Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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Can somebody give me a pic of a Taurox next to a Goliath Truck for scale? or if anyone owns both and doesn't want to take a pic, can a Taurox be converted into a reasonable Goliath?

So I'm thinking of starting Admech and mostly focusing on Skitarii. But I'll probably take some from Cult too, since I like the robutts.

How do they play? They seem to be a mainly shooting army, mid range. But I don't know a lot about them, yet. What sort of things should I focus on? Is the 'start collecting' box a good starting point?

You think they'll update Black Templars too?

Abbadon ain't my primarch but damn is it hard not to cheer him on.

The Mechanicus stand by the Guard. Cadia will not fall on our watch.
Reinforcements inbound, Castellan. Requesting deployment instructions.

My guess is they probably just include the Warlord Traits table from White Dwarf and that recent Space Marine book.

If they're feeling really generous, probably expected a few unique BT relics and tactical objectives.

So Cadia's going to end up a smoldering ruin and Failbaddon is going to get his teeth back?

Courtesy of Creed DDS

Gotta build him up before he comes crashing down. My gut tells me that since chaos won fantasy, the Imperium is going to come out on top in a potential end times scenario for 40k.

Where are all those faggots making fun of no plastic SoB?

>Failabaddon finally, finally, finally capturing Cadia
>Imperial survivors preparing for a last stand
>Huron Blackheart arrives, backstabs Abaddon
>status quo for a few more centuries :^)

>Yes, again. I wanna start a discussion and you can't stop me

What units, that used to be kinda *meh* spiked up in power after Traitor Legions came out?

Death Guard Termies look promising - should a 3-men termicide still be the go-to, or is it worth going for 5-men with RA?

DG bikers are insane.

One user suggested, that DG Raptors are really resiliant, so they could tie something in combat for a very long time. Also they could perform semi-reliable first turn charges.

NL/DG Daemon Princes look really promising as well.

Is it even worth taking Predators, or Forgefiends/Maulerfiends?


Damn I'm slow, but I just realized that we're basically guaranteed to get a new Abaddon mini too. No way they're using that old one for such a prominent campaign.

Really makes you tremble.

Still don't know why GW wants Cadia to fall. Do they want to expand the chaos lineup? Move the fighting somewhere else?

Or just preparing the armless man for his next defeat, so GW can move the focus to Ghazghkull's Waaagh, Tau expansion campaign, Nids galactic invasion?

A genuine end times would end with Chaos winning as well.
That's the purpose of Chaos.

Replace Huron by CĂ©lestine and the BT and that's it.

>since chaos won fantasy, the Imperium is going to come out on top in a potential end times scenario for 40k

I really don't see that happening. I have a feeling Chaos is gonna take a huge dump on the Imperium and they'll have to ally with Xenos to stand against them and then be fractured beyond all belief. Big E will probably kick the bucket and stay dead too, no Starchild, no new EoT

>Still don't know why GW wants Cadia to fall.

To advance the stetting and hopefully get rid of those dreadful Cadian miniatures.

>Still don't know why GW wants Cadia to fall.
Because that way they can add tons of new shit like primarchs and shit and make tons of cash without pissing fans pff by squatting 40k.

DG Havocs are promising
DG Spawn as a base of a Deathstar

How would death guard raptors perform first turn charges?

what if SoB don't get anything new besides celestine?

As a whole point of synergy, NL have a super cheap decurion that gives night fighting turn one. Great for Alpha Legion, who have Shrouded turn one. 4+ in the open, because lol.

This is the most likely outcome.

That was myself. If I said DG I apologise. Meant BL

I think he meant BL raptors since they get reserve bonuses.


I have stopped expecting GW to act genuinely. I suppose I should say that I expect the writers to avoid an obvious outcome. I agree with you gents that a chaos victory is the most likely, and that is precisely why I don't feel like it will happen.

>I have a feeling Chaos is gonna take a huge dump on the Imperium and they'll have to ally with Xenos to stand against them and then be fractured beyond all belief. Big E will probably kick the bucket and stay dead too, no Starchild, no new EoT
Besides all of that going against basically everything that defines 40k and going against pretty much all established lore, emps dying is most definitely and end times type event, and we've had confirmation this is not the end times

>Is it even worth taking Predators, or Forgefiends/Maulerfiends?

They gain nothing from DG, and their havoks can take a licking' and keep on ticking to protects your heavy weapon investment, no one shooting outside of Demolishes and they can even sit in cover to shit on that.

Really the only vehicles DG should consider taking are ones they thingk look cool, so, maybe some Nurgle FWehicles


>Really the only vehicles DG should consider taking are ones they thingk look cool, so, maybe some Nurgle FWehicles
And ObSec Rhinos in the Warband.

>I agree with you gents that a chaos victory is the most likely, and that is precisely why I don't feel like it will happen.

Because the unlikely outcome happened with the End Times?

If they mean to wrap 40k up like Fantasy then they'll have Chaos win. Because as Age of Sigmar shows you can do a lot of shit with a Chaos victory that you can't with more mundane factions.

This should be posted in every /40kg/ thread. Forever.

They get new Seraphim, GW ain't gonna let the work they put into the twins go to waste.

That conflicted feel when you think the core game is in desperate need of an overhaul but also you are desperatly afraid that when an overhaul happens it will be an outright murder of the system and setting ala End Times.

As reposted earlier. Also, to answer your last question? Predators="no" if your group does Forgeworld because of the Deimos Vindicator. Forgefiends are boss in a Warpack due to reusable Daemonforge. They didn't get buffed by TL per se, but TH helped them a fair bit. Maulerfiends are still boss.

Rhinos are better with Alpha Legion due to Infiltrate/Outflank/Chosen Troops. You can do some respectable 2-man fireteams with them.

Death Guard Raptors are kind of hilarious, especially with plasma.

Iron Warriors get better Havocs and Obliterators (I say "better" because although T4 hurts when you face players with Meltas/Dark Lances/Lascannons, Tank Hunters does a lot to fix their bigger issue of just not being deadly enough for their cost)

The real winner though is the Daemon Prince, especially the Night Lords Daemon Prince with Stormbolt Plate. A Daemon Prince of Tzeentch has 2+ armor, 2+ cover when Jinking, **AND** re-rolls 1s. If you don't have Ignore Cover on-hand, you're in for a bad time. Add a Detachment that lets it re-roll Charges as though it had Fleet, and a Warlord Table that can grant it Hit & Run, Rampage, universal Hatred, or re-rolling 1s to-wound, and you have a 220-point wrecking ball.

Cultists are now potentially dangerous in melee with the right buffs too. They're already the cheapest source of melee attacks in the game: Point for point, you get 2 attacks for 4 points. Now, envision them with Furious Charge (without taking a MoK tax), +1 Strength/Toughness, or Poison. Or imagine them being 6 points for T4 base, Fearless, Feel No Pain, and regenerating d3 models/turn.

As long as you don't play 1k Sons, you should be good.

>Age of Sigmar shows you can do a lot of shit with a Chaos victory that you can't with more mundane factions

I suspect my pessimism is due to my not actually paying attention to AoS. What are they doing with the chaos victory exactly?

There's an interesting nightlords anti death Star build you can do.

Raptor talon with a warlord that has the vox daemonicus
Heldrake terror pack.

If all units are present, you can stack up a -6 general leadership penalty in combat.

Take a daemons CAD. Herald of slaanesh on a steed, with the doomstone

Herald of nurgle with the doomsday bell for another -1 to leadership everywhere.

Stuff the slaanesh herald in a big seekers unit.
Ram it into the death Star, multicharging if necessary. The odds are most of the characters in the death Star will fail their leadership test for the doomstone, and then get reduced to zero leadership, thus being eliminated.


It went pretty much like this
>Chaos won
>Oh wait they didn't
>commence eternal stalemate 2.0

I fucking remember this shit. Me and a buddy won a bucket of games with our eldar armies just to see Eldrad get killed off in the stupidest way possible, during the mission to accomplish the objective we had actually achieved. They didn't even let us deactivate and capture one of the Blackstone fortress, which was our objective, because the Imperium failed to destroy them both completely.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Oh, and the discipline of excess has some great leadership based maledictions.

Ah. I'm just going to enjoy the ride before things go south then.

>Chaos wins
>Humans go into some pocket dimension
>GW uses this as an excuse to churn out dozens of additional super ultra last of their kind space marines models with crazy stats
>New game is just gonna be shitloads of cultists and some chaos lords fighting Sigmarines 2.0

Actually, it's

>Chaos WON
>A ember of the world that was survived and flourishes somewhere cannot detect
>Chaos finds it
>A great war commences
>Chaos wins again
>the forces retreat to their last stronghold. Chaos despoils and tortures those who remind behind for an age
>the gates of the stornghold open and a new warriors of righteous emerge to reconquer all that was lost and banish Chaos forever.

In AoS, Chaos is the dominant force while Order is the freedom fighters/white crusaders who seek to topple it down. It's the reverse of 40K.

I'm doing up Deathwatch and made of list of the chapters that correspond to the shoulder emblems on the sprue and their approximate specialisation (Green: focus, Yellow: no focus, Red: Uncommon)

Any corrections?

Isn't it still hinted that Eldrad might be playing Warp Hide and Seek with Slaneesh? Also, isn't Slaneesh going to bite it (probably) in 8th ed. when Ynnead comes into existence? Or is this misguided optimism in the face of Grimderp

[shrieking in bianary]

Chaos is magic and crazy enough that vast new lands were created from the destruction of the world.
Other people win by just killing people, Chaos wins causing crazy shit to happen.

Probably one of the best new models I've seen in a while



i bought this mini from some dude and i quite like the color scheme but im not sure what greens he used. he wont respond to emails.


Silly little metal slug, that's not how books work.

That model is absolutely gorgeous

While i can see they reference the old Celestine
Personally I'd've done her differently.
Cut the flowers and make the sword on fire, same for her halo, hell make the pigeons flaming projections too.

>Metal Slug
I'm sorry, did you mean a Grot Tank with a ROKKIT LAUNCHA?

When events take place simultaneously, the current player may choose the order in which they take place. The following occurs:

During my turn, my Chaos Space Marine character is fighting in a challenge against some enemy character model. Both models are striking at the same initiative step. As a result of their attacks, both models end up being killed. Since their attacks occurred simultaneously, I choose the order in which those effects apply and choose that my opponent's model is removed as a casualty first. Champion of Chaos kicks in, forcing me to roll on the Chaos Boon table and I roll either Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis. My Champion is replaced by the appropriate model. Returning to the original chain of events, I now choose to apply the wounds caused by my opponent's character to my new model which may, in fact, be insufficient to remove it from play.

It happened last night in a friendly game and that's how we agreed to handle it. Is this interpretation correct?
Similarly the Bloated (32) result which returns a model to it's full wounds could cause a similar situation.

Updated rules soon too?

I think it is too cluttered. These work better aesthetically they're not as busy

Autos cost 5 points too many on this builder.

I've always wanted to use Bullgryn, but I figure they aren't good unless they are in lower point games where it's not as likely to see the horrible things other armies can take.

I want the retards to leave. Age of the Emperor is not happening, it'll just be one minute closer to midnight.

What guns should I kit out on my havocs? I've got three squads of five in a chaos warband, so they have objective secured.

He has ENTIRELY too many tiny details, so the model just ends up looking like a difficult blob with no real things to look at.. I honestly can't stand it.

>When events take place simultaneously, the current player may choose the order in which they take place.

Where is this stated?

This is fucking fantastic.

That's going to be an absolute bitch to paint.

You telling me that my shitposting of cancelling the apocalypse was true?


Minotaurs are supposed to be codex compliant with a 1st company in full terminator armor, so I'd make it YGYYY
Where did you find the iron hands restrictions?
I'd put codex compliant chapters in all yellow instead of all green, too.

I suppose there's no chance that I can put the old Celestine backpack on it, since it's on such a flimsy support? Not a big fan of the wings.

40k's playerbase is so heavily skewed towards Imperial factions that you can rest assured that the Imperium will never receive the kind of treatment that the Empire did in WHFB.


Got damn those are really cool, save for that bird, looks a bit silly desu.

Plasma, melta, or autocannons.

i feel a bit let down by the paint job and wings as a cloak was definitely more stylish. with that said that is a ridiculous amount of parchment which i really like


Do you even mechanicum ?

Normally Autocannons, doubly so if Death Guard or Iron Warriors. If you're doing a Rhino-build (Word Bearers or so), you could get away with doing 2 Plasma or 2 Melta and a Rhino instead.

looking at my alternative Celestine I have ordered

>put a bird on it

Well, it looks like we found out what those thingies were. Tzaangor disk and staff.

Awake at 4 AM, scraping mold lines off my Genestealers

So lascannons definitely aren't worth it?

I was mostly planning the havocs sitting back on objectives. Alpha legion btw

>Faces aren't completely hideous, celestine is even passably cute.
What is the world coming to.

>When your crush notices you changed your look

Yo, can someone give me a hand?

I want those wings on the GW model and the GW wings on that model!

Now. Who Copy who shitfeast!

Is legion the best Horus Heresy book?

hot damn that's nice, what size base? he's rather huge and maybe as tall as a dread

but dead men can't take their wealth with them? while you got the order of operations your chaos lord still died

He's apparently "The size of a Carnifex". Fucking hell, I want that model and I want his rules to be badass, but no matter how hard I squint at them I can't find Eternal Warrior. That really sucks.

Post your cadian waifu

>pic related

Well they mentioned that he is T6 and 5W. Helps a bit against instakills.


he's mine you can't have him

Yeah, but there are all too many ID effects. He at least has T6 and a 4 or 3++ to help, though, plus some unique powers of his own.

penitance engines.
Their sins and lack of faith will be cleansed

Le edgy angel girl Xddddd

For some reason she also have a miniature gothic building below her.
Hairs are retarded, the robes goes everywhere because fuck physics.
Literraly in shitting pose.

I'm kinda in agreement with in thinking it's a little too cluttered, but as far as I'm conserned, his kit will be a bit's box for making a bunch of other admech conversions.

What the fuck?

Could Black Templars end up being the first at least semi-viable, non-furry melee army of the Imperium?

Eh. They're kinda pricey and you don't get loyalist signum. Take your big anti-tank on other platforms. Maybe an Iron Warriors CAD with deepstriking oblits.

God I wish. Templars have been dead since 5th.

Skyhammer with ultramarines chapter tactics is the best melee build for non furry marines by far