WIP -- Painting/Sculpting/Converting General

"Tow" versus "Ass-Tarts" Edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>I am the hammer! I am the point of His spear! I am the mail about His fist! I am the bane of His foes!

>Previous Threads:
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Other urls found in this thread:

photo.163.com/[email protected]/#m=1&aid=296113832&p=1
amazon.com/dp/B001AE5ZQO/ref=sr_ph_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483503828&sr=sr-1&keywords=Green Stuff

Wet palette link.


Once again, thanks a lot for your rare models Brit user, they are definitely appreciated.

I only got home recently hence why you didn't see your present posted sooner.

Finished a thousand sons tartaros terminator. Was looking for a nice and quick paint scheme because I'm lazy... managed this in about an hour.

And with my other BoP models.

That's really nice. How'd you paint the metallic red?

>retributor armour base coat (sprayed)
>seraphim sepia wash
>tamiya clear red (applied by brush)

It's that easy... although not when you have this many to paint with tamiya clear red... by hand.

You taking these to an LGS? Hope you like the nickname Iron Man for your termies

Nah, I don't play anywhere like that. Normally just stick to games with friends, if any at all. I'm mainly in it for the modelling and painting.

Trying to get some Necromunda terrain going.

started some detail work on these guys

Fuck yeah, necromunda terrain. I need to get on that, myself.

Barricade coming along with future "Epson Generator" in the background.


This playlist might interest you. Failing that, he has other tutorials, there has to be one that can help you.

to those that remember, a few weeks ago i entered this model in a painting competition, and while it didnt win, last night the company that did the sculpt shared the photo from my page and i got like, 7000 page views. so that's a bonus :)

Moving from the HHG with my Blackshields project. I'm attempting to create a hybrid between the Iron Hands and the Iron Warriors paint scheme, I want unadorned power armor with a greenish tint or a copper green sort of thing.

This what I have prior to adding Biel Tan Green Wash and Warplock Bronze.


As another user in the last thread stated, depressing scheme. I dig it.

This is what I have after Biel Tan Green and Warplock Bronze on a different model.

I like it. But I'd say it looks more like a marine covered in algae.

I've been neglecting the hobby as a whole for far too long. Trying to get my steady hand back via terrain before I tear into the hundreds of minis I never painted. Probably not the best idea (as terrain is not nearly as scrutinized as minis), but at least I'm back into it.

Just realized my phone takes potato for pics... sorry about that. At least I have a white background.. and resized.


There is a bit of the model that has the exact effect I wanted. I wanted the sort of milkier almost fog look.

Ahhh you want oxidised copper (?) effect I think. Have you had a look at GWs technical paint that does that? Nika.. something oxide or whatever it's called. It's real easy to use and leaves the exact effect I think you're looking for!

I do Retbtr. armour hand done
spiritstone red.
nuln. hence why they look like they just pile drove garbage.

I just saw that, do you think it would look good over leadbelcher though? That would be perfect to have in the pauldron areas instead of black I think. Ideally I want both that blueish oxide color as well as the green one.

I'd say so. I used it mainly on the brass of my nurgle models but I can't see any reason why it wouldn't look good over leadbelcher. Give it a try and report back user!

heres the only pic i could find of the oxide effect i have. used over brass scorpion.

Sweet, good job user.

>Finished a thousand sons tartaros terminator.

Emperor's Teeth! It's like sexy candy, but with a 2+ save!

the BoP really does have some nice models

Is that a full cape on that model or just a waist cape? I picked up one on eBay and was planning on doing a gs sculpt for it but if i can get a custodes with it already there itd save me some time.

I hate it, but I built a Hammerhead "ion" turret out of spare parts till I spend the money on a real Hammerhead kit. $25 for the turret and gun alone secondhand was too much for me, so I made do.

full cape, you just get one on the sprue though

Thanks man. I initially just wanted to sword for a kitbash but now im using most of the model as a base for a bigass asstart.

working in some Noise-Marines

planning to run them with some daemons and are unsure about their Bases. any thoughts?

Almost done! Only thing left is the legs, I need to repose. I'm leaning towards a lunge off a rock or a kneeling predatory pose like on the cover of the Last of Kiru's Line novel. Taking suggestions!

Any paperhammer guys here?
I'm trying to papercraft a Warlord Titan with one of those PDF templates out there, and I'm trying to do it with a Cricut. For those unaware, a Cricut is like a printer but it cuts out and scores paper in very fine detail.

I was wondering if anybody here by chance knew of a way to convert a PDF into a file to be used by one, or of any pre-existing patterns for a Warlord Titan made specifically for a Cricut.


Any other Thousand Sons players finding that the Magnus model just doesn't fit together very well? It's mostly it's just long raised edges that need to be filed down after the gluing is done but I'm getting quite a few gaps, too.

That just me?

Anybody have tips for painting skeletons using mostly washes?

I'm a TS player but haven't bought my Magnus yet. Do you have any photos as examples please?

not him. but he did need some filing.

prime white/cream and wash brown.

Huh, what? I was actually amazed how well everything fit. Only thing I had to do was greenstuff a small gap in the greaves because they didn't quite fit.

Mold lines and injection points are reasonably well hidden like with all newer kits.

Is their any companies that make valguly warhammer (or even 40k style) orcs, grots or squigz?

Kromlech makes a lot of parts for orks.

Check Spellcrow and Kromlech.

As for fantasy stuff there is a lot more. Especially old school goblins.

Forgot to mention I want cheep shit here, Sorry. Spellcrow and kromlech make alot of cool stuff, but I want a massive horde, and care little about the quality.


dunno man.
If you just want more models check ebay.
I probably have around 200 boys and that kind of just happened by accident.
To be fair that was when black reach was the starter so these days it might be a bit harder to find them, but still. Boys are dirt cheap.

As for non-GW orks, the only ones I can really think of are shieldwolf, but they are fantasy and I don't think they are much cheaper.
Maybe mantic marauders are cheaper?

But honestly I don't think getting boys cheap is gonna be hard, if you check the second hand market.

I keep getting small bubbles forming in my paint when I apply it to the model. What could be causing this? At a friend's suggestion I've added dish soap to break up surface tension but that hasn't really helped. Could my paint possibly be too thin?

I dug up another picture with that oxide paint

Asking again. Did a color test for my Night Lords and wondering how to paint the cork. One user suggested dark grey with blood splatter.

i needed a break from space marines so i'm painting this skink starpriest atm

he's an albino so the skincolour goes from flesh/pink'ish on the front to white on the back. the feathers have more colordepth irl, i need to go and use my dslr instead of my phone but meh....

i just did de basecoat on the metal bits, some of them will stay silver, the rest will be painted copper/brass with nihilak and maybe i will do some gemstones if it doesn't clutter to much

Just finished two Hive Tyrants with kitbashed Twin Linked Devourers with Brainleech worms. I put the hooves on the flying legs and used Swarmlord parts for the head on the left one to give them some variation.

Oh and I need to paint them obviously. So I guess not "finished" per se.

Damn. Well done user. You should be proud.
Is it a display piece? I would be too worried about it getting fucked up to play with it....

The guns look pretty nice.

Thoughts? Pls no bully!

Looks good from what I can focus on, user. The background is pretty distracting.. it detracts from the focus of the photo.

Alright detectives, I'm looking to build this model myself. I've gotten the basics of it already:
Body is storm talon
Rear fins are from a valkyrie
Missile pod is from skyray
Assault cannons are from various kits, possibly broken up from stormtalon
Engines replace the missile launcher spots, holes left behind covered with sensor antennae from stormtalons.

But WHAT is that windscreen from? I can't figure it out, and I love it. Its sleek and aggressive, looks just like a shark.

Uhmm... Valkyrie maybe?

Looking at my valkyrie, it doesn't seem so.

Are you sure it's 100% GW plastic? that cockpit has no rivets on it.

Maybe not. It looks a bit too thin and small.


It seems to be custom-built from plasticard.

looks like its built from plasticard to me. the edges don't really all line up and the openings aren't even

Not 100% sure. The inside slots look almost cut out, but the edges of the screen dont look glued, so I'm not sure if its plasticard, either. Its possible I can just leave the screen the way it is without a different bit. But the way it looks here is very sleek. Maybe the storm hawk panel will fit?

BEAUTIFUL thank you!

You're welcome, best of luck!

Thanks! You look pretty nice.

Anyine had success (or failure) using styrofoam as a basis for terrain?

After you cut it out coat the whole thing in a thin coat of pva so you don't melt it if you decide to spraypaint

Found a new recaster, guys.


photo.163.com/[email protected]/#m=1&aid=296113832&p=1

Going to order some stuff, will report back with info.

Resize your images
Your purple is dark as fug
Base them like you base your demons

>decide to trying painting orks by basing and washing clothes/weps then basing and washing skin before moving onto highlights instead of basing washing and highlighting everything in that order
>have to look at salamander orks until I can do skin basecoats
Jesus christ how horrifiying

That's a dark purple.
Also those arn't guitar marines.
But otherwise, it's a nice paintjob. Maybe workup to a lighter purple? They're looking good now though.

So my dad wants to get himself a Leia Organa mini from Imperial Assault as a memento to Carrie Fisher, being his first crush, a huge Star Wars fan and all that and asked me to paint her for him. Was wondering what kind of paints would be decent to get for a color scheme similar to this.

Light grey, cream/bone, white, black, brown, your choice of skin tones.

Looking to start getting into greenstuff. Does anyone know of a good starter set, or should I just get a few units of it and a small clay sculpting set from an art store?

In hindsight, I really should've been more clear about what Citadel paints would work.

When it comes to the skin, for the love of god don't put her in clownface like that guy did.

wouldn't a bust/statue be a better option? The imperial assault leia is kinda.. well, 28mm and not super detailed.

clay tools are gonna be huge.
Look for wax carving stuff.

Though if you have something with the leaf shape and a round bit on the other side you got a tool that you can do 90% of your sculpting with.
The rest you can do with your finger, a blade and a needle.

Though I'm gonna say a clay shaper is a good investment. Those are silicone tipped brush handles that are great for smoothing out GS.
With those you can get everywhere your fingers can't get.

You can get cheap greenstuff in bulk online. I got two big ol sticks for 10 bucks on Amazon.

Can you hook a user up?

Can someone recomend me an airbrush? My shitty 15$ amazon one clogged and broke when I wrenched off the nozzle, so I want to get something else. I'd prefer something with a 1/8th hookup since that's what my setup currently has.

amazon.com/gp/product/B005H3FMBW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 was the airbrush.

He's thought about a bust, but decent ones are either almost sold out or incredibly expensive. He also wants to put her up in his office, so a 30+ cm bust would be a bit too much of an eye-catcher.One alternative he's also considered was a 20 cm statuette, though that one only comes in a bundle with Luke and costs 100+€

amazon.com/dp/B001AE5ZQO/ref=sr_ph_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483503828&sr=sr-1&keywords=Green Stuff

This has taken me a long way since I got it, but then again I'm not like making molds or sculpting entire minis with it. Just adding detials/arm bits here and there.

And here's a toolset for 8 bucks if you wanna get real detailed or moonlight as a dentist.


Different user, I'm not the one looking to sculpt greenstuff, just want to buy it.
Good link though

He doesn't seem to actually have prices posted.

I got rid of the ridiculous hair on the SW character from BoP. He's midway done. Just needs a cleanup and then highlights.


Nice, thanks guys. Time to cash in that Christmas gift card.

Anyone ever streamed their painting before? I was thinking about it, but the logistics of it seems to be more trouble than it's worth.

Just got back into the hobby, holy fuck these new citadel pots are garbage compared to the old ones. Why did they change them?

hey tg thoughts on this paint scheme and overall aesthetics? c&c appreciated!

mate, gonna save you a ton of time on this. This is built from the dark angel flyer. Only custom bits are the cockpit, wings, and front spoiler/missile launcher. (Oh, and he removed the side tail wings). Assault cannons are probably glued directly into the heavy bolter ports on the flyer.

Just painted my first guardsmen. Any thoughts or critisicms? I'ts not quite done yet though.

Looks pretty good, user. The highlights on the right knee are a little thicc, but it'll be unnoticeable on the the table. I would definitely hit that face with a wash though so those fine details stick out.

Yeah that was my gripe with it, I need a finer brush for highlights. The face and shoes are the parts that arent quite done yet so yeah.

Painted up my third Imperial Knight.
Took this guy in a local Knights-only event, and won the players choice award.