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word bearers a shit

What use is posting here when there is no summary...

Time for some rope.

Rolled 1 (1d10)

>What use is posting here when there is no summary...
I can make it up to ya.
Good luck with that, Krieger, you don't even exist yet.

Lorgar is the best waifu, faithless coward.

>lorgar killing an avatar of khaine

Did this happen? How many AoK's have to suffer to show off a primarch's power?

Only two. Fulgrim strangled an Avatar.


They breathe?

Warp oxygen.

>Rolled 1 (1d10)

I ain't even mad. I'm more concerned with the ads for ending erectile dysfunction and Russian women. Go ahead, hang me.

Defeating an Avatar is nothing, it's basically the Worf effect of 40k.

Don't question it.

>Defeating an Avatar is nothing, it's basically the Worf effect of 40k.
It's the test to for heroes of the week along with Greater Daemons and Hive Tyrants. Lucius is 30k's worf effect.

>Lucius is 30k's worf effect.
No he isn't, he always loses because that's the joke, Lucius is just a meme.

Considering His recent fight with Drach'nyen, how long until the Emperor is the new worf effect? :^)

Isn't Lucius one of the best swordsman? I would think only the likes of Sigismund could beat him.

Old lore Lucius never loss. Now anyone who's anyone beats Lucius. All because he tried naming a move "The Lucius" or because he picked up a Mega Arachnid limb.
Good Anons don't post bait-worthy things, user. No Emperormiss presents for you.

Honestly I think Lucius would be happier if he'd gone for a professional wrestling vibe rather than just being a duelist.

He's an EC. It's the mainstream for them to be duelists.

Oh, guys, remember that pic of the guy who attacked by an assault gif? Have this.

Then why are there no EC duelists that are actually noteworthy?

The wallfuckers have a more noteworthy fighter.

So it is proceeding. Dammit we must be careful and not meme too hard,lest we're on the eve of discovering pic related.
Also, what's up with Epylepsia.

They have too high standards?
>Sorry, Greg, but you didn't make the cut.
>But, Captain Bill-
>Not buts. You're a Devastator now.

Kurt doesn't have that. He's a liar.

Maybe that's why their sgts are I6 in duels

Exactly. The aspiring duelists would be great if they were in other legions, but since they're EC they have to live by rigid standards. Maybe they can be a great duelist using a plasma cannon.

To be honest oh irony, I can't recall lots of things, forget everything and I'm not aware of anthing, but I claim to be healthy and attribute it to simply being dumb.
But I guess being forgetful would be a crime for that case, so he'd better say it's not his fault and epilepsy made him that way, huh.

Unless I get proof of him suffering from epilepsy he's a liar. Correction he's a double liar. He looks nothing like his twitter profile page.

When did the various traitors begin to go Chaos? How long before we get mutations and daemon allies for non-WB legions?

The EC made the Subjugattor by the time of the Siege.

I have a feeling they'll save all of that for the Siege of Terra book.

Your own word is never proof no matter who you are, but some people just don't get it
I remember an EC user narrating how his sgt killed Horus, but who knows if he lied to us :^)

Why must Slaaneshi daemons must have crab pinceeeers! Even the sluts! Especially the sluts!
>Are you feeling it Mr. Slaanesh? d:^B

>Your own word is never proof no matter who you are, but some people just don't get it
>I remember an EC user narrating how his sgt killed Horus, but who knows if he lied to us :^)
When was that?
>Crabs: Slang for pubic lice, parasitic insects that can infest in the genital area of humans. Pubic lice are usually spread through sexual contact. Rarely, infestation can be spread through contact with an infested person's bed linens, towels, or clothes. The key symptom of pubic lice is itching in the genital area.

If I had the screencap on hand I'd post it, but I'm kind of in a hurry right now.
As for the crab thing, yeah I made the connection after I posted it, but those sexual crabs, that are lice, we call "piojos", and nobody ever relates crabs to them.
Mainly because there are no crab-like crabs where I come from, only squat-crabs we call jaiba.
Isn't it cute?

I like the orange and blue on it but that's it.

Looks like Heihachi Mishima

Aren't they just Chaos knights?

Doubt we'll see legion specific super-heavies that aren't just slight alterations on existing models.

that's clearly a snibeti snab

>Aren't they just Chaos knights?

I don't think I'll live for that long. At the pace FW is going, we could fight the Horus Heresy in real time.

>Aren't they just Chaos knights?
In a way, yes. They do have some decidedly non-standard weaponry though.

>How long before we get mutations and daemon allies for non-WB legions?

Take Army of Dark Compliance, then give them the Cult Horde provenance and you too can have Demon allies.

Presumably it's that way so predators can't eat them. Doesn't help them and they still get eaten.
I have more fun cracking them open than actually eating them. They have little meat inside
Pic related replaced my previous mental image of a crab. This thing was like a stone on legs, rather than the previously shown squat meatless thing.
And they come apart surprisingly easy for still-living things. You pretty much unclamp its butt and toss it away.

Crabs are the Imperium of Arachnidkind Cataphractii termies!

>Not Crabaphratii
One job.

Apparently BL has a new story about Typhon. Has anyone read it, and is it any good?

Lobsterus pattern

>Once upon a time, there was a tank. It was totally brilliant and blew up everything. The end.
>t. Pertuarbo

>>Once upon a time, there was a better tank. It was totally brillianter and blew up everythinger. The end.
>>t. Rouboute Guilliman
And thus, the vindicator was invented.

Aren't those more for campaigns and "with opponent's permission"? And the AoDC doesn't let you take more marines than militia, meaning that the army would, at best, be 50/50 militia. I don't know if I want to make a whole militia army just so I can use daemons as allies.

Crabafractii pattern it is!. Are there any orange marines?
And yes, I did eat them with this.

>One upon a time there were some siege guns. They were totally brilliantest and blew up everything. No records exist of what happened to them. The end.
>t. Lion

Nigga, the Typhon is an upscaled Vindicator. Not necessarily better or reasonable, but it delivers great boom.

>One upon a time there were some [REDACTED]. They were [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and blew up [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. The end.

Guilliman did it, and he is the master of all disciplines of war.

t. :^)

Sadly, the Typhon is not a work a Guilliman.

The Typhon was born when Pert looked at the Vindi and said "That gun is not big enough, put a bigger gun on it."

But there was no bigger gun.

So Pert made a bigger gun.
They put that gun on the Vindi but the Vindi broke.

So Pert built a bigger tank around the bigger gun. Because Pert thought "Fuck you, I want that has the same effects as a Warhound's Plasma Destroyer"

>>"We're gonna need a bigger gun"
>t. Perturabo

Lorgar killed Avatar with was crawling and dying from Fall of the Eldars. Nothing Impressing, it even didn't wield a sword, just crawl.



It's more that Perturabo looked at a Spartan and asked "What does it do?"

"It transports 25 dudes," the Mechanicum adepts told him, "or even 13 termies."

And Perturabo looked on this and saw that it was wasteful. "What it should transport," he spoke, "is a really big gun."

And the Mechanicum reflected upon these words, and saw that they were good, and decided that that's exactly what the STC said all along.

So was the Cerebus someone trying to improve on Peturabo's Design?

Someone took a look at it and whent 'this is too short ranged and no good for killing tanks. Let's replae the big gun with a big laser gun' and then they got onto it?

Really, poor Peturabo always has his creations stolen and 'improved'. Imagine his face when he saw Guilliman's Fulmentaris Terminators for the first time.

'They're like your Tyrants, but better.'

Excellent, now let's check in and make sure wasn't talking about the 1st captain of the death guard.


Not so much improve as add a different giant gun.

Perturabo never insisted that the Spartan transport only one type of gun.

I just had another proxy match of 30k, my Ordo Reductor (Actually working on them now, building/converting Adsecularis ATM) vs Iron Warriors Ironfire. Good god, the slaughter was wonderful

Turns out the 5+ FnP on the adsec actually made them tougher to Phosphex than the Tacticals, they managed to tarpit some Tyrants long enough for my Magos to deal with his Praetor and win me the match.

Sorry I haven't got pictures, but it was a proxy game anyway so it would take a shit ton of explaining on what everything is.

Army should actually be ready in a month or two.

Since we are on the subject. I want an anti super heavy tank to crush other anti heavy stuff.

Typhon or falchion?

Veeky Forums is this the best config to crush filthy traitors? I can still get it in time for Christmas if I order now.

Valdor or Cerebus.

So they ran out of names for novels already, huh.

That's a shit ton of money to put on a model you'll only ever get to use in Apocalypse Games.

Falchion is the best against other superheavies, specially with the upgrade that gives it shock pulse

>Leviathan Force Organization Chart

Officially it was a separate development - they found a wreck from the Dark Age of Technology and tried to rebuild it. The result worked, but with that feedback effect. Perturabo's version is usually more effective.

I kind of like the Cerberus. It's ugly in an endearing way.

Pocket change here. only thing that matters is if it's The Good options and not The Shitty ones

You'd need 3,000 points plus to use it. And I'm pretty sure 80% of players would not want to have to fight a Warlord Titan on it's own. I sure as hell wouldn't, my army has plenty of anti-Tank but it wouldn't even scratch the paint of a Warlord while D-Spam would remove buckets of Marines with every shot. Hardly fun or worth playing.

If you're going after "other anti-heavy stuff" I'd take the Typhon, since anti-heavy stuff often includes Terminators with chainfists.

The Falchion IS the anti-heavy stuff. Great against titans, a little expensive to use against knights, poor value against most other things. I wouldn't buy one just to go after other Falchions.

Even less now you can't use 10 meltabombs per squad against it.

Anyone have any experience running Primarchs chosen at about 1500 points?

We're running a team game (3000v3000) and I'm thinking of running Alpharius in that RoW. I figured it won't be amazing but at least it could be fun.

Mars Alpha is inferior in every way to Lucius and it's an eternal mark of shame that FW chose to produce the former.

Also, just use a Warhound.

Gotta board the Knight hype train.

At least FW gave us head.

I wish.

Really the major difference is the shoulder plates, if you look at the warlord without them it starts to look much more like the proper Lucius from epic

>Typhon hanging around on some planet Luther liberated
>Nurgle cultist come to his camp asking for someone called Typhus
>Typhon orders them to fuck off
>Cultist show him their marks of Nurgle
>spying DA centurio charges them for smelling bad
>slaughters most of them
>Typhon steps in and gets a powersword to the face
>Cuts the sword in half with his MANREAPER
>gets half a sword to the guts
>sword rusts away
>Typhon kills the DA and runs of with his fleet

All the armour plates, really. Also, the head on the Lucius is different (though FW did release a Lucius style head for it), the turbo lasers were built into the shoulders, etc. Though to be fair, Apocalypse era Warlord rules included a drawing of the titan with current style turreted shoulder guns.

Quite frankly, FW could release a Lucius pattern armour plates and head as a separate kit.

>A single Typhon tank blows the fuck out of the Dark Angels.


Perty would be proud


We can hope the FW will rebox the structure and the plates separately, and then sell Lucius plates alongside Mars plates.

Where can I find the epub for the latest red book? My pdf is outdated and doesn't have the new RoW, but I can't seem to find it in any of the OP links.

>I can't find the age of darkness army list
Have you tried sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html ?

Anyone wanna share this short? Please

Nurgle, it just came out.

Warlord titans sure are small compared to how they are portrayed in the lore.

Fucking australia.

You dont even have mountain lions or bears.

They used to have Drop Bears with giant blade teeth, and Komodo Dragons the size of small dinosaurs.

Yes. Thanks. Someone mentioned an epub, and I was confused because I couldn't find it.

How long ago? Didnt the Maori kill that humgous eagle of theirs?