Do you feel comfortable adding superstitions about gay people to your setting?

Do you feel comfortable adding superstitions about gay people to your setting?

Or does the fact that real-world superstitions about gay people lead to violence and murder make you not want to touch that subject with a ten-foot pole?

>Steven Universe
kill yourself

Bait for /pol/ I see.

Do you mean misconception or stereotyping?

Daily reminder that Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green don't have these retarded autism problems.

Holy shit this is weak bait. Everyone knows that no GM worth his salt allows lesbian PCs to begin with.

Some of my npc are gay and hit on characters if they are good looking / high charisma/... /. Player can choose if they are gay/bi/hetero/../

>Uses furry picture
Perhaps you meant nothing by this user, but Veeky Forums will.
Brace yourself.

a thread died for this

Are you playing with tumblrs or something?

I'd play the shit out of a game where homosexuals gattai into larger more powerful homosexuals.

What game rewards me for shocking faggots?

You asked user. I, as another user, delivered.

Pence is an lgbt secret agent. Electricity makes lgbt people more powerful.

We need to make this happen.

Hah, it's far too late to stop us now. A significant portion of the energy supply of the United States is already diverted to charge up Sodom shocktroopers.


>falling for Hollywood propaganda

Keep /pol/ topics in /pol/, you fag.

Perhaps gravity is more your thing?

>more bait threads
What the fuck is going on, seriously. I have never seen this many bait threads on tg my whole time browsing here.

That because electric types are weak against ground types.

Unknown Armies. Partner up with a Masochistic Sadomancer and you're all set.

I don't really give a shit about what other people think and put things into my settings and stories that I find interesting.

Gays have a mythos? Is it like new-age KANG-isms about Africans being giant demigods who can channel Ra through their forehead?

Apparently according to some of the more autistic people on the internet us LGBT people have some sort of agenda to take over the world :^)

It's the stupidest shit.

If OP's pic is anything to go by, the mythos is about LGBTs being literal rocks who fusion-dance together to teach kids "valuable" lessons about how you should never improve yourself in any way, ever, because glaring personality flaws make you the most amazing and perfect person ever, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE(tm)!

The mythos is mostly that gays bite children to make more gays, like werewolves.

>t. Fifth day browsing after transferring from Reddit xD

No... It's the best worst Unknown Armies setting.

In my campaign I've kind of established the in-setting stereotype that wizards tend to be sexual deviants. If you're a noble, you need to marry well and produce heirs. If you're a peasant, you need to marry well and produce more hands to help you on the farm. If you're a wizard, your only important relationship is with your master or apprentice. They don't pass on their power through their blood, and many people are too afraid to try to govern the private lives of wizards. So many people who do 't fit in sexually do indeed try to become apprentice wizards.

But the show is pretty often about self-improvement and overcoming yourself...?

I'm gonna combine all three of these. Gays are a race of sapient crystalline structures hellbent on ruling the world, and reproduce via biting people and turning them into more gays. Their society is repressive and stagnating but entirely self-affirming and has a tendency to create awful personality traits via stifling the original goals and dreams of its peoples. When faced with extreme physical threat, two or more gays can fuse together to create an incredibly powerful gay to fight off the threat only to settle back into stagnation and the status quo afterwards.

I like this. Wizards have huge kink potentials anyway, what with the Conjuration and magic and all.

Oh, okay then. I wouldn't know because I don't watch cancer.

The giant gay fusions need to sing. Except not well, and only Showtunes.

Premarital sex, having a child out of wedlock, and incest are significantly bigger issues when I run games, just as they were in the past.


is this the guy that literally holds gay people at gun point and forces them to be shocked until they're almost dead? or is he the guy that wants to pass a law making it legal for gay people to voluntarily undergo shock therapy?

>It's the stupidest shit.
Considering homosexuality does not produce workers for the state nor pass on your bloodline, the faggot agenda is indeed something worth resisting.

>or is he the guy that wants to pass a law making it legal for gay people to voluntarily undergo shock therapy?
Yep. He's based as fuck.

Nah, I'll go more macross style here. LISTEN TO MY SONG and all that

>making voluntarily treatment available to people who want it
what a monster #notmyVP

>homosexuality spreads like an eldritch disease, slowly and agonizingly converting people into crystalline beigns
>electricity can slow down the progress to a degree, but if you are tainted by the gay it is only a matter of time
>once completely transformed, the crystalline creatures of pure gayness can mimic regular humans perfectly should they choose to
>they can still distinguish each other even when disguised due to a supernatural calling towards each other. A gaydar if you will
>thus an order of hunters has formed that willingly fights the gay plague by corrupting themselves for the power it brings in order to find and weed out the gay flamboyant crystal beings wherever they may appear
>they wear agonizing wards that constantly shock away the gay
>once they are too far gone (generally when they develop a lisp) they wander off into the next thunderstorm with their sword held high, or burn themselves on a ritual pyre if no storm is in sight


I browse /pol/ and Veeky Forums mostly. And typically I'd be posting just to call you a faggot but it's the only reason I opened this thread, so yeah- you win.

Claymore, but EVEN MORE gay

There's a Gaybright version called Kono Danshi, Sekika ni Nayandemasu

The only shocking faggot in this thread is you

I played a half-orc as a sort of Orcish Empire janissary, and he had a notable boy catamite. Just how a 2nd gen slave warrior rolls

I'm bisexual and I don't mind this shit.

It's fiction. It can't hurt anyone.


The simple fact is that negative beliefs and opinions about sexual orientation are not nearly as interesting as the story possibilities you have by not essentially soft-banning it. And yes, making it taboo is essentially a soft ban, because fuck if anyone is going to want to put up with that shit all the time, for what's essentially zero if not negative amounts of RP potential.


Transformation, mind control, summoning hot babes from other domensions - you know a ton of spells were invented by sex maniacs.

There's the potential to bring sexual equality to the kingdom. And then have it destroyed because you were supposed to stop the lich instead.

I just don't add gay people cause it doesn't add absolutely anything to a setting about say a beggar spellsword who tries to recover his title together with his cute cyclops waifu and a lizard bandit that loves to throw rocks to windows.

frankenstein monsters can't be gay

electricity cures both the homo and death

Explain in a full paragraph what the cyclops waifu being a girl add to the narrative.

pregnancy would result into an heir, the heir would become the catalyst for a full fledged civil war between those loyal to the hero and those who kicked him out.

When in Steven universe did it say that gems that bit humans turn into gems?

I find weird superstitions to be a fast track into make an unfamiliar foreign land quickly feel like an unfamiliar foreign-land.

Read the post, and then read the three posts prior

The pic is titled "avvy"
As in "avatar"
Because he's avatar posting.

That fuck is more aware than you were pal.

Right, that's why no one plays half-orcs or any monster races.

You're the only proper American in this thread. The right answer is DnD 5e. Go full Storm Cleric on those elves.

ITT: fags circlejerk over their mental disorder and pretend they're special rather than genetic dead ends

I liked that story where the lesbian Bard went full SJW and tried to use Diplomacy to kill all men and got beaten to death by the party Barbarian.

>genetic dead ends
I will have a child or three to fulfill my socially-prescribed role and appease my relatives while you will die a bitter kissless virgin.

They castrated Alan Turing, and he had a bigger impact on the direction of humanity than you ever will.


Homosexuality is an aberration.

I've already proved you wrong on the latter count and I'm sure when you die of some Gay Plague or other you won't have any children around to mourn you. Nothing will ever make you less of a freak.

The fact that you can't let go of your victim complex speaks volumes about why the DSM shouldn't have been changed. Fuck off with your snowflake faggotry.

It's not a victim complex. I'm stating a fact that even as a genetic dead end, Alan Turing did more to shape humanity than you ever will.

>itt people who think they know how genetics work


Just have gay people be an accepted part of your setting's culture. Less than 2% of people identify as being homosexual, and in a society without ridiculous stigmas against homosexuality, there's no reason for anyone to start an uproar about it. Just allude to a single gay couple in passing at some point and consider that your quota met.

And what's your point? There are straight people who did far more to shape humanity than Alan Turing ever did. Get over yourself, nobody cares about your "identity", you're not special or magical, you're just gay. That's it, faggot.

>implying the stigmas are ridiculous

The church of Pelor is not making cakes for your weddings, sodomites.

>Hello this is /pol/ returning your call

I did something like this. One of them was hitting on one player and he corresponded him. The npc died sessions later and that relationship they had made provoked a very interesting scene with the players.

About the question OP has made. As DM you can make your npc's as gay, hetero or kinky you want. If you don't want your game turned into a erp the npc's should't be yelling their inclinations.

And of course, the PC's decide their sexual orientation.

I just have metaphors for those sort of superstitions in the background. I won't shove it my players' faces, but I won't stop them from seeking it out, especially if any intra-party conflict that results gives me a good excuse to kick out troublemakers.

I run Dark Heresy. My NPC are fueled by superstitions. Sometimes literally. I had PCs hunted down by angry mobs for being pale or having unusual eye colour (poor sod wanted to play Cadian). In the gim darkness of fer future there is ZERO tolerance agaisnt even smalles of deviantions from the norm of holly human form and spirit, and things like homosexuality are pretty major deviations -> kill it with fire.

okay, i am bored enough to respond to /pol/fags.
While it's true that success of the individual is measured by amount of their grandchildren(you heard right, not children, grandchildren), people who don't reproduce per se are also fucking important to the group. Let's start with simple, not really fitting kiddie stuff which will help to understand the basics. (Read about Kin Selection, by the way.)
Bees, as you know, there's a queen, her daughters - workers and drones. Only one of them is allowed to produce heir, yet her daughters, despite not being able to reproduce, work for her, because it is better for entire colony.
In human groups, there's almost always a person or a group of people, who, despite not reproducing, are very important to the group. Be it a priest or even a shaman. Where "faggots" and other "queers" fit in here? Well, in older times, near the amazon river, a priest was suspiciously often some kind of "between" person, working outside of the group helping them. But these are older times. What about now? Dunno, but 'twas fun to shitpost a little.