Legitimate question:

Legitimate question:

Could you use intimidate to make a non-rape attempt at seduction in 3.pathfinder D&D?

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If you coerce someone into sex, it's considered rape by most modern folks, what are you asking?

You can intimidate someone to do anything they're able to, I feel like you may just be stirring shit.

Limited only to the "impress me with your strength or you're a bitch unworthy" types.

Interesting. Does this also cover using bluff to seduce someone?

Sure, even seen it happen before. Rather specific kind of use though.


Hey, nice to see a fellow tumblr-user posting on this site! I know you didn't say you cam from tumblr, but I can tell by the way you posted you must hang out there quite often. Just wanted to stop by and say "hi" to a fellow tumblrina :^)

Well, carry on. I look forward to seeing more of your posts around, Veeky Forums can get kinda dark for me sometimes :3

They might just play exalted, dude.

Exalted players aren't THAT faggy, user


Have you played exalted?

>op specifically mentions pf/dnd
why the fuck can't you stop talking about exalted?

Yes, but you'd be limited in your options.

Because an user accused someone else of being from tumblr, when they were acting like a fa/tg/uy who is just really into exalted, user. Why so upset? Did Exalted seduce you with a successful intimidate check?

>Did Exalted seduce you
if you're trying to imply there is anything appealing about Exalted i'm afraid you're mistaken

What part of 'Unwilling sex is rape' is tumblr?

It's the implication..

coerced is a synonym of convinced. if someone has convinced you of something you are not an "unwilling believer" did you even fucking read what he wrote?
>implying you're not samefag

God damn it, I suddenly understand everything about my question

>coerced is a synonym of convinced.
And the retard of the day award goes to....

>persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.

>obtain (something) from someone by using force or threats.

Unwilling is a pretty big part of it.

"it's not on this small list of synonyms i found on google, therefore there is no chance it could be a fact"
also why the fuck would you look up synonyms of convince rather than coerce? holy hell you are some special kind of moronic pal. but hey, I'm sure that won't stop you from shitposting, so jokes on me for responding

but they were persuaded to consent. are you fucking retarded or do you not know what persuaded means?

If i stick a knife up to a womans throat and then have sex with her saying i'll slit her throat if she refuses then that's rape.

So if you torture or blackmail someone into doing something they become willing?

As the example for the second one there was:

>"their confessions were allegedly coerced by torture"

>also why the fuck would you look up synonyms of convince rather than coerce?
Because you said that coerced is a synonym of convinced.
Is English not your first language, or are you just retarded?

>but they were persuaded to consent.
No, they were coerced into consent. These words are actually very different to the point that they have different legal ramifications.

Is English not your first language or something?

Hey guys, glad to see this thread has really attracted the tumblr crowd ^u^ Much like the world, Veeky Forums can be a pretty scary place sometimes and having safe spaces like this thread make it much more welcoming to people like me (for reference, even r.eddit gets a little too edgy for me sometimes). If I post a link to my tumblr page, will you guys give me a few reblogs plz?

You might as well say it's attracted the legal crowd. Coercion has a very clear legal definition and it's not the same as convincing someone.

>if you disagree with me you must be tumblr
im not going to let you redefine words to suit your narrative you pathetic fucking faggot

Understanding how English is used in practice is a trait exclusive to tumblr users now?

"ill use some derogatory words, then hell believe i don't use my favorite website, tumblr!"

here's the last (You) I'm giving your bait, you can fuck off now

epic troll m8

Jokes on you; I just want the (You). Did you see how I orchestrated that? It was so perfect. I just memed the same meme everyone here memes, but I put it out there so gently you couldn't resist.
It's like asking a slut what her sign is. It's a horrible line, of course, but she can't help but to roll her eyes and answer anyway. And that's all you need. Once she responds you both know she will be yours. The door is open.
And in that same way, you are now mine. I have you and your (You) and there is no way for you to change that. You have been dominated, used, and soon will be discarded.
But you knew this would be the case when you responded. It's the silly game we play here. We pretend we're actually conversing but it's all really just a ridiculous dance. One partner leads, the other follows, and neither has truly gained nor lost anything.
We carry on, and we know we'll do it again and again. Probably not with the same partner, but that's ok. It's the thrill of the hunt that keeps us coming back. The thrill of hunting and, if we're being honest, the thrill of the vulnerability of being hunted.
Thanks for dancing with me, user.

One option I feel is that it'd be good for seduction based upon people perceiving you as a badass.

So for instance, if you used intimidate while bending metal rods to show off your strength (though you would still need to actually bend said rods)...

Or boasting of badass deeds. "I am Thorkar the Destroyer, he who has slain three hundred men with a broken axe handle!"

Or perhaps as acting like an overly pushing dom type. "You, me, let's go upstairs."

The latter is probably the most borderline rapey of the options, but it should be alright if you leave the target with a legitimate out.

Hope this helps!

user, it isn't even a trait of tumblr users, which generally co-opt words for their own definitions/purposes on a fairly regular basis.

of course he's gonna defend tumblr, its where he spends most of his time. I'm sure he also has a tumblr tab open now complaining about this exact thread

Truly sickening

>if you think rape is wrong, you're from tumblr
Veeky Forums hits new lows every day

no one was arguing whether rape was right or wrong you ignorant cunt

No, OP. You and quite a few other people in this thread should read the skill again:

"Check: You can use Intimidate to force an opponent to act friendly toward you for 1d6 × 10 minutes with a successful check. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target's Hit Dice + the target's Wisdom modifier. If successful, the target gives you the information you desire, takes actions that do not endanger it, or otherwise offers limited assistance. After the Intimidate expires, the target treats you as unfriendly and may report you to local authorities. If you fail this check by 5 or more, the target attempts to deceive you or otherwise hinder your activities."

Note that target will act "Friendly" but not "Helpful" and thus you still are going to be subjected to Request DCs on top. So you could use the skill to intimidate the person into doing whatever thing you want to """seduce""" them into doing with your threats of violence or displays of prowess, but no matter how you attempt to justify it, after 1d6x10 minutes she's still going to report your ass to the police for the rapist you are because she's now unfriendly towards you. And you best not fail your check by five or you might end up with a bad case of severed dick.

I think they were.

Like most shitheads, they're arguing that their version of rape isn't actually rape, because if it was, they'd be rapists.

Loser shitheads that have to pester and pester a girl to get her to sleep with him, usually by way of covert threats are an actual issue.

Are there shithead women who decry everything as rape? Sure, and those fucks need to shut up. They're not making an issue out of nothing, they're masking a real fucking issue by overblowing it and minimizing it in the eyes of others.

It's te same fucking thing with "That Guy". When everyone tells their clearly overblown or false horror story about having social interaction with someone they didn't like, it means that actual fuckers who make the hobby look bad get off scot free, because people don't believe they exist.

Giving the OP the benefit of the doubt he's not a troll (which he is) intimidation means scarring someone doing something. So the answer is pretty much no.

I suppose you try to impress her with a 'bad boy act' or how well you scared off the other guy (would probably be more closer to performance) but even that would be pushing it.

hi plebbit, here's your (You) so you can tell all your normie friends that you're a bona fide 4channer, plz leave now

Only after you learn to type like a literate human being, instead of a disabled child.

>getting this anally annihilated over a post on an anonymous malaysian woodcarving site
who's the disabled child here?

Jeezus Chriist just look at the memebabby here.

your anger arouses me, user-kun

OP here, the 'overly pushy dom' act was kind of what I had in mind, but I was wondering what other people thought. I'm actually intrigued by the badboy aspect though, hadn't thought of it, even though either option is kind of skirting edgelord territory (though we're going pretty deep into magical realm already with making seduction rules).

I have a few players in an erp-heavy online game who are new to pathfinder, and one asked me how you seduce someone (she wanted to "slut her way out of the situation" in her words). I said "Justify any charisma-based skill to me, but fuck you if you say perform(percussion)", and she asked "even intimidate?", to which I had no legitimate response.

>implying anyone uses the social skills as-written

No. All cis-sex is rape inherently.

>OP here, the 'overly pushy dom' act was kind of what I had in mind

Okay well you should really make that a lot more fucking clear....because the implication.


Well hey, it's up on her to justify her approach if she wants to try it.

What's your thought on "Intimidate to impress the amazon/badass types"?

where did op say it was cis-sex? faggot


I'd say it gets their attention, but you're looking at a significant penalty due to her expectations of virility, and maybe a size category penalty due to my fetishes involving amazons.

She ended up going with bluff anyways, as she's a duplicitous little shit of a sorcerer, but I figured I'd get some rules down for the only cha-based skill the fighter has.

You do realize that cis=comfortable in skin, and it can apply perfectly well to lesbians and gay men, right?


Showing off feats of strength is called "performance" not "intimidate".

Boasting is called "bluff" not "intimidate."

Acting overly pushy is "performance" or "bluff" not "intimidate."

BEING overly pushy is called "intimidate" and isn't seductive at all, it's forcing someone to do what they don't want to do.

When applied to sex, its called "rape".

So, still no.

See above.

Yes. Just be a lady about it.

Yes if someone you intimidate really wants to have sex with you because how good in intimidation you are

You could plausibly do it accidentally. Someone attracted to power might be turned on by threats.

Pretty sure you could seduce Harley Quinn with Intimidate rolls.

That's explicitly not how intimidation works but you're GM Man. If you want to use to mean simply 'talking tough' rather than actual threats then sure. whatever helps helps you get feel better jerking off over the Internet.

Who do you think we are? The boner police? You do you.

If she has a domination fetish, maybe.
Otherwise, no.

This really depends of what you're bluffing. People forget, it seems, that PCs are supposed to be people. They aren't trying to cover their munchkin builds weak spots with stronger ones. They just want to bang that woman.

Stop trying to use your good skill where it isn't intended to be used.

Also, if you use bluff to seduce, she'll know you're lying soon enough... Oglaf curses aside.

No god damn it, you don't understand! I can't get it up unless I know that somewhere out there, someone agrees with my rulings as a GM! My players don't count - they're so inexperienced it's like statutory.

depends on your DM's setting

Maybe, if it's along the lines of, "This is your only chance to become my lover, if you walk away now you will forever regret this opportunity, because in the back of your mind there will always be that thought of 'What did I miss out on?' You will spend the rest of your life wondering how different it could have been..."

This right here, intimidate can be used when you're on a boat or if you're a woman.

Are you implying that intimidating someone is the same thing as blackmail or torture?

Holy shit, how retarded are you? Parents are pretty damn intimidating when they threaten to ground young children for staying up late.

Does that mean parents should be sent to jail for "coercing" their kids to turn off the fucking TV and go to bed at a reasonable hour since they have school tomorrow?

The thing about a person who is intimidating is that you can TELL THEM NO, and then WALK AWAY.

It's not fucking hypnosis!

I mean, if they get off to that sort of thing.
Pretty much this.
>Snooty princess thinks you're just another meathead and tells you as much to your face
>Construct elegant and well-constructed response about how exactly you got your reputation for effectiveness
>Instant waterfall

You know, this might actually be legitimately true about Drow.

Depends on if he's into girls who can eat him or not.


doesn't exist

Nope, the cis- is prefix of Latin origin, it's not abbreviation.

Clearly, with the prevailing misuse of the word "cuck" and "meme" for the past years, Veeky Forums is not the bastion of the English language it wishes it was.

"Cuck" is not a real word, you inbred shithead. If you're going to try to talk shit about someone else's grammar you should first make sure you are not, in fact, a complete fucking retard.

If you want to allow a toned down of "intimade" to just be "Being scary" or "an overbearing presence" then I can see it working.

Actively rolling intimidate instead of generic seduction option/skill does give it the idea of "sex, or else". I could certainly see using it as a "draw" though.

"You walk into the bar and catch X people's attention, a few because you're putting them on edge, but one is giving you a look of approval." Then proceed to either straight charisma with a miscellaneous bonus of some kind due to "knowing your audience" or something to proceed further.

>Could you use intimidate to make a non-rape attempt at seduction in 3.pathfinder D&D?
A good suggestion is to show off prowess in intimidation upon someone OTHER than the target of your desired affection.

"Hey babe, watch me flex so hard at this orc that he runs away from my virility"

>orc runs off terrified on successful intimidate

"How's THEM guns, eh babe?"

Bait: The Thread: The Commentchain: The Movie

Quality comment, bro. So snarky! Have an upvote!

What is your fucking problem? Why is this thread alive? Holy fuck I hate people

>going this far out of your way to bitch like a whore after an anal ravaging
kys plz

>Talk shit about someone else's grammer... complete fucking retard.
>He says while using commas like hundreds and thousands.

No u.

Is your mother also your sister?

This is a site for people over the age of 18 user.

Okay... I fucked that one up.

No u

Don't worry. Someday you'll find something you can do well.

lol, retard

It might involved stout branch and a piece of rope.

>coerced is a synonym of convinced
What a funny coincidence. My parents genuinely believed this too.

>giving such a short, meaningless reply to something posted hours ago that the author will likely never see
lol, retard

no its not you fucking mong

10/10 thread.

>Could you use intimidate to make a non-rape attempt at seduction in 3.pathfinder D&D?
And neither is Bluff suited for it. Diplomacy is the closest thing you will get to Seduction skill in DnD, and even that isn't quite right either.

Oh jeez, right in the self-confidence. You know how to kick someone when they're down don't you.

Pretty sure I'd fuck that up most of all, I'd wuss out, wouldn't be able to commit in the end. Like it or not I'm in it for the long haul, no matter how torturous and achingly painful it might become, there's no way I'd ever be able to go through with something like that.

Reddit: The post