WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

Hopefully no dupe threads this time edition.

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation


Other urls found in this thread:



Still unfinished magos. Kinda stuck on this figure. Posting anyway because of Cawl.

Making a table and terrain. Goal is 2 foot by 4 foot removable sections.

I will repost the dark eldar guys who are approaching completion

>Still kinda knocked out from sedatives

Basic troops only today lads.

Doing this gave me a damn headache

Most of it looks good, though the plastic barb wire and sandbags don't look too great and would detract from how nice the rest of it. You can scratch build the fencing pretty easily and millputty makes good sandbags. You have a way to texture the open ground in mind?

For what purpose is this sellotape?

Probably started off as something to hold them together why glue went off.

It's masking tape, not sellotape, It's going to allow me to paint a dazzle camouflage pattern much cleaner than I could without.

masking for easy camouflage

>didn't prime and then basecoat the model before doing the camo patterns

>File: razzledazzle.jpg
Given heretics and xenos the ol' flim-flam flummox.

Or I did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was thinking of spackling, but i'm worried about how heavy and brittle it would be. For flocking I have a bucket of sand and several bags of green dyed sawdust.

I'm completely open to suggestions though, anything that will speed up the process would be great

Just in case some folks weren't aware of it Duncans on twitter now, and occasionally showing off his personal minis.


>an iceni briton themed army

pure autism jesus christ. you can bet he plays total war.

it's not from him, though?

could be a grey primer

Dunc uses too many emojis like a teenaged girl

That's alright, because we all want to be teenagers with BFFs name Jill.

Dunc uses emojis like a parent, actually. Teenagers will do japanese emojis.

>Dunc uses too many emojis like a teenaged girl
He probably doesn't spent a lot of time in front of a computer.
He spends his time painting. So why are you still sitting there killing time on 4chins instead of painting?

Whats wrong with total war

Amazing. What is the base of your board?

I haven't visted WIP threads in about 6 months, and I distinctly remember this model being worked on at about the 80% complete stage. What the fuck?

I'm hoping that wasn't you.

Icon Bearer of the Grand Host
or Khorne Lord on Juggernaut

Nice. Might be time to start considering taking things to the next level, TMM metallics instead of washes and edge highlights looks like you have your current style down.

Three 2x4s right now, but I'm probably going to add a couple more ribs as extra support for the center of the foam sheets.

Almost done assembling the start collecting Dark Eldar Box. Had an extra base and made an edgy jumping kabalite.

Is it worth getting into 40k or should I just play Kings of War?

They both have models you can build and paint so this thread has no opinion.

with 8th edition around the corner it's too soon to tell

'Cronz n the hood

Nearly finished these guys now, just a catacomb command barge and Triarch Stalker to do.

They lack detail as I'm trying to speed paint an entire army but C&C is welcome.

>implying I should ask /40kg/
I understand.

Wash those bases with agrax, or nuln. Maybe even pink, green or red wash. Right now, they look very plain.

Oh and paint the rims

Also, if you want to make your force a little different, exchange your green Ross to sky blue ones, similar in color to the chestplate of your lord.

The bases do have more depth in person, I think the camera flash killed them. They had a wash then a drybrush with a light grey.

They have been painted user... black, my colour of choice for grey terrain.

I was debating going a different colour, but then I'd have to be painting the rods on the gauss weapons, and since I'm trying to speed paint everything it seemed more effort than was needed. I like how the green contrasts with the blue and gold too.

Anyone got any tips for painting white hair?
Friend commissioned me to paint Celestine and the Gemini, but with white hair, and I haven't the slightest clue how because I've never had to paint white hair.

I personally would paint white, then make a wash consisting of lahmium medium, nuln oil and drakenhof nightshade (it should be a pale bluish grey), wash over the white then highlight white.

You can also buy colored plastic rods which are exactly the same diameter as the green GW ones.

Still, I'd love to play against your dudes, kudos!


what paint did you use for the metal parts ?

>crackers, bacon, and white bread are terrain

What else are you going to have with the cheese that goes on the board?

Veeky Forums, this is my first time painting ever. I've watched all the citadel tutorials and I think I'm prepared to go out and buy my equipment. This said, what tips does Veeky Forums have for a first time painter? Shortcuts, alternate tools, alternate paint brands, etc?

I'm not happy with this model at all, it's been one of those ones where even as I was in the middle of painting it I wasn't having fun and I think that shows.
I'll probably end up repainting it in the future but at least for now it's one less to worry about before February

Anyone have some guides on how to do highlights and washes?
I can get a nice smooth basecoat now, but holy fuck I fuck up highlights and washes/shades so bad.

I actually thought it looked pretty good. Perhaps you just need to accent the blue webbing with a touch of the green you used in the eyes? Splash a bit of color in the scales?

Well, im not really sure what else to add, so I guess im done. What do you guys think?

Im personally happy, always wanted to do dark eldar but was scared away by edge highlighting. guess i got gud

few shortcuts, and alternate to what?

they look ok from far away

When you paint white the first thing you have to decide is whether you want a cool blue or grey white or a warm creamy white. Obviously this will depend on the rest of your colour scheme.

Then when painting hair the way I like to do it is sort of based on anime hair. Start by using your darkest colour for your hair colour, then give all the strands a slight highlight to pick out the strands as usual. Then you start highlighting only around the crown area of the head, each layer getting shorter as you get to your brightest colour. So you end up with the sort of circlet of highlights.

oh, whats wrong with them then?

How did you get through the beginning period, when every brush stroke on a mini just made it look worse and worse?

I don't know. Just asking if there are any more cost effective alternatives to citadel stock hiding within plain sight or ways to paint more efficiently.

Alternative paints: Vallejo Model and Game Color, P3 Paints, Army Painter, Coat d'Arms, Reaper Master Series Paints, Scale 75 (if you're rich).

Tools: Gale Force Nine, Testors (at least some of their stuff), Tamiya, some of the paint manufacturers also make hobby tools, so check those out too.

Thanks a lot, I'll be sure to check those out.

Those look great, user! I'm a fan of brighter highlights myself, but those are fine. My only recommendation would be, in the future, wipe the rim of the base when you're done with the texture paint. They make basing easy, but less is more.

>that mini
>that filename
Lost: Sides. Reward offered for return.

Another question:
Since I intend to work with transparent bases, what would anybody suppose the most effective proxy base is for painting? I was thinking of using posterboard or cardboard to paint the figure on before sticking it onto the transparency.

The cheapest miniature paint is Warcolours. Everyone else costs about the same as GW (a little less, but still expensive). They are all worth their money though, except maybe GW since they have less than others, cost a bit more, and come in dumb pots. Some GW colors and technicals can't be found anywhere else so those are worth it.

Warcolours is SUPER cheap and high quality. Vallejo is your gold standard for money per milliliter.

what do you think of this color scheme for death guard?

do i need to add more or will this be good enough after some cleaning up? (that blob on the arm being a prime example)

just infect my shit up, grandpai

>can clearly see unpainted areas of the model

Cmon senpai.

oh i know it isn't done but i don't want to keep going if it's actually shit

Lol sure thing friendo

I mean, its good for a death guard scheme, though yea, some cleanup is advisable. (though not too much, they are supposed to be pretty grimy and shit after all)

I would say that the disgust of Nurgle comes from gimeyness. High contrast, texture-rich monstrosities. user's model looks rather... goopy. That's not to say that nurgle doesn't have good-- he has lots-- but goopy in the melty, not plagued sort of way.

Is this a pre or post-heresy marine

they're too far away to see well is what I meant

Converting my DE into Corsairs

Void Dreamer with Witch Staff
CC Oriented Baron
Baron(?) I have a lot of Incubi bits.

Need to think of a scheme though

Looking good user.
Where do you get the helm on #2? I see it in TONS of conversions.

>We will never have plastic Incubi
It hurts.


Pretty sure it came as an alt for an Incubi. Had to have. They and Harlies are my only resin Eldar.

>>We will never have plastic Incubi
>It hurts.
It really does

Not the user you're replying to, but I think it's from the finecast Archon that came before the current plastic one.

I think that head might be from the old finecast archon model

It is.

so much nicer than the newer plastic one.

Oh, absolutely.

On a similar note, I'm quite looking forward to the Eldar triumvirate set, and it's pretty much entirely because of this guy. Goofy helmet aside (not a fan of the ears or spikes), he'll make a great Corsair Prince or Archon.

I got hard just looking at the model. I can't wait to see the statline. He's probably MINIMUM initiative 7 and WS8.

The individual parts look fine but it desperately needs to be reposed because it looks awkward as fuck there.

Oh so it is. I have that blade too. He must have been mixed in with the bits. I dont have that body though.

He's what made me re-examine my DE to Corsair project. Im going to pick up that box to use him as a Prince, or as himself depending on the wording on how to take him. Like how The Imperium trio can be taken as HQs. I really want to see his sprues.

That's pretty nice.

Would ravage in the name of the Emperor/10.

I dont like Eldar much, but all the masks are pretty neato

He's presumable on a Terminator base. So he's huge.

T-tell me those are snowy trenches user

Looking pretty cool

>tfw every acrylic matte medium you try is significantly more gloss than the paint you're adding it to
I just want to make matte glazes. Why must nobody make actual matte medium? I know Scalecolor is ultra matte, but fucking hell this shit is glossy as fuck.


Just mix in matte varnish to the glaze medium dawg.


I don't have any wazdaka red, send help

That'd be cool. My group is Rule of Cool first so Im not worried about fitting him in if hes fun.

Thanks. I'm messing around with the other fellows to make more Felarchs/Barons.

I can't tell you that user, because as much as I think snowy terrain would be awesome I just don't think I have the skill to do proper snow flocking

>edgy jumping kabalite.
So edgy he didn't even unsheathe his left dagger

Quick Question. I tried stripping black primer from plastic models with Simple Green, but it didn't work. Then I tried using 90% isopropyl alcohol, but that only got about half the primer off. Any suggestions? I'm not sure if soaking the models for longer will matter at this point (they have been soaking for 3 days now).

Johnny Quest? That undersea episode fucked me up as a kid.