Love and Krieg 11 Commissar Edition

40k story thread, mostly about romances with kriegs





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No story today I'm tired and have to rethink things.

Good night Mimi.

And I had such a great record too. But I need to stop doing shit at 3 am.


Sleep does help the brain.

I'd normally do it anyway but i have definitely gotten more complaints then usual and since I'm the only one that gets complaints at all its hard not to see that I have a problem.

Bit late, but I said I'd post today, so here we are. I know it's not much, but I'll be back with more in the morning.

"Seeing about getting released so I could come to the card game of course." Rochas replied. "What are you deaf?"

"No, I heard that bit." Gelen snorted. "But what was up with all the hush hush there at the end?"

"I told you." The sergeant said. "Seeing about getting out of here for that game."

"Alright alright say no more." Koenraad huffed while holding up both his hands in front of him. "I won't pry into whatever business you have with the Krieger."

Rochas remained silent, knowing that any denial on his part would just feed whatever inane fantasy the other man was entertaining about secretive dealings between him and the Medicae. He knew that if he kept quiet Koenraad would forget about it and move on, and that's what he wanted. After all if the man started poking around looking for secrets that didn't exist, he might find the one that actually did.

"So what's the word" Gelen said after a moment when he realized that Rochas wasn't going to say anything. " Are you gonna be able to come?"

"Don't know yet." Rochas replied. "We'll find out when he gets back."

"Huh." He said. "Figured he'd be able to authorize it himself."

"Apparently not." The sergeant sighed. He'd rather hoped the Medicae would be able to authorize it actually. That would have simplified things.

There was silence for a minute or two, and then Gelen asked "So how's physical therapy going?"

Rochas sighed again. "The docs say it's going well." He replied. "The leg responded well to treatment and I'm improving rapidly. I'm lucky. It isn't gonna be debilitating, and I'll be able to serve, but it's still damn frustrating to hobble along clutching at guide rails or propping myself up with a cane."

Koenraad snorted "You got no right to complain. When they airlifted you out of there I thought you were dead. The Emperor protected your ass, so be grateful."

Thanks for trying Batavi
....what the hell are you responding too, or who are you responding too?

i dont know i feel like i still need to apologize.

Just keep it in mind, if you randomly apologize you will just encourage people to become coddling whiteknights or some shit, just move on and keep experimenting. If its shit, it will be called on, if it doesn't make sense then the same thing will happen, when your doing good you will be told with or without asking. That's the nature of things here. Hell the skin conversation was just me last thread. Then you up and randomly apologize out of nowhere hereyou think to damn much about weird shit(glass houses I know). Go to sleep.

Hmmm...It seems I too need to get all the bits of my nonsensical story to pastebin.

bump from 9

(I think I need to add this

Krieger and quartermaster were going through the ship
As they walked gretchin wearing makeshift exosuit walked by them, carrying a small part of a broken turret.
"Wait here for a sec" quartermaster said to the krieger and ran back to catch up with the small greenskin.
"Hey friend, can you tell the mech to take a look at the chainsword in the armory, just tell him that he doesn't need to use teeth for the chain, no mater how much he wants to...." man then returned to the krieger.
"So where is this civilian? Near the entrance?"
Krieger shook his head
"Cargo bay?"
Krieger shook his head once again
"Don't say you have them in a prison"
Krieger shaked his head and points at one of the small signs on the wall.
"Oh the hospital...Hope they are still in one peace...." man smiles as he gets to walks right next to the Krieger
"So why is this civilian in the hospital?" man asked while looking at the gas masked man as medic opened the door to the hospital.
Inside sleeping in one of the beds was a black haired woman, covered in bruises, cuts that were already stitched up and bandages.
"That woman is sleeping..." quartermaster whispered and tried to get out, but Krieger pushed him onto a chair and pointed at the woman.
"Should I wake her up?" man asked silently. Krieger shook his head.
"Then what, I just wait?" quartermaster looks confused, but kreiger nods
"Well this will be boring...." quartermaster sits down, lays back, pulls down his hat and once again falls asleep.

I like the skin radiation damage idea makes sense to me, it was just very confusing suddenly introducing the idea of getting a face when the reader has no idea why they would need a new face.
In short the idea was fine the introduction of it to the reader was bad.

I hope you don't change your vision of the world just becuase one part of it didnt get the best introduction into the story.

I agree


As I mentioned prior the idea was to gradually get into that. Youd have Sergeant wonder about it, there'd be a tender moment where he actually feels sorry for her for once and wed go from there.

Thudds already seen Kriegers out of uniform all the way at episode 1, but he wasn't particularly fazed because Thudd doesnt think very hard on anything.

I'm going to try to write today, but much earlier then normal and see if sleep deprivation made me write worse.

Batavi! :D

So now what?

Come up with random 40k pairings and hope someone gets inspired by it.

Ork and.. anuffa ork?

Hot squiggy love?

Stuck at some writers block, deleted just about everything I've written a couple times now. Sorry for the delay.

Bumping from nine right now so this doesnt vanish while I am writing.

(This is ogryn thread i swear)

Field Observation Report 3215.

Observer is Unit 645-88b, Armored Company. Duty was assigned personally by Captain Treant. For the time assigned unit has the captains acting authority. Note, personal moral improved.

Mission Objective simple: Track Field occupied by 3rd Company Siege to optimize against Ork assault. Unit observes that track does lack sufficient amount of sandbags. Further note, artillery has been requisitioned to place on track. Concerns about crashes have been noted among personal.

Conclusion, the artillery would provide only semilethal motivation to improved cornering capacities. Requisition was approved.

Unit is assigned to observe four units. Details listed below.

Inquisitor Anritta Gal, Ordo Malleus: Exceeds authority given to me by Treant. Conclusion, unnecessary to observe, further observations pointless. Note: Inquisitor dresses in commissar garb despite being one. Theory: Hobbyist

Captain 645-31: Captain of the 645 3rd Company Siege. Because of unit's temporary promotion, observer exceeds subject's authority on track. Unit initially does not ever maintain lenses contact with Inquisitor, despite Inquisitor's attempts contrary. Conclusion, soon to be executed. Note: Comrades in Kavuran regiments once remarked upon leafed flora that, upon making contact with skin, provide severe irritation. Upon proximity to Captain, observer experienced what unit imagines to be a similar sensation.

Thudd, rank unknown: Ogryn formerly assigned to 253 Conservator regiment. Ogryn has been placed under high observational status by decree of Captain Treant. Captain has noted that Thudd had presented what he suspects to be a forged Munitorium document. Observation, having personally seen said document, observer reports the forgery, if it is, is chillingly accurate to real documents observer has seen in administratum records. Note: concerned.

Guardman 645-58: Infantry of 645 3rd Company, fellow Krieger, as is 31. Unit has been assigned Plasma rifle. Adjustments on it appear inconsistent with Mechanicus supported sanctions. Note, unit has not bothered to report this to authorities, because Observer, if observer had permission to use Armageddon slang, "does not care". However, unit also appears to be a accomplice of renowned criminal mastermind Thudd, unit put under observation so as not to shame Krieg.

Observation began at 900, Centaurs were assigned by 31 to bring in filled sandbags, said materials were then placed by a combination around key encampments as directed by 31. Note, because 58 was required to operate Centaur, 31 and Inquisitor Gal had to work in tandem to move individual bags due to weight, Thudd was able to lift four at a time without assistance so additional support could not come from that end. Observer offered to take 58's place in operating machinery and received 3 days dessert ration to mantain silence in a corner referred to by Thudd as "Over There."

Unit agreed and, upon maintaining the required silence, immediately went to the tent of Fifth Company Heavy Infantry Commissar Cicartus to report myself and Thudd for accepting and offering a bribe. Commissar accepted the story and informed observer that the proper punishment was to return to the track and to stop wasting his time. Junior Commissar 645-88a was present at the time and delivered a "Look" as I left the premise. Observation: Annoying

Upon returning Inquisitor was obtaining red hue and performing "leisure" with 31 as artillery was maneuver to optimal placements upon the track. While observer was away rations were somehow procurued, given a inquisitor was present unit did not pry.

Observation: If a inquisitor is performing the activities what is Unit's purpose to watch? Conclusion: Disappointment.

Observer decided to provide more direct assistance and, by 1400, track was finished.

Morning turns into afternoon. Afternoon turns into night. I'm sorry anons, I didn't manage to find the time today. Tomorrow for sure. 100 percent. Ugh, I really hate coming in here just to say I don't have anything for you all. Makes me feel like a tool.

I am gonna rephrase a boss from a certain game's phrase, "the one who delievers in the end is righteous."

Upon completion observer suggested a test race, which was agreed upon. However due to track width only three vehicles could be requisitioned. This was met with approval to Thudd, the vile felon smiling and presenting their thumb in a upright position. Observation: Observer appears to have fallen into Thudd's plan. Conclusion: Shame, unfortunately Observer is no longer allowed to deliver reports to Commissar tent.

58 and Thudd accompanied observer to pick out vehicles. Among units picked were Chimera tank, by Observer. A salamander Command vehicle was selected by 58, upon inquiry unit confessed that the open air rear platform would be ideal for Thudd due to his distaste of the "Small". Observations: 58's relationship with Thudd appears confirmed. Further Observation: Designation 'Small' may be a rival criminal within 645's ranks, munitorium records must be checked for similar uses of the moniker.

Finally a sentinel was requisitioned by Observer for personal use. With this strategy the two men crews can occupy both driver and command, while Observer could operate in silence.

Note, upon Thudd seeing Captain Treant's personal Baneblade, the unit immediately places a XXXIV sticker on it. Upon inquiry Thudd reports that his previous boss didn't do the "Sticker trick" and so 100 baneblades went missing. As a result suspect places markers whenever he finds one of the missing Baneblades so that they don't go missing again. Conclusion: Thudd has lost his mind.

Track test performed successfully, note: Thudd appeared fascinated by the Salamanders ability, perhaps Salamanders scouts can be re purposed as Ogryn transports if necessary? Further note: Increased security around Salamander Vehicles are needed.

Chimera tank did not move during third lap and noises indicated Inquisitor was alive and of sound mind. To avoid summery execution, unit evaluated that further observation was not within Treant's set Essentials to Lethality ratio and the premise was quietly evacuated alongside Thudd. Thudd then decided to rendezvous with 58 to Quatermaster-Engiseer Aerugo's quarters for "Celebratory Leisure". Presumably said celebrations refereed to the now optimized track. Considering unit was ordered to observe Thudd until Captain was otherwise unoccupied, Observer accompanied the group.

Final note: The Kavuran act of leisure known as the "Quiet game" and "Sitting still game" is suitably moralizing and practicing it well worth occupying observers free time. Particularly if unit hopes to best 58 before redeployment/death.

This concludes Observer's report.

This concludes my writing of the day too.

I figured I might as well try something new, so this time you can see what Thudd is like to other kriegers.

I like the observer, also god damn, did they really get it on in the third lap?


The observer is a funmy little fellow. It is fun seeing things through his eyes now and then.

Few hours later a female scream could be heard from the hospital.
Inside it woman laid on the ground, while on another side of the bed, laying on the ground was quartermaster, with a scalpel sticking out of his left arm. Man slowly stood up and shouted "Why did you do that?"
"What did you done to me?!" angry woman shouted back, crawling back, with a hand over her left eye, that was covered in bandage.
"Nothing, damned Krieger asked me to sit next to you and wait until you wake up" man replied
"Krieger?" woman asked
"Death korp of Krieg quartermaster, well, former quartermaster, currently he is our doctor..." man explained
"Where am I?" angry woman asked once again
"In Rusty Lady, Rogue trader ship...." quartermaster replied holding onto his hand
"Rogue trader...." woman said silently "So your with imperium...."
"Yes..." quartermaster said "Now where is that damned doc....."
"I am sorry....Let me help..." woman stood up, grabbed bandage from the table and ran closer to the injured man "Don't worry I am Sisters Hospitaler, we know how to fix such wounds"
"Sister Hospitaler?" quartermaster repeated to himself silently
"We are part of Adepta Sororita."
"Oh..." quartermaster let out as he thought "Well we are in trouble..."
As this woman was pulling out the scalpel from quartermaster's arm hospital door opened and a man with a familiar gas mask came in with a lasgun in hand. He charged in and saw the two and instantly lowered his weapon.
"This is not what you were thinking...she stabbed me...I was just to the chair!"
Krieger pulled out a peace of paper and gave it to the quartermaster "What is this?" man opened the folded paper and started to read it.
"Wait what, you did it didn't you?" man turned to the krieger "You kriegers are sometimes overly effective...."

Woman listened to quartermaster
"Well my lady it seems I will be looking after you"
"What?" woman finished wrapping the wound
"As long as someone who doesn't belong to the crew is on a ship, someone from the crew must look after them."
"Don't worry I can take care of myself" woman said as she took a step back from the quartermaster.
"Well I am not here to protect you from them...." man smiled
"Oh, nothing"
Krieger then dropped a pile of folded cloths and a pair of boots one a table on another end of the room and waved to quartermaster to come closer. He then pointed at the pile and at the woman.
"So I give this to her?" quartermaster asked.
Krieger nodded
"OK, small question, can she walk in her current state?"
Krieger nodded once again.
"Thanks, I have no more questions" quartermaster smiled as krieger left.

So should stop? Because there will be xeno, at least 75 of them....

It's only mentioned in the begining because Kriegers dont really bother talking about themselves but the Observer is actually 88b, Misty's sister, the one trying to be more "people".

Don't stop. The more you write, the better your english is getting. I also want to see how this story goes. Keep on being interesting, Paulius.

Thanks, then I will try to finish of this scene tomorrow and get the story moving

Did Proctor just die or something? Haven't seen him in like two threads, maybe more.



Oh a while back someone wanted me to put a joke on Stubb's missing 100 baneblades

>Note, upon Thudd seeing Captain Treant's personal Baneblade, the unit immediately places a XXXIV sticker on it. Upon inquiry Thudd reports that his previous boss didn't do the "Sticker trick" and so 100 baneblades went missing. As a result suspect places markers whenever he finds one of the missing Baneblades so that they don't go missing again. Conclusion: Thudd has lost his mind.

I just want that person to know that they matter.

Bumping for proctor's safe return.

I too hope the proctor lives and will return to us when he can.

Proctor is the true identity of the lost primarch.

Anyway, im going to bed so i dont have delirous ramblings of waifus like what my stories were for the most part. (I averaged sleep at 5am). So hopefully storytime will be tomorrow in the noonish.

Till when? Don't you have to work?

I WISH, why do you think I am always here? I just got out of college and can't find any job that takes a cs major with no prior work experience.

I missed a couple of threasds can someone post Batavi's pastebin?

Quartermaster checked the clothes brought by the krieger, it was just a krieger uniform, just a little greener then standard and without the armor, helmet or the signature gas mask. Another thing that was out of place was a black eyepatch to hide the bandage on woman's left eyes. After making sure there are no weapons hidden or forgotten among the clothes quartermaster picked up the pile and brought it to woman's bed.
"Well if I will be guarding you, may I learn your name?" quartermaster smiled as he gave the woman pile of clothes
"Silvine" woman smiles "And name of my guard?"
"Povilas, ship's quartermaster" man smiles as he steps back "Or am I?" he says to himself as he pulls out a note from before and quickly reads it again. "Excuse me for a bit" Povilas walked to other room, soon after load "Shizen!" could be heard from there.
"What was that?" Silvine asked as she up on the boots, watching the man return
"It seems I am not a quartermaster any more, well at least until you are on board , milady"
"Oh, sorry..."
"No problem, if I was to blame anyone, it would be our doc, he is the one who took quartermasters position...Oh well he really wanted that job" Povilas smiled and looked at the woman "So, as you might be staying in this ship for a while, may I show you around the place?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Well I could try to find something for you to read..."
"Let's go" Silvine giggled and shook her head.
This strange behavior made Povilas feel a little confused "She seems a little friendlier then sister of battle should be, maybe she got hit on the head?" he thought as he opened the door to the corridor

"Wow Gelen" Rochas laughed. "That's some bedside manner you have there."

"Well it's not like it's not true." Koenraad retorted. "It was a miracle far as I'm concerned."

"I suppose you have a point." Rochas said, and he knew that the other man did. He'd considered how bad it could have been. At one point during one of his physical therapy sessions he'd asked the Medicae about it, and she had explained everything that could have gone wrong. A little further over and the slug would have shattered his femur, and probably severed his femoral artery. If it was only the former then he would have needed a replacement leg if he was to have any hope of ever walking again, let alone soldiering. And in the case of the later the wound would probably have bled him dry on the forest floor regardless of the Medicae's best efforts.

Before they could continue the conversation any further they were interrupted by the silent arrival of the Krieger. She didn't call out a greeting or announce herself before she arrived, she just quietly walked up and came to attention next to his bed. He hadn't even noticed her approach honestly. She had just suddenly appeared in his peripheral vision.

Once they had turned and faced her she spoke up. "Sir, I have spoken with the chief medical officer about your request." She reported to Rochas.

"Alright, well what did he have to say?" He asked.

"The chief medical officer is willing to release you from this facility so that you may participate in the moral building activity if you are escorted by a member of the medical staff." Came back her dull monotone from behind the gas mask in response. "If you do not object I would be willing to volunteer to serve as your escort Sir."

"Would that be alright?" the sergeant asked, wary of selfishly causing the Medicae inconvenience." If its a problem for you you don't have to."

"It will not prevent me from completing my regular duties. I am willing to do this for you Rochas." She replied.

I was expecting that and I glad to see this.

20 thrones on a convoluted attempt to see under the kriegers mask coming up

Well I was expecting that, this will be intresting

Bump from 9



"So what should I show first...Kitchen and dining hall probably, it's that way" Povilas turned to the right and set off, while Silvine walked alongside him
"May I as a question?" woman tried to brake the silence
"Sure" man turned to her
"Your hat, it's looks a little orkish...You know the color and the symbols on it..."
"Well it used to belong to an ork"
"Yeah, a freelancer pirate that I came across long time ago. We had a small fight after which I ended up with a new hat and a pile of weapons"
"But wouldn't ork warboss hat be a little too big for you?" woman smiled
"Well he was not all that powerful to begin with, and they lost some boyz after there last raid." Povilas replied
"So you got lucky?"
"Well not really, our side did have some loses" then silently to himself "Good all of them were from inquisition..." then back in normal voice "So that band was not all that big, about 17 orks, while our side had 50 guardsmen and inquisitors. I don't remember that battle well, only thing I remember how ork boss's head was cut off by a commissars with a chainsword."
"So why did you take the hat?"
"No one else wanted to take it" Povilas laughed as he opened the metal door into the dining room "And here is were most of the crew eat".

Dining room was a long hall, with a long wooden table in the middle of it, with wooden and metal chairs around it.
Silvine walked in and looked around. Hanging on the walls or laying on the ground were all kind of trophies, like ork cybernetic limbs, few bug heads screwed to the wall, a jaw of a squig hanging by a nail and few human skulls that were attached to a throne at the end of the table.
"Well this is a little...." Silvine tilted her head looking at the tyranid heads.
"Unconventional, yeah, captain likes to keep her trophies here though"
"Yes our captain is a woman, well biologically, she doesn't act as one though" Povilas smiled
"Oh....Well if she prefers that I have no right to complain, so can I see the kitchen? Just curios"
"Maybe...." Povilas replied, thinking "Oh shit if she sees the orks...."
Povilas jumps to the door of the kitchen "Give me a sec..." he says as he pokes his head inside.
Inside running around the kitchen was a squig with a gretchin on top of it hammering a nail into squigs skull with an ork running behind them, ready to catch the gretchin if he was to fall off.
Povilas closed the door "Just as always" he smiled and turned to Silvine "Sorry, they are really busy right now, better not interrupt them"
"Ok, maybe next time, where to now?" Silvine asked as she came closer to Povilas.

So can anyone explain to me what's this supposed to be?

40k story thread, mostly about romances with kriegs

It's in the title. The reason its weird is cause its been going oon for a while and there is atleast 10 archived threads to chew threw, or pastebins.


So, can it be about anything 40K related

if so I've like to write some stuff, I dunno much about krieg so I don't feel confident writing about them

Knock yourself out yeah.

Honestly any story time is good, go for it.

“Free time Bravo?”

“5 more Seconds Simon”

“Well how do we spend those 5 seconds?”

“make a 3 second prayer to the emperor, I dunno”

“In some planets that my count as heresy y’know”

“Don’t need it anymore anyways”

“Why is that”

“Cause it’s free time” Bravo says as he puts on his tailormade button-up shirt, green with red square stripes and flames on the bottom, with a Bermuda and some flip flops, looking somewhat silly sure, but when you’re a space marine, you can be as silly as you want “What’s your gonna do?”

“Oh, just the dilly dally, same ol’ same ol’”

“Is that the…The restaurant, with the girlie”

“Ye, that one, I get the free food if I help her for the while” You Put on your leather jacket (Which also has flames on it at the back) and your Jeans “Well, pitter patter let’s get at er’”

You and Bravo exit the quarters inside sanctuary city, walking together for a while

“You saw Roman?” Bravo asks as you both walk on the road, citizens of the emperor waving at you, you manage to wave back the amount that you can, but still answer Bravo’s question

“What’s bout him?”

“He went and made his flamer shoot blue flames”

“Well if’s a man wants his blue flames let’s im have it”

“Well if the flames are blue it’s not really a flamer anymore is it?”

“It’s still burn the things up, I reckon it does”

“Ye, well it’s not natural it’s what I’m saying”

“Look, if it’s to’ much of a probliem go asks him to switchs the color back”

“Well…don’t want to upset him, it probably took him some time, that’s all”

“Well, don’ just pussyfoot arounds and either lives with it or asks him” you say as you see that your paths diverge “Wells this is my road ‘ere it is”

“Right, be seeing ya”

You look at the small restaurant “Accordion” being written daintily and skillfully on the side with some paint

You open the door carefully and crouch a little to not hit the top of the door frame, entering slowly, some customers looking at you and widening their eyes

>”A salamander eats here?”
>”This food must be really good”
>”I want to ask him an autograph”
>”I-is he staring at me?”

Well, Reckon that might help Amelie with a boost in popularity

You step gingerly in between the gaps of the wooden tables, the ambience is rustic to say the least, there’s no high fancy stuff around here, you’re pretty sure some girl touched the side of your pants just to touch you

Before long you step behind the counter and enter the employees only area, more whispers behind you

>”Does he own the place?”
>”Eee! I touched him!
>”Maybe he eats privately?”
>”Is he hearing us right now?”

Yes, yes I can, please don’t make me blush, it’s unsightly for a space marine to do so

Before long you see a girl tending to some notes, filling up some paperwork, long black hair and pale white skin, normal sized but small compared to you, young face with rosy cheeks

She wanders her eyes towards you before taking a double take and smiling a little bit

“Mooorning Simon~!” she waves while giving a smile big enough to close her eyes

“Well it’s mores of a noon hour, I reckon it does”

“Really? How long have I been here?”

“Well’s you’s usually end up here for a while”

“R-r-right, Well, since you’re here, could you help me with something?”

“It is?”

The girl points at the small box on the top of the shelves “Please get it for me~?”

You look at her for a while with a deadpan expression “Amelie…”

“But you’re strong! And I don’t want to get the ladder! No problem is too big for a Salamander”

“Well’s I can’ts says no to a citizen of the emprah…”

And so your shift as a store clerk of Amelie’s spicy food restaurant starts once again for the day…

(I might write more, if you guys liked it)

Story time is best time. The more the merrier.


If these are the same, link your posts together.

>first name basis

Very cute. I would read more.

Your Shift at the Accordion is usually quite uneventful

You use your better skillsets when it’s needed (Like that time you went and fixed most of the stoves in the kitchen once you realized what a weak and pathetic flame they produced) but most of the time Amelie asks you to be in the kitchen or help her with paperwork and the like

Are you a glorified secretary? No, You’re a glorified cook

“Simooon~! We got two more orders of your Barbecue special!” Amelie chirps happily from the counter

“Amelie, mos’ of my cookins are barbecue special’s you’s have to be more specifics that that!” You Say as you Turn the stove to the “Simon” setting and set half of the kitchen in complete flames, your side cook, of course making sure the citizens of the emperor are safely cooking on the other side…

Still, you’re certain that they’re still scared of your modus operandi

“It’s the one where you put the ghost peppers with the buffalo sauce and make something weird!”

“How tough does he look?”

“It’s a she and she’s about my size!”

Poor girlie, you’ll spare her the pain

Instead of doing the one where you put the ghost peppers with the buffalo sauce and make something weird, you do the one where you mix the siracha with the chipotle and make something mild

Of course the flame is always there, you can’t lower the flame levels, you’re pretty sure you would have to resign if you did, I mean….it’s at it’s lowest setting! For you!

“And, Lower that flame a little, you’re scaring some customers!” Amelie says with a pouty face

“Well’s thats defeat’s the purpose of the barbecue’s doesn’t it?” you say trying to hide an equally pouty face, a Space Marine shouldn’t be pouty

Amelie grumbles a little “Fine! But you’re fixing whatever you burn to a crisp!”

“Gots it!”

You finally finish cooking in your hellscape dungeon of fire and bring out the 2 specials

It’s a combination of pork, beef, sausages, Chorizo, and potato, all seasoned with a fine paste of Chipotle and siracha with fine pieces of pepper, shredded cheese on top as you serve a jug of milk to accompany to meal shall it be to hard on the folks eating it, all of the meat is left to cook to medium rare (Which takes like 30 seconds considering the flames) and all chopped up to accommodate a meal for more than one person should the need be, it is also accompanied by an extra portion of guacamole, and chips

You put the 2 specials on the counter where Amelie smiles at you once again

“Thank you~!” She says with a wide grin, almost like it was still the first time when you wandered into her store

You continue cooking until it’s about 30 minutes left for your free time to be over

“Amelie’s! I’m’s gonna be going now”

“O-oh before you leave, could you do me a favor?” Amelie says from her office

“Better makes it quick, cause I’m-“

Amelie makes some puppy dog eyes as she holds the same box you lowered for her earlier that day

“You want’s me to put the box back where it was?”

“I want you to put the box back where it was~” She blinks cutely a few moments before you sigh and put the box on top of the shelf once again “Thank you! Seeya tomorrow!” she says waving

“Right, Right…” you say as you wave back to your barracks

The walk is uneventful (Aside from the gazes) and you reach the barracks like usual

Bravo comes pretty much as the same time as you do

“How’s it going?” Bravo goes

“good n’ you?”

“not’s so bad” before you both enter the barracks and end the day…

(Sorry for using real names of food, but otherwise it would have been to hard to describe the names and parallels of alien food)

(This is the waifu thread)

Misty stared at the Sergeant, her rebreather shuddering as blended dehydrated freezecream coursed up the tube, the sugarary delite being inhaled as she watched the man chew his square bar.

"Sure was nice of your sister to to lend us her dessert rations." The sarge said fingers twitching around his dried dessert. Agotha doesn't let lho sticks into the medic tent and it has taken its toll on nerves that Misty has noticed getting increasingly thin. Catachan's were strange.

"88b said that a ogryn gave them to her." Misty said, inhaling the sugary gas. "She wouldn't say why she got them though." Misty discardered two cards, drawing the same amount from a deck between them, a small pot between them. "Inquiry. Elaborate again how Leisure is beneficial to recovery?"

"Oh right I wondered about her." The Sergeant said, placing his desert on the table and cracking a chunk of it. "What is with the stitches and face comment. The Steelies don't have those, they just take the mask off. Also as I said before, its not leisure, this is a 'mental exercise'." The catachan tosses the chunk into the pot. "Raise one snack piece."

Misty blinked, staring at the pot. "Protest, sir's residual dna is on that piece." Her mask starts steaming a little.

The sergeant raised his eyebrow. "Yes, and? You have a rebreather your hardly going to catch my no arm."

Misty nodded tossing a piece in as well. The krieger gulped, the stakes were suddenly a lot higher now. After all, the Sarge's saliva was on the line, if she won this pot and consumed the victory nutrients it would be a indirect ki-ki-ki....

A sudden jolt woke her up, the sergeant poking her helmet. "Hey, steam for brains, its your turn to match or fold."

The krieger shook her head. "Kri-kriegers never fold!" She said defiently, revealing her hand.

"Oh a three of a kind Terimators." The sarge said. "Pretty good, but..." The sergeant reached for his hand, flipping it over. "Flush, Ultramar."

The Krieger looked at the hand, then hers, then reached for the poker book... Flush, flush... they beat three of a kinds. But-but that means...

Misty grabs the pot holding it out for the sargeant. "Sir... sir wins."

"Yup." The sergeant said grabbing the pot from the krieger, the girl still gripping it. "So to the winner goes the... Misty let go."

Misty shook her head. "Unit is not doing it. Some technosorcery attached unit's fingers to the pot." She said, resisting the sergeants attempts to yank the pot out of her hands. "Amputation may be required."

The sergeant frowned. "Look, just, if it'll keep you from being so childish you can have one piece."

"...Is Sir accurate in that statement?" The Krieger said, leaning forward towards her nco. "Unit can requisition any piece." The sergeant nods as steam filters up from the kriegers mask. "ANY piece?" She clarifies.

"Yes, Thone on terra you are annoying." He lets go, the krieger hastily grabbing a teethmarked piece of freezecream from the betting pot.

The rasp of the rebreather was audible and Richand swore he heard "Sergeant's dna" whispered before purging the thought from his head. The priests always said "Ignorance was freedom" and the catachan never found the idiom more truer.

"So... why do you use the rebreather anyway? The air here is fine as my lack of dying has shown. Plus you never told me about your sister's whole stitch thing."

"Well..." Misty pauses, he is the nco she doesn't really have the right to refuse. "I MAY need the mask. Gas attacks are a present threat."

The sergeant raised a eyebrow. "Against orks?"

Steam hissed from the mask. "Well, Sir is aware how Krieg is a deathworld?"

The sergeant chuckles. "I'm from Catachan, I know death worlds. Sure Krieg's practically a garden combared to the shit I had to deal with as a child."

Should I continue writing?

The grammar could use some work, but otherwise keep going, we can always use content until Bataavi can get back to posting regularly again. And its nice to have a few more writefags.

The krieger shrugged. "Sir is the authority. However the toxicity of the air has lead to some damage. While mutants are culled and purged as they should be, constitution training results in... scarring..."

"Scarring? Like the Commissar?" The catachan asked as the krieger shook her head.

"Those are the scars of a victory, things to be worn with pride. Our scars are just... if unit performed optimally unit would not be injured so. Units are given treatment to prevent inefficiencies but the outermost layer is not particularly vital so they remain. In doing so our faults are remembered and vigilance is stressed. " The krieger lifted a second finger. "Furthering that, our faces are individually distinct for the most part. The individual does not matter. In the thousand years of krieg's glory as a Hive world the only decent individuals that were produced were the Krieg 83rd Guard regiment lead by Saint Colonel Jurten. With everyone identical it shows that everyone from colonel to guardsmen is worth the same. Which is minimal. "

The catachan frowned. "So your telling me that your sister with the stitches is..."

Misty nods. "Unit is somewhat dissapointed at her podmate's unruly streak, such acts are not against the Uplifting Primer but, if she were under a watchmaster and not a foreign officer she'd have already been disciplined."

The sergeant thought about this. He thought he had it bad just cause he almost was strangled to death by a tree as a kid but compared to her he might as well be one of those noble pounces sipping amaresc as they fucked their sister. He should be a little nicer to her...

"Wait. If you never take off that mask that means you never had food the normal way right."

The krieger nods. "The rebreather extracts nutrtion from rations and delivers it along with oxygen, digesting food is unnecessary."

"Misty... you know Agotha isn't here, if you want to try eating the freezecream normally no one has to see you." The sergeant said, hand gripping the blanket. "I can duck under this for a few minutes so I can't see you."

The krieger looked at her freezecream and then back to her nco. "...Really?"

The sergeant lied down, lifting the blanket overhead. "Let me know when you are done."

"But sir." The grenadier protested. "This is unnecessary."

"We aren't in duty till we recover." The sergeant's retort was muffled slightly from the raggedy blankets. "If you want to see new things you might as well do it now."

The sergeant waits as he hears a buckle unclaps. He was curious what his newest squadmate looked like but he knew it was a bad idea. While Misty still seems primarily made of crazy, even he wasn't dim enough to not notice she had a weird complex about her bare skin. This was probbably the only way she'd try new things.

The crunch of dried ice cream was heard, as well as some sniffing.

"Oi, are you alright up there." The sergeant asked, head still covered by the blanket.

"Yeah, its just, unit's tongue is displaying oddities." The grenadier said, with the mask discarded he could even hear her sniff, her voice, freed from voxlike rasp of the rebreather, was almost melodic.

"Well let me know when I can take this stupid blanket off." The Catachan said.

"Sure thing sir." The krieger said. "Just... give unit a few minutes."

And that is that for the day, this was more how I wanted the face thing to be introduced. There it is now I have a quest to do.

You arrive to have dinner with Bravo in the barracks, sitting at a grand table, ornate with tables of food in there

Your favorite plate was the pork fried rice with Kachai pepper, with a hint of teriyaki and ghost peppers, although plates like Huo Guo and Sik Sik Wat (Plates traditionally from a hive world called Hua Yan) are also quite delicious in their spicyness, but still that was only on the side closest to you, multiple other plates like grilled Parmesan chicken with Sambal sauce sit on the table waiting to be eaten

Of course, while you were thinking about food like the dumb guy you are, your companions have already ate half the table on it’s entirety

Crap and you didn’t get any food from Amelie either! Gotta be quick!

You start to look at the table, of course you’re gonna take a handful of the pork fried rice, but should you combine it’s savory like flavor with the Huo Guo? Oh wait no, the Huo Guo is gone, oh hell’s bells just take the parmesan chicken, you know it isn’t exactly cooked to your likings but you can’t be picky, and…oh no that’s taken already…and…yeah that too

In the end you kind of end up having half of what you wanted to eat

“What’s the matter Bro, feeling dainty?” Anwar says in front of the table “Eating little?”

“On diet?” Prakoso says, sitting next to Anwar “You got yourself some protein but you need your veggies”

“Veggies for life, buddy” Anwar says as he fists bumps Prakoso

“Sweet and and sour broccoli, Buddy”

“Ghost pepper with some lettuce, Buddy”

“Ghost pepper with California Pepper, buddy”

“Ghost pepper, California pepper, Green onions with ranch, Buddy”

Like always Anwar and Prakoso end up talking to each other as you ignore them and go back to your food

“So what are you doing in that restaurant bro, you own it?” Bravo says as tosses you a piece of his food on your plate

“Na, Jus’ cook for the lady’s that owns it” you say as you give him a thumbs up in thanks and go back to eat

“Huh, that’s like a hobby of yours is it?” Bravo says as he keeps eating “Iff sheen shu in fe kitchen y’know” he says with a mouthful of food

“Ye, Hobby of mines, toughts I could gives her a hand, reckon I coulds” you say, eating your food calmly “Owns a restaurant, good food, so might go aheads and does it even better”

“Good on you dude” Bravo says as he pats your back

After a while you all finish your food and go end to retire for the evening, heading to your room, you really can only think of more recipes you want to try out at the restaurant, you don’t have much time to practice your hobbies on the day, so Amelie’s place helps a lot for your cooking

Plus she still promised that she would give you free food, and she didn’t! you should demand it! Wait no, more like, softly ask for it, you’re already scary by existing, try to make yourself look gentler in front of the common folk…

You finish your morning prayer as you grab your flamer and meltagun and skedaddle out of your room into the firing range putting your gear on for a new day


“Look at that godamn travesty” Bravo says as he motions you to look at Roman with his Flamer shooting Blue flames out of it “It’s just not natural”

“Well if he wants it, he gots it” you say as you practice non-chalantly “Tough Natural flame can be blue sometimes”

“I know it’s just…like he has a hard-on for Ultramarines”


“Like he had blue balls and wanted everyone to know it”

“With what balls”

“More the reason”

You look at Roman, he seems to be having fun with his blue flamer

“What if he’s doing it for attention and not cause he likes the blue flames?”

“Don’t think so”

“I heard he plays games with the admechs”

“What kinds of games?”

“I dunno, but you know what the euphemism stands for” Bravo says looking at you and moving his eyebrows up and down

“Just cause’s he might do the up and overdesk for metal tentacles doesn’t necessarily means regular attention’s puts his head in the oven”

“Isn’t that like, Slaneesh following?”

“I put and emphasis on might, now cut off some 20% off your conspiracies and keep training” You say as you give a dope chop to the head of Bravo, he sighs and goes back to focusing on his flamer

Battle practice is uneventful as well with some sparring in the training cages and not much else

You have to many random words capitalized for no reason.

Fuck you for making me hungry, that snack sounds delicious.

And i thought I was the only one who is hungry now

It seems I need to write a lot more XD

please stop these threads

Please stop your bitching and don't come back

eat a dick

I try to make everything sound delicious as fuck

Cooking with Salamanders will resume shortly

please wait warmly


Now you have time to fix, tinker and upgrade any armor you have….


You tinker with your flamer a little, making sure it’s still spewing out the right amounts of flame that you want it too (That is, absolute maximum)…

Oh come on, you can only think of cooking! Ever since you’ve been able to work at Amelie’s restaurant you long for freetime where you’ll be able to truly experiment with all the resources available

No, you are a space marine first, you still have your duty, so you will accomplish it…

Okay, you’ll accomplish that duty while eating a delicious snack, good compromise

You open the custom built fridge (Courtesy of Y’utani, resident admech and friend of yours) and see a bottle of red wine with a half eaten wheel of provolone cheese

You take the cheese and cut a piece of it while you take the wine and pour the red liquid in a large bordeaux glass, twisting the bottle so that there’s no dripping

You wish you could be doing this at a time where you weren’t covered in oil and using hard work gloves, but beggars can’t be choosers

You take a small bite of the provolone cheese, it’s soft flavor filling your mouth, until you take a sip of the Red Wine, the cranberry flavor mixing with the cheese and releasing it’s true zesty flavor as you enjoy yourself

You put the glass on a sturdy table away from you so that it won’t fall as you resume the fixing of the flamers, repairing their canister getting your hands dirty with the Oil it secretes, then going to your armor, undenting any sort of bump it my have gotten during battle practice or otherwise, and giving it a new coat of green paint, you also make sure to wash both items thoroughly, just cause you’re a stickler for cleanliness

Need to write something today....

"Hmm...I could show you the way to the armory, in case we were attacked and you would need a gun." Povilas smiled as he walked out into the corridor.
"How often do you get attacked?" Silvine follows him.
"Usually, once a month, nothing much most of the time" Povilas replies as he starts walking.

"May I ask a question?" Povilas asked on the way to the armory
"About what?" Silvine turned to the former quartermaster
"Well what does sister hospitaler do? I never met one"
"Usually we are nurses, surgeons and physicians"
"Oh, I see. It would be nice if you were to join our crew, it would be nice to have at least one doctor with gentle hands"
"It can't be all that bad"
"You have no idea..." Povilas laughed.
As two turned the corned Silvine saw a very peculiar individual - a tall and wide humanoid with green skin...This ork was only wearing a pair of grey pants and carrying a stubber machine gun on it's shoulder.
Silvine grabbed Povilas and went back to hide behind the corner
"There is an ork right there" woman whispers
"Really?" Povilas pokes his head out and looks at the ork
"What do we do?" Silvine asks a little scared
"Let me try something...." Povilas walks out and with a hand on his sawed-off stubber, that hanged on his belt.
"What are you doing?" Silvine says, but was not heard by brave fool that approached this ork.
As Povilas walked closer ork turned around and saw him. Ork then straightened his back and saluted him.
Povilas saluted back and said "You are given permission to speak soldier. What is your task here?"
"I am here to pick up my uniform" Ork replied in meaner unusual to an ork.
"That will be his soldier, you are free to go" Povilas turned around and walked back to Silvine "It's safe to go"
"What did just happen?" Silvine looked at him confused
"That ork only wanted to take his uniform" Povilas smiled
"Yeah, he is one of our crew members...Yeah, that might need some explaining, but first let's go the armory..."

It keeps getting better. You seem to be getting into the groove. Only really one hitch for me and it was "that will be his soldier" which I think may be a autocorrect issue, but I don't know. Liking the theme a lot.

Yeah, it had to be "all" instead of "his", got a little distracted while writing.
Also I people didn't mind shirtless ork...