Get drunk and rant to gf about how I made $20,000 this week

>get drunk and rant to gf about how I made $20,000 this week

The cringe I feel this morning after is unreal

You haven't made shit unless you have cashed out.


Go back to plebbit fucking faggot

i made 20k last 20minutes


You shouldn't have drank the liquid jew.

I also learned the hard way bragging about my gains. I'm going radio silence until I'm either retired on a couple milli or it all crashes and I want to kms every day. We'll see what happens. :)

>literally up €200k since 7 days ago

I feel nothing and my friends think i’m poor as fuck

You are more cringe than even me!

Tell her u were hacked for it

how the fuck are you guys making so much money? what is your capital?

It’s paper gains. The reason the bubble keeps inflating is nobody is cashing out yet and tether keeps pumping the price up. When people head for the doors.

I've made ~$8000 since last week. Started with $9000 USD of ETH, went (almost) all in on REQ before it doubled. Yes still a poorfag with only 17k in crypto but I'm getting there.

just tell her you rode a pump and it was 20k at one point but now its only 5k. shit happens everyday.

You don't need money to larp in the internet.

Sure, but in a bubble there is shitloads of money to be made. Just don't get greedy, set a goal for yourself and cash out a small portion of your gains regularly. Personally, I'm just investing/trading until I have enough money for a sizeable house down payment and then I'm going to cash out 90%.

Keep women and business separated. Only time they need to see your money is when they're getting dressed and on the way out the motel.

How is that cringy ?

Talking to women about money, especially bragging, is ill advised. It can only cause harm. Money is good around women when you can exude it seemingly without effort.

how you feel about it?

Sell your req or still holding?

The reason it's cringe is this If shit goes downhill and I was talking like a big baller I look like a cringe faggot