Bolt Action or 40k Kill Team? Thinking of getting into skirmish games

Bolt Action or 40k Kill Team? Thinking of getting into skirmish games.

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If you decide on kill team do the Hearlds of Ruin community edition.

If you want a game that is easier to get into with simpler rules and a more fast-paced play style, try 40k kill team.

If you want more complex rules with less dependable combat, a leadership system that actually gets used, and a system that forces you to account for unreliability, go with bolt action.

Personally, I prefer Bolt Action.

Kill Team is more popular and faster.

Bolt Action is the more complex and balanced system.

that table gave me some serious wood

Bolt Action is fucking awesome.

I dunno about you guys but I'm in love with Mordheim.


This. Seems like Bolt Action if you want Historical and better rules, but if you must play 40k at small scale, use Heralds of Ruin rules because standard GW Kill Team is janky.

Also this, although Mordheim can be random and hilarious given the tables. It can fuck you over or shower you with gifts on a whim.

Bolt Action.
It plays like 40k and is written by Alessio Cavatore, but is a lot more community friendly

Personally, I'm done with GW's bullshit, so this has been my new primary tabletop.

Also should be noted that Bolt Action is really well balanced. There's no good or bad army, just different play styles

Speaking of Bolt Action, Im going to start a 1000pt Italian army with a couple Bersiaglieris in bikes and I was thinking on what artillery piece should I take? Or should I stock up on mortars?

That's sort of the point and that's why I love Mordheim. Revel in the chaos!

Bolt Action isn't a skirmish game though

whichever has a playerbase, they're both fun enough

I can't say I disagree.

Try some other games like Rogue Stars or Counterblast. That way you can use any miniatures you want. I've played a couple games of Rogue Stars with a friend and it's been pretty fun.

Bolt Action. Even if you hate the rules, you can use the minis for a whole galaxy of other WW2 skirmish games. With 40K you're pretty pigeonholed.

Any game that represents a single man on his own base is a skirmish game. BA is a skirmish game.

Pretty similair rules. Only main difference is the activation in BA. Play whatever people near you play if you want to actually find opponents, or talk to some friends and see what they want to do.
I Aint Been Shot mum, Battlegroup and NUTS are other WW2 skirmish games of higher quality than BA. BA is pretty much 40K re-skinned for WW2. Not a lot of thought given to units behaving accurately, nor is there much encouragement to build historically accurate army lists. People take what is strongest or most points efficient, instead of having a system where the points system encourages people to take historical lists. Its not hard to design - have rare things cost more, and things that were common cost less, and BAM you have historical accuracy in your army lists.

>Any game that represents a single man on his own base is a skirmish game. BA is a skirmish game.
That's a fucking retarded definition. It's platoon-scale. Also, Bolt Action is not even on that list.

Take mortars. Better to spread out the points in my personal opinion.

Neither Warlord's site nor BGG define it as a skirmish game.

Bolt Action is a far more balanced and tight ruleset. It also has some interesting mechanics.

Really the main reason people play 40k is because they like the lore. There's nothing else really going for it. That said, if you like 40k, you will never be satisfied playing anything else to scratch the 40k fix. I say this as a guy who thinks 40k's kill team is pretty crap, I still play it and Heralds of Ruin just because I love the lore and the models.

However, I also play Bolt Action, and I'll tell you right now it's a far better designed system. Plus, Bolt Action at full scale is still going to be about the same cost as a 40k kill team. Bolt Action plastic boxes usually have far more value, hell the box here is usually $40 for 40 guys. That's a dollar a guy. 40k would get you ten models for that price, with far less options. Warlord even sells really nice starter armies for about a $100 that are legit, full 1,000pts armies (their standard pts, it'd be like an 1850 40k army in a box)

Nothing else really matches its order dice system either. It's "random" but in a good way. It really kind of gives that feeling of a rolling battle that could swing at any second, that you're essentially dealing in organized chaos. It's as much predicting your opponent and preparation as it is reacting and thinking on your feet. You can set up ambushes early in a turn if you want to try to limit movement, or go for a fire order to pin a key unit down, or try to run a unit into cover before it gets shot, etc. etc. etc. It's not even about going first either, you'll often find yourself in weird situations where you want to come up last, like trying to set up an assault or preparing ambushes for the next turn. It leads to these crazy moments where you're both just reaching into the bag and going "oh my god please just let him get the die, I need to move after him." It's a fun mechanic and really makes the game in my opinion.

What, platoons can't skirmish?

Skirmish game at squad level.

BGG and warlord seem to carefully avoid classifying what kind of game it is, although Its really squad level. A few squads, sometimes even a whole platoon if you have at least 50 men on the table.

>A few squads, sometimes even a whole platoon if you have at least 50 men on the table.

That's not skirmish. Skirmish games are up to 20 models per side and they are activated separately. Bolt Action is a classic army wargame.

one thing about bolt action is after a while, it starts to feel very same-y, and though the order dice system does help to alleviate this, it's still an issue wherein every soldier is the exact same, save for their leadership value and potentially special weapons, which I understand is important to the historical aspect, but does make things a little boring.
also, they made air strikes hot garbage in the new edition and that frustrates the living fuck out of me as an American player

Personally, I like Bolt action for my beer and pretzels game where I got time to kill and people who want to work their brains a bit. But, I also play Kill teams(HoR rules) with some modifications such as using the bolt action activation rules and allowing models to set ambushes.

Bolt Action is fucking awesome!!!

I would have left wargaming completely if it wasn't for bolt action.

Hijacking this thread with my own question.

Bolt Action or Age of Sigmar?

I like WWII and I like swords and spears.

Help, thanks

Bolt action it's cheaper and you can have guys armed with swords and spears if you play japanese along with suicide squads of men with anti tank mines on a stick.

Check out the one-page stuff, they have skirmish games for both sci-fi and fantasy:

Bolt Action, if for no other reason than encouraging 40kids is bad karma.

Do you think Double Tap would work well with Fallout minis?

Honestly I think that double tap would work with any shooty miniatures, from fallout to modern military to gangs and pulp... anything!

Age of Sigmar Hinterlands

>Age of Babies
no thanks