Everyone's look at the winners today, ADA, XVG, DASH. but who are the losers...

Everyone's look at the winners today, ADA, XVG, DASH. but who are the losers? who fell in an advantageously beautiful way?

IOTA continues to punish bagholders. RaiBlocks settled after its run. MANA also comes back down to earth. Overall not too many "losers" really.

>unbleached asshole

God I really want to just leave a woman tied up like that, and just tongue her butthole the entire day, forcing her to take it and hold in her shit.

Losers = anyone who bought xvg and fell for the twentya scam
Already working on doxing him, check the board later

get professional help

That's not how you spell TRON and RCN

it's interesting how the virgin mind works

I was in dash went in iota at 4.90 up to 6! here i am crying again

seek help

Who are tomorrow's winners? Looking to make a cheeky bet on a shitcoin

I really really want Tron to fly to $1. It would make me happy

Good sir, you can already do this today! Just buy chain link!

Look for a therapist

Really regret buying mana at ATH like a retard (sold all my XLM for it to make matters worse). At least CND is finally earning me some decent gains. I'm gonna hodl this shit and accumulate more at every possible dip.

srsly ppl give this guy too much credit.
he LARPed about a news release that "wasn't Wraith".
>spoiler: the news was wraith


Cindicator, obvously.



Good sir, may this be more to your liking?

you're going to make it, i can tell

Consult a mental health specialist

lol that's my sister. we tied her up for april fool's xDD

Is this a deleted scene from Back at the Barnyard?

stop being an autistic samefag and unironically seek therapy

>Becoming a cryptomonk and have been nofap for a month
>See fat asses literally every other thread
>Now shit like this

Stop tempting me you foul heathens I have graphs to watch

just report it all and hope it goes away
honestly a lot of Veeky Forums feels you on this, the sex is part of the newfag influx and is seriously detracting from the fun and productivity of the board




gains = productivity plain and simple m8


CND is about to break 200 SATs RIGHT NOW. Buy now or stay poor. I'm debating selling some of my mana to buy more. This is my first moon mission and I'm loving it.

sorry mates wasn't trying to get you all hot and bothered. I don't get distracted too easily by pretty pictures and I have multiple monitors so my "productivity" is dandy.

That XVG rocket made me a sexy 1k hoping this PnD had a lasting effect.

what are you? a fag?


This is a blue board retard. REPORTED.

Trips checked and OP reported.

Substratum is doing well

the fuck is this thread.

big if true

if we're talking bout winners, ADA is making another space shot

just some blokes talking about crypto



what they fuck man?

>usdt "moons" because of high demand
>btc crashes to the ground on chink exchanges dragging gdax with them as well
>normies sell all their coins
>usdt goes back to normal
>btc can't recover
>alts suicide themselves
>pink wojaks everywhere

first major disaster/war to disrupt services and it all goes to shit with no recover

What type of tie for shibari is that?

And which should I go all in on, Bitcoin cash or Req?

Unironically, Bitcoin Cash.

I went all-in, hoping for that ascending triangle break.
Please pray for me.

This is why i still come to biz

Really? For mundane shitposts that could be found on literally any other board?

Request an appointment with your psychiatrist, sir