Anyone in /biz own a successful business? Big or small doesn’t matter

Anyone in /biz own a successful business? Big or small doesn’t matter

>What is the business
>How much did you spend to start it
>How much did/are you making from it?
>Difficulty of your process


Nah we're all 16 years old.



>successful business
Is this coming to bittrex soon?

Co-founder of a large airbnb-like website
20M valuation

Funny thing is that I made more in two years trading cryptos on the side than I will probably make when we sell it (because of taxes, dillution etc..)

Creating jobs and getting happy customer feedback is nice, also it is a good thing for my social life.

I'm in the
>buy low sell high
business. I guess you could call it big business.

This is a coin site go to plebbit with your dumb ass question fag

I'm 31 and own a tile business. I have one employee.

>laying tile
>about $1,500 a week
>only challenges are difficult customers, and when my employee does not do what I ask. But overall the work is not that hard.

I own a succesful trading battle station in my mom's basement if that counts

how long did it take to learn laying tile

Not him but I don't think it would take as long as other home/construction based skills.

You can understand all the basics in just 2 or 3 weeks.

But to know how to handle every situation and never be stumped, you need about 1 year.

I am at 3 years now, and I could do this shit in my fucking sleep. Now it's just the repetition that bores me. The customers walk in and go "wow this looks so great! Amazing". And I'm just like, this shit is fucking simple.

I could larp and say I own onahole review business, but I don't.

Nice. Day trading?

Some stuff takes longer than others.

Painting and drywall is the easiest, but that's why there's so many fucking companies doing it. It can be hard to compete in those areas when there are Mexicans willing to do it for like no money.

I want to start my own business but I don’t know where to start. I was looking into making a restaurant but A friend of mines who owns one told me it’s a hit or miss and that he got lucky.

step one, learn how to do something that makes good money and does not require a lot of $ to get going...

House cleaning
car detailing
wood floors
lawn care
cabinet building
pest control
pool care
brick masonry

Im a canadian plumber



For your tile business, how did you gain customers? How did you get people to choose and notice you over every other tile company?