is it any good?

>inb4 varg is a racist nazi
dont give a shit, is the system any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. stop baiting

how am i baiting?

3/9 made me reply

>how am i baiting?
Not him, but because Myfarog threads happens every 3 days, with no one ever posting any actual rules or pdf, yet defending it despide the little we know indicate it to be a bloated D&D homebrew with Varg nonsense plastered all over it. Furthermore, it is common in those threads that individuals claim that they will post the rules, often after saying that the book is not currently available to them at the moment(this is obviously lacking when the claim is about a pdf), being in the possession of either a friend or a brother, and failing to actually deliver, either in that thread or in a different one, as well as derailments either about /pol/ stuff, to the point that might the actual purpose of the thread and I heavily suggest that you should naturally go to /pol/ if you desire to discuss stuff related to to /pol/(not even raising /pol/ as boogeyman. If you desire to talk about politics and the like, /pol/ is quite literally the place for it), or simple about Varg himself, as well as conventional shitposting, which then /b/ or /v/ would be more appropriate boards.

Sweet, it's Tuesday already

at least op is confirmed for not being Kristian Vikernes.
He shits in a barrel and emptys the full barrel in his "Garden".

I don't understand why papyrus is the new comic sans. Hell, I don't even know why comic sans was ever so hated.

Too small to get any feedback from Veeky Forums, you'd be better looking up reviews for it.

You're asking a community of random people for feedback for a a self-published RPG. And not even one of the big ones.

Don't call him anything other than Christian. It helps separate us from him when he posts.

Go to hell, Christian. Stop spamming and shilling your shitty game here.

Fuckers won't stop spamming this game. The mechanics are shit, the fluff is shit, the creator is shit, and the threads are triple shit. Eat sage and die already.


Stop posting MYFAROG threads.

Back on cripplechan their was an austic who was obsessed with it, i mean if you can BE A PIRATE and give it a shot with some friends

If you want neat dark fantasy based on scandinavian and celtic folklore/mythology, just play Trudvang. It's not perfect, but atleast it's a thing and wasn't created by some paganism-obsessed weirdo who moved to fucking France.

I've seen those fucking swimming modifiers.

No. Stop posting, Varg.

I have v2.6, the system is...ok. Like another user said, it's similar to D&D 3.5 but with a ton of tables and modifiers for every situation. It's also more lethal, high level characters don't have a heap load of hit points.

Absolute perfection

How's Hyperdimension Neptunia, Kristian?

Someone animate his mouth to chew on a huge black cock.

and by cock I mean rooster, to bypass porn ban and for greater absurdity

"Just use whatever the fuck DC you feel like."

This. This is what's wrong with the book. Forget the clumsy mechanics. Forget the pointless tables. Forget the racist overtones. Forget all the real world shit Christian gets up to.

The fucking book is typeset in Papyrus. That's a God damn hate crime.

It's the typesetting equivalent of writing like "Prithee, Sirrah, wouldst thou havest a momenteth to peruse mine booketh for thou's librarium?"
(So, I guess it's perfect for Christian's psuedo-historical nonsense RPG.)