Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Unique Styles Edition. When was the last time your character used a nonstandard combat-style or martial art? How effective was it? How would you do it again if you could?

>FRIENDLY REMINDER: If you need help with a build or character creation, mention what 1st and 3rd-party sources you're allowed! You can't complain if we offer Path of War or Spheres of Power if you never said that you were limited to 1st-party, after all!

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:
Malefex Playtest:

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Old Thread: (Cross-thread)

Other urls found in this thread:

We were on page 5, you dolt.

With all due respect commissioner there are still 2hus, witch hunters and ERP fanatics in abundance, mine is an eternal vigil. Whenever there is a circlejerk, I will be there, whenever there is a stake being pitched, I will be there and whenever there is too much cute being posted. I will be there.

You can have your new thread, but I will be watching.

We all have our vigils.

How would you stat DHB?


Yeah that sounds about right.

Outside of Pathfinder? I used a Shadowrun physad built entirely around throwing coins. They were approximately as damaging as howitzers. Would do again.

In Pathfinder? I'm currently in the process of building a venerable Brute/Scrollmaster. I can't imagine it'll be too effective.

While you're here, check my strawpoll.

Autism cursed oracle with natural divination.

>you will never bully the rat


Only in games with houserules in effect, honestly. The exception is some unarmed UCMonk / Brawler builds if those even count as nonstandard.

Not quite these /pfg/ ones but something similar in my last game gave unique benefits for some shitty styles, an approach I greatly prefer to ones that just try to have them catch up by acquiring THF benefits with investment.

I need suggestions for a wizard that tends to build castles in his free time. Whenever the party stops, I'm planning to build an ever expanding fortress, and leave it there once we leave. We're 13th level and mostly first party.

Lads! I've got two questions!

1. Is there any way I can get proficiency in Dueling Swords as a human without spending a feat? I couldn't find a trait that does it, but is there a Human alternate racial?

2. How do weapon enchantments work? Does a +1 keen weapon do the same amount of attack and damage as a +2 weapon (since keen is a +1 bonus, making the effective weapon bonus +2?)

Dude just spend the feat. It's not like having one less is gonna make you less of a man.

>There's a human ART that replaces the bonus feat (I think) and lets you get MULTIPLE Exotic Weapon Proficiencies, go look at the human page and ctrl+f it faggot
>The Keen property takes the place of one of the flat +1's, but it's priced as a +2 weapon, meaning you get +1 to attack and damage and the keen effect instead of just +2 to attack and damage
>insert spoon here

But I've got sooo much to take as-is, that feat could be better spent on something like Lightning Reflexes or Greater Weapon Focus!

You'd need fabricate, but it's not exactly fast. To make a fortress it'll probably take a couple casts, which will be a problem unless you hugely leveled.

Woah wait hold on a sec boyos, I'm looking st Dueling Mastery and it says I need "weapon proficiency (dueling swords,)" NOT "exotic weapon proficiency (dueling swords.)"

Does this mean I don't even need the EWP?

Get a cracked version of these.
1.5k for proficiency in anything, as long as you already have martial proficiency.

>Greater Weapon Focus
Literally why. I thought you said your feats were valuable, user.

You are getting weapon proficiency with an exotic weapon you dumb fag

I'm looking at using a lot of casts of wall of stone and stoneshape.

Cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone.
There is no "Martial Weapon Proficiency (Dueling Swords)" because the Dueling Sword is an exotic weapon. Stop being a dummy.

Lyre of Building

2hu's a decently fun person to play with, though. One of those kinds of autistic people who has an easier time interacting with others in a fictional setting.

I can't imagine that, to be honest. I don't hate 2hu and I don't think he ruins all the games ever, but I've had conversations with him and he definitely lacks social awareness.

So, I've seen DHB talk a few times the last few threads about setting shit. How is his setting? Is it at least interesting?

I don't know, I'm wary of custom settings.

>custom settings
What does that even mean?

>I'm wary of custom settings

so you're not a fan of Golarion, then?

Do you think DHB is fun to play with?

Sorry I should clarify. Non-standard settings without standard races make me wary. Especially with non-standard tech.

I remember him saying it's like 1800s tech and no pathfinder races.

I'm not being a dumb dumb, I'm just being pedantic.

Ooh, I'm gonna have to get that and jam it in a wayfinder.

Storytime from those who've played with 2hu?

>Non-standard settings without standard races make me wary. Especially with non-standard tech.

>without standard races
>it has humans in it

what did he mean by this

They're cool when well done, but hard to pull off.

I don't know but I want you to have this.

Humans are the only pathfinder race in it I thought?

No, you're still being a dummy. The proper way to get Dueling Mastery is Order of the Cockatrice Daring Champion into the Swordlord PrC at level 6.

Is the next Knights session tonight, or later?

So in your setting how rare are people with PCs class levels?

PC class levels and above level 5?

Level 10? 15? 20?

What about people with a PrC?

Or people with mythic ranks?

To combine them all, how rare is a level 20 PC with 10 level in a PrC and Mythic Rank 10?



Seriously though, I mostly agree that they are kinda fun to play with. They have their patterns like shota traps or wealthy, influential kids and can behave in abrasive, inconsiderate and obstinate way but I guess that's what you get for having autism. Really, as long as the system you are playing isn't too broken it can be fun.

I just wish for them to let Pathfinder go. This isn't really a game for them in many ways.

>lot of people have issues with shota PCs
>no one seems to mind bunnygirl PCs

I want to play an architect/artisan gestalt but I don't want it to be dorf.
Which races are good options for this? Or I should go for human?

> They have their patterns like shota traps or wealthy, influential kids and can behave in abrasive, inconsiderate and obstinate way but I guess that's what you get for having autism.
Who DOESN'T have their patterns and "ticks" with RPGs.

Shota traps with abrasive personalities is a 'tick' I would consider rather egregious.

>people whine about lewdposting getting in the way of discussion
>this asshole whining about spoonfeeding when someone asks an on-topic question

>To combine them all, how rare is a level 20 PC with 10 level in a PrC and Mythic Rank 10?
Assuming you mean level 30 characters, there are 37 of them in my game. If you mean 10 levels in base/core+10 prestige, there are only 8.

Each is a named and created character with a purpose and place in the world.

there are also about 175 gestalt characters, of which 25 have mythic tiers. The are the ruling nobility of a specific kingdom where they are literally smarter, stronger, and more powerful, truly ruling by "divine" right.

Not very. Overall something like 1/4 of the population has class levels of some kind, whether it's a few levels in fighter for the guard captain or a Wizard 5 court mage. Above level 5 they have to have class levels, usually mixed in with some NPC class levels. Very rarely do people have a PrC, it's mostly organizational, like how the Planar Border Control NPCs have some people with the Riftwarden PrC. No one in my setting has mythic ranks.

People like bunnies.

Human! Go for Human!

Or anything that gets a bonus to Intelligence, really.

Where the hell are you guys even playing with 2hu anyway?

Well yeah, when this is some shit that you can find on the magic weapons page of the srd then maybe you should have spent the time used writing up your question looking for yourself instead.

I've asked this before, never got any responses. I guess I'll try again.

Requesting a comprehensive list of Witch Spells, [NO 3PP], that would be useful and advisable for a campaign with lots of expected undead (Mummy's Mask AP) please no spoilers.
Playing an archetype that can make use of melee touch spells as if they were ranged, keep that in mind if it bumps some otherwise bad spells into being good.

That's a very cute fox!

I'd rather hear the thread confirm it than act like it's true.

>nobody can ask questions because with sufficient looking and thinking you can find the answer yourself
So if this thread isn't for ontopic discussion of pathfinder then clearly other topics are free game.

Autism is a strange illness. For people with high and moderately functioning autism(2hu is high function) social interaction can be easier with a 'barrier' between them and their partner.

There was a famous mathematician who literally could not speak to people directly. You had to sit coincidentally near him and voice your ideas to thin air and he might respond. Maybe. Perhaps dungeons and dragons back then would have advanced mathematics if he had access to it.

2hu plays a lot, actually. It's not too unusual.

Healing spells harm undead. Figments affect undead normally, even though they are illusions, sospells like Minor Image, Major Image, and Programmed Illusions work on them. Undead have eyes so Mudball, Blind/Deafen, and other spells of that sort are good. Force effects harm incorporeal undead normally, as do positive (such as healing spells) and negative energy spells. Protection from X/Circle of protection from X is critical for use agaisnt undead with touch attacks.

I'd strongly recommend playing a gravewalker, it completely solves your undead problem while still letting you use melee touch spells as if ranged, within your aura of desecration.

Strengthening your enemies is bad form, user.

>basic ass functions of the system, which the user answered anyway
>bitching because the post implied spoonfeeding of extremely basic aspects of the system

So you lack reading comprehension, got it.
Some rules are vague, have clarifying errata, etc. If you have that sort of question feel free to come here. When the answer is nine sentences into the page on magic weapons "Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses (except where specifically noted)." then maybe you should try reading.

Going to introduce an annoying NPC as the main objective for a rescue and escort mission. The template is going to be this guy:

I'll made him a halfling called Issou Lachankla but I am thinking on take his levels in commoner and make him have actual character class.

Make him a witch.

/pfg/ plays so heavily homebrew version of the pathfinder anyway that it is impossible to talk about the system in it

What is a class that you've never played that you'd like to try sometime?

What did he mean by this?

this post is correct

When nothing's on topic, everything's off topic.

Witch. I just want to Slumber Hex some fools.

Kill yourself

I'll go human then because of that sweet sweet extra feat.
I hope my PC doesn't wreck the campaign since the GM told me that she does agree on the idea that can use the artisan ability to give +x to an item on the architect towers.

None. Very few classes actual capture my interest. I think in terms of "I want a character that can do X while being Y" and work from there.

>slumber hex
Why not apply to the Sleeping Goddess then? lvl 16 starting lvl, 40pb, 1 million starting gold. Just need to gestalt witch with something else sleepytimes related.

Oooh, oooh! A Witch/Gunslinger gestalt so you can shoot people with tranq darts or put them to sleep with hexes!

Too damn many, but:
>Avowed, Str Self Pact 2gud
>Inquisitor, Sanctified Slayer mainly
>Magus, preferably with some way to bypass the shocking grasp bullshittery
>Vigilante, at least three different archetypes alone
>Sorcerer, for longer than a oneshot session with "the enchantment build"

Because that game is the perfect combination of shitty attributes that it's obviously going to be garbage.

It has literally no redeeming qualities.

"rules lite level 16 gestalt, 1 million gp"

Like god damn, if the characters so far weren't in indication I don't know what is.

Honestly Sleepy Goddess doesn't sound very interesting to me. Yeah, you've got a lot of stuff to start off with, but the premise doesn't hook me at all.

Sleeping Goddess looks, sounds, and feels bad. I can't find anything about it remotely interesting or redeemable.

You are a genius.
This will allow me to use tracks of his laugh every time that uses cackle for boost fortune hex.

What's a character that can do X while being Y that you've never played, but would like to try sometime?

How does /pfg/ feel about RP voice? In either live group RP sessions or voice chat RP sessions. Would you prefer it if players used an RP voice when speaking as/for their characters or would you rather they not?

Why would anyone go out of their way for Dueling Mastery? It's not even worth a feat, let alone a special build to obtain the feat.

What does 2hu play and where?
If 2hu plays a lot then why does he need /pfg/ games?

Red Mantis Assassin

roll20. He's the reason that Legacy of Flames and Blood RP went the way of Shin-Ra. He autismo'd so hard the GM went "fuck this" and blew the whole thing up.

Yes, but they wanted EWP with a Dueling Sword to get Dueling Mastery, so I explained that they should do something else. When someone says "How should I get Dueling Mastery?" technically the answer is "Don't." but more helpful is "Daring Champion Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier into Aldori Swordlord."

Am I stupid or is grappling stupid good? So many monsters have no defense against it.

Depends how good they are at it. A friend of mine actually did some voice acting for a while and can do a lot of cool voices. Another friend is grating even in his normal voice.

I prefer voice DESU, it makes stuff go along far, far smoother.

I prefer voice with minor RP going on in text in the background.

So how necessary is having Animus for someone looking to sink their teeth into Elemental Flux? Should I prioritize getting Tap Animus ASAP, since it can reasonably be used every turn?

Grappling is decent, but at best it shuts down most of your actions in exchange for the actions of one enemy.

What did 2hu do to make the GM quit?

I prefer Voice, I tend to roleplay significantly better when I can actually vocalize what I'm saying.

What's wrong with Dueling Mastery? +2 Initiative +2 AC is nothing to sneeze at.

Is picaroon any good?

>I tend to roleplay significantly better
Roleplay roleplay or...

Erotic roleplay?

So I'm finding it harder and harder to believe that DHB isn't just fucking with us.

He claims to not want to make a fetish character yet lets look at this:
massive diplo score, planned on romancing everyone
massive diplo score, planned on romancing Ameiko
>Old Spy
massive diplo score, had a fucking hoard of kids
>Punch Fatty
literally a faceless bald man

Now his custom setting:
>race of otherworldly beautiful all female fish people
>red light district with freaky body warped prostitutes

He has to be fucking with us.

Voice to speed things along, text for actual roleplaying.

How would you feel about a level 16 gestalt with 1 million starting gold and 40 PB if the premise was stopping the demonic invasion of Avistan after the Worldwound begins to expand, unchecked?