/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Imperial Tyrants Edition

We just gotta rebel and vote for Chaos Gods sub-edition

We indulged on some anti Spartan solutions, BL was revealed as a hack, talked about how to volkite, the Men of Iron were sighted but so was Johnny
All legions were invited to the Dodekatheon, we found out just what the NL are good for and understood the real reason why traitors rebelled. All of that and more in the previous thread Will the children of Chogoris claim the Vth thread?

pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)
What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)
>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
strawpoll.me/10558764 (embed)
>Oct 16 White Dwarf
>Primarch Popularity Poll
strawpoll.me/11458318 (embed)

>Other new links
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First for Caliban.

>Will the children of Chogoris claim the Vth thread?
The Kindred of the Khan are ever present!

Remember people, it's better to have an elected leader than to avoid getting surprise buttsex'd by daemons for all eternity.


Yes little loli, come fight fo the glorious UM.

Is the castellum stronghold worth it? I'm looking to get a fortification(s) for my force and was looking at void shield generators, aegis defence line, and some turrets. That amount of plastic almost costs the same for both points and cost. What do?

All those years accruing accolades Dornahld. Taking what was rightfully mine - what, you ask?
The accolades. They were, are and shall be mine.
You won't escape this, Dornahld.
My sons and I will be visiting Terra very soon, of that you can be assured.
I am the steadfast creator-primarch of the Legiones Astartes. You are but a gnat in comparison.
Build your ramparts Dornahld.
The accolades will be MINE.

Seventh for victory.

Take the one you like the most. Or build your own fortifications.

Personally, I prefer one solid unified fortress, as it fits well the IW.
Bear in mind that you can probably find the plastic parts for cheaper than GW prices on ebay or 3rd party sellers, therefore making it cheaper for your wallet if that's an issue.

Heh, I can just imagine Horus's face if, after overthrowing the Emperor, someone came to him asking when the election will be happening.

I want UM friends to join us in the Dodekatheon. I have calmed down about the whole stea- "improving upon" terminator formations.
Also, guess what I found
>The following story has been used as evidence of the role of the frumentarii: (Hadrian's) vigilance was not confined to his own household but extended to those of his friends, and by means of his private agents (frumentarios) he even pried into all their secrets, and so skilfully that they were never aware that the Emperor was acquainted with their private lives until he revealed it himself. In this connection, the insertion of an incident will not be unwelcome, showing that he found out much about his friends. The wife of a certain man wrote to her husband, complaining that he was so preoccupied by pleasures and baths that he would not return home to her, and Hadrian found this out through his private agents. And so, when the husband asked for a furlough, Hadrian reproached him with his fondness for his baths and his pleasures. Whereupon the man exclaimed: "What, did my wife write you just what she wrote to me?"
>Legion Lolis
I must resist the temptations of Chaos. Unless I somehow vote for them.

Mortarion shows up in a cheap shabby suit and asks if the psyker genocide is gonna happen before or after elections.

He also want to be the Minister for Genocide and Health.

if you don't unironically want to bring fascism into the world in real life and base your politics on wanting to make 30k real you need to leave right now libby/gommie


you mean like this entry here.

why would they be able to take jump packs if they couldn't join jump units?

It's a shame ADB is an edgelord.

Near as I can tell, The iron fire right of war effects Ordo reductor artillery.

I know I'm a bad person, but can anyone point out an reason why an allied detachment of IW with the iron fire RoW wont boost the accuracy of 9 Mechanicum medusas

Because it's an IW rule maybe? Does it says "allies benefits of this rule" anywhere?

it just says Barrage weapons targeted within 12" of friendly iron warriors units

This idiot just posted the outdated apothecary entry from the crusade book

Pic is the current actual apothecary entry, with details on which units it may join.

>Friendly iron warriors units

Hence, only IW. Not IW and allies.

But there is no such thing as friendly iron warriors units. Even amongst iron warriors :^)

I mean, there's no way Horus wouldn't get elected when you consider the rival parties. I could see Fulgrim getting elected precisely once and every other time Horus wins 98% of the vote.

How much weathering is too much on DG units?


It's arrived, lads

Praise Aurelian

Predator Executioners much good?

>when WSs get animal companions before SWs

So lets say I have an Imperial Fists army, but I want some allies. Can I both ally in one allied detachment of Knights, and then another allied detachment of Adeptus Custodes?

Can I take more than one allied detachment basically?

>Implying Pert isn't Hilltillery
>Implying Curze isn't Cruz

All friendly Barrage weapons trigger the ability, only IW units allow the no scatter rule. Ordo Reductor can shoot near IW units to generate counters.

So are hazard stripes a thing just to give IW players something to actually paint?

Why don't you look at the Force Org chart? It's not complicated.

eh it's fw's fault for being so unclear
personally i'dd interpret it as "only barrages of this detachment"because if you don't then every iron warrior on the table gets it, including allies if you are playing with multiple people
but it is really up for debate
definitely something you'dd have to discuss with your opponent beforehand

The "friendly Iron Warriors" part covers your confusion re: enemies being able to use the rules against you. Honestly it's not ambiguous at all if you read it carefully.

Yes, as it happens.

I don't have the book available cause I'm travelling, currently at the airport.


what if i am playing with a friend using a different row and we are both playing iron warriors though ?

like i said it's written ambiguously
if we're going full on "aktshually" you could even complain that while it does specify friendly iron warriors it doesn't specify friendly barrage weapons enemy barrage weapons also fall close to friendly iron warrior units in the enemies shooting fase

I read somewhere that they put stripes on the most protected parts of the armour to draw eyesight to it and hence making the enemy fire there. Something like that, sounds bullshit and would only work against shit trained soldiers.


Yes. Kudos to anyone who can get them on a cloak that isn't lake-smooth though.

The decal sheet from FW has teeny tiny thin strips of them though, I don't know what use they'd be, possibly on the guns of Deredeos, or along the edges of things like Rhinos.

With the amount of confusion you have regarding rules, I highly doubt you'll ever find yourself in a situation where someone would want to ally with you.

So don't worry about it.

The correct answer however would be your ally also benefits, RAW. If you don't like it, write in to FW and have them answer your questions.

>What is Micro Sol and Micro Set?

Are the Iron Warrior units friendly to your opponent? No? Then they don't trigger any abilities from Ironfire. Why is this confusing?

Funny enough, Enemy IW models can get fearless from Ironfire counters.

No, I'm talking about making the cloak like it's made with yellow and black lines (or even better, chevrons) built into the cloak's material.

The hazard lines on FW's sheet are thin rectangular lines two centimetres wide at most but almost the length of an A4 page's width. Go look at the Iron Warriors transfer sheet on FW's page to see what I mean, they're at the bottom of the sheet. They wouldn't look good on a cloak.

Do you have any brand recommendations about micro sol and micro set by the way?
And colour recommendations for a cloak for this guy in Iron Warrior colours? I'm thinking black on the outside, red or pale grey on the inside.

i'm merely demonstrating that the text is open for multiple interpretations
i have no problems finding allies and opponents cause i actually ask questions about stuff which i am unsure about , and because i don't jump to insults as quickly as you do
since you're going RAW it also doesn't specify friendly iron warriors become fearless
RAW there is no difference between friendly and enemy ironfire counters if you are playing against iron warriors as well

all of these issues can be simply resolved by saying the row only applies to your man detachment
since you don't believe this is the case you'dd better discuss the full effects of your detachment with your opponent beforehand

Hazard stripes would only look good on a cloak as trim. I'd go dark red for the cloak and add hazard stripe trim at the bottom of the cloak.

>shoot enemy IW with artillery
>they enjoy it so much they become fearless

The rules aren't confusing. You just find them confusing because they're not conforming to your expectations.

What legion is the most NatSoc, /hhg/?

Imperial Fists?

Templars are the SS, IF have got a similar Kantian and stoic outlook desu.

Edge Lords.


Do you mean at the hem of the cloak? Is it supposed to look like it's dyed into the same material as the cloak? Or is it supposed to be an added layer of cloth sewed onto the edge of the red cloth?

Interesting colour choice, I might consider it.

I don't know if it's correct to call Nazism big on Kantianism, but that's a different question.

That question was asked and it was all Imperial Fists, Iron Warriors, and Word Bearers.
An Imperial Fist and a Word Bearer argued a bit because the Fist wasn't racist enough, IIRC.

Anywhere that can be gotten in the UK?
Any competitors that do it as good? Don't tamiya do something like that?

read the row restrictions
"detachments using this rite of war"
as far as i can tell allied detachments are not part of the rite of war because of this
can i take night lord terror squads as troop choices in my militia allied detachment because RAW the terror assault rite of war says i can ?
99% of people will say i can't and i'dd agree with them
the rules are not written clearly enough to banish all discussion on the matter good arguments can be made for and against the barrage weapons of allies having the rite of war or not and until we get a definitive clarification from forge world the proper thing to do is discuss it with your opponent

Is that really so out there?

Mr. Hobby does decal softener.

>Anywhere that can be gotten in the UK?
>Any competitors that do it as good? Don't tamiya do something like that?
You could call those two somewhat of an industry standard. So it gets imported everywhere, it's available on Amazon.co.uk if you like.


Ok, thanks.
I'm not the greatest decal user, I'll admit. These will probably be of use.



The WB, they did everything wrong, yet their supporters will claim the opposite.

Hey reddit

>Word Bearers discover the truth
>Imperium cover it up to this day

>Word Bearers discover the truth
Cosmic space emotion leaches =/= Gods.

>Calth didn't happen but it should and it will.

>Have you read the Book of Lorgar? It's available on warp-tube in a six-year audiobook format. Listen to that before you tell me some smurfpilled shit about the Imperial Truth, and Imperial-falsified "historical records", mmkay?
>Never forget the six trillion Monarchians.

I knew I'd trigger /pol/. You guys are so easy.

>The truth
The "truth" chaos offer consists of eternal damnation, it's not exactly a good truth.

Do you go around and whine about how we don't teach kids how to make bomhs or use gund? We hide this "truth" from them to avoid having little children huring or killing themselves and others.

Exactly the same way Empy decided to not talk aboit chaos to the population.


>It's available on warp-tube in a six-year audiobook format
Totally not a Word Bearer here, but I'd pay a lot to listen to Lorgar's golden voice lecture me on my pathetic belief in mankind for 6 years straight

>I knew I'd trigger /pol/. You guys are so easy.

>A response is a trigger.

>We hide this "truth" from them to avoid having little children huring or killing themselves and others.

Kids are taught all about guns and violence through "entertainment" media.
And in schools kids in grade school are routinely traumatised with Holocaust (dare I say it) propaganda*, and taught fuller truths about sex than most adult humans knew for all of human history for most of history, at increasingly younger ages.

*That word refers to the purpose of it, not making any "value judgements" necessarily on the truth of the events one way or another. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the "we don't teach people disturbing truths that would warp them" attitude. Particularly when people in 30k would absolutely NEED to know about the dangers of the warp, and filling toddlers' heads with images of mass murder for political reasons is not necessary.

>mfw I would be going "not an argument" in my head for six years straight

"Trigger" and "fanboy" are meaningless words now.

>you disagreed with my good review?
>Butthurt fanboy!

>you disagreed with my bad review?
>Butthurt fanboy!

You guys reminded me about how there's always a totally-not-a-fan-of-nazis-honest in the shop community.
>the intense guy who keeps making 'joking' remarks about how great the nazis were and who's always overly friendly to the new kids while talking to them about the positives of space fascism.
>the muh nordic celtic ancestuhz guy, who'll get in long conversations about northern european culture with the not-nazi despite knowing hardly anything about it, and who forces being happy at all times, the mask only slipping when some rando comes into the shop with their gf.
>the permo-distracted weeb who's perfectly happy stroking the long barrels of their Tau models and chuckling to themselves and who stays out of most conversation unless it gives them an opportunity to say something they think is insightful and witty, which everyone else invariably finds confusing and irrelevant.
>the guy who just paints. Yeah, him. You'd forgotten about him.
>the stuck-up suck-up with the voice, he's always talking to the staff and throwing the odd glance at others to make sure he knows they know he's talking to the staff with an air of authority
>the normal guy who comes in to buy a load of stuff at once, sometimes with his gf following along behind him like an eye-magnet, who's all smiles to everyone that talks to him, but there's an edge in his voice and a glimmer in his eye of being on the cusp of panic in case any of his normal friends find out about his addiction
>the loud, smelly ones in their black graphic print tops who the concepts of manners, fashion and hygiene passed by once, but didn't stop to talk. You get some of their names mixed up and debate whether playing the nazi, the no-hoper or one of the kids dropped off by their parents might be better.

The warp is good tho


Holy synergy with the Empyrean, WHEN?!

Every fascist/nazi loves 40k/30k, and there is literally nothing wrong with this. Nothing at all.

Jesus Christ that's too accurate.

Damn son.

Does the "northern brothers" guy place Space Wolves?

Feels weird to be one the socially adjusted dudes whenever I go to the shop. At least the owner and the employee are massive bros while not being spergs.

You forgot the highly religious 14 year old who cracks gay innuendo with absolutely everyone.

Battlefleet Gothic for Heresy-Era battles when?

That or Guard.

Adeptus Titanicus this year, so maybe next year?

Normies will take over the hobby.

Betas will have no safe spaces left.

>inb4 FW ups the scale so that battleships are warlord sized


They will either adapt and better themselves like I did or wither and die.


Decimation is the only way.

Oh me, oh my. I never looked at it this way. Truely, I am a son of the IVth, my lucky number.

>mfw I picture a nerds fight to see who will become a more socially acceptable person

Rolled 5 (1d10)

To be clear, 1s are decimated, not 10s

That's a nice t-shirt, user.
Arrived from where to where?
user, they have rules already. Cyber-hawks remember?

You mean like this?

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Rolling to survive.

Yes, that's what I was talking about.

Just read the short story with him in it a few days ago. It was great.

"It WILL fall..."

Rolled 6 (1d10)

Fuck. Doesn't count cos D6 instead of 10.

Rolled 9 (1d10)

let's see if I can make it

Rolled 7 (1d10)

I just woke up but fuck it, let's roll.

What Legion would Mosley be in?

Thousand Sons.

Legit question: Do I get to fight back? I'm not goint down without a fight.

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Now the Mechanicum are doing it. I knew I shouldnt have allied the Bitter Boys in....