
Da previous thread: >>>RULESReminder that nobody is entitled to a delivery under any circumstances within these threads.
>Ignore the bait, you're better than this
>Stay on topic

Artists and Artists-to-Be:
>Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but:
>If you're dropping your commission info, consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising

Books and Tutorials:

Figure Drawing:

Beginners Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Requesting my judge/jury/executioner warlock summoning a fistful of lightning!

He wears the armor on the right under a hooded cloak.


Requesting the guy shown at top-left wearing the outfit on the right, though with a scarf like the one at the bottom-left.

With the new thread, are we allowed to repost our requests here?


Hello, please excuse me if I'm not doing this right, first time requester.

Would anyone be interested in designing / drawing a BLAME!-esque character for me?

In order to best describe it.. it would be a synthetic humanoid of sorts, with androgynous features. A blend of silicone / synthetic skin or so blended with metallic alloys. Ball joints would be cool, but not necessary.

Armed with a tiny pistol (something blocky pictured like the reference sheet bottom right).

It doesn't have to be super manga tier detailed or extremely complicated, I'd love something akin to the bottom left creature's design with obvious BLAME! inspiration attached.

Thank you so much for considering~!


Requesting a magos with great metal wings bitchslapping a giant wasp with his electrified metal hands.

Just had this happen in Ascension. It was beautiful. What 40k was supposed to be.

Requesting three Drow/Dark Elf activists; one male and two females, who're spreading the word of Eilistraee in public.

One male Drow would be wearing the same clothes of the picture of the guy in the bottom left, and the two female Drow are wearing the clothes seen in the bottom middle and right pics. The three Drow would be holding up signs relating about how Eilistraee is better than Lolth or how living in the surface is better than the underdark.

Also the pic at the most top is a symbol of Eilistraee and one of the three Drow would be bearing that symbol in a wooden sign.

I would like to request the foxgirl on the left in the fancy ball gown on the right, and all the gown's accessories, including the hat (nestled in between her ears). The foxgirl should NOT have glasses, should NOT have horns, and should NOT have any crystals floating around her. However, please DO draw the crystals directly hovering over her hand, and the crystals directly attached to her dress. Also, please make her tail about twice as wide and fluffy.

I am not too picky on the pose, provided it is something fairly feminine.

Thank you in advance.

Requesting a picture of an Adeptus Ministorum interrogator. An old, nearly bald man. With no beard and with sunken blue eyes and serene expression. Dressed in plain red robes, wearing a rosary of the Emperor made of brass and carrying a walking cane. Followed by a servo-skull carrying a laud hailer.

Reposting from last thread:

Hey, requesting a female Drow rogue with buzzed white hair like the pic and wearing studded leather armor in a sort of an action pose wielding two daggers in similar style to the pic. Thanks!

I wasn't sure whether she had the dancing swords with her more priestly appearance... I can always add them though (and sorry if the sword I did give her is out of place). I can color this too if you like.

Anchoring for artist.

Hello Veeky Forums Drawthread
I'd like to request a pick of my Golem character, Ser Gabriel
He has gone through many reworks, and I'd like to 'definitive' picture of him
Hes around 8 or 9 feet tall, made of solid stone with steel bracers on his arms and legs.
He has carvings all over his arms and head that glow blue with magic, and large 'stole stone' in the center of his chest.
He weilds a large, spiked warhammer (think something similar to a Thunder Hammer from 40k) and wears rather plane leather armor with no sleeves. Being made of stone, steel, and magic he doesn't really need to wear armor.
His face is simple looking, kinda like in the ref picture, with shiny blue gem stone eyes.
He has a large red cape (no hood)
I think thats everything
Thanks for taking a look!

Anchoring for Bog Roll

I've been running my Crimson Guard Skitarii character for a while, if you could consider drawing him I'd be greatful.

Requesting the paladin from the delivery in the middle posed in a combination of the two poses on right, with her kneeling on the ground, head leaned over and both hands on a sword lodged in her abdomen. If possible, a broken sword on the ground next to her would also be greatly appreciated. I included the original references on the left to let any artist who would like to pick this up have more room to work. I have the battlemap we used during the session there so that if the artist would decide to do a background, they have a reference for that as well.Thank you to anyone who picks this up.

Backstory on this request:
Two sessions ago, my party's paladin Cethlenn, the one requested in the image, had to "Prove her worth" by fighting with an ancient guardian in order to acquire an epic magic sword. The guardian wielded the sword in the pic and ended up beating her in combat, shattering her sword and stabbing her in the stomach, killing her. The "Sword of Judgement" (the one used to stab her) actually revived her due to the reaction of her comrades, who had been unable to assist her during the duel, but the moment of her falling to the ground was one with much emotional distress by the party and one I'd like to have immortalized in glorious drawthread art.

I have a request. It's a priest that's going to be the main villain in an upcoming horror campaign I'll be running.

He is an old priest, like the pic on the left, but with a lot of things wrong with him. His staff has been changed with the Egyptian looking one and all crosses and holy symbols have been replaced with the compass-y symbol attached.

His gaze is angry/focused, Alan Moore pic related. His robe is tattered to the point where his arms and legs are visible, looking starved to almost death, like the Bale picture.

His skin is pale and his eyes, nails and beard are stained yellow. The hat he wears lacks the veil and has only a small rope hanging from the side.

Thank you in advance!


Okay, I'm blind as shit.

Anchoring for olvis with gradually waning hope.

Don't worry user, happens to all of us.

Migrating from the previous thread:

Requesting the character here on the left wielding a kanabo, replacing the bustier with more covering bandages wrapped around her chest, and the shoes with knee-high boots. In addition, she has a couple piercings on her brow on one side, and on her nose on the other, along with a couple rings on each ear.

Thanks in advance for your time!

PARTY DRONE, requested by someone a few threads ago
complete with septfetti AND in the right thread this time!


And without my shit attempt if you want to try yourself.

Kind drawfriends I am requesting an illustration of "sleepers" the feral and insane human survivors of a botched cryogenic preservation process. They went to sleep hoping to wake up in a better world. Instead the woke in a post apocalyptic hell. A bit like zombies but more intelligent and not rotting. In fact they are very much alive and quite crazy. Torn, dirty underwear or scrub type clothing standing in the dilapidated ruins of the cryogenics lab.

I need Russian Mafia Wizards.

I'd like to request a picture of my new Kenku rogue, it's easily been the most fun character I've played in ages.

If possible with the feather colour palette of the middle image, but with blackened leather armour somewhat similar to the left. Armed with two flick-daggers (as in Volo's guide, my char's name is the onomatopoeia of the dagger flicking open and catching). An action shot of him sneaking or jumping down onto his prey would be my ideas for a pose, but really I'd be very happy with a picture in any pose you find easier to draw.

The right image is just the closest google images result I could get to what my char would look like.

Hey Veeky Forums I'd like to request picture brought to reality please.

Requesting a space marine in mk8 armor holding a bow in a resting position, like the one on the bottom, but a lot less ornate, more crude and iron, but with that shape. He has a bunch of vertical black lines on his helmet, and has red fabric coming out like sleeves from under his pauldrons like on the right. Color scheme is on the right

Is the OP pic the user who requested an interracial married couple featuring an hundreds years old elven male and some elderly human woman wo're holding up a picture of themselves a longtime ago where the human woman was younger?

Good uou finally got your stuff delivered, im jusg gueasing because of how I somehow recognize the characters from the OR's reference image.

Now read what you said out loud without taking a breath within a sentence

Thank you brosef. I am still working on this promise. Just really rusty it feels.

I;m curious to see what this turns out to be; my guess is some sort of tiefling?

Requesting orc girl bullying some nerdy elf boy. Maybe some of those books that spill out of his hand are roleplaying guides.

Requesting a villain in my game of Rogue Trader, a Dark Eldar corsair with a particular preference for sniping the fuck out of us.

Anchoring for my animu magical kung fu cyborg request.

Thread Migration
Looking for some updated character art of the character on the left, about ten years have passed in the campaign setting and she's upgraded from "runaway princess of the evil king" to "moderately good queen of a previously evil kingdom" and as such she's gone through some changes in style.

The quick and dirty of it it is that I would like art featuring her in a pose similar to what I attempted in the middle, wearing the dress on the right,(except with simple black sleeves that go down to her wrists) a silver crown like pictured, holding a skull mask in her hand on the left, and a shining but otherwise simple sword on the right.

Somewhat more developed figure and longer hairstyle optional, but would also be appreciated if the artist feels inclined.


I'd like a drawing of my friends Half-Orc barbarian. He's got the body of Conan, wearing nordic-styled heavy armor (I know, I know, but it has a magic effect that he doesn't want to give up on) and wielding a massive, brutal-looking battle axe (he wants it to look like a more orcish version of the Elven Battleaxe from Skyrim, Gruumsh knows why).

His head is like the orcish head in the image, with slicked-back hair like the style next to it. Thank you in advance!

Bumping request for atmos tech wearing outfit related in this pose, smoking a cigarette with atmospherics burning in the background.

Requesting my high-level Crusader from Dark Heresy. She's basically the girl in the middle, with knight-inspired Carapace Armor and a long, flowing cape. She wields a Storm Shield in the shape of the Inquisition symbol, and her Power Sword has the same symbol worked into it as the hilt. Ideally both the Power Sword and Storm Shield should be crackling with lightning.

Oh, I forgot about linking previous posts for ease of reference. Sorry for that.

Also, one last detail I have forgot about last time. While she's using her powers her Spirit Crest manifests. It is supposed to consist of 22 multicolored lines forming some shape like sword or magic circle or whatever. In her case it's 11 lines on each of her arms, climbing from fist to the shoulder, forming a Celtic knot-like pattern. You don't have to really count them, that would be probably too much pain to keep track of.

Greetings drawfriends and my fellow beggars! I'm requesting a post Apocalyptic savage tribesman in homemade junk armor with spear holding a pre-collapse football helmet with an Indian on it and looking at it like WTF. Our savage holding the helmet looks disturbingly similar to the Indian on the helmet but with Post Apoc twist. Similar feather in hair and such. Thank you!

From last thread

Requesting our parties Fey warlock. A naive wood elf with copper skin, green eyes and an unkempt nest of black hair who happens to be bad at naming things. He wears classic leather armour, a cloak that he made out of leaves and a crude necklace made out of string and a shiny rock that pixies assured him had magical properties (it's just a rock). His patron has sent him on an epic quest to find the "poppilicious place paved in parmesan" Flavortown. A place filled to the brim with the greatest delicacies known to any and a place that probably doesn't actually exist.
Optional: His "boss" a yellow faerie dragon he named "Lightning" who has made her nest in his hair, she loves toffee and has somehow managed to defeat almost as many if not more enemies than her "minion".

OR here
Woah! This is amazing I love it! Many thanks!
Don't worry about the sword, i like it a lot! I feel bad for asking you to color, you seem to have done a lot of work already. Indeed, she uses her dancing swords too on her former priest appereance, you're free to add them or not, same with color, i'm already happy with your amazing work, i can't dare to ask more, again, many thanks!

Anchoring for my request to the same user that said he was interested.

heck i'm late to responding but pic related
thank you!!!

Requesting the one time my PC flew on oversized lightsaber, as described on the pic (if the whole scene is too much work, I will be still thankful for sole pic of the character).

Hah, don't worry, it's fine. Take what time you need.

That's the idea. Volcano-themed Tiefling.

Could one of you excellent drawfriends draw this character but in a different stance and expression?

She still has the circuitry-tattoos and weird glowing eyes, but has a much more neutral expression that looks almost bored. Her hand is still outstretched and has a plasma bolt coming from it. Also still has a sci-fi looking outfit but feel free to change it to however you want.

Thanks in advance!

Requesting a better picture of my only war guardsman.

jysk the mangastudio rar in the mega folder seems to have a rogue in it

Requesting an art done of a Hida Bushi, bulky guy, with the following armor and colors. May use liberties with the design as the artist sees fit, considering how design for Legend of the Five Rings has changed.

Would like for the tetsubo to be shouldered, and the left hand resting idly on the handle of his katana. Hida mon should be emblazoned on his chest armor.

Face description is that he looks rough, bearded, and generally "intense", considering he's a big, bulky samurai who fights demons for a living.



Sorry it sucks

I'm not OR, but it looks so amazing. The amount of details is insane.

my take user, hope you like it

Shit. Not OR but I am envious.

Nah mate. Its a hell of a lot better than I can do. So it's pretty great in that sense. Thanks man.

Pretty fucking cute mate!

I'm taking requests, I can start tonight in about 8 hours. I drew some things in the last thread also.

Amazing! Love that shield!

I'm stupid, how do I make my posts not do that rotation please?

Great style, gteat linework!

pretty sketchy but here you go
Thank you!
I'll probably do a couple more in the afternoon.

Amazing work! Would you mind taking requests directly? If not, that's fine too.

Mine's if you're up for it.

Well, if you're still doing Big Guys, I don't suppose I could request my Half-giant lycanthrope for consideration? His "weapon" is just a great-shield with a spread-winged falcon. His companion isn't necessarily included, of course.

I'm not OR, but I'm definitely using this picture as NPC for my campaign. Very well done, drawfriend.

You faggot.

Hope you like it, user

user, do you (or anyone) have more references for this one,? like, for the armor design

great work!!


Not strictly Veeky Forums-related, but since people seem to have liked my horrible deep sea mermaids, I might mention that I've drawn some more of them. I'll intend to do at least a few more like this.
I'd continue the slightly more Veeky Forums-related "horrible deep sea adventure" thing, which people have requested more of, as soon as I'll figure out how (let's face it, I made it for a one-off joke, and have already repeated said joke, so I need some new idea).

Oh wow, that is fantastic! Thank you very much. ^.^

I'm not the OR but he said earlier it was carapace armor.



OR here as points out its imperial carapace armour, but since almost all of the assignments of his battalion are on extremely cold worlds or space vessels they are environmentally sealed.
Well i have some lame back story regarding the helmets, name and insignias of the battalion, but I donĀ“t think that anyone would be interested.
The grey thing on the left hand is supposed to be a recoil glove but the book offers only a short description so i drew what i think they might look like.
The book describes them as follows make of that what you will.
These specialised gauntlets use interlocking plates connected with memory wire so that when the user grips a weapon, it locks together into a rigid strut around the hand and wrist and prevents wrist or arm damage when the weapon discharges.

The shoulder unit logo totally reminds me of the old Phoenix Coyotes (NHL Hockey team) logo.

Requesting kobold soviet officer pls

Hope you like my approach

Its great, you have a wonderful soft style.
Thanks for your great work!

it was fun to draw, hope you like it!
you welcome!

Oh shit thanks mate its awesome.
Glad you had fun drawing it


Knew you didn't have it in ya.


Could somebody please draw a 40k Temptestus Scion, but wearing a matching version of a scout trooper helmet from star wars and wielding a volkite charger?

What in the hot gay fuck are you talking about?

Fucking forgot the camo pattern again.

Would you be willing to try this, actually? I got a delivery in last thread that I do adore, but would prefer to have a version that's not quite as thicc.

OR here, I'm sure my friend will be thrilled, I know I am!

And now I'm curious to know about Dragzor's inter-campaign adventures. Would you happen to have a way I can keep in touch to find out, by any chance?

This is the best.

Requesting my character in some lightish armor. Kind of a mix of warrior and rouge and wizard, wielding two daggers.
The armors pictured are just examples, go nuts with the design.

maybe my style doesn't suit 40k too much but here is my attempt, use a figure for extra ref so the proportions are like a middle between illustrations and figures.

Don't worry user, I like it.