Tell me about your dragons, Veeky Forums

Tell me about your dragons, Veeky Forums.

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Well I'm trying to create a central dynamic between them all.

I also am in the process of adding Gem Dragons.

Wait wait wait... there's anime?

Traditional dragons are boring. I usually don't use them.

Closest I've had in a long time is a giant lungfish that eats people purely for sexual reasons.

Traditional dragons that showed up, kicked ass, opposed the gods, and got reckt by all levels of deities. Most are dead, some are still around, hiding.

>a giant lungfish that eats people purely for sexual reasons.
....go on

Incredibly lewd under a civilised exterior.

Might as well just give the players what they want.

>what is Dark Souls

They know Kung Fu

Dark souls had the opposite, but yeah I see your point.

Here, these are the notes from the area. Players haven't been there yet so it's fairly sparse

>The fields of spearwheat gives way to a wide clearing of bronze colored grass. Each piece of grass has three holes in it and when wind blows over the plains it makes a sound like chaotic flute music. There's a lake of bright pink fluid to the north and a small sandy beach littered with old soda cans. The fluid tastes like cherry and is carbonated. The trail of mucus leads to the water. There's an enormous sapient lungfish out there (Str 15, dex 8, mind 10, hp 20, armor 2, d10 damage). It eats humans but only for sexual and fetishistic reasons. If players wade into the water or otherwise attract it, it will come and ask them innuendo filled questions. If they agree to anything, it will then attempt to eat them. If not, it will return to the water, dejected. It can tell a little bit about the cult, but not much. Just what it saw while being captured.

The cult mentioned is a cult of weirdos attempting to "Normalize" things by killing or mutilating magical creatures and destroying magical items. They tried to capture the lungfish but he...had his way with them. In the game he acts like an awkward vore fetishist trying to ease players into letting him eat them. Because I find the idea of a giant thing doing awkward and fatal sexual advances towards a party to be hilarious.

If I recall the lore correctly the dragons in Souls (1) were dicked over mostly by one of their kind rather than "punished by god for their arrogance".

Very true, but they did oppose the "gods" when they were getting hunted, and they got rekt by the "gods".

Not saying it's exactly the same, but there are quite a few similarities to it. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all, Dark Souls has some really interesting lore.

In dark souls the dragons were the rulers of the world until a few beings discovered fire and used the powers it conferred upon them to overthrow the dragons and declare themselves the rulers of the world.

Also a mutant dragon thing helped them.

Huge holes in reality that corrupt the land around them- whether they want to or not. Some try and isolate themselves to prevent this from affecting others, some exploit this, and some don't care.

Remnants of the old world born again in the new.

My players haven't caught on yet.

A dragon is the hole in the world created when a god is born. When the god of civilization became the emblem of settling down, the Ravaging dragon was formed to burn the fields, sowing trees in its wake. When the god of the forests became the guardian of those trees, the Acidic Dragon was formed to melt away all that lived. When the god of heroes slew the first dragon to die, the Dragon of Despair emerged in his wake, drawn to the mightiest of heroes.

When the goddess of the hearth began to bless a well-organized home, the Adulterous Dragon came forth, and fifth.

Dragons don't need to be fertilized to lay eggs - they need to despoil the god's followers, and as his prayers grow, as his following grows, so too do the numbers of dragons that god left in his wake.

Truly, dragons are the most terrible consequence of our faith.

How do they get fuel?

A very robust digestive system and a steady diet of slimes.

>A-10 Thunderbolt
Good choice but I doubt they'll survive.

Same way as the tank.

Reminds me a bit of a huge vore story by somebody on Eka's named something like Alphabeta123 about a large, captive sapient creature that couldn't speak but was still attempting to seduce a caretaker into letting him eat them. Shame it was one of those "Deleted everything and vanished" cases.

Nothing a fantasy MANPADS-equivalent can't take care of.

Now, what you've really gotta watch out for...

Speaking of which, we have nuclear carriers and nuclear submarines, why did nobody come up with nuclear jet yet?

We're working on it.

Uranium reactors are essentially xbox hueg steam turbines that produce a ton of toxic waste and can cause a nuclear incident should they meltdown/explode. Even ignoring the size and weight the fallout from one of those things blowing up in midair would be a widespread uncontrollable catastrophe.

We did, but it was too horrific for the US Military to be willing to have.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Then, look up Project Pluto, the Convair X-6, and the Convair NB-36H.

>FOTM anime "dragons" that look just like humans with tails
Get that weeb shit out of here.

Which one is better and why?

If I recall my Witcher lore right, then the polish dragon, because he will have a retinue of hit bitches and is willing to share if you're a bro.

None of those.

Better than that repulsive thing and everything like it

They parade around in human form most of the time in their stupid little perfect village while being complete holier than thou cocknozzles when they aren't lamenting their semi-self exile from the world at large because they dun fucked up in the past so bad that there aren't even any ruins left from that global civilization that they used to run. What was their great downfall? Being holier than thou cocknozzles and thinking they knew best.

Most of the dieties of that world have plans that involve murdering the lot of them.

Dragons' hoard-building behaviors is a perfect example of how the cyclical nature of sexual selection can result in traits that seem maladaptive.

In our own world we can see examples of sexual displays and/or behaviors which only make sense because of sexual selection. A peacock's tail is a hindrance: he cannot fly as well because of it, and yet evolution demands that the peacocks with the largest tails will have the best chances of passing on their genes simply because peahens are attracted to large tails... and peahens who are not as attracted to large tails are selected against because any sons they have will be less able to find mates. This seemingly senseless cycle means that every generation peacocks' tails become more and more of a hindrance to them.

So is it with dragons.

Millions of years ago, the male ancestors of dragons would, like many birds in our world, add shiny objects to their nests to attract a mate. But at the time there was very little to challenge a dragon, and so evolution advanced the species in the only ways it could, by exaggerating their mating behaviors. The compulsion to add pleasing objects to their nests became an obsession for male dragons, as finding a mate with an ornate nest became an obsession for the females.

the immortal sentient time machine that can bend reality by talking

That plane looks happy.

if you were packing what the plane is packing you would look happy too

Eldritch gods who are essentially Deep Ones. Their goal is to breed out all other races and make them all dragon blooded and once they have turned all races dragon blooded they will take the souls of their faithful and march on the Afterworld and conquer all of existence.

why does modern anime do this thing where when the sakuga kicks in, everything gets darker? especially noticeable in the sky.

Dramatic effect.


stop using VLC

Unlimited fuel doesn't make sense for a plane because you have to land anyway when you run out of bombs.

Dragons are a kind of living focal point of the forces that created the natural world. They don't care to talk much with the small, mortal folk, and have no interest in interbreeding. Instead, the draconic taint is more like a mutation picked up from the background radiation of living near a place where Dragons roost.

Each kind of Dragon is made for its environment, or perhaps vice versa. The desert dragon is a great limbless wyrm that swims through the sands and hears a coyote's heartbeat from miles away. The sea dragon is a white beast, jaws the size of islands opening up and swallowing ships whole into a vast valley of razor sharp teeth. The volcanic dragon is honestly just a regular dragon, I dunno, one of them had to be.

The words chosen to represent natural disasters: Typhoon, Inferno, Tornado, Quake, all are taken from the names of the great Dragons. They are the embodiment of nature's wrath.

It's said there used to be so many of them they would've blotted out the sun if it was around. You could chuck a spear into the sky and expect to hit a dragon. Now they live up in the mountains and deep in the jungles. Pretty much the same as in any other setting, except dragons from the Drakewoods Rainforest which are infected with the plague Blackwood. There's also an entire mountain range full of them called Slaughter Mountains, named for the carcasses of elephants, dinosaurs, and other megafauna plucked from the not!Savanna that decorate the slopes.

Dragons aren't real, user. ;-;

We didn't even know if we could be total bros with our dragon.

A 13-inch cock?

At least it actually looks like a dragon and not someone gluing parts on people.

A human with a reputation, and an evilish post-apocalypse syndicate.

Sadly the world is not ready for kaiju harem anime.

I say Kaiju Harem anime would be too stupid. I mean, in any of those anime does the MC actually DO anything? Besides blushing, bleeding out the noise, and "accidentally" creating blatantant fanservice moments.

Ancient, usually dormant biomechanical war-mechs, with a consciousness split between an organic mind that operates mostly on instinct and a hyper intelligent (occasionally insane) AI that directs its more complex movements and abilities. They're also dragons more in their role as giant, intelligent, and powerful monsters rather than in their actual physical shape.

Each one has a small, self-sustaining, personal fleet of drones that are wholly dedicated to it. They perform maintenance and repairs, go out in search of materials like ants from a hive, and guard the "nest" from smaller enemies through the use of traps.

Used Pratchett as my inspiration.

Swamp dragons are tiny little combustible things prone to random explosion

Some of which evolved to feed on magic, eventually becoming the "Noble Dragon" which are the more recognized kind.

The noble dragon cannot sustain its need for magic in the material plane, so they reside in there own plane comprised entirely of dragons. No land or sky or other space at all. Just dragons.

They're Chromatics are children of the mother of Chaos, Tiamat before she was broken into the fiveheaded dragon thing she is now. They're each intrinsically tied to an elemental facet of reality.

In the breaking of Tiamat it made her reflection, who in turn made the Metallic Dragons as reflections of the Chromatics, but distinctly artifical in some capacity.

They're also fucking huge ass flying lizards, part of the OG life in the world before the Giants and mammals came around and fucked shit up. Kaiju battles were a thing in prehistory.

>guise, my dragons are blips in the laws of physics, aren't I so original?

It depends on which setting I'm using. Im my most traditional setting, Dragons are extremely powerful sapient creatures who rule all of creation around them, including the other various sapient creatures (humans). It's not that humans are content with this arrangement, it's that they cannot conceive of the alternative. I think it requires a certain level of common sense and awareness to look at what a dragon is and what it can do and think to yourself "How could things be different from this?"

Dragons themselves have an instinct to surpass their peers and dominate what is around them. They will grow and get stronger forever until a stronger dragon disposes them. This is why they are forbidden from leaving their home plane (It's a bit complex, but the broad strokes is that it's a multiverse setting where there exists a sort of central hub plane where knowledge, matter, and energy are personified and distributed to all other worlds) except in extremely circumstantial cases.

creatures of pure magic, they are highly intelligent and extremely old. They can shapeshift and actively hide among the other races of the world.

In their draconic form they are massive when fully grown, dwarfing some castles and possibly even small islands.

Their meat and hide are the most valuable of any creature, dragonscale armor is seen as heinous yet is nearly impenetrable and resistant to magic, and the flesh of a dragon is said to be the most delicious.

When a dragon dies its heart can be cut open to reveal a Dragonstone (Often called a bloodstone) that gives the bearer the powers of a dragon (Flight and elemental control) after training and learning how to control it. The longer the dragonstone lies within the dead heart, the more it breaks and crumbles.

The remaining dragon population is small and hidden away, most hiding in plain sight, others in secluded places across the realm. Even in their disguised forms they are extremely powerful, and nigh impervious to all forms of damage.

They did. But it was cancelled because the 24/7 nuke delivery platform role was taken by ICBMs.

They're creatures corrupted by massive amounts of magical energy. While they sorta retain the dragon-esque figure, they're incapable of sustained flight and are basically mutated reptilian aberrations turned insane by "le evil magic." These dragons are drawn to sources of great power (magic or otherwise) which they will try to consume because insanity. Because of this, the party has to be constantly on the move or they risk being hunted down.
They're still pretty intelligent and capable of negotiation, but have lost any motivations beyond kill, eat, destroy.

Is this best wvyern contest

>Hurr Durr King of the skies

How does it feel to get punked in front of your bitch?

I hate them

I wish I could kill them all

>only one of these is an actual dragon
wyvernfags gtfo

They come in all shapes and sizes but are bascially whole embodiments of natural law, worshipped as guardians that make sure the other nature spirits do their jobs. Nature doesn't just mean pretty flowers, it also means upholding and maintaining linear time, gravity, and so on.

A dragon isn't a dragon unless there's a dragon donk.

Big crocodiles

They are natural organisms produced by evolution, just like all life in the setting. For this reason, dragons are extremely diverse and widespread.

They are a class of chordates marked by being primitively endothermic, capable of safely digesting or rejecting almost any substance, having 6 limbs, and having extremely complex digestive systems and acidic defense mechanisms. All dragons are dull in color, usually grey or brown, and they tend to be slimy and bulbous. The most dragonlike look like LOTR's fell beasts. Dragons are highly intelligent, being beaten only by primates. Most are individualistic and rebellious.

Flying dragons are rare, most flying dragons are small predators that rely more on muscle and claw than on vomit, while there are a handful of large flying dragons left fighting against extinction. Greater than the flying dragons are the ground dragons, which are typically further on the evolutionary tree. They can grow much larger, even to the size of horses, and they are built for vomiting. Some ground dragons commit double digit percentages of their body volume to their vomiting apparatus. There are sapient ground dragons which have shown to be capable of communicating and working with humans. The largest dragons are Glygûrwyrms, which are also the longest terrestrial organism, capable of vomiting extreme distances and swallowing goats whole.

The most highly evolved of dragons are not called as such. These beings are known as Hammak, which look more like Mystics from The Dark Crystal. Hammak are slightly less intelligent than humans, and the most widespread and accepted of non-human races. They are slow waddling sacks of ultra-developed organs that can separate and identify chemicals with precision. They are important to human history for their contributions in science and philosophy. Hammak have evolved to survive attacks rather than attack others, being more formidable foes than their ugly and fat appearance suggests.

Ancient bio weapons designed by a precursor race to protect their civilization from a threat they hoped never to return. They also make really nice guard dogs for areas the upper-class saw fit to program them to defend. They're mostly waking up due to various reasons one of the major ones is to stop tomb robbing and raiding of the ruins they were built to defend.

Dragons in my games are usually cute little girls.
Sometimes they are brown little girls.

I've done the same thing in a few different games. Real Dragons are unique, individual creatures of extreme power and generally isolationist behavior. Two different dragons aren't just different colors, they'll look, act, and function completely differently, from a tremendous multilegged snapping turtle that carves out canyons with its blowtorch breath to a tremendous snipe eel that breathe a cloud of corrosive mist that renders humanoids soft and squishy enough to slurp through its tiny mouth and into its mile-long digestive tract. They're incredibly intelligent and can often speak the human tongue, even if it's centuries out of date. They practice a form of Lamarckian evolution in the egg, which is when they are at their most invulnerable, adapting to whatever environment they incubate in. One faction in the first game I ran had taken a dragon egg and put it on top of a flying island surrounded by sun-crystals and mirrors to focus as much sunlight on it as possible in an attempt to create an apocalyptic weapon for their cult.

They are all hermaphroditic, with no drive towards sexual reproduction. They can asexually reproduce, creating litters of "lesser dragons", things like wyverns, wyrms, drakes, and jabberwocks, which are about as intelligent as smart dogs. As for reproducing with each other, they have no biological urge to, and there's a secondary reason why it's a very bad idea for them.

Originally, all dragons were one dragon, the first and greatest dragon, virtually omnipotent, who the gods ripped into pieces to create all the other dragons. The first generation of dragons was the most numerous, and also the most weak. Dragon reproducing with dragon produces a creature stronger than either parent, as it it closer to the original dragon, and the only thing a dragon really fears is another dragon. It's also incredibly draining for a dragon to create a true dragon egg, and the chick will usually make its comatose dam its first meal.


Um... No? I'm almost 99% certain that I ripped that shit from either Skyrim or NGE. It might've been Receiver too, with all the talk of 'Reality A/B' and how we're all just projections of minds or something.

Point is, it's totally not original, I just thought it sounded fun when I came across the concept.

For those reasons, dragons very seldom reproduce, and when one gets its into its head to mate it's often out of madness or spite, because the chick will grow to be a great danger to the sire as well as the dam. Because, as I said, pregnancy usually kills the mother, no dragon will submit to carrying an egg willingly, and is generally forced by losing a battle with the sire or due to some outside interference like human wizards being typically thoughtless. In theory, if you bred enough dragons together and pushed the generations far enough (which would take centuries even if you bred each drakling the moment it reached sexual maturity), you would have the original, first dragon back. Then you would probably die and it would go on to consume all other dragons.

Because, obviously, most true dragons hate other true dragons, they tend to avoid them and live isolated lives in their own demesnes, frequently spawning lesser creatures to act as their minions and even bring them food. A lazy dragon is a happy dragon. Some compulsively collect treasure, but that is less out of greed and more because it's an esoteric component of their diet and makes their armor more potent or their breath more hurty.

As for humans, their view on them varies. One game I ran had a dragon that was completely sterile and unable to reproduce at all, not even enough to make lesser dragons, so it adopted fleeing human refugees and taught them how to manipulate fire with magic, creating a tribe of itinerant dragon-worshiping pyromancers as minions. Another basically just wanted to doze at the bottom of the sea and grow fat and only woke up when overfishing meant that its lesser drakes weren't able to bring it food. Then it complained and threatened to wash away every coastal city in its "territory". The snipe eel one ate very little but humans, because it views them as an apex predator and that by consuming them it sets itself above them in the food chain. One was a city.




Dammit user, I just finished fapping!

You're both right. The OGs who discovered the First Flame and claimed the power of fire for itself became, if not gods, something very close to it. Gwyn, the First Lord, was basically a god and worshipped as a god and called a god and lived in the "city of the gods" and shot down dragons with sick mass lightning bolt barrages.

Seath was jealous that he didn't have the scales of immortality despite being a dragon and was basically an ugly mutant, so he sold out the other dragons to Gwyn & Company in exchange for power. He then invented sorcery and became something called a "true undead" where he essentially couldn't die and regenerated all damage unless you smashed the magic crystal he'd created, a bit like a dracolich. He also managed to be a lot more evil than most Souls bosses.

Get the fuck outta here with your chiaroscuro shading

Meme plane.

At least it's not a moe moe dyke.

They are concentrated sin.

In my current setting, when someone dies their soul tries to pass through a cosmic veil to another realm that lies beyond it. Most fail and are bounced back to the world to be reincarnated, where they will eventually die again and repeat the process. Only by attaining enlightenment in life can your soul then pass on to the other side of the veil after you die.

Thing is, every time your soul tries to "fit" through the "gaps" in the veil, it scrapes off bits and pieces of sin that the veil's gaps won't allow through. These bits of sin slowly congeal into a single blob, until they eventually reach critical mass and form into a dragon soul. The dragon soul then travels into the world and where it is born.

While every dragon possess all sins in abundance, there is usually one that they favor over the others and that sin defines what abilities it possesses. A dragon of envy, for example, can see through the eyes of others. A dragon of pride has a magically compelling voice, a dragon of gluttony can devour magic to become more powerful, and so on.

>Seath was jealous that he didn't have the scales of immortality despite being a dragon and was basically an ugly mutant,
Bitch aint got no legs either

I did it because it would be funny haha I wonder what yoshi eggs smell like haha.

unrelated to the thread, but what is scalebound about? All I can imagine it as is a long Beats(tm) commercial where you play music and fight giant monsters with other people wearing Beats(tm)

>Japanese game built like an american game styled after European mythology.
That's what it takes.

I think it was supposed to be like The Last Guardian for XBros. :^)

I'm not really sure, the most I've heard is you have a huge fucking dragon and you kick ass and take names. I don't own an XBox, but I still wanted to hear about this game.

They're sort of like Manakete with a twist.

Basically humanoid with dragon features, and an alternate draconic form that they can shift into at-will.

Also, they're literally allergic to defeat. If they get beaten bad enough, it causes them to revert back to their human form, but their body keeps trying to change again, but fails, causing extremely painful scales to half-form and burst out of their skin.

Other than that, they're all greedy fucks who sleep on beds made of gold and enjoy the finer things in life, have hundreds of kobold servants, and are generally much more cliche because that's how I roll.

Come back when you're old enough to legally be on this website.

I think I mentioned a little while ago, in a semi-unrelated thread that got Archived on suptg, my ideas for Dragons (and Elementals, which was more on topic for the thread), but I'll reprise it here, just for other people to steal if they like.

"Dragon" isn't a species of animal, or even really a genus. "Dragon" can actually refer to a number of organisms that, if we use our earth-like taxonomy, would be an Order of Organisms: Megareptilia, defined as an order of Large, Carnivorous Reptiles.

Observe the Serpentia Fuegus, or the "Fire Dragon". Native to the wet, marshy, and rough south-eastern reaches of Caliburn, it has evolved to be almost perpetually in flight, lifted by two great helium sacs run down either side of the body. These helium sacs are quite vulnerable to piercing implements, provided one can get close enough to reach them, and Fire Dragon meat and organs make up a large part of the native Teifeian cuisine. Some particularly brave orcs even eat the specialized glands that the Fire Dragon uses to produce it's breath weapon: a directed stream of Nitromethane ignited by striking the grooved inner edges of their teeth together while shooting the stream out of specialized organs in their mouths.

Now, holding that in mind as a member of the Order of Dragons, observe the Earth Dragon: It possesses no breath weapon, nor even Haliatosis. Where the Fire Dragon has no legs, the Earth Dragon has six; And rather than flying, the Earth Dragon has shown a amusing habit of attempting to climb trees which inevitably shatter under the three-story tall reptile. It's suspected the behavior comes from the common ancestor to the Dragons, which is theorized to have been a Roosting Bird related to the Pheonix and the Roc. Earth Dragons are prized for their hides, which presented one of the strongest means of armoring a man until the advent of Gunpowder, at which point special weapons had to be made to pierce a hide three times the strength of steel. [CONT]


Outside of Fire Dragons and Earth Dragons, how many species of Dragon are there? Well, scientifically speaking, 146 species of Dragon are documented within the Order, not including the Wyvern which has long been a point of contention (What, precisely, constitutes "large"? Wyverns can grow to be over 8 feet long, but most scientists contend that most species of dragon are commonly /born/ at that size.). However, in the common vernacular, most people refer to approximately 7 species of Dragon, with the species of Wyverns making nineteen depending on who you ask. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Black, Azure, and Cave.

Water Dragons, a family of 13 species, are aquatic reptiles that have been recorded at wild, unthaumatically altered sizes of up to three kilometers. They feed on schools of Saltwater Archfish and Sea Monkeys, but will eat any sizable grouping of large fish. Fleets of ships have been hunted by Water Dragons, who utilize a specialized organ in the back of their mouth to fire a directed depth charge known to crack solid steel. However, intrepid wizards be warned; Water Dragons to not do well outside of the deep ocean, as they have gills, and not lungs.

Air Dragons are the closest related to Fire Dragons, being one of the few types of Dragon to share not only the Order but the Family as well. Rather than use large hydrogen sacs to allow for flight, Air Dragons have three massive sets of wings and a pair of small legs. Usually measuring in at approx. 15 meters long, the Air Dragon is one of the smallest types of Dragon, and usually subsists on a diet of birds stunned by it's directed sonic blasts.

Black Dragons are one of the most lethal kind of Dragon. Despite being almost a full story high, these Dragons are shockingly stealthy, using their mottled black hide to blend in with their native swamp. Even if you survive the bite, the Black Dragon's venom will quickly liquefy your organs, turning most animals into a easily consumed goo. [CONT]


Azure Dragons are some of the largest dragons, a interesting variation on the Megafauna generally associated with the dwarvish mountains of Kathudum. An Azure Dragon has no breath weapon, as it would be a waste of resources desperately needed to inflate it's size larger and larger. While still dwarfed by the Roc, the Azure Dragon can reach the towering height of three /hundred/ meters, and unsuspecting travelers have found themselves terrified by the hill they were traveling over suddenly sprouting wings and attempting to fly away. Azure Dragons, contrary to their massive size, are quite cowardly, and like Earth Dragons tend to be largely herbivorous, though they have been noted to eat the corpses of any megafauna in lean times. Dwarven tradition states that hanging the knucklebone of an Azure Dragon over one's wedding bed makes the matrimony unbreakable: the implication being that if the bond is severed, the rope is too, sending the knucklebone to crush both husband and wife!

Finally, the Cave Dragon, and one of the most intriguing types of Dragon. The Cave Dragon, like most cave creatures, is blind, leading to an interesting example of evolution: A dragon which "sees" through it's own breath weapon. The Cave Dragon's Clicks can be heard almost 6 kilometers away through solid stone, and can stun any unsuspecting animal not prepared for the thunderous emanation. The Cave Dragon, however, is a interesting mix of Fungivorous and Lithovorus: A Cave Dragon grinds the stone of the tunnel it resides in into a fine dust, which it ingests and then expels, "farming" fungi which it then eats for nutrition. Cave Dragon Fertilizer is highly prized as one of the most lucrative fertilizers even into the modern day. Kathadum makes over 30% of their GDP of exports of Cave Dragon Fertilizer, as one of the world's leading exporters of Dragon Dung.

Switzerland dragons.

Well, they're from space. They're feathered, with stag antlers. And sometimes have the body of a cat.

>Shame it was one of those "Deleted everything and vanished" cases.
I hate it when that happens. It's like all my favorite artists just decided to have a mass suicide or something one day.

They shapeshift, you dunkass

Dragons are a rare sight in my main setting, usually only living their mountaintop/underwater/jungle/glacial layers to either lead an army to go punk some bitches or to travel to the southern continent to help the natives out with their issues.
They possess a mixture of wisdom, animalistic cunning and knowledge built up from their long lives that make them very difficult opponents. They're a little smaller then your typical DnD dragons, but are also more magically inclined with all Dragons knowing a few sorcerer spells. Colour doesn't affect alignment, but the Dragons believe Chromatic dragons were made to be destroyers and pillagers while Metallic Dragons are more suited to leading and conquering.
The natives of the Southern continent, the Dragonborn, Lizardfolk and Kobolds of my world, worship Dragons as demigods, created by the big dragon gods as an amalgamation of the souls of 100 Dragonborn in order to defeat an evil empire that was going to wipe out the Dragonborn. The Kobolds were protype Dragons and can be divided into two types- Urd Kobolds, who have wings and are traditionally seen as good and noble, having been heroes who fought with the Dragons to free the Dragonborn and Demiurd Kobolds, who were a generation of Kobolds that go corrupted.
This corruption was caused by a bunch of Dragons, collectively known as the Dark Talons, who tried to usurp the Dragon god. They disturbed an ancient ritual that was conducted every 100 years that let the Dragon god into the mortal world for an hour to give advice and perform rituals. This attack on the ritual led to the Dragon god being so heavily injured, he fell into a coma that his worshippers believe he still hasn't woken up from. Luckily, his last act before falling asleep was to petrify the Dark Talons as solid silver statues as an example.


Outside the southern continent, however, dragons are less favourably viewed. The inhabitants of the northern see dragons as ruthless foes, who strike from seemingly nowhere and often seem to be found at the head of armies of monsters, or at least make the work easier for them. As such, dragons are thought to be the creation of the northern version of the Dragon god, the god of predators, adaption and nature's harsher aspects, who sits on the Council of Hate in the Nine Hells equivalent.
Dwarves and Halflings (collectively known as the Kindred) have a intense hatred and fear of dragons, due to the way a dragon lead an army of giants, illithids and other nasties out of a bunch of cursed mountains that destroyed the large and ancient dwarf-halfling kingdom, and sent them as refugees into the lands of humans and goblinoids.
To the inhabitants of various island archipelagos to the east and north of the two continents, dragons are a rare myth, capable of wiping out the population of entire islands in a day or sinking ships with a single breath. The dragons, like the giants, are evil nature spirits to them, that can only be defeated by the greatest of heroes.


They're unknowable eldritch abominations. The universe that the PCs are in is the dying dream that one of them is having in the hopes of dreaming up something that can save it.

>Be my world
>Have literal paradise on earth
>Fertile land, rich in minerals, large forest regions
>All due to magical places like faerie circles and sacred wells where the stuff of creation seeps into reality, enriching the surrounding landscape
>Two kingdoms start fighting over it
>Start to use magical weaponry
>Blow up magical places because of scorched earth strategy
>Paradise becomes uninhabitable hellhole as reality becomes twisted by violent magical radiation
>Animals, mostly reptiles and snakes, that didn't get instantly vaporised by magical nukes are changed by radiation
>Are elevated to sapience and spellcastery
>Become so powerful and intelligent that human tribes start worshipping them as patron deities
>Constantly on the prowl for more magic to absorb and hoard magical items
>Can be benevolent or assholes, but always view lesser mortals as beneath their status
>Capable of shapeshifting

Too lewd

poland >>> japan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skyman

Who is the one on the right and what game?

Why are you defending furshit?