1330 Risk

Pick a
>Ruler name
We start with at least 5.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can the HRE have multiple rollers?

Alex Jones

>The Enternal Anglo

>Teutonic Order
>General Tornado

if enough people are in the game yes
sorry bro, reclaim pls

Mother fucker

Change mine to


rip swiss dave.

I was first though


wasnt asking you bro

I'm not Swiss Dave. It is a callback though. And the King of Scotland during this time was David II. It worked itself out swimmingly!

Claiming Naples.

You want to fight the globalists together?

Sounds good. Let me unify the Celtic peoples though - Ireland namely.

im just saying rip swiss dave

UK is going to be a cluster fuck


Round 1

Get out Soros scum, we're going to make this great nation great again.

Take ireland

Unify the Celtic peoples (take IReland)

Reclaim Sicily, Malta, Sardinia and Corsica. Spills fill more of Italia.

fill out Estonia, immediately remove all danish land, focus lithuania.
send declaration of friendship to the ViKANGs for shared ancestry and mutual protection.

Liberate the gay frogs (France)

Attack Ilkhan territories.

Just let me know if you need help.

3 spill


Bad choice globalist scum.

Start retaking France

eat shit you wanted me dead, filthy protestant

can I play
claim byzantine empire
if I can roll this turn, defend if attacked and kill turks

You were apart of the globalist agenda last turn, I had to fight you. You're people are strong and will be left alone, NAP?

Round 2

Take ireland back

purge Mazovia, remove lithuania
friendship is open to those who will accept.

attack cyprus


and yes you guys are in

Fight the Irish out of England, Ireland is Scot's land now. Spill to fight back gay frogs.


Attack Byz.

Reclaim Sardinia and Corsica as rightful Italian clay. Any excess troops shall siege the Papal States as Italian land.

Liberate France, all of it.
Leave Britain for the Britons to fight over. Spills to Italy

you may reclaim and roll this turn

be norway or sweden. let us form northern alliance

It appears that the reclaiming of both Italian Islands and the Papal states have been major military success. We shall therefore spill further into Italia.

Reclaim as castile
take portugal

Reclaim as Golden Horde.
Roll for filling white territories, spills Georgia.

also, you have a -2

Ally and I'll help you kill the globalist Byz

>literally did nothing wrong

You killed my waifu :^)


>attacked a sovereign nation unprovoked

Scorp is that you?
Alliance it is

Round 3

Complete the unification of Italia. Spills fill the Balkans.

Take granada, spills to the rest of spain.

Build a really big boat and sail to Spain!

defend if attacked
take serbia, then bulgaria
spills to wallachia

good man. let us purge the euros
leave remainder of lithuania for hordebros

purge pooland, then onto hungary

wew lad
you will pay for attacking me

Kill gay frogs

remove english from France, then invade the HRE

Crimea get, attack Georgia.

My friend Spain is a good ally against the globalist evils. Perhaps he can give you some land for your trouble but you should help us take out globalists like gay frogs. Byz is confirmed to harbor Soros. We must make our way east and stop them.

Round 4

Scotland, i believe it would be beneficial for both of us not to go to war. We have a mutual ally and a common ideal, perhaps you could redirect your forces?

Kill gay frogs.

defend if attacked
take serbia, then bulgaria, spills to wallachia

Unify Italia and begin the conquest of the North Balkans

Take aragon

Fill Lithuania, spills Georgia.

hop on over to finland. remind them that estonians are superior. ONLY TAKE finland white territories, and up into sweden

there is no defense fyi bro


My mistake. Alright, Spain, let me have access to France (and I'd like to hold dominion over Northern Spain, home of the Celtic ancestors) and the rest is yours. Sorry about that.

Into France!

Alright, northern spain is yours for access to france.

You can't join our super cool club but you can help us kill Byz, his desire for land knows no end.

>just wanted the east

push anglos and scotch out of france

>just wanted the east
>that's why I'm moving west
Video very related youtube.com/watch?v=LhqUk28OwHs

We alliance nao.

spills to england

>already took the east
>thinking I'll just stand here and do nothing
you really are fucking stupid


Round 5

Alliance? Against the byzantine aggressor?


Want to help me rebuild the Latin Empire?
Why do you betray Latin brothers to filthy northerners?

Smush the Frog!

Georgia g e t.

take southern hungary towards hre, don't attack naples unless he attacks me

take only finnish clay, on to sweden.

Push the English into the Sea

Claim more of the north Balkans.

Take aragon, spills to the eastern side of france moving up.