Using this map to seed an alternative-America setting

>Using this map to seed an alternative-America setting

The Pacific Southwest - Malevolent vehicles hunt down humans

The Rocky Mountain States - Unearthed alien monoliths generate hypoxic dead zones leaving only the higher altitudes with breathable air.

Souther Plains States / The Mid Atlantic - Giant insects colonize the lands by mating with human females

Northern Plains States - Infectious spine dislocation. The area is quarantined. A terrible bio-weapon is suspected.

Great Lakes Region / Mississippi Valley - Ritualized barbarism

>pre Unification Wars North America







Underrated post in an underrated thread

>The Midwest is Jund

Wouldn't Suffocation be fatal, and not really an injury? Or can you suffocate half or a quarter to death and then still be fine?
Also wtf is going on in those states anyway?

They're shit?

Huffing shit or some fumes.

>Southern Plains is Naya
I'm quite okay with this. I wanna wrestle giant vinegarooons and spiders!

>Head injury
Sounds about right.

Another map.
>tfw my state has the most disease-related death

Surprised Florida isn't "Random acts of God"

Why "disproportionate" ?

Also kind of surprised only 2 diabetes, and none in the south.

Because if they just used "most common" deaths, there'd be less interesting variation in the map.

Make her into a setting, Veeky Forums.

Two Mega Cities rule the sparse populations of farmers and mountain men that inhabit the vast valleys and mountains harshly, but war with the Gamblers across the mountains is coming and the Mega Cities are pressing the farm lands for resources. A civil war is brewing, but neither the farmers nor the city dwellers can survive without the others, and neither will survive if the Gamblers make it over the sierras.

War is brewing, can men of character reshape and reunite the republic before the unwashed hordes arrive?

10/10. Great post user.

Midwest would include northern plains, so Jund and/or Grixis. I'd argue that more landmass would be Grixis than Jund.

>tfw your state would be Grixis and Alzheimer's
Guess mine would be where the zombies are raised then....fuck.

>mfw I'm diabetic

I'd be surprised but my doctor is always surprised that I actually take care of myself.

In terms of OP, the breatahble air thing is kinda buyable, actually. Salt Lake valley is a bowl of pollution during the cold seasons due to inversion, it's actually bad enough you can justify wearing a filter mask if you're outdoors for any extended length of time.

>Insect Bites
I guarantee this is fire ants. Those little shits deserve an anthillo-caust I swear to God.


>variation of 2 minutes
>randomly mentioning 'genre'

What a mess of a map.
Also gives very little fun information, like that Utah is #1 consumer of pornography in the US.

Kentucky confirmed for top taste

the fuck are they doing in Vermont?

>Your state is blank

>No gunshot wound
Ruining my immersion desu

>Northern Plains States - Infectious spine dislocation. The area is quarantined. A terrible bio-weapon is suspected.

I don't know... It looks to me like North Dakotans and Nebraskans are overexerting themselves trying to pull the South Dakotans apart...

They're not acts of god. They're Floridians doing dumb shit, which is why they're labelled as "accidents." Florida Man is beyond even god's ability to kill people.


>"That's not real, there's no way some of that shit is real."
>Google it.
>Reality isn't better.

Jesus fuck California, Arizona, Wisconsin, New york, Maryland, South carolina. Also what the fuck is a porbo and I'm deeply concerned about the searches of ohio, wyoming and north carolina. Florida is disappointingly normal

I'm calling bullshit.

>what the fuck is a porbo
I think that is what all those Texans are trying to discover.

Wisconsin isn't a part of the "Northern Plains." Maybe half of Minnesota could be considered a part of it. Wisconsin and Minnesota are in the Great Lakes and a part of the Mississippi River Valley (Wisconsin actually has the second longest Great Lakes coastline and the Mississippi River has its source in Minnesota). Both contain the Driftless Region (although the majority of it is in Wisconsin) which is very much not a plain. The only really flat spots in Wisconsin at least are covered by trees.

I'll admit that the Western half of Minnesota is a flat, featureless void like North Dakota.

give the yuropoor a break man

Porbo is. .. Difficult to explain