Why are sexy humans with animal features a big no no and magic land territory for so many people when sexy humans with...

Why are sexy humans with animal features a big no no and magic land territory for so many people when sexy humans with pointed ears are 100% fine and exist in pretty much every setting?

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>a big no no and magic land territory

Are we visiting the same Veeky Forums?

>Are we visiting the same Veeky Forums?

Have you tried not posting exclusively in /pfg/?

He obviously has. This isn't /pfg/.

What are you talking about? /pfg/ loves kitsune.

Quotes from Pathfinder General:

>I was going to apply with a shota kitsune vigilante shapeshifting/genderbending into a titty monster girl. The girl would be his masked persona. After all, disguising as different gender is something like -2 penalty and kitsune have Realistic Likeness which allows for actual gender cahnge.

>That's okay. I really liked your foxwife. I'd take her as a PC in any game I ran. I even masturbated to her!

>Is it okay to play a CN zenko kitsune hunter who wears a Demon Mother's Mask and gets intimate with their animal companion?

I do not play PF at all.

It's just, there were actually lots of discussions on th whole thing and what Veeky Forums mainly condemns is not these races' existance, but bad takes on it (i.e. actually actively fetishizing them, turning them into author's darlings or oppressed dindus).

As long as you play a good character, it's a good character. As long as you take a race seriously, it's a good race.

Because if you stop masturbating for a second and have a closer loook at these sexy humans with pointy ears you will find that they have much more narrative purpose and reasons to be in fantasy and aren't, for some this might be a shock, not solely masturbation-bait, as well as established roles in your average fantasy-system as the DEX and magical race.

Sexy humans with animal features on the other hand come mostly from japan, thus are already cum-stained and serve no other role than being there because fetishes.

Tbh both elves and furries are cancer that have no place on the tabletop beyond DM and/or players touching themselves while playing.

This is complete bullshit and you know it. In 90% of settings elves are either a masturbation bait or some shitty tree loving hippies. Very few settings try to make them interesting.

And elves are no longer even go to race for magic classes in D&D.

Yiff in hell furfag

Your definition on what constitutes an elf seems to be more in line with /e/ and /h/, so you should probably go there and stay there.


Cute animal ears > sexy animal ears

What? Elf is what a setting describes as an elf. There is no room for interpretation.

Go ahead and try o tell me how DnD elves aren't walking fetishes. Especially fucking Drow with their demon orgies, femdom and half naked priestesses.

that's pretty much all about it

Try to treat this board as a forum of edgy hipster anonymous faggots instead of representative of tabletop community overall taste.

Beastfolks are pretty much the staple of tabletop gaming and fantasy along with elves and dwarves. How furry to how human-like they are depends on individual taste but they are always there.

Just because a group of anonymous basement dwellers who are probably very old and bitter don't like an more fashionable interpretation of beastfolks because they mistakenly believe this will make their hobby look foolish and by relation, themselves too and forgetting how in general people are judged mostly based on their personal attitude and history.

>Especially fucking Drow with their demon orgies, femdom and half naked priestesses.

That's entirely different.

Aaand you have your answer right here, OP.

Drow are different trope from standard elves and you know it. Thats for one. Secondly, still drow have PLENTY of other interesting features BESIDES the fetish stuff which you kitsunes don't have nor they ever will.

And standard elves are only fetishized in bad settings written by bad authors that shouldn't be taken into account either way. Yes, they are no better than "sexy humans with animal features". But elves (and other "standard" races) exist also in quality non-sexualized depictions while your anime shit does not.

Please stop baiting by pretending you don't get it and didn't know it already.

Also the entire race cannot be female, or represented in-campaign by only females.

And they must not force you into fucking their daughters.

Because Veeky Forums is contrarian as hell and is full of both extreme perverts and extreme puritans. To be honest I'm a little sick of being told to kill myself just because I don't want to play a human in an all-human setting for the Xth time anymore, just as I'm tired of people trying to shove lesbian kitsunes down my throat and demanding that I enjoy them.
I'm not even sure why I still come to this place.

>>Why are sexy humans with animal features a big no no
Because furfaggotry, now get out!

I like doing the inverse, but as NPCS and monster encounters. Something like a dog or giant scorpion with a human face seems to spark a decent level of grotesque.

The main problem for me is that male character portraits for races like that are fucking hard to find. Even harder if you gotta have someone who is old, not beautiful, OR NOT A FUCKING FURRY GODDAMN IT YOU FUCKERS STOP WITH THIS SHITTY DIMORPHISM.

Because one is shitty furry fap-bait. The other is shitty fap-bait that we can't seem to shake from fantasy, thanks to Tolkien.

Stop being a faggot. There are settings where elves are nothing but badly written fetish bait (like in almost all D&D settings)and there are settings where beats folk are well written.

Ears + tail is not furfaggotry you retarded apes.

Furfaggotry requires fucking fur. Something anime animal girls lack.

OP, you and me are on the same damn page.

>Some people like anime chicks

>Some people like furry stuff

>Epic civil war dividing the two
... What? Why?

I do not understand the divide, one is not worse than the other.

I bet you also believe that futa is not gay, you degenerate.

Yet entire race can be male and it's 100% fine right?

Seriously, go and show me 5 canon portraits of female beastmen or dwarves in Warhammer fantasy.

after browsing /pfg/, I've banned kitsune at my table

By that logic every GM should ban humans.

The funny thing is japanese animal girls don't even fall under "furry stuff".

Hell, Erune for example don't even have tails and they have much less body hair than humans. Yet somehow you will have retards screaming how they are furry.

>By that logic every GM should ban humans.
This is something I have legitimately considered.

>Yet entire race can be male and it's 100% fine right?
Nobody said that.

>Seriously, go and show me 5 canon portraits of female beastmen or dwarves in Warhammer fantasy.
Just from googling i can easily find more than five, but there's definitely skewered representation too.

Anime girls are an entirely different kind of cancer, but cancer all the same.

Although I'd say beastfolk at least have a place in fantasy, which is more than you can say for anime girls.

>not playing anime fantasy
missing out senpai.

Yet it's fine when DnD and most other well known fantasy systems use western comics art that's even dumber and more fetishized than generic anime?

This. You have license to include as much anachronism as it pleases you, and you're not really beholden to the tropes of western fantasy. You can flipflop between light hearted and dramatic willy-nilly, and ham it up as much as you want in either case.

Never said that.

It's really a question of tone of the setting more than some specific art style.

You don't bring anime catgirl into Black Company: the campaign and you don't bring MUH GRITTY SHELLSHOCKED SUPEREDGY TERRIBLE PERSON into something lighthearted (except a parody). Some settings set tone stronger than the others, but that's really, Really, REALLY not the case with D&D.

Those anime cat girls could very well be a ruthless wild race of animalist warriors hunting humans to eat their hearts.

Learn to read, sperg

That too. You can adapt anything to any tone, some things are just easily adapted or have more cultural osmosis.

So, is the point of that picture to show that five out of six 5e players are edgelords drudging through dreary games devoid of joy, whereas Pathfinder players still have a sense of whimsy and a color palette not limited to various shades of grey?

Japanese fantasy is cool. It's like you took AD&D in the nineties and evolved it in a different direction with less Western influence.

by the way harvin > erune > draf

Answer the question.

The warrior bunnies were the only good thing about GATE

Yeah, pretty much. 5e is really boring as a game and it's players have a hate boner for every other edition.

>There are settings where elves are nothing but badly written fetish bait
Nobody argues that, point is, there are plenty of settings where they aren't as well. Including, well, the setting from which modern image of elf originates?
>and there are settings where beatsfolk are well written
Note that beastfolk=/=anime catgirls. Thus khajit do not count. And, with that note in mind, name ONE such setting where beastfolk is anime catgirls and well written at the same time.

fucking american catgirls

>warrior bunnies
>all women


There's nothing inherently wrong with kitsune. Having fox ears and a tail doesn't somehow make them inferior to elves. The issue lies with them getting special or preferential treatment, which coincidentally is something that also happens with elves.

The issue is shitty writing and not the concept behind them.

>Ears + tail is not furfaggotry you retarded apes

Bullshit. Anything that's part of the animal kingdom is furfaggotry by definition, since it's clearly depicting an animal. A girl with ears+tail is part of the animal kingdom, and therefore furfaggotry. QED.

So humans are furfaggotry.

>Anything that's part of the animal kingdom

you heard it here; if it's not an outsider or a construct, it's furry

>Having fox ears and a tail doesn't somehow make them inferior to elves
Not having anything else to offer past those does.
>The issue is shitty writing and not the concept behind them
Problem, there is literally no concept behind them past "cute thing with animal parts"

>Not having anything else to offer past those does.
Congratulations on making a statement that universally applies TO EVERY SINGLE RACE IN FANTASY TO EVER EXIST.

>Problem, there is literally no concept behind them past "cute thing with animal parts"
That's simply not true. There's lots of interesting things you can do with a race of shape-shifting spirit foxes. In fact, they don't even necessarily have to take the form of attractive women, in japanese folklore they could take ANY shape, including crotchety old men.

I mean, i can oversimplify too and say that elves are humans with long ears, dwarves are midgets with beards and goblins are what happens after midget-rat-pug threesome, but it will be about as truthful as your statement.


Well then maybe those races shouldn't exist in the first place.

Now the hold the fuck up I got a 5E bird person, I think aarakrokan is the name, monk who believes he's so perfect that life has reached its peak with him and him alone so he goes around asking people to give up as in kill their selves, teaching about contraception, and abhors the undead

Because Veeky Forums is retarded made by a retarded 15 year old who made up and enforced retarded rules to copy the popular website that existed at the time because he didn't get the jokes and he took them seriously.

Now Veeky Forums is 'serious' about how much it hates everything. EVERYTHING is a big no no, everything is. Everything is wrong and Veeky Forums hates everything.
>But what about this one thing that has a popular thread about a 5th of the time.
That thing, whatever the fuck you thought of, still has the negative threads the other 4/5ths of the time, and still has the haters in the supposedly positive thread.

It's called the 'Hate Machine" for a reason and it's a joke that went stale ten years ago and yet here we are. You're here for the random chance of good images, not any legitimate opinions.

>Not having anything else to offer past those does.

Tell me again what halflings have to offer other than being small people with furry feet?

This basically.

Veeky Forums exists as the modern-day equivalent of throwing peanuts at monkeys in a zoo, except it's free and the peanuts are (You)'s.

Because these things don't exist in a vacuum. They come with existing fandoms, and some of these fandoms are much more obnoxious than others.

>I think aarakrokan is the name
well you thought like AN IDIOT

Because you have nowhere else to go. This is your only true home, and you know it.

Congratulations, you are fur shit. Please kill yourself

This particular logical fallacy is called No True Beastfolk.q

Girls with animal ears aren't cute and I can prove it.

For any girl with animal ears, she either has two extra human ears, which is gross, or she just has blank skin where her human ears would be, which is also gross. There's no non-gross option.

now if it's played straight well then you got a guy wanting everyone other than himself to die, which is pretty damn grim.

But assuming that's played tounge in cheek, that's an hilarious mental image in which case you'd be an example of that 6th player that isn't all about making every game as grim and dour as possible.

>Congratulations on making a statement that universally applies TO EVERY SINGLE RACE IN FANTASY TO EVER EXIST
Then maybe stop playing/reading/watching shitty examples of fantasy and try actually decent ones.
>There's lots of interesting things you can do with a race of shape-shifting spirit foxes
Too bad fact that it is theoretically possible doesn't mean someone's actually doing it, Well, at least with success.
Unless you specifically mean hobbits, most iterations of halflings are shit in they own way, yes.
Read OPs post and then again think if this thread is about beastfolk in general or this specific kind of it.

Side ears.

Your move.

The overall goal is a little bit of both actually, he also believes that everything has a right to live, however it also has a right to die and should exercise that right as soon as possible
N-no bully I didn't look it up I thought that's what it was ;-;

I just remembered he got into an argument with an angel about who is actually perfect him or the angels and their gods. It was more or less them correcting each other on that "fact" until someone broke it up

>Too bad fact that it is theoretically possible doesn't mean someone's actually doing it, Well, at least with success.
>I can speak for entire 9000+ games played at any moment
>what is mythology

Miqo'te are pretty cool but they'd be a lot better if they weren't nearly mono-gendered in lore.

Though I do find it funny that male miqo'te are either like the second or third most-played characters in the game. So maybe the reason males are so rare in their society is because they all left to go be adventurers.

But anyway, my point is, anime-style catfolk are fine as a race. Anime-style catgirls are not.

No matter how serious your character reference art is, ridiculous situations generate naturally in any RPG session. Serious character art does not make for a serious game; a serious game requires everyone at the table to work hard fighting against the inevitable funny situations at the table. Starting with inherently ridiculous materials, like most lewd anime art, will actually decrease the effect of humor at the table because there's no contrast, no game equivalent of a straight-man to play off of. There's a good old article about it at archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20051104a

Looks more like a monkey than a cat.

Is that your character? Mine's not the only one with that face, after all!

>anime-style catfolk are fine as a race. Anime-style catgirls are not.
That's a strange distinction, but i guess i understand what you're saying.
Stereotypical catgirls are terrible, but once you start doing lore for them they at least become less stereotypical.

whenever one of my players wants to be an animal-ear girl I ask them this question and it grosses them out.

Works every time.


Two ears placed slightly higher than humans' ones are undisputed god tier

>Though I do find it funny that male miqo'te are either like the second or third most-played characters in the game.
Not surprised in the slightest, but mainly because they were so heavily requested back in the days of being Mithra in FFXI, same as female Galka/Roegadyn to a lesser extent, so it'd make sense for people to be excited about them after SE relented to fan requests after so many years.

They are indeed weak

I don't mind animal girls, I just like giving them a hard time.

Was, I haven't played the game in at least a year.

But to elaborate, nine times out of ten a race consisting entirely of attractive females is just an excuse for shallow fapbait.

Instead of blank skin, hair grows there, so it's not all that obvious the ears are missing.
I feel strange because I'm not grossed out by the image.

>But to elaborate, nine times out of ten a race consisting entirely of attractive females is just an excuse for shallow fapbait.

Yep, that's what ticks me off. Hopefully it will start to die out soon, since Square finally did it in a mainstream game (though they still yet have to break the curse of "OKAY LET'S DISCUSS THIS RACE'S COURTING HABITS FOR LIKE AN HOUR".

You see that would be the case, except the rest of the party may have an unusual quirk or running joke with a character at most so I'm usually safe with my character choices

I did like that the gender imbalance with the Miqo'te is used to give some lion or feral cat-like qualities to their society (only one male in a lion pride, and in most feral cat colonies there's a few males that don't really live with the women but wander through periodically), which I think is a nice opportunity to bring some flavor to a beast-people race. Building a sort of human culture with elements inspired by animal social behavior can be pretty neat.

That's fair, he is about 95% monkey. Other than the ears and tail, that is.

Because they're usually sluts or childishly naive. And The players who wants to fuck them always look like pedos abusing the innocense and hormones of imaginary teenagers.

Elves are usually metagames as aloof and superior. Catgirls are almost always lolis.

Technically, it could. You don't even need magic, although it demands some unique biological mechanisms.
>Unlike any other known animal, ordinary bdelloids routinely "import" pieces of DNA from their food and surroundings, capping their chromosomes with gene fragments from other animals, plants, fungi or even bacteria. These cross-kingdom genetic "patches" may continue to perform the same functions for the rotifer that they did for their original owners - sometimes involved in metabolic or immune defense processes, for instance - and will be passed on to all of the rotifer's cloned daughters. In a purely non technical sense, these creatures have evolved to "mate" with absolutely anything that has DNA; even a mold spore sucked into its grinding innards.

You'd need a reason why but I don't see why they couldn't be

Furries are anathema. In large part, we can look to Furries as the ancestor of the super obnoxious, in-your-face fandoms, except instead of being a Fandom, which is bad enough, they represent a sexual fetish.

As such, things that would turn on a furry (including the characters referred to as "furries") get a "Do not want" default reaction. Guilty unless proven innocent. The furrier they are, the worse off. "Ears and Tail" is mostly safe, though "catgirl" is decently heavily fetishized as well (Elves get a lot of lewd treatment, but also have a LOT more "signal" under said noise).

Also, apparently non/borderline furry characters have a niche as oppressed minorities. I'd work with that.


>Also, apparently non/borderline furry characters have a niche as oppressed minorities. I'd work with that.
But what if that *is* your magical realm?

The answer to this question is now as always with situations that aren't normally but happen to be *your* magical realm: "Don't make it creepy at the table."

But people are hating on kemonomimi and calling it furry in /pfg/.

>tfw you see someone quoting you along with that typo you made

Because it is home