers than other characters.

>Zariel appears as an angel whose once-beautiful skin and wings have been ruined by fire. Her eyes burn with a furious white light that can cause creatures looking upon her to burst into flame.
I can't wait for official stats of all the Archdevils.

How does an array with a 16 look?


Who is the most bro god in 5e? I need someone to worship and the campaign I'm doing might possibly involve them heavily.

>Chaotic neutral dragon sorcerer with focus on burning shit

Also a laser bounced off of Krillin in the going to namek filler.

Thard Harr

you could either homebrew or your character could horribly misunderstand a certain god's teachings and values

I was mostly memeing. Tumblr nose is that consistently recurring art style used by sjw where they draw regular peoples' noses red in a similar way to that because it makes them "more realistic".

My newest character, any fun ideas for a Bearkin Pirate Captain? The class is Barbarian. (Barbearian huehuehuuheuh)

Because they're perfect imitators, and would be able to share learned behaviors with one another

A fun idea would be not to play it. I kid, I kid. As a finisher your character can keelhaul their enemies.

>tfw the party finally wonders if they're the bad guys
>midway through planning on killing a mostly innocent man and kidnapping his children, then indoctrinating them into an apocalypse cult

Or how about they hurl members of their crew during combat as heavy thrown weapons.

, In addition, ki is apparently directly linked to brute strength (literally the only kind of training anyone does is strength and muscle training), but they also use it fairly crudely and just rely on dumps by a lot of pure force on people.
Saiya-jin are extremely strong and fast but have no finesse or technique, relying on brute force and raw experience via trial and error, while more complex techniques like the Kamehameha are catch them completely by surprise.

So Saiyans have more to WORK with but on average they actually use it a lot less efficiently then a trained human would.

where is the paladin leak

make a list of pirate phrases/terms and make sure to use them as often as possible

This is an underrated post

, 2e Firbolgs looked quite a bit different.

Mean, my party wonders if they're the bad guys after we Gulliver a fire giant as to why he and his buddies are setting all these towns on fire, then execute him
>boy that was pretty mean of us to just captive bolt that guy in the face after getting all that info
>are... are we the baddies

>So Saiyans have more to WORK with but on average they actually use it a lot less efficiently then a trained human would.
So how would you translate this concept to D&D?

I had an idea for a class recently, but I'm not sure what all would go into it. My idea, the painter, would spend time outside of battle drawing shit that can be summoned from the pictures to fight for you. Of course, larger creatures would be harder to draw and would have a higher dc. I'm really not sure if this has even been done, but I think it sounds fun as shit

I love 4d6drop lowest in order. Cant wait to do that for my next character and just give him super simple motivations to start out with.

I'm making a list of personality traits tied to the stats that i find the most interesting to roleplay.

For instance, Constitution is used for Concentration checks. So I thought it would be cool if my character had low Con he'd be really easily distracted and unfocused because i think that is fun to roleplay. On he inverse, i find Hearty and Jovial characters fun to roleplay and i think a High Con character has that inner energy for that.

Just rolled
16 - High Str - Forceful
10 - Med Dex
12 - Med Con
15 - High Int - Technical
7 - Low Wis - Oblivious
10 - Med Cha

So he's got a forceful personality, is technical, but oblivious.
Naturally I think he fits well into the Noble background. Very commanding, and knows all the shit about feudalism, heraldry, strategy, etc etc very technical. Doesn't know how to interact with people because he's lived a sheltered life and alot of idioms and slang go over his head.

A noble who left home with his retainers to go adventuring. The path of least resistance imo would be for him to be going on an adventure to prove his capabilities be chosen as the next heir to the kingdom. He's part of a set of triplets so they don't know who gets to be the next ruler simply by age.

Probably pick Fighter or Wizard. Eldritch Knight or Abjurer. I want to go wizard cause it seems less commonplace that a Prince who left home to prove himself worthy of the throne would be a wizard. Moreso cliche for him to be a Knight and be the "Prince Charming" type.

Half Orc tribal Monarchy might be interesting. Lord of the Clans.
I think Dwarf or Human work well too because of their expected systems of government being a monarchy.
Dwarf probably works best due to being oblivious to things around him. Everything goes over his head lol. Can't get much more sheltered than living under a mountain.

I once had a player burn down an orphanage based on a second hand anecdote one of their friends gave about Necromancy that they heard from their father. This friend was an evil aligned warlock and they knew it at the time.

Players are monsters, Jack.

Or your character cannot properly steer the ship's wheel with their massive bear claws, so their ship has a custom, massive steering wheel. -which is also used as a breaking wheel for captured enemy pirates.

Bear captain is known for taking enemy prisoners, breaking them on the steering wheel, then tossin' them overboard, still alive.

Yikes- that's pretty... wait for it...

Fun lil quote from my last session

This is cute and a pretty good method idea. People should take notes.

There was a homebrew class a bit like it, think it was on reddit or something (it was quite bad). The main problem is that your resource is downtime which isn't the case for anyone else, also doing a check to see if you can summon it is questionable. It would be better to base it on spell progression or just druid wild shape, something like that. The last problem is that introducing additional combatants doesn't work well in 5e, so any summon class or necromancer or beast master is going to suffer from that, or rather their parties will suffer as they take much longer every turn.

In the next adventure I run for my players it is likely that they will be trying to track down an escaped were-rat. He will have a good head start.

Any suggestions for how to run this? Interesting things to include? I'd like to see this be an interesting part of the session, maybe even most of a session, rather than just one throw of the dice for a tracking skill.

The characters are mostly all out doors types, druids/rangers etc. So I'd really like for this to be something special rather than just one throw of the dice (or two).

Any help? What can I do to make this cooler and more involved?

Skill challenge might spice it up without making it into a railroaded trip in the wilderness with set up encounters etc.

I would go with something like this:
Saiyan 5e
30' speed
Ape-like abilities
Gain a tail which counts as a separate hand and may be used as such
While exposed to direct light from a full-moon you gain the physical and mental statistics of a Giant Ape, and you are considered under the effects of a modified confusion spell for the entire transformation
Natural Strength
You add 1/2 your proficiency bonus to your strength, constitution, and dexterity scores
Natural Speed
You add 1/2 your proficiency bonus x5' to all of your move speeds
Natural Toughness
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons
Natural Weakness
If a creature succeeds on a grapple check against you, they may make an additional athletics check vs a DC of 10+your proficiency bonus, constitution and dexterity modifiers. If they succeed on this check they rip off your tail.
If a creature deals a critical hit to you which deals more than 10+your proficiency bonus, constitution and dexterity modifiers with a slashing weapon your tail is cut off. Your proficiency bonus for Natural Strength and Natural Speed is set to 2 for 2d4 weeks and you lose your Ape-like abilities racial trait for 2d4 months during which time your tail grows back.
What kills you makes you stronger
Whenever you are resurrected in your own body increase your effective proficiency bonus for Natural Speed and Natural Strength by 1

Ape Confusion
1 The creature spends its turn roaring.
2-6 The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its sight, the creature spends its turn roaring.
7-8 The creature uses its action to throw a stone as a ranged attack against a randomly determined creature within its sight. If there is no creature within its sight, the creature spends its turn roaring.
9-10 The creature can act and move normally.

I didn't really think of it being a check to summon, more a of a check to see how well you did drawing. Like if you rolled poorly, your creatures would all come out with some debuffs or something

Multiple intersecting trails.
Quarry doubling back to attack/trick pursuers.
Layered tracks (deeper=older; the better your roll, the better you can determine this).
Have a were-rat NPC try to help (see:Betray) the party.
Quarry heads through dangerous terrain in attempt to lose pursuers.
Bad weather on the horizon could mean these tracks will be useless tomorrow.
How do the animals of the area respond to the presence of a were-rat?

Create a small map (like really small, 5x5 or something) and put small encounters, each effecting the roll they make upon entering the space you place the were-rat, these effects could be positive or negative depending on what the players encounter, maybe a family member of the Were-Rat deliberatly tries to throw the party off, or a Were wolf hunter is angrily walking out of the Were-Rat's den, willing to offer up the location of the beast for coin, that sorta thing, if you want to make things a bit more interesting have each encounter move with the party.

Another interesting addition would be to change the size of the grid based upon a nature check, the higher the check the more you can isolate the Were-Rat.