Veeky Forums Drawthread: Sees the nudes Edition

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>Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
>Hold off on additional requests after receiving a delivery from an artist, be mindful of the other requests that might deserve attention.
>Bump your request only after 24 hours has passed, you may bump once every 24 hours after the first.
>If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait a 2-3 threads or so to re-request it.
>Reminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>Ignore the bait, you're better than this
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Requesting my 5e Tiefling Warlock. Although, while drawing, probably easier to just default to thinking Rogue instead, because she looks pretty much like one.

She looks like the lass on the bottom left, wearing classic rogue garb, and carrying a hefty and cursed-looking crossbow. It's a heavy crossbow that she can summon from the abyss, and it has an overall fleshy appearance and a hefty crank on the top or side.

The most striking thing about the crossbow is that it's front has a "mouth" out of which comes some short, red tendrils. The tendrils should crawl aside the crossbow's front.

Pose free, as long as the creepy-crawlies can be seen.

can I get my party drawn in an animu style be it JRPG or Jojo? they are currently the bottom row

Requesting a portrait of my twi'lek EotE character. For the current campaign, he's in the equivalent of his mid teens, wearing a pair of black vinyl pants, a turtleneck tanktop with a fishnet chest window, and some combat boots.

Requesting my character from a Nechronica game sitting down and smiling, head tilted. She's not exactly a picture of mental health, so making her look at least a little crazy and unnerving is nice, if it can be managed.

Left to right, first picture's her face/general expression (minus the hairband, bandages, and weird neck thing I can't remember the name of), second is her outfit (the dress is the only thing she wears, nothing else), third is her figure, short and slender and thin limbs all around (she's just shy of five feet tall, to be more specific), and the final picture is a general idea of how she's sitting.

Isaac Drayton fanart

anchoring for draw friend
Will post refs for her hair below

Here is one


posting anchor for tiefling spear/shield warrior, hope they are still working on it.

Requesting the head of a Church,
She's a woman looking like she's in her early fourties, medium brown skin with black hair. She's short and kind of cute-looking, inspiration in pic.
She wears papal (or just generic priestly) robes in white, with a richly-decorated stole, similar to pic. The stole is black or red with embroidery mostly in gold.

The symbol depicted is the holy symbol of her church, so it would take the place of the cross in symbolism (the arrow is golden, the rest is wrought iron).

She'll probably smile and try to look dignified.

Requesting a short, maybe two panel, comic of what happened in our last campaign.

Zatris is a notorious trouble maker (usually with comedic results) and he bet Siegfried 20 gold to find out what color Eleaess' underwear are. Siegfried is a pretty straight forward player so he just walks up behind Eleaess and skirt flips her, she in turn beats the crap out of him. Siegfried still collects his gold afterwards.

So in panel one we could see Siegfried behind Eleaess her skirt being flipped up and she looking shocked/pissed.

Second panel we would see Siegfried now with a black eye, bloodied nose and maybe a missing tooth collecting his gold from a smug looking Zatris while saying "They're pink."

Not looking for anything too complex probably just line art.

Requesting a Sci-fi Sniper (Rifts RPG). A Wilderness Scout Occupational Character Class Caucasian human male, mid 40s in age, heavy salt and pepper stubble, medium build, 5'11 175 lbs wearing Bushman environmentally sealed body armor. Goggle are up over helmet on fore head. Face mask removed hanging to one side of face. Camouflage cloak/ghille cape w/ hood around shoulders.

Poses could involve standing on a monster like a trophy buck or holding a monster head up after cutting it off.

Optional: Cadpat camo or other suitable green camo pattern for Northern US/Southern Canada.

Rifle has bipod, scope, cheek rest. Thank you for looking at my request!

Requesting a veteran of the early Indian wars

He wears the clothes and has the rifle of the top left, with the saber and dagger at his side. He wears a helmet like the top right, and a padded coil that conceals his face, sans eyes. He has two bags like the bottom right on his persons. His gear and clothes should be somewhat ragged, but repaired/mended to be in fully functioning condition. He could also have buckskin gloves, but that's up to you.


Requesting a picture of Maiev and Illidan's duel atop the Black Temple. I want a 1v1 duel, no players to be seen in the background. Related is reference pics. If you need more, google Maiev or Illidan, both well-established characters with tons of art.

Here are some videos of them to give you a better idea of how they move. Unfortunately, the one with Maiev doesn't show her fighting, only using magic. There isn't a good video that shows her fighting style.




taking simple/unsettling requests

also reposting incase OR didnt see it


Requesting my character for a Dragon Age campaign. He's a qunari Grey Warden.

He wears plate armor, but no helmet, and his primary weapon is a two-handed hammer/axe hybrid thing.
Armor is made of dragon bone, however a drawfriend wants to portray that, and should have some scratches on it.

Dwayne Johnson's face because why not. Totally bald, no facial hair either, not even eyebrows. A few scars visible, especially some burn scars.

Also, he's recently started displaying some Templar powers, so a blue glowy sheen on/around him would be neat, but optional.

I've got preference for pose, and everything else should be in the reference pic.

Thanks in advance to anyone who picks this up!

A hawk wounded by arrows of uncertainty.

Requesting the paladin from the delivery in the middle posed in a combination of the two poses on right, with her kneeling on the ground, head leaned over and both hands on a sword lodged in her abdomen. I included the original references on the left to let any artist who would like to pick this up have more room to work. If a drawfriend picks this up and would like to do a background, I can post the battlemap we used. Thank you to anyone who picks this up.

A broken planet. Where you can see the core and all sorts of debris floating around it

i will try

Requesting a mercenary with the looks of Theon Greyjoy mixed with Jon Snow. He wears a shiny black breastplate with a kraken embossed on it and a fine bow and quiver on his back. He carries a Wootz steel bastard sword with the rainguard made to look like the blade pierces from the kraken's mouth. Thank you very much.

Trillia Lilleir, 3e's female human Alienist, featured in Unearthed Arcana walking out to the sea at night, casting off her robes to rendezvous with an Aboleth waiting for her just from the shoreline.

Alienists are summoners who connect their magic to the Far Realm to summon it's denizens into the forms of beings typically summoned through summon monster spells, I.E an alienist would summon a bat, and a Mi-go would be shoved and compressed into the form of one in the 3rd dimension from it's multilayered planar shifting home.

This, of course, is a maddening path that results in a very Bloodborne esque progression of the Alienist until they achive biological immortality, and eventually become Kin, and thus Outsiders, at least by the laws of the D&D universe.

It wasn't something statted too well back in the day, and it got sillier in later editions because someone figured it was something for Psions to use (Oh hey, let's connect your brain to the place where even the god's can't reach, what could go wrong?) and a better rendition of it is that in return for connecting one's powers to the "outside" an Alienist would be a walking disaster in the event of summoning rituals used to summon larger more prevalent creatures if he/she/it was involved in say, the spellcraft check or creation of a summoning ritual because their magic would completely offset a spell comparative to a Weave-attuned spellcaster. (Think about what would happen if an Alienist counterspelled a ritaul to summon D&D's Dagon, which would propbably pop in the real "outsides" version and let the great ones in or somethng).

I remever an edit of the PrC that had it use the same kind of insight system as bloodborne, which was really neat.

Anyhow, naked crazy lazy going to an Aboleth's embrace at night.


NEat. Thanks

Could I get an upset/annoyed liking ranger leading a happy and excited looking kobold out of a cave by chains?

thank you

Trying to design fantasy girls and monstergirls.
Name some D&D type races/monsters/etc.

40K request; requesting two higher-class imperial officials who are the parents of an adolescent girl disapproving of her in trying to become a sister of battle/sororita.

The father; wearing and or looking like the uniform on the left, is face palming disappointingly and the mother; who's wearing the uniform on the right, is sternly and bluntly telling their daughter "No." With her arms crossed.

Plus the adolescent daughter would be holding a poster that's basically saying: "Join the sororitas, become a sister of battle." While also looking sad that her parents disapprove of it

This pretty succubus/demon girl making a romantic move/advance on a human man.

Vampyre's from 2e.


but i already done it.
and i regret doing it because it is not my thing really.


How about some gnolls?

at least post a better god damn ref

Requesting a prim and unassuming elf wizardess who has stolen across her clan's demonomicon.

She has long, blunt cut black hair, dark eyes that are rather baggy, and wears dark makeup, namely lipstick. She carries herself formally and always has a demure smile, like she has a secret. Her clothing is dark and covers most of her body, though some of it may be snug, and she favors heels since she's a backline combatant.

Just a good full-body shot of her in a neutral pose, smirking with the book floating nearby would be really great. There's an outfit in the reference, but if anything, the look of the coat in the upper right is what I'm going for should the artist rather do something different.

Not sure if the drawfriend is editing this, so I'll just place an anchor this one thread!

Either way, I want them to know I love this piece and I'm very thankful!

I uploaded the skin tone reference image here.

Anchoring for drawfriend

Requesting a pirate princess for Black Crusade.

She has a 'seductive' face (like pictured) and hair tied back into a ponytail.

Over stylish garb she wears a long coat covered in jewels.

Due to chaos mutation, she has a third arm under her left shoulder which is casually holding a glass of wine.

She sits on the throne pictured.

Any other changes you want to make are invited if you wanted to make her look more Slaaneshi.

Thanks for reading!

can i get a 12 year old girl standing on a stool while brewing some potions/ mixing some herbs with an alchemist shop in the background?

Alternatively, you can drew her speaking to a customer with childish glee on her face as she takes gold from said customer.

Thank you.


This is literal months back, but does that guy who wanted the painter-monk want me to finish? I'm getting more hardcore than I usually do on this, not sure if i should let it sink back into the sea of eternal WIPs.

Requesting a Shadowrun neo-barbarian. A busty ork lady wearing a loincloth and an armored combat jacket, with a rad modern-style battleaxe. Maybe in a classic Conan the Barbarian sort of pose?

Frookles, is that you?

Requesting a tiefling paladin of Ilmater with bone devil heritage. If possible, could I get her in a pose looking like she's about to shank someone with the knife?

Orcs, goblins, trolls.

Formally requesting a picture of two goblins in a brown trenchcoat wearing a brown trilby pretending to be a human playing a card game against a human rogue and sweating profusely out of nervous stress. Requesting that the hand they've played be 5 aces (An impossibility in poker) and that the second goblin is hidden in the trenchcoat, nose poking out slightly. Greenskin should be notable, as they're not making much of an attempt at disguise past standing on each other's shoulders in a trenchcoat. Rogue should be smug, his hand has two of the aformentioned aces that were actually in the deck. Sweaty_man.jpg likeness is fine if it pleases. Goblin's should be of typical goblin facial features with pointy noise and general greedy looking resting face (Reference Image provided). Would greatly appreciate.

Not sure if the OR saw the first WIP, but I guess I'll anchor it here for when I finish. Don't worry, I'm going to add color further down the line.

ayyy wassup my dude


Requesting another picture of Celestine and the Sanguinor fighting side-by-side against Chaos daemons. The god Emperor of Man demands more for the record keepers.

If you need more references, just google 40K stuff.

Anchor for drawfriend, if they're still around.

Warhammer 40000 Ork warboss that has a very distinct 1920s Mob boss vibe to him (i.e. fedora, cigar etc. )

Requesting my mechwarrior from a Time of War game I just started. sharp slavic features with cropped blonde hair and brown eyes. Dressed in tight dark gray and violet clothing and clean shaven. Smokes occasionally so if you want to draw him with a cigarette thatd be awesome.

Pic related is general facial idea and clothing (mechwarrior in the middle of the right pic)

OR has been waiting for a long time and posted anchors patiently. You should finish it and if he ever turns up again somebody will throw this masterwork at him!

OR here. Take your time, man. It looks sweet so far.

Oh didn't know you done it already creeps. Thanks. I guess to lewd for blue board?

If you could hit me up with a centaur wizard that'd be supreme.

To any artist who knows their 40K and or Love Can Bloom. Requesting Lofn who's slightly grown up, maybe as a late teen or a young adult. And she'd be wearing the uniform dress at reference image related.

She'd be giving a rousing speech about peace and loving on a podium with smiles to a crowd.

Requesting this demon girl knight as a human, wearing a tank top and jeans shorts like on the reference, and practicing with the sword with a dummy.
Her backstory is that she agreed for an experiment with demon blood, and she ended up like she's on the left.

I would like to make a request for this girl in a fighting stance, a little beaten up, with black particles coming off of her body.

also if she should be in a crater or surrounded by some form of destruction that would be wonderful!

Requesting a couple of characters from an old quest thread that has recently come back on /qst/.
The characters are a warlord from Takistan (Fictional Afghanistan-Iraq mashup from the Arma series) and his wife. I would like to have the two of them siting in a rural building on the floor with her serving some tea and looking cute. He is sitting with an AK with a grenade launcher propped up against the wall next to a back pack while he sits, modestly well dressed in a chest rig and camouflage coat.
Ill post as many reference pics as I can. Unfortunately Im on my phone and will need to make multiple image posts.

Only reference img of waifu.

However if you want something of a facial and body reference I found this myself. But remember, we need cute, not lewd.

Chest Rig Reference.


Not OR but you're a cool dude Ramen.


And rifle. Now I have a flag from the quest that could be used as a backdrop. If anyone decides to do this and wants more reference material just let me know but I think for now I'v taken up enough images.

Anchoring for Bog Roll.

who is Ramen

A cool guy who you share a pen setting with, if I'm mistaken about your identity.

Still requesting an image of my Rogue Trader. She has a forearm-mounted Inferno pistol and Exotic Weapons Training in Eldar Firepikes now, which means that the old image I had of her with her power sword and plasma pistol isn't the most accurate anymore.

All the information should be in the reference. Thanks!




requesting an elderly paladin with dirty grey hair, sitting on a battlefield who is worn out, has his helmet seated next to him and then an anti paladin sitting next to him also staring into the sunset.

For those interested, paladin I play every tuesday met his final moments during a siege and he was bleeding out badly, one of the baddies that keeps escaping the groups grasp decided to sit next to him in his final moments, nothing nefarious going on at the moment of those two sitting next to each other, just two old friends who are too worn out to carry on.

Requesting Chetna (pic) as an adventurer, sword by her side, sharing out cake she's just finished baking over the campfire, in a dutch oven.

Shit, man! I stopped paying attention to the thread because I'd got my fill, then I hear about this. Looks ace. Googled the signature afterwards, found your tumblr, and holy shit.
What are you doing here drawing Drake for free? You should be getting rich off commissions right now!


Requesting a zombiefied Space Marine, he'd be in the same pose and is also dragging around either a power sword or thunder hammer the same way like in the pic.

The zombie space marine does not have his helmet on and some parts of his face or half of his face is missing. His armor should be dented, beaten and or scratched up looking with blood splatters. And maybe the zombiefied space marine is either a bloody magpie or a ultramarine (smurf).

Requesting a robot/android that looks like in pic related holding an energy handgun and approaching and pointing firmly at a scared AdMech Techpriest or Skiitarii. The Techpriest or Skiitarii is pointing a plasma pistol that failed to fire or just broke.

The android is saying to the techpriest or skiitarii, "Your belligerent, murderous and violent behavior is a criminal and federal offense."

dropping anchor

Requesting my Matus Berserker.
He looks about 19 years old, clean shaven and fresh faced, with his long black hair tied up into a messy bun like top right. He's muscular and about 6'2" tall.

His eyes are green, but his right eye's pupil is smeared out into a vague star shape. Noticable but nothing too overt.

He wears heavy armor, see top left, which is painted in the Lion clan's colors of brown and tan. It's majorly dark brown with tan detailing except for the left arm, which is white with tan detailing.
He also has a katana and wakizashi sheathed on his left, though that's not as important.

Is it too much to ask for him smiling like a goof?
Thanks in advance!

I've asked him to post actual Imperial uniform references, not those modern uniform abominations and he won't.

weeping with joy

I'd like an ork, if the artist is feeling generous an ork and a gretchin would be swell. If the artist's heart is bursting with selfless benevolence, a number of background orks would reduce me to treats.

It's a 50s/60s themed greaser/rocker 40k ork warband.

The warboss should be large and fat, limbs and shoulders adorned in bulky power armour (as per the pic) while his upper body and gut are not. He's in a filthy, stretched and clearly undersized Elvis Presley outfit (the classic one in white). On one arm is a big metal power klaw and the other is a shoota (again if you dont know 40k, the pic shows it). The outfit should stretch over the armour as best it can, with rips showing it through. Atop his head is a comically oversized pompadour in black. He should be wearing dark tinted glasses. Bonus points if his lip is slightly curled.

For bonus tier, a gretchin (2 foot tall goblin dude, in pic) standing/hiding behind. Dressed in 1960s female fashion with a big beehive haircut. Small, skinny, pathetic and slightly yellowish-green.

Finally if you're feeling charitabler still, a couple of orks in the background. Significantly smaller than the main ork (who would be around 8-9ft) at 6-7ft. Dressed in a combination of greaser and rocker outfits (leather jackets, white shirts, jeans, braces, pompadours) and maybe a kustom orky low-rider bike or two, with the design of a low-rider but with guns and spikes and gubbins on it.


Next time post them all as one single image, you tremendous faggot.

Good luck with the request, though.

Umber Hulk-chan please.


Im stuck posting from my phone for the next while while my PC is being fixed, otherwise I would have.

Could someone draw my Star Wars: Edge of the Empire character please?
She's a Twi'lek mad doctor who's obsessed with finding interesting species and figuring out how they work, not always in a pleasant manner.
Clothing should be kindalike the character on the left, but the labcoat has normal arms and some blood stains on it. She should be smiling, and a genuine smile too not a creepy smile. Replace the lollipop with a scalpel and make her skin pink and jobs a goodun!

Thanks drawfriends!

requesting a musket knight like this except
>cloak is white
>heraldry is a black bird
>holding the musket
>sword in scabbard
thank you!!

The fucks up with her boobs

OR here, this is a hell of a thing to wake up to, you magnificent sonuvagun. Great work!

Any artsy folk willing to pick this one up? It's a short, dwarf-sized tiefling warlock weilding a staff with a lantern ontop. He also looks like garey busey after the accident.

Bumping the thread by reposting this request, now with more visual info.

Basically three western medieval knights, with this same pose and with the heraldry indicated. The age is only relevant if you show the faces uncovered, full helmets are cool too.

Feel free to get creative with everything I don't specifically mention.

Anchoring for draw friend! Once again the glasses are essential!

Hahah oh I don't know I guess I just find the variety of ideas and imagination here inspiring, despite all the shitposting.

bless you good sir.