ETH Mooning

Here we go boys.

Wake me up when it hits 1k

Stop calling moons at the first sight of a green candle you absolute cuck

Shit coin cant moon


I'm not buying those bags again

>tfw bought at $260
>bought more at $300
>more at $400
>more at $510

Where it all started for me. Currently hodling 70+, never letting go Jack.

some1 make ETH version of this

where what started? literally being even and recently up if you just bought btc instead?

great moon sir/madaam thank you for profit +$5

>where what started?

My acquiring of ETH.

>literally being even and recently up if you just bought btc instead?

And I should have bought Microsoft stock when I was a young child. Wtf is your point?

I think 20x gains is nothing to be sad about.

I smell butthurt...

ETH has the most stable base because it rises slowly so ADD fags just 'dump the bags' (where bags - eg. +5% daily) and fomo into some random shitcoin of the day that's mooning

At some point add fags are going to realize they would have way more money if they held eth instead of jumping.


ethereum has stupid good technology behind it

I am putting all the fiat i can into it, but coinbase limits me per week.

I just poured all my money on ETH, hodling for dear life

it's the only crypto that actually works and is useful

really makes you think

are you me?
>scalp top 15 coins when theres a uptrend
>get greedy and keep going when volume is decreasing
>too stubborn to sell that trade for a loss though im in profit for the day
>hold bags for months hoping it will hit my buy amount again
every fucking time

I thought coins disappeared due to bugs?

Hope it hits 0.05 next week lads

yeah that moon was pretty uneventful but we are still fluctuating.

>tfw bought at 10

I hate you.

How did you originally hear about ETH?

You know eth had generals on biz when it was $10 right?

No I did not. I began reading about crypto and ETH in June

Tfw bought at ico.

Tfw sold most of it at $15

So... I should buy Link?

Begone normie
Try $1 latecomer

bought 250 at 50$ average

panic sold most in july when it dipped to 130$, i sold most at 250$ though

fuck sake, still got a few left though, but damn hindsight sucks

I'm thinking about selling all my 3.14 ETH to buy 0.1 BTC. Is this a good idea?

No, not at all.

ETH is very undervalued, BTC is on the verge of collapse. If you could time the market and make it back over to ETH in time that may work in the short term but you can't so just hodl.