Buy now investopedia doesnt lie

buy now investopedia doesnt lie

Is that...a MONEY SNEK?

cup and handle on funfair, im buying 10k

Satan quads confirm

quads confirm

quads ok im buying 100k now


its not too late user


Three of my five weed stocks formed this pattern last week. Monday should be fun.

Cup and handle is a meme

went all in, prepared to get JUSTed

Hodl for 1 year for 20x, this coin is not for the average biztard

go on

Looks like a nice cock and balls pattern to me OP. Just bought 100k.

go on what? all you do is buy now before .05cents and you hold for a year its not that hard, you cant possibly fuck this up

Does Cup and Handle ever fail? Is there ever cup and handle then it just fucking dips rapidly?

any prediction pattern is a meme thats a tautology
i dont understand the pot coins. its not private, even if it is its obvious you are doing illegal activity and broadcasting to the world kek

it's sitting at 5 cents on bittrex. Think it'll go down to 4 cents before blast off?

Aren't most coins forming cup and handles because btc is. Look at CMC, and scroll down on the list.

Hey fuck you man

FunFair (FUN) is a licensing entity that will license to casino operators - they aren't a casino themselves because fuck dealing with laws/regulations and all of that shit. Also, why not have an army of casinos doing their own marketing for you?

FunFair casinos are provably fair, the games are kickass (check the demos on the FunFair website), and the games play fast (thanks to Fate Channels - the team's own version of State Channels). Compare this coin to its competitors, Edgeless (EDG) and DAO.Casino (BET): both are lightyears behind FUN in terms of tech and offer WAY LESS GAME OPTIONS than FUN does.

The team is fucking A+ and headed by Jez San - the dude worked on fucking Starfox and is responsible for all of those furries.

Yes I am shilling FUN. I think it's the absolute best penny coin out there.

think about the gambling people are going to do with their crypto gains. positive feedback loop may make this increase

i retrieved my calipers from the apothecary and measured three mulatto children's skulls on the way back from the cobbler. the mean of their skull sizes is indicative of FUN's future mooning. buy now.

ya'll need jesus

>he didn't read the bumps and dips in their skulls
it's like you don't even WANT to phrenologically determine the future of prices

Its formed solid resistance at .045 i go off global average from delta

that sell wall

>t. negroid skull massager

it's like you want to contract cholera

the FUNs over, chaps?

you could try to buy a dip but look at volume. i think this coin is going to increase in value and i don't think that is a gamble. whether or not you want to wait for a dip is the gamble

if sell walls could tell the future of coin price i'd be a multi-millionaire by now. it might dip so be ready to pounce on it

the fun is just getting started lad

Going to be loads of FUN climbing over that

it might just be there to hold the price temporarily

I'm not talking about crypto. Legitimate marijuana growing and growing related companies. Regular stock market.

The new bottom is x2 what I bought 100k at so pretty comfy considering nothing is even being released yet on this coin. It will explode when casinos come out.

dude weed is publicly traded? why arent they getting raided?

>why arent they getting raided?
enough bribes to enough people in gov. when the bribes end or are not enough is when these operations get raided. like any grey market

Nah lot of them are canadian based

you think that canadian politicians don't use canadian police to run their rackets, too?

Legal recreational use in a few US states, medical marijuana (legal with prescription) is a huge industry, and Canada is on track to be officially legal country wide this coming July. It's the Canadian companies that are gaining like crazy right now after the legalization bill passed the house of commons (needs to pass senate now) and the feds have hashed out a deal with the provinces regarding ratio of tax money on mj sales. In other words, it's on schedule.

weed's federally legalized in canada, look it up

>write weed tax laws to be vague and contradictory
>raid dudeweeds when they don't pay their protection money

Can we go back to talking about fun fair. Give me one reason, just one, not to put $2000 in this right now

weak hands need not apply

be prepared for long term holding

>Give me one reason, just one, not to put $2000 in this right now
there might be a dip but i wouldn't bet on it. it's your move, senpai

Going to $1 Q2 18, accumulate now. Even Clif High said so in his crypto report.


The real money will be in developing FUN games.

and mainstream casino adoption

Braced for liftoff. Buy!

I don’t remember a cuck and handle working recently, most of the failed.