Dirty Veeky Forums Secrets Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Come forth and confess your dark, dirty secrets.

Those little things you'd never speak about on Veeky Forums because you knew it'd cause an instant shitstorm.

Confess your sins, and remove the weight from your gaming soul. Be free of your guilt, and amuse fellow fa/tg/uys

I'll start off: I shamelessly magical realmed my entire party as DM via the use of magical mutagenic rainbow serum. I have a massive transformation kink. While it was never anything purely sexual, I did turn one character into a dryad, one into a living dynamo, the other had crystalline forelimbs, one ended up with toxic blood and got genderbent, and the final one ended up with an eye leading into the vast emptiness of space. They got molested by an Elder One after fucking around with it too much.

I even wrote up a chart of 100 assorted mutation which is currently being added into the official Fallout Equestria RPG book.

I have no shame here! Discard your self censorship! Embrace your flaws! Only in exposing them shall you find liberty from them!

Pic related, mfw the party started using the rainbow mutagen as alchemical reagents.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-qtlZDCMAZ4C&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence&ots=A4yTHR-Fvd&sig=n8CXw7NhWSbNS33fsgam3XGu1PQ#v=onepage&q=transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence&f=false

Confession time.

I once helped derail a Veeky Forums thread arguing with an obvious troll for hours about some overwhelmingly niche thing normal people would never care about. Something about demons, I think.

>I even wrote up a chart of 100 assorted mutation which is currently being added into the official Fallout Equestria RPG book.

I shiggity do da shiggity day

>Fallout equestria

Did they ever get around to fixing the Action Point system? .


I haven't stated an encounter for my players in over a year. Typically i just go with "Yeah that sounds about right. "

>the official Fallout Equestria RPG book

kill u are self

I accidentally set off a chain reaction in a thread when I complained about the trend of grey morality.

This is a confession thread, after all. And fuck do I feel better after confession. If you of morbid curiosity want to see, I can post a link to it for your amusement/suffering.

Fuck it, go for it, i'm curious.

Considerable portion of my favorite reaction images are hentai crops. And I do spoonfeed. The number of people I've introduced to the likes of ShindoL and Fatalpulse through Anons going >sauce? on my posts has probably reached triple digits now.


Took the liberty of removing some identifiers. Anyone who's played FOE recently, odds are you've been touched by my table.

84 hits in a matter of minutes. The morbidity is strong. I look forward to the reactions.

I was involved in creating Lilium. Not intentionally, mind you, but I made the remark that if she keeps gaining power from having her followers' souls merge with her, eventually she could become powerful enough to forcibly absorb their souls. That eventually led to the "cosmic succubutt voregoddess" thing.

A decent enough concept, ruined by memes and magical realm projection.

I prefer playing as cute animal folk, to the point where I'm converting Ironclaw species to OSR, D6, and other systems I play.
Of course, if I ever mention this anywhere else I'd probably be told to kill myself and be linked to the pathfinder general.

There was nothing decent about trash.

I am wrong, you are right, I concede the point and back down before your superior judgement. On to confessions.

I think it's fun to play D&D.

She started as magical realm projection (redeemed succubus goddess wat do and waifudaggotry), turned into a potentially interesting concept (good deity that used to be a redeemed demon, and has somewhat unconventional definitions of good/may still be secretly malicious), and went back to being magical realm/just weird (planet-eating succugoddess who turns souls into assfat).

I actually like pathfinder a lot, and i don't think Pathfinder general is as bad as people meme it is.

I haven't talked to a tabletop partner of mine since they were diagnosed with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (aka Sociopathy) since those sorts of relationships turn hostile and manipulative in short order.

I feel guilty, even if I know it's the logical thing to do.

I guess for a personal sin of mine? I mute my mic whenever the plot doesn't focus on a scene my character is in to jerk off quick.

As I said, decent enough concept, ruined by memetry and magical realm projection.

Mythology has various beings that consume the souls of the unworthy (The beast besides Anubis's scale for example) so it's not "OMG, YOU VORE FAG LOLOLOLOL" right away. It just got turned into that because the Memes.

I've always imagined DnD is the gateway drug to RPGs. Some folks are content to smoke grass and drink beer, while others quickly turn to heroin and crack for their fix.

And some folks move from grass to hash, beer to whiskey.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the liquors I've tried before (even whatever the fuck GURPS was,) but I still have fun with D&D.

Alchohol is a social drink,

Even if i have a stock of Only War Rye on the shelf, i'm probably not gonna partake if my friends would rather have Pathfinder Ale.

The first thing I do when confronting a potential TG is be as passive agressive as possible and hope he takes the hint. I'm bossy and reccomend things for other characters during character creation. I'm selfish so if someone breaks the game but it benefits my character I let it slide.

Sometimes you got to go drinking with strangers.

If you're willing to bring the bottle, most folks are happy to drink with you. I could go for an Only War Rye, or a bit of Rogue Trader Pinot. Hell, a shot of Dark Heresy gutrot would be good.

And if you get a good group, someone else might be willing to bring the bottle. Eventually. Possibly.

I feel that I stunned everyone who bothered to post into a stupor, and no one wants to bear tread in here lest they suffer corruption.

Good times.

The bad thing is, i have nothing to complain about. That seems like a decent list.

Well, shit. I'll take that as a compliment. If I can form a list adequate enough to allow fa/tg/uys to overlook the pony faggotry, I'll count it as a win.

The USN should've just plastered Teddy's grinning mug on the bow of all their ships.

I feel that you're exaggerating the "ZOMG PONE!!ONE!" response. MLP isn't very good drama fodder these days.

I play pathfinder and enjoy it.
I play Mutants and Masterminds and enjoy it
I play Magic: The Gathering and enjoy it.
I don't like video games.

i always add some bullshit artifact into my campaigns that transforms the user into a furry race
and the change is permanent
and these artifacts are found in abundance
and the players aren't even aware i've been doing this for all the campaigns i mastered

How many Bad Dragon products do you own?

none actually, i never bothered with sex toys

you're missing out

Pic related.

Also, I've got my own confession. I am beginning to suspect that the real reason I play female characters all the time is because I'm a tranny in denial.

How do you do it? Please, I really want to throw my transformation fetish into the game at one point to see if I get a negative reaction.

just make the artifact cool looking, like a gauntlet in shape of a dragon's hand, then stick the dreaded transformation gem/rune/whatever the fuck in. that applies to everything, really.

You want the players to take it without getting upset?
Simple: it gives relevant stat bonuses, drawbacks are purely "cosmetic".

there's absolutely nothing (0) wrong with being a furry

you can't prove me wrong

I haven't gamed in a group in years, I mostly just engage in a do one on one gaming with my best friend. Frankly it's the most fun I've had gaming, and I enjoy bouncing setting ideas around with them.

I've done the same thing, only it's just one cursed artifact that turns its user into a rabbit critter. They get a few benefits along with susceptibility to certain red flowers.

Bestiality is crime. Felony even in some states.

Well, allow me to retort.

i don't fursuit so doesn't apply to me senpai.

Make the transformation painful as hell, but never let it kill them. Also, if your setting has a beast-folk race it's much more believable if they've been transformed into one or a mockery of one (like a lizardfolk colored bright yellow/reflective silver, or a wolffolk with long fluffy fur).

it is a perversion of the mind brought on by lust and perpetuated by pride. It harms nobody but you and those who care about you, and so you say there is no moral wrong in it. But your mind has been irreparably twisted and perverted and you know it deep down even though you perpetually ward off these feelings with waves of shame-inducing masturbatory urges. It's a bit of a vicious cycle and if you don't learn to regulate your own perverted lust you will die alone, isolated and reviled. You will never see children of your own or have a connection with another human being deeper than that of a passing nod on the street. You will be like a hermit, except hermits have a skillset and a sort of philosophy about their reasons for being so. You, on the other hand, will simply have a basement full of anthropomorphic wolf porn and a bitter cynicism toward the functioning outside world, ever perpetuated by a willful blindness to your own selfishness.

Your smug veneer is a means to justify your inadequacies in this selfishness but the reality of the matter is you feel this very real shame deep down every time you find yourself lying in a bed covered in your own spunk as the result of a particularly sexy drawing of a deer. You tell yourself your family and friends don't suffer for your addiction but the truth is you've simply blinded yourself to their suffering and perhaps even convinced yourself they cannot tell there is something terribly wrong with you.

Easy m8 we're all just here for a laugh

Projecting much?

It's not inherently sexual.

>It's not inherently sexual.

It used to be so much worse than it is right now. 'Degenerates' are easy to deal with compared to retards who don't know the rules and aggressively shit the thread up when people start talking about the rules and it would get even worse when people who knew what they were talking about took apart their bullshit because then they'd start REEEEing and shit up the next 5 threads in a row. It was like a general where half of the posters were Richard Petty for real.

Don't fall for it. You were not born that way. That's not really a thing. Therefore, you can't be one and be in denial about it. Plenty of trans people have later went back or decided they were wrong to begin with. Remember the "die cis scum" person, the one that originated that meme? He later admitted it was "just a phase."

You just identify better with female characters. That's fine, it's not that weird. It doesn't make you a female.

it's not.

or do you think every kid that owns a plushie wants to fuck it?



It's okay. We love you anyway.

My confession: I have never really planned out a single thing outside of basic worldbuilding in about 8 years of non-stop DMing.

I once showed one of my players the only notes I ever kept a few days before he was set to run one of my settings for another group. Broke out into panic sweat on the spot.

I might be weird.

Well now I'm mad and was just about to go to bed.

Going to go give my doggo a hug first.

I want warhammer high to come back.

specifically so someone can make (Pic Related)a story.

Yes I am the same guy whose been posting about it
for the past 4 or 5 months.

Don't feel guilty about cutting hostile or unhealthy people from your life. Your focus should be on your own life and feelings foremost, not your tabletop partners.

>I mute my mic whenever the plot doesn't focus on a scene my character is in to jerk off quick

That's not a sin, that's being considerate to the other players.

>muh sins
Calm down shitty christfag and go read your bible instead of posting

I will never play Vampire: The Masquerade because I have a major vampire fetish that I know will end up having an effect on the game and I don't want any of my usual party members to know of my secret shame.

I accidentally inserted my magical realm into one of my PC's background. He's the adopted son in a family of two sisters and their mother in an anime themed game. How could I NOT imply incest? The player played along with it, but another made a comment

>Player 2: You shouldn't be that close to your sisters, incest is wrong.
>Player 3: It's not incest if he's adopted.
>Group laughs.
>Me: ..... yeah, haha, totally.

The twist is I don't feel guilty about it. I plan on expanding the implied relationship between another NPC and his 14 year- old assistant. I want to see how far I can go before my group finds it creepy.

>: I shamelessly magical realmed my entire party as DM via the use of magical mutagenic rainbow serum.

My name is not Jim, and the group I played was all online over Skype

Even on evil campaigns I can't help but be the team moral fag. I also like happy endings too much. It's a lot easier to tear a character or setting down then it is to build it up.

I also self insert a bit with my characters in the sense I've always wanted a family, and the characters I play tend to either have kids or want then as a character goal.

>t. not even OP

Geez, man, I'm not after your sister like that. It's true that we're hanging together quite a lot lately but that's just because I got her on the idea of making you crossdress and she's helping with all the setup...

This really isn't horrifying at all. Fallout isn't my thing and ponies aren't either, but it seems good for what it is, though I haven't read the whole thing. I don't like how a lot of these are just "gain a few levels of this perk," but that's actually very appropriate for Fallout.

If you made something more generic (or even system agnostic) and with more body horror type shit in it, I imagine people would use it.

Strange, any sociopath worth their salt should not let you know about their predicament...

I'm sure as hell not telling people about my brand of diagnosed crazy, and it's considerably less worrisome.

Called phone posting. Can't spend all day at home. I'll post some more game art once I get home for proof.

Ok, no issue with furs, but that is some fucked up shit right there. Hope Keith rots in hell. Don't abuse animals, man. Leave fetishes in the bedroom with your partner(s), don't get your pets involved, that's fucked up.

I'm angry. Everyone who reads this should be fucking angry.

Angry at the person, not the group

I am a terrible player. It's part of my Forever DM Syndrome, but I just cannot be a great player. Every time I try to be a good one, I find myself just focusing on how much better I'd be doing things. Trying to let it go, but it's fucking hard.

I'm a degenerate and a furfag but it never comes up, since I pathologically hide my powerlevel. Not sure if that's a gaming sin or not.

I own a bunch of gaming swag from Wyrmwood (4 hero vaults, 5 dice vaults, a collapsible dice tower and tray, and a full GM screen), mostly because I'm a Forever DM and I believe the DM should have the best swag in his group to display status. I also collect baller dice for the same reason. I've spent so much money on gaming swag, it's not even funny. Looks fucking killer though.

Of course; animal abusers and furries are two different groups, but one of them just needs to be removed from the gene pool. And the other is the animal abuser group.

Kidding, but seriously, I wish the punishment for animal abuse was a little more harsh.

I once had the party transformed into magical items so they could help a demi-goddess fight a battle that was supposed to be 1x1.

It was pretty close to my magical realm, can't deny it, I made no reference to the process of the goddess undressing and then equipping them, but I sure though about it.

I also added a time of no return for the transformation, it was just meant to add tension but due to a few bad rolls they got close to becoming permanent items.

I gave the chance for then to transform back, but since it was the last battle the players pushed forward and became eternally bound as the goddess armory.

Now we started a new campaign, with the new characters being descendants of the goddess. To make up for the sudden end in the last campaign, I gave all returning players the items their last pcs became, with the sentience still intact.

And since I'm such a fucking faggot, once again I'm setting up my magical realm, as my plan is to have all current PCs fusing back into a giant version of the goddess for the last battle of this campaign.

Not that user, but you're partly wrong.

Yes, some "trans" people go through a sexuality phase, but others (like myself) literally ARE born that way. The brain of a real trans person mimics the brain of the gender they "identify" as. Fascinating shit, actually. So in essence:

On every level except physical, they are that gender unironically.

lmao wtf, how did the players even 'play' when they were transformed into magic items??? Unless they're completely oblivious, there's no way they don't at least suspect its your magical realm

Fuuuuuuck, I gotta get on this soon. I've been busy and need to catch up on the Warhammer High I haven't read yet.

I haven't written stats for an enemy in months. I just let the PCs hit them until I think they should go down, and I make them hit the PCs when I think they should take damage. I'll throw in different mechanics to keep it interesting, like fire breath or missiles or whatever, but it's mostly all the same things with different dressings.

...It puts the lotion on its skin?

Nope. Not that guy, but I have a full time career, friends, hobbies, live on my own, have a collage degree, etc. I volunteer to my community, have no enemies and provide to society with said trade.

What do you do? Besides pass projection as facts?

But then again I'm a scaly. So that shit doesn't apply to me.

Also this.

>how did the players even 'play' when they were transformed into magic items?
Sincerely curious as to how this works. I could see one character doing so if they could still cast independently or something, but all of them?

Also forgot thread.

Besides above confession. I've never played a trational game. Internets is to spotty and live in a small town so no groups.

I satisfy my need with dwarf fortress.

unrelated to trans stuff, but your post reminded me of this meme

Not that guy, but I don't think every kid who owns a plushie is a furry

After getting into tabletop as a kid I dropped it when I moved away from my one and only DM. I met my boyfriend years later and eventually he and I discovered we both loved tabletop games. His fursona was a dnd classic race he loved to play, which spawned into his eventual turn towards degeneracy and furry bullshit.

Now we both run private campaigns for each other. One of the ones I play is approaching three years old, and stars my gryphon character as a complete alpha who basically fucks his way out of virtually every situation. He has a harem approaching 50+, all named and played out characters who were eventually wooed and pulled into his bedroom. He has well over 100+ eggs getting ready to hatch, has a complex with many, many dozens of named characters (who he fucks constantly), and adopts kids all the time. He fucks them too.

It's absolutely amazing, sinking back into that campaign is like slipping into a warm bath. He's currently saving a kingdom on the edge by fucking the King's would-be assassins and then going back to the castle to fuck the King until the next day starts.

Some other campaigns:

Gryphon gunslinger runs a shop and fucks stray children whenever they come begging for food
Dragon Fighter/Sorcerer is fucking the dragon who gave him the draconic bloodline, his grandpa. Also fucks his guard buddies and is trying to woo his feral, four legged gryphon mount who doesn't want any of that shit (but will eventually)
Boyfriend's campaign involves his lizard character fucking an apartment filled with ex-marine beefcakes who spend most of the day naked and being eye candy, there's also a 14 year old he adopted. He fucks him too.
Undead gryphon turned necromancer who kills people and raises them as sex slaves

We've been playing for years, we're playing a campaign right now, after the next sex scene he's gonna blow me. It's really opened up our sexuality.

>mfw I added that sentence at the last minute trying to find this meme

Thanks user!

>Plenty of trans people have later went back or decided they were wrong to begin with.
Wrong. They follow up on people who go through with hormone replacement and surgery. Regret rates vary between 0 and 2.5%.

Not that I expect you to read any of this shit, but sauce:
books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-qtlZDCMAZ4C&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence&ots=A4yTHR-Fvd&sig=n8CXw7NhWSbNS33fsgam3XGu1PQ#v=onepage&q=transgenderism and intersexuality in childhood and adolescence&f=false

Huh. Well at least your having fun.
Rule #1 of life, do whatever the fuck makes you happy.


Ever hear of Voltron or Power Rangers?

Honestly when I play /tg all I really want is for all my friends to sit around a fire telling stories like we were Mormon's reading the bible.

All I want to do is feel like we're a family.

I'm I've been reading about it since that guy said the thing about the brain. I was actually trying to disprove it, but could find no credible sources arguing otherwise.

So I will cede that you have a point.

Yes, but how would it work in an RPG? How would you play an object?

John Wick's Wield is all about that.

Yay! I did a thing!