How much did you pledge, Veeky Forums?

How much did you pledge, Veeky Forums?

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Don't tell me you didn't back the most kickstarted game of all time?

Is this that meme game about the booby monsters that the creator shilled on Veeky Forums every day for a solid year?

Glad things worked out for him.

>most kickstarted game of all time?

What is StarCitizen?

Yeah, I don't know why he shilled here. Only 40k, Magic, D&D, and of course Quests are allowed here.

Only got $2,134,374 during the kickstarter. Why would you count post kickstarter sales as kickstarted funds?

Game, not videogame, you idiot.

Just waiting for chinaman to stock this.
I mean, if i payed pic related $7 there is no way i will pay more for the real shit

fix your wording then nigger. videogames are games

That's not the Homestuck Adventure Game - which got more money with less backers - though

Oh god why did I never even think to look for Chinese knock offs of this product.

>What is StarCitizen?
A miserable little pile of secrets.

I don't know shit about this game.
All I know is its sold out and expensive.

Can somebody please explain this game in the most condescending way possible?

What makes a PC?

I can only explain it in video game comparisons, sorry.

Monster Hunter/Dark Souls/Berserk/Darkest Dungeon/Dwarf Fortress.

You're in a dark horror world, very clearly Berserk inspired. You play as survivors in this world trying to make a settlement work. Every gameplay session is a series of phases.

Hunt Phase where you choose your quarry and go out finding it, Showdown Phase where you fight it, and Development Phase where you take your earnings you've gotten from the monster and make equipment and upgrades for your settlement for the next year.

It's brutally hard and takes place over a long time, so your survivors die in combat a lot but they're also fucking back in town and making new babies. It's possible and very likely to just outright lose though, so the enjoyment is in the emergent stories that arise while you play (hence the dwarf fortress connection).

If you're interested in getting it for cheaper, there's currently a kickstarter for the second printing/rules update going on that has just a couple days left.

Can also try to answer more questions.

Forgot to mention there are purely extraneous models of the various monsters and heroes as sexy almost nude anime men and women with huge tits and chiseled abs, if you're into jacking off onto plastic.

Like $830 right now fuck

like 550 ffs D: :D

It's only sold out on the official store, the reprint KS is going on now.

There is a pile of pinups that you can ignore like the rest of us.
Go on youtube for gameplay videos.

Just 90, picked up the update pack and the Super Survivors because fuck that's cool.

I'm hoping that I can just tack on Shipping afterwards, when the manager comes out like the original KS.

That's what they're going to have to do, there hasn't been anything about shipping costs yet.

What I find funny is how incredible sloppy the first release was.
It was a shitfest without ending, resulting in endless amounts of delays, and the producer of the game giving reasons upon reasons.

>Game finally releases after god knows how long

Everyone forgets...

I actually took this up in the KD thread when the new kickstarter came up, and was almost thrown out of the thread. No body wanted to hear about it. It was like reminding someone of a embarrassing past.And all of a sudden, all the guys who had previously screamed like little girls, ranting and raving on why their kickstarter never arrived, was defending the first kickstarter. Claims like "well it wasn't that bad" was literally thrown around, and I still remember people being legitimately on the verge of crying because the launch was so badly handled and so delayed.

Anyways, I wonder how this launch goes, I got the Tabletop simulator version instead, as I already own a HTC Vive, for about a fraction of the cost. Sure it ain't the same thing, but I know my friends would never get the hype I have when I look at that game.

currently sitting at $857 with a BF Gambler's Lantern

don't add shipping cost, that will be paid when the waves are sent out. So no worries there.


what is the games name? im curious.

Nothing yet. Is it any good? That'sa lotta money.

Kingdom Death: Monster, it's currently running its version 1.5 Kickstarter for a reprint.

It has 59 hours to go until it closes, sitting at $9.3 million pledged.

and are there any tangible pledge benefits?
something to make the 3+ year wait worth it?

well it wouldn't be a 3 year wait for one.

The Core Games are already in print, so the delivery date for those is summer - winter 2017, the 2020 date is for unexpected stuff that falls outside the other 4 delivery waves (it's at the bottom of the campaign page).

There's a lot of stuff in the main game, even without expansions, as for the "stretch goals" those are primarily in the Gambler's Chest, which is an add-on (some pledge levels include it), but it is rather good value for the content.
That Gambler's Chest by the way, is expected to be delivered early 2018.

Froggod tier +40 for crossover minis. I got everything from the first run and dumped about 400 hours into the game this far. Might as well keep going....

Man you nerds will pay a fuck load for some tiny plastic titty ladies.

Reminds me of weebs and their waifu figurines.

>I don't know shit about this game.
There's your first mistake.

Kingdom Death is not a game, in the same way that it's not porn. There's a game attached, in the same way that there's cheesecake on the side, but it's not really the point. It's a series of miniatures, which explains pretty much everything weird about it, like why you've probably heard of it but almost nothing about people actually playing, why alarming numbers of people are dropping $500 on it, and why its general threads on here bother to have a FAQ for the express purpose of telling people to go fuck themselves.

Accordingly, the actual game section is pretty shit. It's got some great ideas, but it's too tryhard and infuriatingly clunky. Give it a try if you've got Tabletop Simulator, but be prepared to be let down.

So, in other words: there's nothing special in the stretch goals.

But not only that, you're implying that there won't be any wait?
>You don't want to place a bet on that, friend.

implying 2017 to 2020 isn't 3 years.
20 - 17 = 3
let's make it easier shall we?
10 - 7 =3
can you count?

kiddo, there's 5 shipping waves planned, the first, with the core game, is this year.
The 5th wave is currently empty.
So you can start enjoying your stuff within a year, the rest will then trickle in over the next couple of years.

I did not say there's no wait, I said there's no 3 year wait, 2 very different things, now go read the shipping information on the KS campaign page.

It's a campaign style board game with a creator more obsessed with his miniatures and artwork than about the mechanics or that pesky selling the game part. Put that shit on cardboard and you have a $100 game with pretty cheap expansions.

>Man you nerds will pay a fuck load for some tiny plastic titty ladies.
My favorite part of all this KD spam is how all the backers twist themselves up into knots insisting that they ABSOLUTELY DIDN'T BACK IT FOR THE TITTY MODELS

Yet the only time anyone makes a thread about the game is when more titty models get released.

About €104.

Wait, not for Kingdom Death. It was for some other game.

None because it's shit

$1 until now
I didn't pay much attention to it, I don't know what's cooking.
My plan is to get some pinups when the PM opens up.

I dont kickstarter stuff that wont give my money back (no interest needed, well only the "extra money" needed because inflation) X years after it is released

PS: I dont do that because that would be literally pre buying games, a shitty thing


The thing is, unlike pre buying video games, Kickstarting board games actually offers significant savings.

All cool and fun, till you take out titi monster nr3 out at your local place and concerned mommy your budy was waxing in to buying some Tau for little John gets her it to full autism screem mode.

Little player base, very unfriendly models, looks like 14 yo wet dream.
have fun boys but I will stay away. Shame cuz some models are very cool.

can't help but laff. thanks for doing your part to help make 2017 as much like 2016 as possible!

>people say xyz is very unfriendly/racist/sexist/childish
>''''''people''''' get btfo

i keep hearing people say things like the models are strange, too sexy, too ect. i hear it all the time. i hear it at my flgs.

i've SEEN those same people hang around the table. buy minis. play the game. idiots complain about girls not wanting to tabletop, and models being a niche, but guess what? i know more women that play this game now than men, and it's not just me, women fucking love this game across the internet. it turns out a game that is unapologetic, actually has skill put into the creation of its pieces, and is an unapologetic clusterfuck of all kinds of horrible things is popular.

you don't need to keep worrying why it's popular and why you hate it. your opinion doesn't matter user, because you're still trapped into the whole 'oh man this is for 14 year olds' mindset. why don't you just get off Veeky Forums while you're at it? Veeky Forums topics are always getting that shit thrown at them.



>mad enough to respond
Someone is trying to feel self righteous because some kiddo couldn't handle some non-sexual nudity or body horror. Oopsies!!! Haha!

I'm in at $890 right now... which sucks. Trying to find a way to make it cheaper on myself but I don't know where to compromise.

$750 Ancient Gold Lantern
$20 Candy & Cola
$20 Goth Amy
$40 Super Survivors
$60 Pathfinders of Death

It stinkeroonies because I want to toss in some stone face bases ($20 a set) and probably False Messengers because of new rules. Anyone got any suggestions or alternatives based on this? I wouldn't mind backing a BF Lantern if one opens and dropping some old expansions but here's my piece on all of them:

Dragon King: Most recommended expansion. Don't really gotta justify it, it justifies itself.

Sunstalker: Most say get this or Dragon King. Dragon King is usually said to be more content rich but I like the Sunstalker better as a model and thematically. More than anything, though, I want both because I love love love Dragon King as well.

Dung Beetle Knight: Another highly recommended one. Honestly not sure why, most people just say "it's really good" but I like the Knights most and kind of want them all. I could probably be convinced to drop him but I think people would want to sell me on it more than dissuade me.

Flower Knight: My favorite expansion. Even if it sucked winkus I'd still get it no matter what. Also it's getting new cards in my Gambler's Chest, so why not?

Lion Knight: Again, I want all the Knights. This is is great anyway and I love the hybrid armor sets as well as his whole story. Again, maybe I could be talked out of this one but if I had to drop one of the 3 Knights it would be DBK.

Gorm: Again, it kind of sells itself. Not a fan of the sculpt (not the design, Gorm is great, but I thin the model is one of the lower quality ones) but I can't deny it's impact on the game, especially the early game which I imagine I will be playing a lot.

Spidicules: Wasn't on my radar really until I realized at this point I may as well shoot for Green Knight Armor. 3 Knights + Gorm + Spid + Manhunter is what you need so this guy and the next were auto-inclusions. I could see myself being talked down from it.

Manhunter: See above.

Slenderman: I was goaing to cut this guy out but I've seen a lot of recommendations for him. AFAIK he doesn't add much in terms of new and exciting tings but it is a solid all around fight, model, and has great gear and is really thematic and creepy. Just more KD:M good stuff.

Lion God: Honestly doesn't interest me but if I'm already getting the rest he's basically free with the $750 pledge.

Lonely Tree: Most people say skip this one but I actually kind of really want it. I could be talked down from this one.

Green Knight Armor: I love the idea of putting this together. I know it's not recommended to add expansions to a PotSt campaign but I like the idea of making a dragon bad ass and decking them in GKA. Kind of a personal pipe dream set. More viable with +5 lantern years.

Anyway if anyone cares to try and help my pledge amount quit hemorraging I'd appreciate some feedback. Thanks!

I see everyone saying to get the DBK too, but thematically it just doesn't interest me, and I hear its equipment makes the game pretty easy.

If it's in the same node as Dragon King anyway, is it really that much worse to get Sunstalker? I'm currently looking at Dragon King, Sunstalker, Gorm, and probably one of the new expansions as well. I'm more into having new campaigns than new monsters to mix and match, so node overlap doesn't bother me too much.


Alternatively, may just pick up the Gambler's Chest. But I really don't care about figurines as much as gameplay. Having trouble deciding whether the advanced rules are worth it.

I'm the big post guy, Gambler's Chest is my top priority which is why I am uncompromising on C&C and Amy because they are just adding nice dollops of good shit on top of the stuff (supposedly) in the GC.

Too much...


upped to a round $1000

Currently at 1017, but I know I'll have to Jack it up again with crossovers and the 10 mil add-on.

Also not gonna lie, I got into it because of how gear works on the grid and the game mechanics. Tits: The Game models were only a minor factor. Male pinups are what I'm after though.

I'm at 535 for the Core Game, 3 old expansions, and the Gambler's Chest. Should I just bite the bullet and go up to 750 for Ancient Gold Lantern?

We're talking about the Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 Kickstarter which has now made about 10100000$ and counting.

Yeah you can't take adding unless you pledge at least 5$ and right now it's ambiguous weather you'll be able to add more stuff in the PM, so change that shit within the next 30 hours or loose a dollar.

Also with a lot of them, especially Kingdom Death, they are quite difficult to acquire outside of the Kickstarter.

I've currently pledged all the shit I intend to get, but my bet is that he'll allow additional funding during the PM and is just acting like he won't because he wants the KS as big as possible.

There are literally no tit monsters in the base game.

If you don't like the Gorm replace him with the Honeycomb weaver, she's the same difficulty level with a second model for a harder version and she comes with two craft able armour sets instead of one (one for each difficulty level).

That sounds needlessly complicated

Most of the phases are quite rules light, the meat of the gameplay is in the showdown phase.

I'm just happy to see rebis getting in on this and I can buy a pinup of his art.


Is it just me or are the pinups getting thicker and thicker?

$300 but I'm probably going to drop my pledge and fix my car instead.

Nothing. Nothing at all.
I pirated the game rules (one of my friends donated like 200 USD) and play with models for pen and paper games.

>$300 but I'm probably going to drop my car and increase my pledge right now.

Not everyone can be as insecure and repressed, buddy.

Oh god guys, do I do Ancient Gold Lantern for game + all current expansions, or do I Black Friday Gambler's Lantern for game + all new expansions + promos + pinups

Give me BFG. ;)

I think I'm going to keep it and sell all the pinups to recoup money.

In your own interest and by that I mean my interest, I'd advise you to take Ancient gold

If I decide to switch I'll post here for you.

None because I'm not that fucking retarded to kick start a reprint.

thx, give me a 3 minute headstart

A reprint makes the most sense to kickstart? People have already played it, it's out of stock, and you know the quality and chances of delay already.

>Oh god guys, do I do Ancient Gold Lantern for game + all current expansions, or do I Black Friday Gambler's Lantern for game + all new expansions + promos + pinups

1) The Gambler's Lantern is an update pledge, so I hope you have a 2nd Face version.
2) The expansion cost in Gambler's Lantern is a massive, massive saving right now...

We already know it's a shit single player game and there is zero reason to donate after it's reached funding.

Hundreds of dollars for a game that wont ship until 2020?
I probably can throw away my money more effectively, but not without going to an ATM and literally throwing away cash.

The game itself comes out winter 2017 but they'll be sending out expansions add-ons and stretch goals until at least 2020.

>The thing is, unlike pre buying video games, Kickstarting board games actually offers significant savings.
The problem is that you "know nothing" about the game and need to keep with that you have, you need to keep something you wont know if you really want it.

My idea "getting no prizes but it gives my money back (no interest needed, well only the "extra money" needed because inflation) X years after it is released" would work for most of stuff and is a better idea, if the final product is shitty you lose NOTHING, while at the same time helping them.
In the end it would be basically loans without any interest other than OBVIOUSLY inflation

>The problem is that you "know nothing" about the game and need to keep with that you have, you need to keep something you wont know if you really want it.
Which is where the advantage of this being a reprint comes in. The game is out, people have played and have reviewed it. So you can have a good idea if you'd like it or not.

A hell of a lot less than I'm going to, after today's update

Just snagged a Black Friday Lantern 2nd Face.

Wish my wallet luck, boiz.


>paying for Frogdog when you could just use Fastbacker and get Black Friday Gambler's Lantern for 777

>just found out about the game
>too late to get the nice things, base game costs a gorillion dollars
>models impossible o get ahold of because everything is sold almost exclusively on kikestarter
>just wanted the fucking pinups

Someone do me a favor and give me a free helicopter tour.

Go for the $5 add-on tier and add enough money for the pinups you want.

I don't get paid until after this is over. Will there be a box to buy on the site like the last box for retail price or is it secret club fun bucks only?

I imagine there will be a pinup box eventually, but that may be a fair while after the backers get their copies, which would be early 2018.
Adam has very few true exclusives, only the promo and cross-over miniatures are limited in any real way.

Got double survivor and all oringial expansions first time round... Not sure how much kept upping it across the year.

This time? 777 pledge. Going to ad about 150 to that in the end

I'm hopping on this kickstarter and getting the core game for the first time. Torn between all new expansions or all old expansions. The new expansions look GREAT, but I worry that this will be the last time the old expansions will really be available, while the new ones will probably be once again available in his next kickstarter.


Also got a rather large amount of non KS stuff from him. Theres alot currently missing from this shot but...


I know the dude, so...