What's Veeky Forums's thoughts on magical girl/mahou shoujo?

What's Veeky Forums's thoughts on magical girl/mahou shoujo?

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Been done good, been done bad

In its original form, where the girls are mostly like young witches that get into minor situations due to their magic, it's hard to use for a game, like most slice-of-life style series.

But, post Sailor-Moon magical girls, where the genre was combined with sentai conventions, it works fairly well, and the episodic formula is almost ideal for setting up and running game sessions.

There are a lot of different flavours and everyone has their preference.

Mine is the Nanoha style, which is why I'm in an excellent ongoing Nanoha game and planning to run one after it ends.

Should have posted a better season, like any other.

Magical Burst, SW or GURPS. But not really GURPS.

Go back to /pc/ goprick.

>Nanoha style

Magical Girl+Gundam?

Technomagic I'm assuming.

What's that?

In the case of the game it's literally in the setting, with the PCs being officer cadets of the Time Space Administration Bureau (Magitech Starfleet with militarised Magical Girls and Boys).

But in general that style appeals more to me than most. Slightly more mature themes without getting into Madoka-esque grimderp, great fight scenes with good choreography and big flashy magical attacks (the recent Nanoha movies are the best for this) and a generally optimistic outlook where the most common end result of a huge magical superweapon is creating friendship.

Plus magical girls who function like mecha are pretty fucking cool.

Fun to imagine as a BBEG, without either party being actually evil.

Why would a Magical Girl ever be the BBEG? Futhermore, how do you make her the BBEG without making her a generic Dark Magical Girl?




I am currently running an x-over Princess, Mage, and Hunter game. It's going SWIMMINGLY.

The Princesses are blabbing about friendship to the Mages, the Mages are taking notes and preparing the vivisectors, the Hunters are seething with contempt for both, and since we're running it in Discord, I keep independent chats for ALL player combinations, so that nobody ever has the full picture.

Magical burst was pretty bad, last I checked.

SW and GURPS are up to taste. I'd definitely prefer SW.

Would add Strike! to the list, but only if you like your magical girls tactical fighting.

>What's that?
Savage Worlds.

In terms of system, the Nanoha game I'm in actually uses Legends of the Wulin. It seems like an odd choice, but it works very well. The combat in Nanoha is very martial arts-ish anyway (Heck, the ViViD spinoff is literally a magical martial arts show), and the ability for massive attacks to impose emotional conditions on people rather than physical injuries mechanically supports a key conceit of the setting.

>Why would a Magical Girl ever be the BBEG?
Diferent approach to the same problem: monsters of the week.

>and a generally optimistic outlook where the most common end result of a huge magical superweapon is creating friendship.

That's because in the setting magic is always non-lethal


What are each side approach?

Basically Batman's vs the Punisher's, the megucas being Batman.
One believes in beating up, then purifying it, the other in just shooting the motherfucker.

Purifying and redeeming are the cancer killing magical girls. Fuck monsters.

Not always. We see people dying as a result of magic more than once, so it is possible to make lethal magic.

In game, we treat it as a general TSAB policy. Mass based weapons and lethal magic are universally banned, and all devices must include limitations and spell restrictions to prevent them casting spells that might cause severe physical injury. Mass based weapons and illegal magic are generally used by criminal groups operating in or around TSAB space, or sometimes minor powers who've refused integration into the TSAB.

Weebshit that has no place in Veeky Forums

Fuck off already you no life virgins

>no place on Veeky Forums
>when the very reason Veeky Forums was created (warhammer) is rife with literal, actual weebshit
No, you go back, /v/ermin.

There's a few homebrew systems in the magical girl general on Veeky Forums that work out well, too.

It's not really a bad idea in itself, but it always seems to get overused and written in ways that just make it the cheap easy way out.

I like mahou shoujo. Madoka is my favorite by far, but I also enjoyed Nanoha and Fresh Precure, FW Precure, Yuki Yuuna. A lot of great stuff in the genre if you're looking for endearingly unrelenting love and naivete.

I'm running a pretty low magic and more "realistic" type of gamesystem with my party and didn't expect any surprises when we met for our new campaign. Normally I allow for crossplay because there aren't any magical realm moments in our games but when three balding guys in their mid thirties told me with a straight face they're all going to play teenage girls I was kinda surprised and sceptic.

So I looked at the sheets and noticed; All of them took about 1~2 spells and boosted them to the max so that they'really reliable in just one type of magic. Furthermore an absolute mastery in just one kind of weapon. This system allows for buying your own equipment and the start of the game and, oh wow, all of them took a really bright and flashy dress with ribbons and shit. Also something called a "friendship device".

"What's that?" I asked
All of them giggled.

You wouldn't believe me when I told you how my serious campaign turned out.

>Fuck off already you no life virgins

A-Anyone wanna play a Mahou Shoujo game?


I already play a few, but I'd love to be in another.

>when the very reason Veeky Forums was created (warhammer)

This is an old lie spun by 40kids with absolutely no truth behind it. Veeky Forums was made for traditional games, not for 40k (hence why it's not called /40k/), and there's absolutely not even a single scrap of evidence that moot

>Fuck off you no life virgins


I don't want to say Nanoha because people keep saying Nanoha in this thread, but Nanoha.

Based Naoko Takeuchi had an entire generation of mothers explaining to their daughters why those "cousins" were so "friendly" with each other and why those "guys" transformed into girls.

How do I get my players to start singing during combat?

They make for great, and very exotic, love interests. You have the whole plot arc of falling in love with the girl's alter-ego, then eventually learning to love the woman she really is.

It's a metaphor for growing up, in a way. Though the sex must be amazing, since you're basically loving two women at once. Or one woman who occasionally dresses up.

Obviously, she's some kind of would-be demon queen with an outfit to match.

There should be a game where everyone's Tuxedo Mask, because actually playing as magical girls is a bit weird for four neckbeards.

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!

You're supposed to want to be them, not to want to fuck them.

Be honest, you're probably a guy. This is the kind of emotionally stunted thinking that plagues the industry, the longing for 'safe' relationships.

Kamikaza Kaitou Jeanne, for example, had sex with her love interest right before the final battle. Girl-on-girl is hot, but it's so that you don't have to worry about waifu getting 'tainted' from dicking.

I require the Bureau as the Federation fighting another faction as Zeon.
Two Thirds the original worth in bonus points if "Zeon" is Anti-Magic but still keep up with the Bureau by using alternative energy (such as plain electricity), possibly like the Numbers.

So the other faction is Belkan loyalists, then. The ones from Strangereal

That it's a genre of story (specifically a subset of superhero stories) that exists in real life and is predominantly found in Japanese media?

I dunno what you wanna hear user.
It's a thing that exists mostly in this one place. What else is there to say?

Anyything besides The daughters of the emperor, a.k.a Sailor Celestimoon, IS HERESY!

as for the other Veeky Forums, we have homebrews of it like magical girl quest

if the link is still alive on 1d4chan archive

>Veeky Forums
>literally /touhougames/
>not weebshit
>not a traditional game

There's homebrews still being worked on in Veeky Forums now, too

By doing it playing a bgm and doing it first for the opponents or DMNPC.

Not exactly a game but it fit in the mahou shonen genre: myanimelist.net/anime/27727/Binan_Koukou_Chikyuu_Bouei-bu_LOVE

is other there yer 12 year old tryharder

>projecting this hard and outing himself as a retard


Weirdly, this is actually somewhat close to the plot of the Nanoha game I'm currently in (same poster from earlier in the thread).

Hyperion is an non-administered world that was nearly rendered uninhabitable after a disastrous war between them and Old Belka. Their forces wouldn't give up or surrender so Belka eventually resorted to obliterating their world from orbit, leaving it a blasted wasteland to this day.

However, the people of Hyperion did not give up, building bunker-cities and using whatever means they could to survive. The damage to their planet corrupted the manasphere itself, rendering all uses of magic unpredictable and dangerous, so they turned to an alternative- Mundane technology.

Today, Hyperion is an incredibly advanced world, with huge, densely packed dome-cities shielded from the barren, toxic environment outside, and armies of (mundane) cyborgs who dedicate their lives to protecting it.

Due to their history, they have a cultural distrust of magic, with its use being banned on Hyperion and all people with active linker cores being required to take drugs that suppress their mana output. This also keys into an extreme distrust for the TSAB, which they see as just another successor to Belka, a magical power trying to take what's they fought so hard to protect.

Hyperion isn't actually the antagonist, because why would a Nanoha style story be so straightforward? Instead our PCs are trying to build friendship and understanding with people from that world and fighting a conspiracy threatening to bring about an all out war between Hyperion and the TSAB.


I don't get it.

>The ones from Strangereal
The Mids at some point go recover a secret weapon meant to be used by the Oseans as their final line of defense. It is Cipher and they are a Mahou Shonen in stasis.

Why did he replace Minako? He should have obviously replaced Usagi.

The GM of the aforementioned Nanoha game is also a massive Ace Combat fan (along with SRW).

Pic related was a surprising discovery on a ruined feudal world we visited at one point. We had to hack it into functionality again to use it to shoot a God.

>shoot a God.
Why, what'd he do?

Oh snap, I remember this. You guys jammed Yuri into it and ruined the chances of me reading any further. I just want my Human Gundams in nice looking uniforms with Space Magic, man. Actually I hate Magic.

It's in the archives, but tl;dr one of the PCs accidentally released him from a thousand years of being bound in a ring. Turned out there was good reason for binding him in the first place.

It's a Nanoha game, man. The gay was bound to occur at some point.

Holy fuck, does nobody in this thread know about Princess the Hopeful?

Given that it's been mentioned a couple of times, probably?

>The ones from Strangereal
>magical girls vs superweapons
>final boss is your buddy

>It's a Nanoha game, man. The gay was bound to occur at some point.
I'm more aware of this than you would think, man.
I'm still disappointed.

There's nothing 'safe' about the relationship between two girls, let alone two magical girls.

And you can have all of with a girl too. Think Tomoyo except she wins.

I like them

Tell me more.

I had a similar thing in mind once, except the only reason the TSAB doesn't invade is because of the alarming number of US Marines on the ground.

suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/48242575/ is the latest storytime thread we did, with links to the first two. I should poke the person who did the writeups to continue, the occasional user does ask about followups but he's been busy recently, taking care of his third and newest kid.

The fetishic nature of a lesbian relationship overwhelms any character impact, though.

That's a yaoi series. Tuxedo Mask was heterosexual. In fact, he was fucking Queen Beryl. Why do you think he let himself get brainwashed so much?

>Yellow 13: "who shot me?! Find out who's responsible for that shot."
>"Can't tell in this furball, all I saw was a ribbon"

*Insert Mania induced TAKAMACHIIIIIIIIIIIIII from the distance here*

Play it for realistic drama, then.

You can't get away from it. Also, a heterosexual relationship is more inherently interesting, since it can go wrong in more ways. When you have two lipstick lesbians, the blow is softened somewhat.

Also, there's the issue of having your PCs pretend to be lesbian schoolgirls, which is going to get fucking weird real fast.

I've run a game where one of the PCs (they were all magic knight-equivalents, with a lot of synergy) had a love interest who refused to transform back when she was around him. This was because she was crippled when she wasn't transformed, and she didn't want him to see her like that. Eventually he convinced her that he loved her for who she was.

Try the MGCYOA communities- they run games with their homebrew systems and there are occasionally threads here.

Also atleast try to tolerate a limited amount of the mischief the two communities are involved in toward one another, as well as the bitterness amoungst themselves. There's enough alright people in there. I should know, those people kept me in there for a while by making me like talking to them.

>The fetishic nature of a lesbian relationship
Then why are you making it a fetishistic lesbian relationship in the first place then instead of a normal one?

>heterosexual relationships can go wrong in more ways
What? How? Everything that ncan go wrong in a heterosexual relationship can go wring in a homosexual one and there's the thing about people that shouldn't have found out finding out. It's another layer of secrecy on top of the regular magical girl ones.

>lipstick lesbians
Why that and not actual, regular girls that so happen to like girls?

Why are you so intent on a yuri relationship, anyway?

The fictionnal concept of empowering female and giving them responsibilities is an abominable memtic wepon of mass indoctrination of the cultural marxist Social Justice Skeleton Warriors Jews, whom we should kill and destroy. Anyone mentionning "magical girls" should be destroyed.

Mischief is a tactful way to put it. I'm rather biased towards one side of the split and not saying which, but to any readers, I'd suggest just ignoring any of the arguing in the thread, trying both communities, and seeing which one or both takes your fancy. Both are nice places in their own way if you like mahous and like RPing or talking about mahou related stuff. Some good folks in both too.

Hope you drop in again sometime?

Standards must be maintained. It's like having a mecha show without giant robots.

Less than you'd think, because a lot of them are still perfectly feminine. Like, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne has the heroine admit that she's weaker than her love interest.

Her love interest is a normal high-school student with no superpowers whatsoever. She's perfectly happy with him being the 'strong one' in the relationship.

Hell, even Sailor Moon's world largely revolved after Tuxedo Mask. It's only recent shows that don't have male love interests as much. Even Precure has guys the girls are obviously crushing on.

Dude, I'm pretty right winged and even I think you're baiting.

>Hope you drop in again sometime?
My name is four letters, it starts with a T and ends with an A.I can't handle magic anymore, it is slowly killing me.

But magical shows traditionally had heterosexual relationships. mentioned Sailor Moon.

>But magical shows traditionally had heterosexual relationships.
Awww, the good old days... How I miss them so...


To be fair, being a semi-lesbian is a phase a good Japanese girl grows out of, then she starts to date men and becomes a housewife.

>Sailor Moon
Also had a few lesbians, like Uranus and Neptune and I think Mars had something with Venus.

DokiDoki. Also even in Futari wa the relationship between the MCs had more romanticism and depth than any crush the girls had.

The good old days never left, they just became better.

You know that Class S thing got debunked and thrown out a while ago, right?

>Earth vs TSAB
>TSAB is content to leave them alone because the earthnoids governments are willing to nuke everything to remove spacenoid

>The good old days never left, they just became better.
Back to your hedonistic, deviant hole you malefactoring miscreant.

Mars had that boy she liked, the kid who kept hanging around the shrine. I'm pretty sure Venus had a love interest too, in her spin-off.

>I'm pretty sure Venus had a love interest too, in her spin-off.
-and he was literally her soul mate. -and he died!

>DokiDoki was gay
This meme is like 4 years old now, let it go.

The thing about GURPS is that you really can do almost anything with the system, and do it well. It's not a blandly generic system and it's not a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none system; it really is a wildcard system that can do anything.

The catch is that it takes a LOT of experience as a GM and a lot of experience with GURPS to get to the point where you can simulate literally anything you want in GURPS. You need to know which supplements to use, which rules from those supplements to use, and how to make the game work using those rules. You'll also want a decent amount of experience with the genre you're trying to simulate in order to make the right decisions as to which supplements and which rules to use.

You know, if I were any more a degenerate it wouldn't be hard to replace Möbius 1 with the white devil, maybe in her early to mid-teens or something.