Your favorite models

Favorite of any game, doesn't have to be 40K

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Shit-tier Assassin model, op.

dumping the 40k equivalent of Don Frye, All heart

Love all these

the greatest fight of all time, along with the greatest proxies

What one do you prefer? I kinda like the Eversor model, it really conveys a sense of movement, speed and momentum to me while still showing dexterity which is different from 99% of all other models which just charge through shit.



Such design, surely this is the will of the Omnissiah manifest


not really a playable model but still cool

Where's Trump when space kebabs are massproducing serbiminator spider-bot?

>pure psychic energy
Looks more like broccoli desu

Dude... Pure psychic energy crystallizes into broccoli when created and channeled by vegans.

These Eldar will be purged for their inferior choice of nutrition.


I really like the forgeworld crisis suits


looks more like a blackberry and some weird neon greenberries to me

Did Blizzard launched WoW wargame?
But meanwhile, IMO one of the best bikers miniatures

>doesn't have to be 40K

But it will be!

>Did Blizzard launched WoW wargame?
You're what? A decade late?

That ship has long since sailed.
And sunk.
With not a tear to be shed.

wow, I never thought someone still remembers it.

Also, isn't Ariadna and Haqqislam are allies?

aren't the space kababs not crazy terrorist anymore though?


it is a forgeworld kitbash but it is the sexiest tank to exist in 40k.

I really doubt that would offend anyone, user. Even blue boards can post Rubens.

>aren't the space kababs not crazy terrorist anymore though?
Well almost, except fidays who "sends the message" and angels of death

eh baby steps

I bought some Krigers on ebay for reasonable prices, but even there tanks are expensive and people throw themselves on it at first glance

I was banned once for posting a pic with minimalistic nipples here on tg.
user was right for being cautious.


Yeah Kriegers are totally NSFW, I know

Is that a Malcador with a Ryza pattern turret?

Fuck, meant to quote


>*breath in*
I mean, look at this gas mask, hnnng


>No carnifex posted

It's such a good looking pose able model.

Malcador tanks are fucking sexy!

Ryza Vanquisher turret. Though no idea how he connected the turret to the actual malcador tank. Maybe a leman russ top plate?

I just put Cawl together. Good god is he a clusterfuck.

Certainly looks like it. How many pieces does he come in?

Old Carnifex had that certain something as well.

I'm a really big fan of Rackham's original Wolfen. Hard to pick one specifically.

He's certainly special.


Their goblins were pretty memorable as well. Definitely more in the "special" category though.

If you're going to go back to old school GW, I'm not sure anything tops the rogue trader "hair metal" eldar models.

For some reason, this thing always reminds me of the "Atma Weapon" boss from FF6.

Tell that to the three day ban I got a few months ago over a Leon-Gerome painting.

Another vote for insecto-bots... Marcus Barros's city-leveling ride, in this case.

Wow, that's beautiful. Reminds me a lot of that old Jes Goodwin Nurgle Lord model.

About fifty, going by sprue numbers.
All tiny, spindly pieces that can break if you grab the wrong part of the model.
Aren't his rules in Fall of Cadia? I got the datasheet from splitting the triumvrate box, but it doesn't have much.

i don't even play but these are great.

Never really got into the Warriors of Chaos but I've always thought Archaon's older model was the best one GW has ever produced.

Best model coming thru

Too bad they're shit!

My brethren




If you loved those guys, the Skorza from Wrath of Kings are a distant cousin. I used them to fill out my Wolfen forces into something a little more army-like. These days, they mostly only leave the case as proxies in other systems - notably as "Tharn" in my Warmahordes army. They don't technically meet the conversion rules for that game, but the models are so cool that nobody complains.


Best tits in resin!

If we're talking KD, there's much better to be had than that.

I absolutely love the forge world heretic models

I love this. Mostly due to how easy they trigger some people.

Grade A rape-slaves!

I use them as psykers, you know the cheap 10 point psykers.

Anyway it works I just enjoy how much it bugs some people

don't play historicals, but he looks dope

I love this fucker so much.

This guy is pretty cool. Looking forward to painting him. And I don't even play Cryx.

does he have a fucking dice aura?

It's a convention exclusive version, so he's allowed to put some small cracks into the fourth wall. I guess the sculptor just really liked the idea of Goreshade rolling some dice. Probably some really edgy dice, fueled by the souls of the dead, because that's how he rolls.

Love the nude hip

>those legs
>those hips
>this fur
What game ? Maybe I should drop 40K altogether

not from a game, just an indie mini company, RedBox Games. Lots of Nords and barbarian looking motherfuckers.

I think I'm gonna give it a look, then...

Got it, Redbox Games. Calling PETA now.

Some look pretty fucking baller

This fantastic model single-handedly gave birth to Kingdom Death.

So this is what a vagina looks like ?

>Cannot recognize a penis
>Penile birthing

But my penis doesn't look like that. Should I be worried ?

Here to second this. Bullgryns are great. Every time I look at them I want to use them, but every time I play them I think, they weren't worth it.

I want the female models of that as Objective markers.

Big enough to work as such

Love how big KD models are, but I would if they where smaller so I could use them in other miniature games


Actually not a bad idea - just to use beaten, wretched looking prisoners for indentured, closely watched unstable low grade psykers.

Like these bitches be foine, hardly wretched, but you get what I mean.


>pregnancy is your kink
>purposefully avoid kingdom death because of confusing feelings

If you are the kind of weirdo that really want to go through with that idea and use them in other miniature games check brother vinnie for his range of naked chicks in compromising positions.

I need thier minds, what happens to the rest of their bodies I don't give a flying fuck!

Inquisition mother fuckers! I need psykers now! No time for proper psykers!

No sense of right and wrong

Also this shit because I find the concept of a gun strap into a plane funny

Already did see

If more lewl like this existed for male I would get them too.

I don't love Privateer models in general (they have some good ones, but the average is pretty low), but if I had to pick one it'd be this big guy. Really captures the essence of the things Hordes does right.