I run a Star Wars RPG with my buddies and one of them wants to be a space pirate captain jack sparrow dude...

I run a Star Wars RPG with my buddies and one of them wants to be a space pirate captain jack sparrow dude. So I designed them a pirate ship for shits and giggles. First time doing a ship layout. Tell me what you think.

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last deck

just to make it more clear, they can ascend the the first 3 floors via the elevator in the center column. There are two ladders there as well in case the elevator is in use. To get to the topmost, fourth floor there is a staircase wrapping around.

Maybe I'm more conservative with my ship lasers but isn't that a pair too many?

Also what system is this? Eote? What you thinking for stats?

Have you considered building it in 3D?

Overall, it's a nice but rather... bland ship. I do like the sweeping stairs on Deck 3 though.

Yeah it's a bit much, but its mostly for the theme of a pirate gunship. (the chairs stuck into the center column on the top and bottom deck are actually how you access a couple extra guns on the top and bottom for a total of 8 guns)

I use Saga Edition. I haven't finalized the stats for the ship quite yet. Mostly I drew this up to help the players visualize the interior of the ship for traveling sections and for any setpieces inside the ship. Their characters will spend a lot of time on it. Also it helps me out. If I don't have it all laid out I fear that I'd mention a room in the ship one game and completely forget about it the next and end up having some strange ever-changing bag of holding style ship.

I thought about making a little scale model of it. I'm literally only savvy with photoshop so learning a 3D modeling program sounds like it might be a bit of a hurdle.

It is rather dull. I was going for a bleak pirate ship thing but I might've overdone it and I probably should've been a bit more creative with it. Needs more color.

The story behind the ship is that it's supposed to be built out of the carved out husk of a yuuzhan vong ship. Much of the hull is basically a giant space-shellfish exoskeleton. You can see a bit of the organic thing I was going for inside the cargo bay. But that's why it has a rounded, organic shape to the front like an old boat.

It is a good ship, very Firefly. I like the sweeping staircase. Is that a retrofit or was it formerly a former traveling debutante ballroom? Or is that the cover story? Quirks make the ship. A dowager countess hiring pirates to relive her sweet 16 party would be a great adventure.

Sketchup is pretty idiotproof. I should know.

I'd suggest adding asymetry - vertical or horizontal. Maybe add some pitting to the exterior if it's organic, like an almond shell.

Thanks. The decks are basically set up like this from bow to stern:

Deck 1: Cargo, Airlock with a little mission prep area, Med/sci bay, and engineering stuff (most notably hyperdrive in the back)

Deck 2: Cargo Catwalks and main guns, Barracks, mess hall, bathroom, and war room

Deck 3: runabout hangar (capable of holding a small fighter like an a-wing size ship)

Deck 4: Bridge and captains quarters

I set my game a couple hundred years after the movies end so that I can do some crazy ridiculous story and not have too much lore get in the way. In my story, some fifty years prior to the start of the game, a large section of what remains of the yuuzhan vong hive fleet attacked (or slowly swept over) arkania (I have some of the yuuzhan vong hive fleets in this game acting as a sort of tyranid-esque force of nature that the galaxy can't be entirely rid of. Like galactic hurricanes made of biomass).

An extremely affluent and somewhat mad Arkanian, due to the republics' inaction stepped up to the plate and began a mercenary 'fleet' to help defend arkania as much as they could. He built a variety of ships and had a sizable force. Near the tail end of the conflict, supplies were dwindling but this Arkanian fellow was still enjoying playing hero, and continued to build ships to replace the ones he'd lost. These last ships, to conserve resources were built out of salvaged Yuuzhan Vong ships. That's when this ship was built.

>Maybe add some pitting to the exterior if it's organic, like an almond shell.
this is a good idea. I was considering the front end of it at least being segmented like a lobster shell. I will add this detail.

Got some good material for you and your player here

Maybe you have to feed it. Maybe it molts from time to time.

Wow these are great. thanks!

You are actually close to something that I planned on having happen. I have another player joining us within the week (this will be our seventh, we expect player eight to join soon as well, fml) that will be playing as a yuuzhan vong. It's a long story getting his character to make any semblance of sense within the group and he is going into it almost expecting to be lynched at some point but one thing that he talked about was to bring a bit of the ship back to life, as a bit of character development and just to fuck around. Maybe feeding it corpses or something. It would only lead to bad things so he'd hide it from the other players.

Good luck with that.

I have trouble telling my friends they can't join my games because I'm a people-pleaser.

Well, you have a chance to save this game. Take it.


Read this, develop a personality, and start running good games with good people.

Oh I'll make do. I've run large games in the past. Eight will definitely be my largest. My previous game had a team of six. I feel confident I can handle seven. Eight is pushing it a bit. Biggest issue at the moment is drawing out one particularly reserved new player and making sure he doesn't get bulldozed by my more loud and rambunctious players.

You aren't getting it.

Eight is too damn many. Even six is potentially too many. You're risking boredom and side discussions and total disengagement of half the table anytime something happens.

You've chosen quantity over quality.

Thsi Vong player, he's showing up with the classic contrarian snowflake play. Doing a medieval game? He'd bring a catgirl and whiiiiiiine until you let him. Doing a samurai game? He'd bring a knight. It's how he gets his kicks, because he's got nothing else going for him.

Don't let him.

You are enabling bad player behavior. Your eight-player game is going to waste everyone's time and your frustrated players are going to drop. The game is going to fall apart because people have better shit to do than wait around for their turn to speak or act.

How the fuck are you going to craft a story for 8 PCs? How are you going to maintain theme, tone, and focus with eight players, all of whom want a chance to help tell the story? How are you going to run combat without either slighting a PC or giving someone too much spotlight time?

Do not take this as a challenge. Take it as a warning. Get your house in order before it's too late.

Actually I planted the idea of the Yuuzhan Vong in his head. I wouldn't do that if I didn't have a good idea of how to place him within the narrative and didn't expect him to be able to handle it.

8 PCs is probably going to get cuhrazy. But its only 7 for now, and I feel comfortable with that. Not the end of the world anyways.