Tfw grew up middle class never struggled etc

>tfw grew up middle class never struggled etc
>parents paid for college by giving me the money and trusting I would pay it
>never went and put all the money in btc
>now rich
>never hit rock bottom
>never struggled
>feel robbed of these experiences


everyone struggles OP, like for example, you are a lying disgusting neet

They just make you bitter and ruin your life.
I struggled being very sick without insurance and almost died twice. Even though I'm mostly better now it basically ruined my life. Like all the joy of life is gone. To those people that say life is struggle and it will make you a better person or an aged soul. I say fuck those people.

>willingly wanting to go through hardship

Send me some btc and you can find out soon

you are living those experiences, user. you just can't see it because you are currently experiencing lkife from your point of perspective. the reality is that we are all the same person living life from different perspectives. you know this is true.

Thats because thier idea of struggle is only eating fast food twice a week instead of four.

I dont take the "hard atruggle makes you a better person meme"since it almost always comes from well off people

>we are all the same person living life from different perspectives. you know this is true.

Go back to

>you constantly rape yourself

I think it all depends on how you interpret those experiences my man. If you’re able to get through hell and back to tell the tale it shows how resilient of a person you are.

>it shows how resilient of a person you are
In the end it doesn't really matter. There is no afterlife. And you can't call yourself resilient if you seriously contemplated blowing your brains out.

Middle class have it just as hard as poorfags financially. Poorfags have poor mental state and simply lack morals

>Poorfags have poor mental state and simply lack morals
Morality is not a factor of income. Rich and poor and everyone inbetween can have very strong or very weak morals.

Nah man, everything is a mindset. I've struggled. Almost died. Spent cold winters in a dark unheated house. Slept on the dirt. Can honestly say that if you don't let it make you bitter, suffering will temper you. I see people complaining about superfluous shit and I can't even imagine letting it bother me.

You can reach a point where you can look at yourself and know you could walk away from your home, your job, your shelter and security. You know you can turn a corner and suddenly have nothing, and you will survive. That is peace.

it's not too late, brother

Before I suffered my morals were better. I was calmer, smarter. I read, I meditated. One time I think I even moved something with my mind. But you know what that is all gone. Now nothing much matters but the day to day.

sadly... humans still engage in this primitive behavior. there's still a lot for us to grow as a person on this planet. in the middle of so much abundance, we're still competing within ourselves for resources. illusions of scarcity... illusions of separation. in the end, that's all they really are: illusions.

My heart aches for you.

>illusions of scarcity
Scarcity is not an illusion. It is fact.
Post scarcity economy is a major deal. Takes us from where we are now to Star Trek tier.

Yeah, suffering just made me more bitter and cynical. I started having rape fantasies and such, thinking a lot about beating up women

I dont know dude i lost grasp with myself growing up, i couldnt think right, coukdnt concentrate.The only positive attribute s i may have gained living with a poor family is learning the importance of Patience .You will literally self destruct without it

we have everything we need within ourselves. we just have to change the perspective.

I'm not saying suffering will always be a good thing. It can destroy you. It can cause awful things.
What I am saying is that suffering is the means by which we temper our character. Just like tempering a metal, if you do not learn to master your subject, in this case yourself, you will sooner destroy it than temper it.

OP I'm the same.

My parents are mildly rich.

They paid for me to go to a private 45k per year college. They brought me a car (Hyundai Elantra) not too fancy but nice.

I got a $500 allowance weekly while in school, because my mom wanted me to focus on studies.

Hell my fucking parents got me one of those god tier summer internships at a fortune 10 company paying 1 grand a week, and This was the only job I worked in my entire life.

Guess what else? My aunt whose a millionaire died last year. A month ago I got about 30 grand in cash from her will.

Now I'm getting rich of crypto.

Like wtf.

I just finished school two weeks ago. I was worried about finding a job now but no. I'm easily getting like 1k a day doing almost nothing.


I'm still living the worst time of my life and if it ever gets better I won't look back and say "wow I learned something great", I've only learned that people are shit.

>I got a $500 allowance weekly while in school, because my mom wanted me to focus on studies.
A bit of a contradiction

He's right you know
That inkling on a perfect trip...

"Life was easy, and I was happier! Now life is hard, and I'm not as happy!"

Yeah, no shit.

Oh, the game didn't frustrate you when it was on easymode, and now, when it's on hardmode, it does? Imagine that.

The point is to learn how to make hardmode feel easy. And the only way to do that is to play on hard for a while, and learn/adapt/internalize/reframe your experiences in a way that leads to gainz.

Attaining wisdom, equanimity, and self-mastery, by the way, is fucking infinitely more valuable than making money. Brainlets chase money. The wise chase mental evolution FIRST, money second.

Struggles kind of suck. The only thing that's good about them is that you can take pride in them when you survive. Which isn't all too great of a reward considering the hell you've gone through.

My childhood was complete hell, got physically and sexually abused by my parents.

Lived in poverty for many years, and at this time last year I was a complete wreck and didn't realize it. Addicted to drugs and alcohol, overweight, isolated - the toll of my childhood was finally catching up to me.

If I didn't get into bitcoin this year I probably would have committed suicide. I have 6 figures now and have cleaned myself up, got sober and healthy.

But I was so close to the edge, it's really scary to think about.

Now I can look back and be proud that I was able to drag myself out - lots of abused kids just turn into human trainwrecks like Boogie.

I guess it's like washing up on the shore of a beach after getting in a shipwreck in a hurricane, you wake up with clear skies and don't know how you got there, but are thankful you're alive. You're bruised and tattered and scared, but you know you've made it out of the worst of it.

It's the relief that is the best part.

user, it is nice you have not been to the bottom. You are now in the position to be able to help others from time to time. You don't have to suffer to struggle. Try starting a business, or volunteering, or even just randomly leaving a large tip for a server who did a good job. Your life does not have to be empty just because you are not suffering.

join the military.

seriously. I'm majoring in engineering, and am also making way more money than I deserve off crypto. I fully plan to join the military. Partially cause I miss my high school sport days and want to use my fitness before I get old, partially cause I want to do something exciting and escape all the fucking boring zombies I have to interact with daily.

Nearly all royalty, from the brits to african kingdoms, have military experience. It's gangster af and demands respect. Also you might get to kill someone and let out all the pent up rage. Win win

I struggled through my entire life, I worked dead end jobs, took abuse from stupid whores, lost jobs, addicted to drugs.

I cleaned myself up, got a decent job and started working regularly.

Once I get enough from my crypto gains, I am going to fucking slam so much meth into my veins, ride the fastest sportbikes, and fuck the fattest grossest STD riddled whores.

Fuck living normally, fuck the middle class, fuck the upper class, fuck the lower class fuck society, fuck dating.

I am going to be free at all costs and live a life of mindless pleasure and insanity.

that's not from lit my friend. it's a short story from andy weir, same guy who wrote the martian (that was turned into that matt damon film)

he is a very entertaining writer and you should check out some more of his work if you were intrigued by the story in ur pic. godspeed

If this is legit, I hope life continues to be better for you, user

Man Im going through the hardest time in my life right now. I was breezing through life on an amazing path until I hit some unlucky bumps. I didnt have any real struggles until now but I wouldnt wish it on anyone. Ive seriously contemplated ending it all but I just cant go through with that right now. Its hard to be optimistic and look towards the future when everyday is a struggle bud. Im hoping that I can pick up the pieces.

>t. Broke NEET loser who reads Tony Robbins- type self help books