While everybody is pushing XLM or XRP or Verge I'm bringing you the next big thing: NAV is coming. They are releasing NavPay soon and there are some other things in the works, i cannot talk about. Trust me and get rich or do what you want and stay poor.

Other urls found in this thread:


Already balls deep. Been making steady gains for a couple weeks, ready for the big one

This will be best Christmas ever in LA

You seem like an intelligent guy :)
I know Lambo is the car of crypto but in a few days im gonna order one of these i think. way better than the fast volkswagen.


this is the first crypto I want to buy, how do i do it?

Well shit, I gotta buy now.

Kek has blessed this thread


For example here navcoin.org/buy-nav/

Or here

How do i buy this shit withoit verification time delay and with use of my credit card?

Holly checked 5x


If i Buy Ripple fom IQ option will i be able to trade it for NAV ?

sure polo and bittrex both have them all three. shouldn't be a problem.

OP is off configuring my aston. but i will remind you how stupid you were not listening to me in a week. Good luck guys.

There is no change to NAV option on Changelly...
damn im confused

what the fuck is going on

OP btfo?

g..guys how do i buy nav?

Just go to bittrex, poloniex or any other exchange where nav is listed. Changellly is not working since they use bittrex api and that was closed until few hours ago.

I sold a week ago and now its mooning. Typical.

Just buy some eth or xrp on any exchange and transfer them to polo or bittrex and exchange them to nav. That's how I did it. And there are reasons why there are maintenance things going on ;)

What are the reasons motherfucker?


Problem is, I hear it's based on BTC. There's XRM already for that. But even better, there's XVG and PHR, which offer way faster transactions thanks to not being POW. Which of these should you pick to invest into? I'd say XVG and PHR are the technically superior choices, and then it's still a tossup between 2 contenders.


Surprised I haven't seen this shilled here more. There has honestly never been an easier or more reliable 5x in the history of crypto. NavPay looks to be a huge success and puts NavCoin ahead of most top 30 cryptos, and will bring out it's name. Expecting 20x by EOY

>not on binance
literal shitcoin

binance coming soon


Binance is already syncing better buy now


I'm going all in. Doubled my invest with xrp last week. This week is nav week.