GM ends game due to a player causing conflict with other players no matter who he played

>GM ends game due to a player causing conflict with other players no matter who he played
>GM starts a new game weeks later
>That guy is invited

> GM personally kicks out That Guy and says he's not going to be invited again
> One month later, he invites That Guy again.

I was this GM once. That guy probably begged and begged and guilt-tripped the GM until he caved. I'm not making that mistake again.

>That guy is making a ruckus and demanding everyone's schedule's change except his, just general vitriolic stuff as well
>GM kicks him out
>Never see him again

>I'm just trying to have fun
>Asshole GM kicks me out, crybaby players said they couldn't handle me
>Fine, I didn't want to play anymore
>The games going to be shittier without me, it's their loss
>GM invites me again
>Must have learned his lesson
>I'm nice enough to forgive them

>That Guy is actually GMs brother and he can't kick him out without feeling guilty

>GM was gonna give That Guy the boot but then That Guy came out of the closet on social media
>now they're fucking on the dl

>The GM is That Guy.

>GM only gets me and another person to play
>still uses standard encounters and XP gain

We'll never be able to be anything more than mediocre mishmash of useful skills.


Load up on hirelings, and maybe run multiple characters?

>GM is fucking your girlfriend on the gaming table.

>GM is fucking the gaming table

>GM is the gaming table

>The GM is

My group had one of those. I don't really get why some people refuse to cut ties with a shitty person they only know through games and making a spectacle of themselves in public

>GM wants to avoid drama, so refuses to deal with problem player.
>Other players become increasingly bitter as problem player keeps causing problems.
>GM blames other players' bitterness rather than the problem player for the game falling apart.

That's the life in Nowhere, Nebraska. When your entire playerbase consists of 7 people in entire town, being picky means not playing at all.

>That guy plays the most minmax nonsense characters
>Fights with the DM over the ability to do stupid busted shit
>Keeps trying to make dragons or advanced humanlike robots in a fantasy setting
>We can't get rid of him because there's only one place where we can all meet up.
It's at least funny to watch the DM passive aggressively fuck with his characters.

>GM's girlfriend IS the gaming table, and he's also fucking her

>The GM's table is his girlfriend, and you're fucking both of them.

That's the only way to play

as long the magical realming isn't too obvious

>GM wants to kick problem player
>all other players revolt and threaten to leave if he kicks him
>problem player proceeds to cause massive drama with everyone and leaves by himself
>mfw I'm the GM

>That guy has had a problem with every single other person that has been in the game
>Except his friends and people he personally recommended
>The people he is fine with are either huge flakers or only play for combat
>Your group has been taken over by That Guy and his friends

>The GM is the very concept of fucking

Do those guys ever learn?

I've personally changed my behavior so that I talk less to let some of the super silent members to participate more but I was never super obnoxious anyway.

>You are not even in a group but participate in these threads

I've been there user, I've been there.

Except for half of point 3 - they insisted on endlessly RPing minor character interactions rather than getting a move on with the plot, and threw bitchfits when objected at.

>His characters always are completely law abiding and will work against you if you break the law, even for the greater good.

play DnD to role play not socialize
no one else wants to role play but i pick support class so everyone else likes me cause they just want to roll play and will put up with my 5sec of not munchkining every half hour
new guy i never meat comes to the game
we have a good time
he says that roll playing is boring
never invited back
now we just sit around playing dwarf fortress

>the GM's table is his girlfriend, and you're fucking him on it, not allowing any cocks to touch the table

>Your cock is the DM's table, and your girlfriends are fucking each other with it

>GM ends game due to intra-party conflict and two people's schedules not aligning for months on end
>another player starts a new game weeks later
>he invites the person he was having schedule problems with

Been DM'ing a group since last June.
Only know what one of them does for a living and I knew him in real life before I formed the group.

Unfortunately the guy I knew in real life is that guy in our group. Hasn't bothered to read the players book even though we have been playing 7 months now, doesn't even remember what's on his character sheet, causes the game to grind to a halt at every combat.

It's like he wants to be involved but everyone has to work around him, he puts zero effort in but gets pissy when people just try to play around him.

I secretly make characters with their own motives even if I know it will end up causing the party to argue. I do this to pretend I can roleplay by not picking the optimal choice of always siding with the party.

Am I That Guy?

Bruha, Nebraska is the nebulous of fucking weird players, too. I have a group now, and let me tell you. The Forever GM is fucking psychotic with his infinite challenge rating dungeons, with monsters that have epic levels vs a party of 12's. I want out of this bullshit, but roll20 is garbage, because nobody commits enough, and 4chins gamefinder threads are worse.


It's ok, I've found maybe 2 good players on there out of 12

>your cock is the DM and you're fucking the table with it

Look at wives of chronic alcoholics

I don't understand what this means.

>problem player was awesome ForeverGM
>and the main person holding the friend-group together
>and the host
>and one of my best friends

If it was literally anyone else, I would have booted him on the spot. But of fucking course it has to be this fucking guy who griefs my game straight into the ground.

>Wife's character is fucking the GMPC

Oi! Stop making fun of me and my wife, Ralph!

>That guy is a cute girl and your whole gaming group decides to sit down and talk to her about how her behavior is causing other people not to have fun, and that we hope she is willing to change the way she acts . Sometimes that's all it takes to have a harmonious group.

I have only experienced good on roll20 myself.

>Entire group is that guys trying to out that guy each other

>the gm is nina

>Entire group is fucking the GM on her table

>the GM is GN

>Milly is That Guy

>the GM is GM

>this GM isn't the GM