Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1271: Serial Deicide Edition

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I thought he was spread throughout them? Or at least, using tiny bits of his soul to bind them to him. Hitting any of them with an origin bullet should kill all of them.

I am familiar with them.

...I have a sudden urge to vacation in hawaii and have that happen.

Is still fucked senpai, but better. I'm sure you're doing the best with the material that you have.

Do you want me to give you an entropy explanation that makes sense (though could possibly be broken by immortality) or just let it be?

If you want to I'd be happy to hear. If you want to tone down the condescension just a tad, I'd also be happy to have that too.

Uh. Let's say around Zelretch levels of badass?

I legit consider you my senpai Val. This shit is my field, I don't expect everyone to get it.

>itt lovers quarrel

Sorry, it's just a frustrating thing, having to revisit this again when it really just amounts to "Bad shit happens by using this too much". I;m aware that in all likelihood Nasu is fucking up the explanation too and it's not just me not getting it (Which is just as likely). Was wrong of me to lash out at you like that.

I'm fine to change it again but it does need to remain something bad, not something good. Even if Nasu fucks up the explanation, the way the other characters react in setting indicate it is meant to be bad, even if he accidentally makes a good thing.

Sides, you're cute and Australian so it's not like I can stay angry at ya


Um, Val if you're still around I have a question about family Art. What do you get if you choose Aozaki but don't take sorcerer's apprentice?
I am fairly well aware of what Aoko and Touko can do but I don't know what their family magic is aside from the fifth magic.

You don't have bad taste user, kudos

Uh, bit of a misunderstanding, you pick a specific magic discipline, not a specific family.

I don't remember what the Aozaki family focus was sorry. I know Touko uses Runes but I don't believe that's a family thing, just her.

Hey Digger, if you are around, would I be able to combine phantoms from "The Missing Piece" in neo-heisei 2? Such as the bound phantom from "hearing the call" and the artificial phantom from "white science"?

I'm guessing no, but I still wanted to ask.

Rebooting previous attempt at chain since it failed badly. Technomancer/AI chain, accepting rolls after the first 8 jumps.

Jump 1 Psychonauts

Age: 10

Origin: Camper- I did not expect my first adventure across reality to be at camp.

Drawbacks (700)
This Reminds Me Of A Story- At least I won't lack for things to say.
Lets Hear It For Jumper Yaaaay- Cheering on the worst narrative ever told, our roadies.
One Jumper Camp Staff- Now it's a convention.
Hand Of Galochio- With a penchant for giving the finger for having to listen to me.

Basic Braining- Not a veteran of the psychic wars but capable.

Department Of Paranormal Education- And now I can train myself...or could.

Psychic Specialty x2 [technopathy]- Fear for your social media-what do you mean computers haven't been invented!?

Subconscious Socialite-My friends make me stronger! All 2 of them!

Astral Layers- It's a party in my head, and no one's invited.

Three Pounds Of Dreams- Raw ability, pure potential, adept learning...what on Earth did I fight to get mentally rattled?

Dowsing Rod: Finding chunks of mental stability everywhere but the lake.

Cobweb Duster: No fog of ages when I'm around.

Psitanium: Hopefully this will help....no! Why are the voices getting worse!?

"Go go Jumper you're our man! Loonier than all Arkham! Narratives that are so unfun, 2 words make a baddie run! Yaaaaayyyy!"

That was just a sample of what hounds me from camp to job interviews. They will never leave me in peace, unlike anyone else who gets within earshot of my tales. Which reminds me of a story my other psyche tells me 24/7 to keep me awake at night so Galochio won't get me. They say if you bury yourself in enough psitanium he won't try crawling ashore. I'm not sure if thats legit, but why would I lie to myself? It's a regular day when someone named Raz knocks me out of my bunk for Psitanium before hopping to my head, and encountering what he called "Terror unending." Part 1/2

Well here's mine, if you want to see more builds for it.

Mage - 100 * Well, not really my style, but whatever.
Hylian - 0 * So I'm somewhere between an elf and a human. Okay.

A Royal Will - 100 * Willpower boosts are great.
Soul of Light - 600 * Magic boost and literally invincible shield? Sweet.
Speaking From A Pure Heart - 50
Hero of Men - 150 * Double Light Force? Okay.
Magic - 0
Chest Full of Demons - 100
A Form Wrought By Wishes - 200 * Cool.
When On The Edge of Demise - 300 * Super Modes are also pretty cool.

No Master Sword Run + 600 Sounds fun.

Uh. I honestly don't really know what I did here. Been forever since I played Minish Cap.

>Sorry, it's just a frustrating thing, having to revisit this again when it really just amounts to "Bad shit happens by using this too much"

I know, that's why I was asking.

The quick and dirty of my idea was that the entropy is directed inward initially, reducing your projected lifespan by X amount of years. You can displace this entropy but this in turn requires substantially more energy, reducing the time until maximum entropy by something like a few billion years which would be represented by a million stars going supernova all at once.

But honestly Val, you're right, this is really just long form "Bad shit happens". I vote fuck it.

Ah my bad, Ok. I was planning to go with Aozaki no matter but was just curious what I would get from it. Ironically I don't think time magic would be appropriate.

Yeah, think I'll probably just go with that. If people want to get into the nitty gritty of it, I'm sure you or many other fine anons would be willing to go into it. That or they can research on their own. For the purposes of the jump, the 'bad shit happens if you do this in a clumsy way' will suffice for a general explanation.

Thanks for getting me back on the right track kouhai.

Gimme a little bit, I'll have a look and see if I can find out anything for you. You're right in that you can join a canon family as long as you buy everything needed for it. If there's no canon family magic I can find, just pick something you feel makes sense. You're right in that Emiya style time magecraft probably doesn't make sense for em.

Any time Senpai.

"A narrative heat death of the imagination. Never again. Never again."

Ignoring Raz rocking in the corner, it's amazing to find the senate of voices is now down to just 4. My own narrating current events, Raz getting a grip while repeating something, and of c- "2! 4! 6! 8! Jumper get your head on straight! 10! 12! 14! The head of camp is being mean! Yaaaaay!" My personal cheerleaders. It was around noon near the edge of the lake when the mind began to take hold. I remember saying something like "Maybe I should drive?" while Raz went hopping around as the hand of death split into multiples to check us. Next thing I know, I'm doom tanks powered by forsaken children looking at Raz and Coach having a duel. Unfortunately, tank beats the triumvate of rock, scissors, brain and I find myself back to being myself. Also being dragged to a watery grave before being saved by my cheer leaders. A fact they will never let me forget or live down, using it to follow me even after camp. Those two are the real psychic terrors. They somehow find a way into everywhere. And I mean everywhere.

....I kind of miss when my worries were just being crazy enough to staff a camp.

Okay so, had a quick look at the stuff relating to the Aozaki. There's very very little info on them beyond their stuff on the Fifth and both Aoko and Touko are said to mostly use their own stuff, independent of the family arts. Which is great for confirming that Touko's stuff isn't the family art, not great for telling us what it is.

Honestly? I'd say to just pick something that isn't covered by some other family like Alchemy and the Einzbern or time magecraft and the Emiya. There's no info other then that they're not very prestigious so I'd leave it up to your individual interpretation.

What can EX Runes or EX HSDW do?

I believe I've spoken on both multiple times in the past so your best bet is having a look through the archives for those terms, if you want lots more detail that is.

A brief summary is basically- EX HSDW is roughly as far above FSN's Caster Servant/Medea as she is above her douchey original Master. So a huge amount of skill. EX Runes is a fair bit stronger in terms of what you can do but it requires a bit more preparation too since you can just say a word and make stuff happen, you gotta have the runes physically, at least for higher end stuff. Runes isn't really any broader though, just capable of more raw power/effect.

There's not really any actual examples of EX rank Runes or HSDW, so you'd have to scale up from lower levels with the above stuff in mind.

Body Mod
Medium Build- It's nice fitting into most places easily.
Charmer Type- W-what? I wasn't one at camp to be sure.
Strength 1- Some better than none.
Endurance 4- Humans are built to endure, makes sense to focus on it.
Appeal 4- Everything I'm not, but will be.
Shape 4- In for a penny, in for losing pounds.
Sense 1- No glasses. None.
Endowed 3- It ah, came as a bonus package. Wait, I didn't mean that! Do over!

Electricity- I can't see in the dark.
Plumbing- For keeping this place clean among other things. Just no hands, okay?
Heat/ A.C.- The cabins were less than pleasant at the best of times, no longer.
Local Net- Never again will a work's lack of progress hinder me. Nor my own.
Force Wall- Hands won't get me in here!

Shelving- Thats a lot of empty space...reminds me of when I worked in these places.
Terminal- Finally, a rig of my own! Now there's something to practice on!
Medbay- I'm not sure why this was offered, and I probably won't like the answer either.

Free Space- Cleaning this place is gonna suck. Just look at the size of it. I noticed a lack of a self cleaning option.
Food Supply- I think I just made myself immune to paying utilities, rent, or groceries. Sweet.

...What do you mean the ride never ends? Wait, why are the return and stay buttons fading out of existence? Um, hello? Wait, what fine print.

I have made a terrible mistake.

Isn't there a perk somewhere that makes it so nothing is technically impossible for you?

I think the Noble Eightfold Path from Lord of Light & Pioneer Of The Stars from the Fate servant supplement does that.

Origin: Backseat- No way in hell am I gonna be on the sidelines in the line of fire, or in the hot seat. Back here suits me just fine. I'm even closer to the speakers so hey.

Drawbacks (900)
Endless Cheesy Pickup Lines- Slightly better than 24/7 stalking cheer leading. Slightly.
Prehistoric Yahoos- This sounds like a license to slack off and not apply myself overtly. Free points!
Wait, Explain It To Me Again?- I need a future tracking device, chloroform, and a door.

Engineer- So now I understand the basics behind what I am fooling with. That will go a long way.

Slacker- Negative emotions now yield to my apathy. So does fear and panic.

Kickass- Self defense will be a must anywhere in life, especially when I'm not in the robot. Needed for punching space squids.

Two Bucks- I am so filling that warehouse. With ALL the stuff.

Lovable Coward- Blame absolved in all but 2 cases will take you far in life. Or not drop you down at least.

Homing Beacon- For finding my keys, tools, and the fool we need to protect once a year. Never losing track of my works again!

Mind/Machine Interface- Repair AND reverse engineering? Yesplease. Megas speaks to me, and the saying items reflect their owners is too true for comfort....

Context Sensitive Buttons- This will lead to hilarity for the rest of my life, provided it doesn't go up in a robot explosion or something. Also piloting when I have no right to do so.

Reservation- Not that I'm likely to use it here, but definitely super convenient.

Jumpsuit- Saving the world or working on machines, it's perfect.

Nullspace Comp- Now I don't even need to stay at home, always something to technomance on hand.

0-D for Dummies- No idea if this will ever be useful but just in case why not pick it up? Something to read on the long car rides through space.

Cooplowski- He's fun to hang around with, and I need a mechanic to tag along with me.

Do you actually get anything from a Divinity ranking besides a weakness to stuff like Enkidu?

It'll let you get past a few skills like Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig or Achilles defensive NP. Most Divinity ranks don't really do much outside of interactions with certain skills or NPs.

Hey Val, what happens if I have Medea as my servant during FSN? Because she ended up with assassin. Do I need to buy another servant or is it okay because it was part of the story? Obviously he's not companioned but...

If you have her, she can still summon Assassin since she did that on her own. He just doesn't become a companion for you and still has all the same limitations as in canon, like being bound to the gate. If she doesn't summon him because of your intervention, True Assassin is summoned by Zouken.

Jump 18: Terraria
Origin: Drop-In
Infection: The Corruption

>Discrete, Little Pieces (50 CP)
>Heads-Up Display (50 CP)
I wasn’t gonna take it, but I suppose stacking stuff on my pretty wild regeneration should help and it’s only 50 CP, might as well. Even if the bonus is small, every little bit helps.
>Guide Sense (100 CP)
>Delineated Crafting (200 CP)
>Mediumcore (300 CP)
Another 1up? Sick dude. Now I was use the full power of 4th Verse twice per jump.
>Unerring Direction (100 CP)
>Starcatcher (200 CP)
>Mana Battery (200 CP)

>Standard Starting Package (Free)
>Liquid Generator (Free)
I need this for terraforming desert planets, holy shit.
>Money Trough (200 CP)

>Griefing Fucktard (+200 CP)
>Varied Strategies (+200 CP)

Nothing of note, really. Built terraforming stuff, now I'm going to go to Captain Planet.

Am contemplating taking Sunlight as an element even though I'm a moth. How is that going to work?

You become attracted to yourself.

Living here in Jersey I crash on the couch of my new best neanderthal friend and alternate between playing videogames or psychic practice while waiting for my turn. Before she starts mellowing out Kiva likes to yell, alot. Mostly at me with accusations of going native, being corrupted by the sloth ways of these neanderthals, and to come help her on fixing up the time machine to the future. Sometimes I even get up and help her out with that. Mostly when I need to get up for running an errand or shopping to fill the warehouse. All in all things are massively looking up here as I can feel the thrum and pulse of technology around me. Like coming out of a sensory deprivation tank into the heart of a metropolis. Comforting after being in the dark for so long.

The dark of space has nothing on the one robot laser light show of Megas. I've gotta say, nothing beats living out your favorite shows or their unaired seasons. Kiva's ancestor turns out to have the worst pick up lines, and as a result my skills with knocking someone out by surprise have gotten far better than I wanted. Unfortunately, space aliens are harder to convince to back off. A couple times I was nearly made to boldly go where no one should ever go. The less said about that the better. Leaving New Jersey behind us, Coop promises to come back with the Megas and a whole new bag of tricks for saving the future. I'm not sure if that's optimism or him ignoring the fact this ride is to an unknown finish line or bust. All the same, I can't help but feel reassured by that. Maybe Kiva isn't the only one being influenced by this place after all.

Shit I played myself like a fucking fiddle

So I just watched a compilation of Japanese Commercials.
I think looking at a lovecraftian horror would have been better for my psyche.

Tell me Jumpers, what was something you encountered that the world found mundane while you found it anything but normal.

Don't they also get past damage reduction or something?

Eclipse Phase with... the everything. Just the everything, the way bodies were treated like new sets of clothes, the way sexuality was all sorts of wing-wonged all over the place, just... It was a culture shock of high order.

I can't recall them doing so.

What perks remove the need for sleep? Obviously, some altforms, but after stumbling across Multitalent in the Pokemon Dungeon, jump I became curious if there were any others, because I can't remember seeing any.

There's one in EMH.
Omega Energy Absorption from X-Men Movies can do it too, as long as you stay full, IIRC.

Lifeless Being in Tales of Symphonia does away with most common requirements for normal forms of life. Sleeping, eating, breathing, drinking being optional from then on. (It also has a host of other nice effects.)

Rick and Morty was just...crazy. It wasn't much of a comfort that things were hardly normal for anyone else.
It took me an embarrassing amount of time before I realized that Rick and Morty had jumped ship after Cronenberging Earth.
Don't know if it counts but Bloodborne was a hell of a drug, too.

Would a NP that lets the user claim ownership of other Noble Phantasms (at least the ones that take physical form) or similar weapons/items by killing the owner be valid? What rank would it be, if so?

I sitll can't get a handle on posing etiquette in JoJo.

Everyone else just sort of naturally slides into position. I didn't even take the drawback, but I'd end up posing in the opposite direction or at the wrong situation. One time I accidentally knocked out a waiter by flamboyantly slamming my abs in his face.

The pillar men and Joseph would stop fighting for moments at a time just to stare at me awkwardly sidle-pose against the walls.

It's like farting at a party. Nobody's going to call you out, but they'll still judge you silently.

Maybe? Lancelot has an NP that lets him use any NP he gets his hands on as if it were his own, AND it turns any item he grabs into a weak NP.

Araki said that he wanted every panel to look like a fashion shoot in an interview somewhere iirc.

Jump 3 Symbiote

Location: America
Age: 23
Origin: Synergized Pair- Top 1%, feels good to be successful.

Drawbacks (100)
Stowaway- Wait...I'm stuck inside Coop? Scratch my previous comment, oh boy.

Boredom Immunity- I'd definitely go mad otherwise, or fall into a spiral of apathy.
Therapist- I doubt Coop will need mental help, but this will go a ways with my psychic abilities.
Basic Bioprocessing- Synthetics as good as or better than the original.
Advanced Bioprocessing- Now with 200% more human modification.
Bioprocessor Control- The hardest part is to keep Coop from freaking out about how these get made.
Berserker OS- Matrix bullet time has nothing on me, and now I have all the time in the world to think.

No better way to begin a road trip across worlds than with a road trip. I even managed to figure out a way to fold Megas into just the car for when we don't want to startle the entire planet. With Jamie not here I'm now riding shotgun, and unfortunately a little too much so for comfort. At the mention of getting into shape made easy, Coop vehemently objects at the memory of his evil self, and persuading him otherwise takes a long time before he finally comes around. Seeing that explaining what this place is about off the bat is going nowhere, I steer coop around on a tour of the USA's eateries and food competitions, as well as the sights. Making synthetic diamonds to pay it off, I tap the internet and put in the work to not just out the crazy officials who turn the states into an iron curtain nightmare via blackmail, but the post scarcity tech the corps here are sitting on. For the longest time I keep to myself, and mod Coop's body for survival on the down low while researching what I can to stay ahead of the symbiote curve.

Unfortunately, I can't keep Coop in the dark forever. Sooner or later the world changes due to Frank & Bob, but at the very least America doesn't go full pants on head about it.

You've said before you can only use Demi-Servant once for the full effect, and that other purchases will just be as a capstone booster. Would getting Pseudo-Servant count as that? I would assume it wouldn't because it is actually your use of the Servant Supplement, but I am not sure.

How do I price noble phantasms in Fate? I want two.

One to remove the 'absolute' part of absolute effects so that I always have at least a small chance to survive/avoid them, and one to lower an enemies' magic resistance, because it seems like everyone has a high resist stat.

I'm thinking of using Aleister Crowley as my heroic spirit.

The berserker memetic trigger photo gets out, and pairs go full monster riots. If not for assuming direct control, Coop would have flown to the nearest location and laid down massive property damage. It caused a rift between us to say the least, and we didn't speak to each other for a time after that. But ultimately stopping them without megas, applying the countermeasure, and spreading it made him come around in the long run that not everything needs a giant robot to fix. Resuming our trip, I take advantage of every discount around for when the world shifts to symbiote globalization so we still have a place in it.

Tapping into the symbiote network, I keep an eye on any developments made for stealing purposes such as the symbiote guide to humans made later on. Coop expands his food trip and video game hunting across the borders, while I keep busy researching and testing the limits of my technopathy. There is no shortage of things to keep me occupied. Femtotechnology, post scarcity tech, quantum computing, biological advancement, and humbling B&F when they come to try and put a leash on us by letting Megas out as a deterrent. What? You didn't think I'd give him no chance at all to bring our bud out to play did you? The look on their faces was priceless.

Is the new FSN jump a replacement for the old, or just an additional jump?
I have no idea what's going on with it.

I think she said the new one only replaces the Stay Night roll location in the old fate jump. And it'll still be valid until most of the other rolls get a jump.

I did take the drawback, but I just... didn't try to pose.
Then again, I WAS Giorno's beautiful sister (who was confined to a wheelchair). I had more of a generic shoujo beauty thing going on. Nobody ever judged me for it.

Anyway, from my experience, you just had to be confident about your place in the world. Don't try to be like them. Just do your own thing.
I think as long as you posed with confidence, you could do it however you wanted. Jojo's just that sortof world. If you want to pose all Kamen Rider style, that'd fit in as well as anything else. You just gotta do it with CONFIDENCE!

... you do know how to pose, don't you, Spiral-kun?

I was a Quidditch hater, if that counts? The entire wizarding world goes gonzo over that stupid game, and I'll never understand it.
It goes on and on for eternity until someone catches the Snitch, and then when you catch the Snitch, you get so many points that it makes all the other ways to get points meaningless. So the game really just boils down to, "Watch these two people try to catch a golden fruit fly, while everyone around them does loops and screams a lot." So stupid.
And I wouldn't even play along. You know, I talk a lot about fitting in and being the stealth jumper, but I was vocal about it. Not as vocal as Hermoine about the House Elves, but I fucking told people, and people knew.
Just another fucking reason why the wizarding world is broken garbage.

Seriously, fuck Quidditch.

Fair enough
>Paid for the FSN roll location so he could give everyone a Happy Ending
>Except Priest, King, and Worm
>They die horrible painful deaths

Permanently? No. Temporarily? Depends on what rank it can claim and how long it can claim them for.

Pseudo Servant does not count as that, as it's for Servants only. It is still one use of that part of the capstone booster per being, even over multiple jumps, but it does not block them from using Demi Servant.

I probably wouldn't say that could be an NP. You could probably simulate a lot of it with something like Pioneer of the Stars though, at least at the highest rank.

Magic Resistance lowering? Depends on how much you want it to lower and how you want to lower it. Is it when you hit them? A passive effect all of your magic has? An AoE around you?

ThisOnce Zero, Apocrypha and Strange Fake have been made too, I'll ask for the original FSN jump to be removed, as it'll have become obsolete.

>hen when you catch the Snitch, you get so many points that it makes all the other ways to get points meaningless.
TBF, that's not as big a thing outside of Hogwarts. Where it's not uncommon for games to go on for more than a day. That information, combined with how the Hogwarts games go, leads a lot of fans to assume there are Snitches that are "easier to find" for school games.

But yeah, Quidditch is fucking stupid

>pseudo servant
So you could use Demi-Servant in Zero to get some servant skills as well as perks, then be a servant in Stay Night with Pseudo Servant to get perks alongside your servant skills?

Yes, and that would be that for both options.

Hmm. Is there anything that would let me claim ownership of a Servant's NP permanently?

Any further purchases would be only for the capstone boost. Got it, thanks Valeria.

Possibly. There are a lot of jumps out there.

Right. No worries.

Data Drain from Generic Virtual World?

Seeing as my Current Chain is a Native Homestuck Troll, almost anything that involves names that don't follow a 6-6 letter pattern, Parents, Survivable Daytimes, or Reproductive mechanism that are not probably designed by someone whose name could be interpreted as "Doctor Satan."

Not really claiming ownership but Buy Mode from Counter-Strike might let you buy the ones in weapon form. There's also Data Drain from Generic Virtual World.

That does sound like it might work, doesn't it?

Is there any way I can make a completely real copy of my companions with everything being the same about them except they're either evil or not sapient?

Because I'd like to eat some aspects of my companions, but I obviously don't want to eat the real ones.

Jump # 156 Code Lyoko
Age: 14
Background: Lyoko Warrior (100)
Gender: Female

*Lyoko Avatar – Angel (0)
*Not scrawny, Svelt! (0)
*Einstine (100)

*Signiture Weapon – Sword, Enormous (0)
*Minor feature – Shield(200, Discount)
*Major Feature – Teleport (300, Discount)
*Major Feature - Upgrade(300, Discount)

*Land of Giant Forheads (0)

Ok, What the F*** happened to my forehead? Why is everyone else’s forehead huge? It didn’t have any bearing on the jump but… It was just disturbing. I tried to not look at people’s faces and avoid mirrors. Unfortunately my companions were also afflicted… most of them said about the same thing I did, though Sans just made a bad joke and Snowflame just thought he was having a really bad trip.

So this jump was admittedly a bit difficult. I couldn’t use my powers in Lyoko so I had to get by mostly on skill but there was a period of adjustment. Not that I had to be saved a couple times by the other kids… that would never happen. However once I did get my bearings I was able to reassert my Jumper BS abilities.

I tried to use technology to screw over X.E.N.A. but quickly learned the bastard could corrupt and possess technological Items. After nearly killing everyone like that I decided to stick with in world items.

Anyways I helped Jeremy figure out the De-virtualization code a lot faster and my abilities to free possessed people in the real world came in real handy. We eventually managed to bring down X.E.N.A.

By the way, if the untrained Fourth Magic were used to destroy a mundane human, would it destroy their mind and soul as well? Or is that more what you'd be able to accomplish after a few years of training?

Also, can the range of the Fourth be improved?

So would Draining Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon give everything inside of it?

Highly unlikely. Would probably just give you the gate.

How much fun did you have with X.A.N.A.'s polymorphic clones?

Mind? Probably. Soul, not yet, but eventually.

Yeah, the range would mostly be a skill thing. Just learning to control it over longer and longer distances. You could probably go long ranged early by pumping a lot of power into it and just flinging it but you wouldn't have control over it beyond a certain distance without the right skill.

user, it seems fairly obvious and I'm not going to hold your hand for every step of the way.

The entire G Gundam jump. Giant robots settings in general. I guess studying how to build giant robots doesn't prepare you for actually seeing them in huge, drag out fights in person.

I do recall watching them on TV, but it's terrifying to witness when you've only got three jumps under your belt.

Ah, well thanks.

I just didn't know if all of those NPs were considered part of the Gate or not.

Thanks, though.

Believing you have a soul and actually seeing it is another. Shit freaked me out when I first saw it in Undertale. I got a few weird looks, but Sans and Frisk seemed to understand where I was coming from (the former because I told him what my home was like, and the latter because she also wasn't used to seeing her SOUL).

Yo, I think I've just finished rejiggering my Servant builds to vague satisfaction after the update.

To get a handle on what Elodie's Unlimited Bird Works can actually do, if you had a Noble Phantasm which manifests as a Sorcery Trait (like Fragarach, but with a different effect than "kills dude when his special attack activates") which is Anti-Unit/Anti-Army and at EX Rank, what kind of things could it do?

>confident about your place in the world

Ah. I...think I see the problem.

It was an early jump. My instinct back then when surrounded by lots of fabulous people was to fade into the background and glare sullenly at them.

The kind of person I used to be before I stopped being a person was basically the opposite of every Kamen Rider ever.

That is how I did my own thing.

>how to pose

Well I do now!

Only took me a few thousand years in Civ jump as a god-emperor doing calisthenics on the highest towers of my kingdom to get it right, while Emps yelled at me to get down and talk diplomacy. And I yelled back for him to stop being an ungrateful shit after I gave all his Primarchs Stands.

In hindsight, I feel like my life sometimes just keeps going full circle after full circle like a drunk guy trying to tokyo drift in his mom's sedan.

...oh god, GUNDAM.

I straight up repressed everything about those jumps but holy shit. Holy shit.

Nothing made sense there. Everything is bullshit, /except/ the killer robots sometimes.

And understanding it NOW just makes me acutely aware of how bloody dangerous humans can be if you get them excited and give them machinery that doesn't adhere to physics.

another thing entirely*

Erm, I don't think you quite get what a Sorcery Trait is.

What kind of things do you want it to do? You've given me nothing but a name, a rank and a qualification that doesn't really make any sense and even if it did, it's still extremely vague. I gotta ask for more to work with.

Is it required to actually say the name of the Noble Phantasm when using it? I seem to remember something about needing to say it to bring out a Np's full power.

Generally yes, though there are constantly active/passively active ones that don't need it since they don't need activation.

ughh not much; shapeshifters are always a pain. Ironically it was tougher for me in Lyoko. On the outside I have perks that can handle that. I spot fakes pretty easy. I could even whip up detection devices and disrupter easily.
Inside Lyoko... well I am glad that I stacked observation perks. I could usually tell by the way they moved. Though that took time and in the heat of the moment... well you can miss things.

Still though, you have to admit that the set-up to the fights in G Gundam was a good way of dealing with war. Just have everyone fight in a tournament and then battle royale.

...Although the people on Earth did suffer from the collateral damage (The first episode made that clear) and I suppose everyone was hot-blooded and had no chill in that series.

Okay. I might be thinking of renaming my NP to something other than Shazam then.

Speaking of which, would a noble phantasm that increases the quality of raw crafting materials be an acceptable NP? And if so how much of an increase do you think it would have at A+++?

Ergh, that seems kinda...vague? I honestly have no clue how that'd work or how to measure how much better any particular crafting material might be with it given that's a wide ass category. It's not like I can just go "it's twice as good" because that means vastly different things if you're talking about dirt/wood compared to diamond/adamantium or like I can go "They're one rank better" because crafting materials don't have ranks.

A bit more detail might help I guess? Cause I'm honestly lost on this one.

Well, i didn't really put much more though into it other than "i want to make my own Noble Phantasms, so i'll get one that makes it easier to get high quality materials for it".

Do you think that i should just grab the Collector skill and limit it to crafting materials, then just come up with a different NP since it's so vague?

Honestly, Collector (And actually, that's a really cool idea, to have it be limited to stuff, I might put that in the eventual second update if you don't mind) would probably be best. Just making it so you trip over top quality materials all the time and when you do go looking for em, you find the best stuff too.

The only way I can even envision the NP is like the Collector thing, otherwise I just have no idea how to measure the effects of increasing the quality rather then just increasing the frequency you find them. Sorry about that.

How bad of an idea is it to romance Gil?

Isnt that just the Item Creation Skill



Ok so a couple questions regarding fate/ jumps if the guy(s) are still around...

1) if i go as a servant in both (wars &extra) can i have two EX parameters in the end?

2) how does magecraft behave post-jump? I recall it being limited because of the world itself but since we are going out...

3) will there be any Grand Order jump?

To be honest i though that was what Collector was for.

Item Creation gives you the skill, what i was trying to do was make it easier to get high quality material in order to craft higher power Noble Phantasms faster.

Counterpoint: The actual mech designs. Also, martial scarves.

I'm fully aware they're typically unique traits of magus bloodlines (Sakura's Imaginary Numbers, Kirei's knack for healing etc.) but I thought of Bazette's clan's devotion being rewarded with having Fragarach bound into their bloodline as a cool gimmick for one.

Um. Let's see-mechanically I see it acting very similarly to UBW. The main difference would be significantly less variety of projectiles; it would launch one type of blade with a specific, buff conceptual effect rather than various copied NPs with all manner of conceptual effects.

As a consolation for that, I think one of the major gimmicks could be the projectiles can transform into very powerful familiars and back again so a skilled wielder can execute some trippy attacks where a thrown sword becomes a killer bird, and turns back into a sword in her hand after doing a strafe run. Apart from that, they'd have the Prana Burst (Flames) effect surrounding them or endow their wielder with the Prana Burst ability. I also imagine the stream of projectiles could be traded off to "charge" up the NP for one very powerful projectile/bird at vastly greater prana consumption to produce a very brief and powerful conceptual effect which...I'll settle on later, but like Vasavi Shakti ceteris parabis, the prana expenditure for this attack would be so extreme a Servant with A rank mana would be unable to manifest all but the least blades/birds for an hour or so.

Does this make any more sense? Is it too broad/doing too many things in one go? I'd like to narrow it down its' conceptual focus after I get a hang of what I can work with.

You can't go as a Servant in both. The Servant option can only be used to get the Supplement access once. You can go Demi Servant in a separate jump to use it again but that's separate.

Once the supplement is updated, you can get EX ranks as many times as you can afford, only everyone after the first will have a higher cost.

It works the same as it did in jump, regardless of what world you are in at the current time.


Now I'm tempted to make a Shazam noble phantasm.

Name: Shazam
Type: Anti-Unit Self
Rank: A+++
Maximum number of targets: 4
By calling the name of the Noble Phantasm a bolt of lightning is called forth that strikes the user granting them a rank increase in all parameters and the gift of flight.

Well it's that time again. I am looking for suggestions for jumps to roll for.

Here is the list of what I have taken so far pastebin.com/MR60FhSt


How big of a price tag are you thinking of putting on extra EX ranks? It's already either 275/300 (class skills/discount) or 600 (Personal skill) for just one.

If a servant has a discount on a stat and we choose to decrease it for points, do we gain any extra for it being discounted?

Er, right, let's see if I can sort this out.

The Sorcery Trait thing. It's not going to be passed down like Bazett's thing. It's a Noble Phantasm for the Servant, not for their entire bloodline.

Well, first off, no using NPs to get Skills. They're separate for a reason. If you want Prana Burst, you need to buy it. You can have it do things like buff the wielder but it won't give them the Prana Burst ability to buff themselves with their own energy. Important difference in the wording.

Now onto the rest. The swords can't be any higher ranked then the rank of the NP itself (Unless you had flaws to compensate that increase) and adding effects on will generally reduce the rank in terms of damage to balance it out. So without the effects, it'd be EX rank swords as the maximum power that could be procuded, with it, less so.

>turn into powerful familiars
Could work, depends on how powerful. The stronger the familiars are, the more it takes away from the power of the swords.

>Charged attack
That's fine, no need to adjust anything based on that since it has the built in flaw of massive energy cost to balance it out.

So if you adjust the wording so it's not granting Skills, just adding similar but different effects, then it's just down to how powerful you want the buff or fire effect to be, and how powerful you want the familiars to be. Then we can decide how strong the swords will be in comparison as well as the general energy cost to make the swords.

Probably a flat, undiscounted +100 each time. So your second EX costs an additonal 100, the third costs an additional 200 and so on.

No, since it was discounted. You only get 25SP back per rank, since that was all it cost to get those ranks.

>+100 per extra EX
Seems fair. It'll be very costly, but still doable.