
AoS is dead in the water alright. Fortunately 40k is here to save the day.

Other urls found in this thread:


Tell me, memeposter from 2014, how is it you can see news from 2017?

Everyone with a brain knew that AoS was a success. Almost anything compared to WHFB was a success. WHFB was dying because of the toxic player base surrounding it. Cutting off the toxic customers via a newcomer friendly reboot ensured that loyal customers stayed and new customers were drawn in droves.

Freshen out that bait a bit, honey. It's pretty stale.

So those toxic customers now play AoS.

Feels so good to have invest in GW back in October

It ain't bait though and I don't care about your (you)s.

Actually, they are stewing /WHFB/.

Sure, master memester. Have another (you). I'm feeling generous.

I'm sure Infinity will beat 40k any day now! Everyone knows you cant trust the mainstream media.

Nobody cares. GW is a shitty company, AoS is trash and so is this thread.

I am glad to see GW bounce back but ONLY because its under a new CEO whose promised a new direction for the company. If it had happened under old management they would have learned all the wrong lessons. Moreover, such a swift turn around vindicates the more customer friendly tack they're trying and gives the new CEO political capital to make more changes

Jesus, that's lying it thick, try to be subtler next time.

The lower value of the pound helped a significant amount, but hopefully Rountree can continue with the multibox sets that they've been putting out recently

Just go back to your containment thread.

What your saying is


>Brexit saved a game about killing all the filthy xenos and traitors to save the crumbling, corrupt memory of your glorious empire.
It checks out.

Hopefully not, we don't want 40k shits to switch.

They'd get in the way of ITS kurwa players?


Is age of Sigmar actually bad or are people just complaining cause it's new?

It's not even that new anymore. But figures are mixed back, rules are pretty sumplistic and have some elements that still bother many people and lore is considered to be atrocious by most. So it has similiar standing as your hipster skirmish of the week with some more marketing and bigger tournamnet size and thus entry cost (inb4 "u only need a box to start" -lies).

Oh, and the initial launch was botched. GHB fixed some of that, but the damage is still there.

Setting and gameplay pure trash, but marketing is very professional. Its basically Ghostbusters 2016 of miniature games.

Right but it's not broken I'm playable mass like people make out then?

At least by the standards of previous Warhammer entries.

I like both.

Ghostbusters 2016 makes AoS looked like a well loved new installment.

I kinda like it, just as dumb fun. The rules are great for a game where you can just banter with your opponent instead of focusing on remembering rules etc

Hating AoS doesn't make you into chauvinist pig and Trump supporter, only jaded grognard and (ex) fantasy -player.

That's not true and you know it. Aos and Gurlbuster are at the same level of quality and share most elements.

I feel like there would've been a lot less hate for AoS if End Times had been handled less terribly. But I suppose expecting GW writers to be capable of writing good stories was a delusional fantasy at best.

Aos is nu-male miniature "game", so, of course its well recived.


>Still this sour about AoS
>Still regurgitating same complaints
>Few of them with any apparent expirence.
We get it, you're sad about WFB, I am too. But this new game is actually fun. And the lore has potential, a new slate compared to 40K.

>actually fun

But it's not though. In fact I'd go as far to say it's a fucking awful game.

Hello, shillary supporter.

>Its basically Ghostbusters 2016 of miniature games.
Couldn't say it any better. FB has a ton of flaws, but AOS is pure Paul Feig production with same audience.

When it launched it was, now that it actually has a real set of rules, it is pretty decent. Fluff needs a lot of work, and models tend to be a mixed bag.

Basically it isn't complete garbage now, but it still needs a lot of improvements. Stuff like the Tzeentch release are a good sign, but who knows how it will develop from here.

>was a success. Almost anything compared to WHFB was a success. WHFB was dying because of the toxic player base surrounding it. Cutting off the toxic customers via a newcomer friendly reboot ensured that loyal cu
>Butthurt that AoS is doing well and with GHB is better than 8th ed.

How rich.

Heard they plan to release Slaaneshi new models "soon" (ie around the end of this year or the beginning of the new one).

I assumed there would be some sort of Slaanesh stuff to coincide with whatever the hell they plan on doing with the elves. People were saying that they phased out Slaanesh for the GHR to be more "kid friendly" but honestly I think that's too retarded (even if we're talking about GW here).

I think we're going to see a revamp of the aesthetic at most. Get a new Keeper of Secrets and shit. I heard it is also supposed to have some stuff with a war in the webway for 40k, with a new Daemon character, but the source wasn't too credible last I checked.

Considering that AoS hasn't phased out Slaanesh (seriously, they are the "antagonists" of a novel and the protagonists of a handful of short stories, they feature in artwork of the current lore, etc. They are anything save gone) it seems a reasonable hope.

Interesting line from the investor relations report:
>The greatest risk is the same one that we repeat each year, namely, management. So long as we
have great people we will be fine. Problems will arise if the board allows egos and private agendas to
rule. I will do my utmost to ensure that this does not happen.

>Problems will arise if the board allows egos and private agendas to rule
Well that was an oddly specific thing to point out, that means there must have been a big instance of this that made him need to mention it.

I knew GW had some pretty big management shifts, but I'm curious as to what "private agendas" he is referring to.

Are we pretending BaC, BoP, and GSC had less to do with this than AoS?

It's lots of things. And honestly its year over year, so any AoS effect is more due to the General's Handbook than AoS itself.

That's not as memeriffic though.

and the discount boxes
don't forget those

>“The key priority in the period reported has been to give our store managers the appropriate product and sales support to help them recruit new customers, retain our existing customers and re-recruit lapsed customers. Recruiting new store managers remains a key area of focus.”

>and re-recruit lapsed customers.

I probably should look into AoS then. They gotta be doing something right over there because there's no way there's enough tasteless fags in the world to make money off of nu40k.

Shed a tear for the Fantasyfags who were deluded enough to believe that GW killed Fantasy for no reason.

I've yet to see too much evidence of this. Isn't there a new AoS novel where a Slaaneshi lord rapes a passed-out beastman?

>this thread
>muh it must be ....aos guys
>not the 2 HH box sets relased
>not the major 40 army updates or releases
>not 2 knights in a box set.
>the pound drop.
>the forcing people to buy from them directly.
>other market factors
Yes it must be AoS, that's the only answer.

>stocks start picking up after GW stops releasing AoS and starts releasing stuff lime the HH games, the myraiad of boxed games, start collecting, the various bundles that actually offer savings, DW, GSC, WoM, traitor legions and so on.
>AoS is totally a success you guys!!!1!
Take your abortion of a game and leave.


Sigmar is a shitty god. It was bound to fail from the start.

Lore: Absolutely terrible, just the worst.

Crunch: Sub-par. You spend most of the game doing the same thing over and over and generally the balance is skewed harder than Tauhammer 40Wraith.

Miniature Design: Probably the worst GW has been in years.

I'm sure a lot of people hate it because it's new, but AoS is a very poor game for the most part.

Dude... I'm sorry to break this to you but... you're a fucking retard. AoS had releases until september.

Don't speak polish kurwa

Nah, you're just exaggerating. Lore is OK for a first edition, on par as to what WHFB was on its first one.

Crunch is so skewed that in the two major tournaments held the top 10 lists have been totally different. Oh wait.

Go ahead, ban me with your awesome mod powers, I'm behind seven proxies.

co mi zrobisz jak mnie złapiesz?

Duncan caused this.

>Lore is OK for a first edition

Please nigga, don't even pretend.

The lore is terrible. It's not the amount that matters, it's the quality of it, and AoS' setting is a badly thought-out mishmash of shit, half of which is tonally inconsistent purely because GW want to keep old models in the fluff, while the other half is so vague and uninspired it might as well be the narrative equivalent of gruel.

Interesting how GW's profits rise the moment they stop making AoS stuff for a while and start releasing age-old nerd fap fantasy stuff for 40K.

It's almost as if AoS is actually dragging the entire company's overall profits down. Funny, that.

>. It's not the amount that matters, it's the quality of it, and AoS' setting is a badly thought-out mishmash of shit, half of which is tonally inconsistent purely because GW want to keep old models in the fluff, while the other half is so vague and uninspired it might as well be the narrative equivalent of grue
Lolf, you clearly are butthurt, aren't you? MUH WHFB!!! Age of Shitmar iz bad!!!1one!
Only that GHB, Beastclaws, Bonesplitterz and Gorechosen (plus a few expansions for ST) were released during the rise period. In fact, you see the sales go down again a bit after Gorechosen is released and there's a sort of wasteland in terms of new stuffs.
But yeah, totally, AoS is dragging GW!

>Lolf, you clearly are butthurt, aren't you? MUH WHFB!!! Age of Shitmar iz bad!!!1one!

I have never even played WHFB. I currently only play HH and both Dropcommander games because 40K is terrible and AoS isn't worth even considering.

But please, continue to assume that everyone with a functioning brain is just butthurt that an old game is dead.

> (You)
>>Lolf, you clearly are butthurt, aren't you? MUH WHFB!!! Age of Shitmar iz bad!!!1one!

Which you clearly are. But hey, I'll humour your denial.



Published in 8th of august and 23rd of July... didn't they stop making releases prior to june?? How come they did these releases DURING THE GROWTH PERIOD!?

I'm more disappointed that AoS is a pile of shit.

The idea of a GW fantasy game without the ranked combat was pretty appealing at first. I've always like Warmahordes' rules, but the models have been sub-par for most of its life, so something else to replace it would have been welcome. Until I actually played the game and realized that they must have had their interns building the rules. The fetid setting is just the nail in the coffin.

GW has improved markedly in the last 2 years since Kirby left. I remember the dark days of 2012.

You decide.

>user asks if game is shit
>honest answers

lol. Good I know AoS players can be pretty chill, or I'd chalk you all as mental patients.

Which were faqed out as not necessary. You got the bonus automatically. Oh noes, someone cracks a joke!! FUN SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED!!

GW has had the worst game designers on the market for a while. It is pretty sad. I just play Malifaux as it is somewhat similar to Warmahordes but the models are all sculpted to a good standard.

The rules are certainly subpar when compared to other games. The models themselves depend on whether you like the more MOBA esque aesthetic or not. Same with the fluff.

>you're a fucking retard. AoS had releases until september.
On the contrary, you're the retarded one. Once AoS releas slowed down the stock began to rise (ussually around a major 40k release, like the rise in early august around the DW release, another rise around the release of GSC, and once AoS releases stop in September GW's stock experiences the greatest rise in the following months.
It's very clear that AoS is not what caused the rise, but all the other stuff GW did.

Or that they were BOTH responsible. But hey, you clearly have the detailed numbers and this actually shows the SALES made by GW and not the stock value ... oh wait.

>on par as to what WHFB was on its first one.
That's fucking terrible because WHFB Lore was in its first edition not existent. They just throw a bunch of fantasy elements in one pot and made minis out of it.
You can forgive that at that time because it was new but now they have a shit ton of experience to learn from it.
If your company build cars you don't start with a horse again for a new series.

Kill yourself

It's not like they started from scratch though.
They've learned that space marines are superior to pyjama men and so they made space marines for Fantasy.

I would like to see statistics on AoS selling well as a stand alone game. I'm not doubting you, I just want to see it myself.

Mind you, if it's selling even with half-mediocre profits, it'd be selling better than WHFB.
I miss the old world though. Bring back WHRP, GW pls :(

My personal theory is that GW is doing well from team effort between 40k and all those new boardgame releases.

It's actually pretty decent. The downfall of fantasy was really because it's much more complex, AoS is simple and fast, and requires way fewer models to play. People don't want complex they want quick and easy

>oh wait.
Oh wait, you don't have them either. So, seeing as the only info we have, the stock, shows a rise around 40k releases, with the largest rise when its only 40k releases for months, and the greatest drop when it's most AoS releases, it makes more sense to say 40k is the cause.

he's baiting about the toxic community but he is right about WHFB being dead in the water. At my LGS we tried to keep it alive, believe me. There just wasn't interested, especially from newbies and you can't expect the same core group that has been playing for 10-15 years on average to buy enough stuff to support a system.

>GW hikes up the prices of their models sold abroad
>People just buy online from the UK instead
>Pound slumps, so UK goods are worth less
>People abroad buy more models because they're worth less and it's still cheaper than their ridiculously priced models in their home country
>GW is totally a success gaiz!!!11

I'm still waiting for the actual sales figures for AoS. For every user saying it's sold out at their FLGS, there's another 10 saying it's gathering dust in theirs.

I'm willing to bet the profit jump is entirely 40K, Bloodbowl, and vidya related.

Step right up ladies and gents! This here is a prime example of the typical Veeky Forums neckbeard! Yes sir, this isn't your average college dropout, no sir! This man-child has grown fierce in the basement of his moms residence, creating a far more vicious hatred towards the life outside.
With little to no company, one can tell straight of the bat that this specimen has only has himself to debate, and thus always come to the conclusion that its only its own opinion that matters, thus making it nigh impossible to tame in to the herd of normies in the outside world. At a whim, this beast of a bloated neckbeard will lash out at just about anything proving his world picture wrong!

Ay, stay back my good men, stay back! For you never know how contagious this behavior is. Next thing you know, it is you who violently barge unassorted "arguments" in a public forum, only backing down when a grammar error occurs or the internet cable plugs out by mistake!

Even if AoS doesn't really sell, GW are still making gainz, so they can support AoS until it's grounded in the game scene.

Games Workshop have entered a whole new era post AoS.

They've essentially moved on from the AoS disaster as quickly as they good.

Replacing the CEO helped enormously.

Long time WHFB player here.
Despite my initial hate, I actually find the game fun. Its fast, and when you play it with friends its really great. Creating custom scenarios in a game that doesn't take itself to damn serious is almost like stepping back to my childhood,

All in all, its very beginner friendly. And during our games, we have looked in the rules below 5 times I think. Compare that to the immense amount of time you spent reading and debating the old system! People play it to have a fun time, and you can really tell the difference.


>Replacing the CEO helped enormously.
Yeah, but fixing the devastation left by Tom Kirby will ensure that GW will need much more time to fix the shit he started.

How long it will last and how many sacrifices there will be to fix all of it?

Time will show.

>Beastclaws, Bonesplitterz and Gorechosen (plus a few expansions for ST)

It's kind of embarrassing this thread is so big. Veeky Forums is so easy to bait.

Seriously. I read that and puked into the back of my mouth a little bit.

Whoever came up with the naming scheme for AoS should have been smothered at birth as a favour to the human race.

t. salty grognard that havent bought a mini since 3rd.

its okay, they are doing much better without you.

Are you actually defending 'Beastclaws' and 'Gorechosen'?

Really? Is that where we're at?

>they are doing much better without you.

>Really? Is that where we're at?
It is. No matter how low GW goes, there have always been people on here defending them. And as much as I'd like to think otherwise, I'm certain some of them are genuine.

Beastclaw Raiders for a faction of nomadic barbarians.

Gorechosen for a game to decide who's the chosen of khorne.

It ain't that bad. But yeah, let's be nitpicky, it's not like Fantasy had ever had a bad name EVER!

I think the other user wanted to point out that those "releases" entailed no new sculpt

If anything it shows Rountree cares about the old guard. Or their money, who knows. But he cares.

>and there's a sort of wasteland in terms of new stuffs.