Want to get into tabletop roleplay

>want to get into tabletop roleplay
>find DnD group
>spend a couple hours of free time trying to write a decent character
>coming up with a fun backstory and character flaws so my character doesn't feel like a mary sue
>show up to game night
>everyone has lolrandumb characters with names like "Harambe"
>any mechanic more complicated than a single d20 roll is handwaved
>little to no roleplaying
>characters roll to seduce every single npc just cause lol

Are most games like this? Am I just autistic? I'm not against some sillyness but I was kind of looking for something a bit more in depth. How serious are your guys' games?

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Stop playing with children?

I feel your pain, user. Even down to the "Harambe" bit.

Where would you recommend I look? I've been told to avoid the game finder threads here.

Unfortunately, this is a problem which plagues a lot of games, mine included. A few shenanigans here and there are fine, but the real solution is to find more mature players.

get in /5eg/ discord, linked in OP
Mike (aka Biggie of Smalls) has good groups, usually

I GM'd this the other day and was very sad. It tends to happen with new players or YOUTH that doesn't want to spend time learning the rules or reading. I literally had to guide them step by step at creating their charactersl

It's nice to know I'm not alone here it sucks feeling like your ruining everybody else's good time being a rule monkey.

At least as GM I can present them with challenge and give a friendly reminder "remember to look at your abilities guys" and see them learn. Though the thief who realized to use her abilities was also one of the worst offenders for being chaotic stupid. Save for the one male player who they literally pulled around on a rope so he stopped doing stupid shit.

Keeping it silly and light-hearted is an easy way to play. You crack a few beers with your buddies, roll some dice and talk about cracking skulls to pass the time. It's not wrong, but it's very different from using the game to collectively craft a narrative.

Are you playing locally, or online? Looking for groups that fit your playstyle online sounds easier to me, but I wouldn't know. I've got my hands full with two IRL groups.

The first group gets pretty serious about the game, but more in the sense of 'winning' and always achieving optimal mechanical results. They don't ignore the story entirely, but they're less invested in it than I would like. I make do.

The second group is fairly new and full of relatively inexperienced players. Experience with video games has formed some character optimization habits, but all-in-all, they still approach most in-game situations and challenges without instantly referring to rules. This group has the potential to scratch my narrative itch, but it still meets very infrequently. It could go either way.

I'm hoping to spearhead the formation of a new group out of some boardgaming friends who have no experience with RPGs, but there's a lot I need to work on before I can even attempt this. I need to work on becoming a better motivator to even entice anyone to give an RPG a try. Then if I manage that, I need to have an accessible and catchy game and adventure lined up to really hook them.

in case you'd not gathered from the content on Veeky Forums, a lot of asshats play these games. almost by definition, these games are outside the mainstream. and while there are plenty of people who are outside the mainstream because they perceive the shallowness and stupidity of mainstream culture, a lot of people who fail at mainstream culture due to being socially defective pieces of shit also see this alternative culture as their natural home. social rejects are often rejected due to being genuinely worthless human beings.

good luck finding a better group. it's possible, but may be a struggle :/

find a different group. You're a cut above RP-wise

>First D&D group
>Disappointed that no one really cares about other characters' personalities, backstories, or even races
>That one guy who's a complete metagamer and discourages anyone from roleplaying in the slightest
>Lower my expectations and suddenly everything is ok

It's alright I guess.

I really perfer playing in person with people that are already I already know, my friends and family. I truly don't understand all the people looking for groups of strangers Make your own group! My first RPG experience was in 1989 I was 10 yrs old and had purchased a AD&D 2nd Ed Players Handbook with birthday money. I recruited 4 friends to play. We had no experience, barely understood the rules and had a blast.

Look for organized in person play at game stores such as D&D Adventures League or Pathfinder Society.






>I really perfer playing in person with people that are already I already know, my friends and family. I truly don't understand all the people looking for groups of strangers
My friends and family consist of a venn diagram of two types of people, those with no interest, and flakes.

Every once in a while I do manage to get short term games going with the flakes, but I have to cast a wider net if I want some long term play.

Sadly, this is the only way I can play with my friends.

I spent hours creating this one dungeon a week ago and while we did have the kinda fun you described, I felt like I should have just whipped out a boardgame if we were to just drink and make silly jokes all the time.

The players went full murderhobo - even the paladin - and I had to do some heavy roll-fudging because one of the players decided to go Leslie Nielsen on an ARMY of archers. After giving him like 4 turns to change his mind of the archers aiming at him and everyone looking angry and evil, I just decided to roll with the "silly shit" humour we were going with and he survived this zany adventure, but I'm still a little miffed.

And I'd just like to have a traditional experience at the table, but these guys are the only people that'd play this with me.

Why are you friends with those that either don't share your interests or are too selfish to humor you and give tabletop a try?

I'm a forever DM. I won't claim a 100% conversion rate of 1st time players but I always hear the same comment: "That was a lot different then I thought it was going to be, I had fun!"

I tried playing with my housemates. Gave them weeks to write characters. Offered to iron out mechanic stuff if they could just tell me a backstory and what they wanted to be able to do. Took constant reminders and only the day of did they finish. They played one session, then flaked. Now, I play online with people who actually want to play. If the group is shitty, or our interests don't align, I leave. Easy as that. I'm in 2 campaigns that I actually enjoy. I would be in 4, but timezones.

Most of my friends are simply in the flake category. We also have other interests in common and they are fun people to hang out with. I'm also out of school now, and even when I was in school, I didn't make new friends that easily.

The family that doesn't share my interests I am stuck with.

that's your problem right there
When will anyone understand that just ike there's CoD or Fifa for vidya, Adam Sandlers for movies or Twilight for books, there are a basic shitty game that stupid people loves and it's called DnD

t. Mike (aka Biggie of Smalls)

>You'll never RP as Harambe

It can take a while to find a group that takes it a bit more serious then "lol memes roll for sex XD" and I don't know how old you are but if you're young then most the time you just gotta wait until people grow up.

Sadly some never do grow up

Play irl instead of online and play a narrative focused RPG like Fate, apocalypse world, or mouse guard. Should help in finding people who want to play a more focused and less social/for joke's sorta game.

Play rules light narrativist bullshit with hipster scum is the path to the dark side my young Padawan.

Play simulationist games with experienced greybeards.

I once DM'd for a group of highschoolers. They sound a LOT more mature than your group, OP. They at least tried to learn the mechanics and such.

Gamefinder threads aren't THAT bad, they're on average better than roll20 randoms

Stop blaming the players, you're playing the wrong game. They're not going to learn when there are no consequences of failure, they're not going to get invested in the game when it takes 2 hours to build a character. They're not going to care about the "story" when it's something you narrate at them, or their peers narrate them at introduction, and not what they do and accomplished themselves.

Put them in a game where failure is immediate and punishing but character reroll is rapid and you'll find how fast even children will pick up good play, becoming much better players then your coddled 5e group who can only think in terms of rules and builds. Try microlite74, it's rules light D&D, very quick to setup.

Your expectations are cancer user, sounds like your group has risen your standards, now lowered them.

this but at least he made decent recommendations, not dungeon world garbage. Mouse guard isn't burning wheel but it's not exactly rules light.

Here's your (you)

The trick to roll20 games is to find one with a GM with good taste in players. My favorite campaign is one with randoms on roll20 but the GM did such a good job vetting everyone it turned out amazing.

You got unlucky, mate. Considering that you've been making the character on your own without contact with anybody else (which is a bit of a warning sign), you can reuse them for any other party that has same "do whatever with your PC" open start.

So yeah just find another group. Roll in with the same character. OR if the group actually sets up some sort of requirement and group interaction for making new ones - make a new one, that group has much higher chance of being worth it.