/btg/ Battletech General!


Cruisin’ ‘n’ Stompin’ edition

The /btg/ is dead - long live the /btg/!

Old thread: =================================

BattleTech video-game pre-alpha gameplay


>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>MegaMek Lab

>/btg/ does a TRO:
builtforwar.blog(not spam)spot.com/

>How do I do this Against the Bot thing? (old)
NEW! - Against the Bot pastebin updated link: (old)
Current 3.21 rule set is included in the mekhq package

>Map of /btg/ players (WIP):

>Rookie guides

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Megamek - computer version of BattleTech. Play with AI or other players

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders

/btg/'s own image board: - (2017-02-13 - Still getting worked on & now has 11079 pics!)

More goodies! (Rare manuals, hex packs, TROs, discord server, etc.) Last updated 2017-02-13!

Question for everybody. What's the most creative use you ever had for a poor weapon.
AC/2 for starters.

I had a player who had a Blackjack, two Vulcan standards and a Griffin whose PPC was damaged and replaced with an AC/2 because that was all there was.
The player maneuvered these mechs around the main conflict and found the enemies dropships. They were a small force and our player plinked the ships until he crippled one Leopard, retreated and reloaded and did another ship (I don't remember if it was an Union or Overlord, whichever one didn't have AC/2s of it's own.)
He crippled two dropships and made the enemies' eventual retreat real messy.

you're welcome

You all knew it was comin'

Beating a DS up with an ac2 might kinda be already taking the cake.

Mpod'd a Crud to death shit was lulz. Yes my work room comp is an old ass mac, sue me.

Were...you trying to link something specific?

Did the dropships have absolutely no supporting forces?

M-Pods are batshit good, what are you on?

newfag... im telling you to go back to your own board instead of shitting up mine

Ew. Why would anyone think Battletech has or wants anything to do with weebshit?

>batshit good


It's a troll, lance leader. They're particularly common in this system. Just ignore it, it can't hurt your mech aside from ruining your paintjob if you step on it.

so ur saying this game isnt about mechs???

It's an LB-15X shot that weighs barely anything.

Thanks for the advice tripfag, I'll be sure to file it under "go fuck yourself."

I should have mentioned, there was no BA or PBI in this fight.

So yea, not exactly something I'd call handy. Plus coring a Heavy with it was kinda a riot.

wow nice comeback LOL
fuck off newfag and take ur shitty mech game with ya

You are at least 7 years late, tripfag

"What do you do?"

"I like to feel important and vindicated so I specifically go to places that I dont like to argue with the people there."

lol is that from what of your mech animes?



Stop biting, you idiots

thanks senpai i tried


He's replying to himself. Stop biting.

I'm not him and I replied, sorry

Continuing my question from earlier:
When calculating crew requirements for Aero units, do officers count as crew as well, or do you calculate the number of crew, and that's always a minimum that has to be met?

no you're me lmao

>Did the dropships have absolutely no supporting forces?

To my player's credit, he orchestrated an almost Hannibal Smith plan where his buddies fought the other forces and kept them away, far enough away that it would have been an hour or two trek back to the space port to help their forces. The bad guys literally didn't see this coming. It was brilliantly played and I made sure to give sufficient rewards for this later.

>Want to set up RPG oneshot where party is a LAM squadron.
Should I go for an SLDF or Blakist* unit?

*were the Blakist LAM units all the elite super-cyborg units or did they have "regular" forces as well? if the former, how would I have to model that in the RPG?

Good on them!
Always good to see btech players using their heads instead of wading in shooting.

The Word's Spectral LAMs were used solely by the MD. Since the MD are literally too OP to be PCs, you're better off using the SLDF. Unless you want to show them what the full might of the pissed off Regulan fleet can do.

You are way out of line, ork cock jockey. Battletech has been Veeky Forums for longer then when your balls have dropped. The company FASA made the Star Trek RPG, Renegade Legion, Dr. Who, Shadowrun and all sorts of good stuff. BT is just an off shoot.
>like I should give an ass about an namefag troll, but whatever.

One of the few times I felt like, well, "refreshed" at the end of a campaign because I felt like I played a legendary scenario. We talked about that for a long time afterwards.

>When calculating crew requirements for Aero units, do officers count as crew as well, or do you calculate the number of crew, and that's always a minimum that has to be met?

IIRC it doesn't actually say (I might be thinking about mercenary unit officers, though). What I do is calculate the entire crew, and then make 20% of them officers, rounding up. That'll get you close enough that nobody'll care.

So out of a crew of 43 people, you'd have 35 enlisted and 8 officers. Which IIRC is just about right for an Overlord DropShip.

I always read it as officers are separate.

Get out of here /v/ and /pol/

Making a Ghost Bear force. What do you guys think of the Kodiak?

I was looking at RATs but I recall it being said RATs usually aren't really indicative of what a faction has.

What are some mechs you'd be *very* likely to find in a Bear frontline force and a second line force?

The kodiac is beary good.

An overlord has 29 crew, 6 gunners, and 8 officers, for a total of 43 crew. They aren't separate.

Also, are all gunners automatically enlisted?

Executioners go in frontline forces because they're Omnis, and they go in secondline forces because they're shit.

Go get lots of them, and back them up with a Leviathan II to win everything forever.

how are game miniatures not Veeky Forums

You are way, WAY off for a DropShip. Overlord only requires a crew of 6. It's 4+(1/5000).

Gunners are considered enlisted, yes.

You could also make them FWLM troops, who had a full regiment of LAMs into 3025 iirc.

>Unless you want to show them what the full might of the pissed off Regulan fleet can do.

What, their dropships?

The WoB fleet, even its tattered remnants, should have curbstomped the Regulans. Instead they fuck off and we now have to worry about a random half dozen or more WoB ships showing up in 3250.

TRO3057r says 29 enlisted, 6 gunners, and 8 officers for an Overlord.

Well, if they're Comstar, then they're white, which makes them /pol/ material by definition.

>What, their dropships?
The Regulan starter tactic is throw a nuke at it, with the followup being more nukes. Admittedly, that's not the most dangerous thing in space, but it's still pretty threatening.

I have no idea why they put so many more than the required, but eh.


But that's also the WoB tactic. So the two should have been annihilated, at the very least, instead of the Regulans getting to go on a 5 world genocide spree without anyone so much as saying boo to them.

The Regulans are my most hated part of the Jihad.

Paging Xotl, your presence is required in the IRC.

Xotl, we require rule changes in the IRC. Night wants rules for Super Bop Drives so he can take the Word extra galactic.

>so he can take the Word extra galactic.


Maybe that group of Blakists was out of nukes.


Yo Muninn if you're the resident Wobbie can I ask you which robe mechs you like and which ones are mediocre in your opinion?

Wouldn't Project Orion make more sense?

Hey /btg/

When using MegaMeks, how do I get the name randomization thing to randomize the bot's pilot names for me? Whenever I do it, it only changes my own pilots names.

If it's being made in the era you're playing, the Arcas/Karhu.

Well, one of the nice things about them is that you can justify them having pretty much anything...

But in terms of their iconic mechs:
Celestials - there are good configs and bad configs. The base platforms are decent if you take custom configs. Notably, you will want ECM more than it appears on canon configs.
White Flame - generally feels undergunned, although it can be tough to take down.
Blue Flame - both are decent fire support lights.
Vanquisher - solid sniper. Don't think I've used any of the variants.
Red Shift - a great little light
Raijin - The main one is good to support a gunline with erPPC fire and move in to finish wounded mechs or chase off attackers. Don't love the SRM6 and Streak 2 combo, but eh. The 200B and C both have ECM and C3i. Admittedly the C has it because of the Stealth armor...
Nexus - a slower but tougher Red Shift, the Nexus II B has our favorite pair, ECM and c3i, plus Beagle...but it also has stealth. Turn it on when you need to make a getaway.
Initiate - decent little mook mech, surprisingly threatening in large numbers.
Gurkha - never been too fond of it - I'd rather my lights stay on the move instead of getting into sword fights if I have them hooked into a network.
Buccaneer - take one of these if you want to smack people with a melee weapon. Competent, not great.
Lightray - good for bullying flankers
Spartan - WoB gets the N3, which you should stay far away from.
Legacy - decent, if you use it well and your dice like you.
Toyama - solid all-rounder, but the armor is a bit light for me and it desperately needs CASE/CASE II
Titan II - Too much ammo for the single streak 6, and ammo in the legs but CASE in the torsos. Meh.
Grim Reaper - OK fire support, except for the three tons of un-CASE'd ammo in the RT. The one ton of SRM6 ammo in the LT is protected, though!


Kodiak, Ursus, Grizzly, Kuma, Karhu

Grand Titan - too fast for its size, other than that ok. As with so many other WoB mechs, will suffer badly from ammo explosions.
Grand Crusader - conversely, too slow for its size. And, you guessed it, goes BOOM a lot. I like it other than that though - has an odd charm. Good for leading a lance of missile boats or other fire support.
Osprey - decent mech, although I'll always wonder why they did the crits the way they did. Similar to the Tempest, really.
Shootist - mostly notable for the one we don't have stats for, Apollyon's Shootist. The base is a solid bralwer, though - good for rounding out an assault lance.

Avatar E, Battle Cobra A, Crab 30, Galahad 3D, Goliath 5W, Hermes 4M, King Crab 008, Mongoose II 266, Wyvern 10N, Cronus TD9 - These are all units with ECM and c3i.

Have fun hunting Clanners, kid.


So I just noticed the ComStar Dragoon from the Dark Age has fucking ferro-lam armor. Where the hell did they get that?

robe magic

Foxes gonna Fox.
Vulture Mk IVs and Mad Cat Mk IVs are open market with ferro-lam after all.

You can get almost everything from Sea Foxes, they are the biggest corporation in Battletech

Thoughts on the head of this Battle Armor?

reminds me of an upside-down of pic related

Well, that ruined any chance I had of seeing that BA as intimidating at all.


Cut off the googly eyes. Muninn asked for thoughts, that was the first thing to come to mind. Check out loads of stuff under ESM and they get goofy or creepy as hell.

So hey. How do you build an HPG? Like, say I'm a planetary governor in the years following the Jihad, and I want an HPG on my planet because FTL communication is a nice thing to have. Who do I contact?

It's supposed to be very intimidating looking, but the head it has currently isn't totally working for me so I figured I'd see what people thought. Having a hard time telling Plog what look to go for since I don't really know myself.

You call ComStar and they fo it for you, if they feel like it, and you pay whatever they ask

ComStar and/or WoB are the only ones with that capability. You won't be allowed to run it yourself.

Not even the Dragoons were allowed to do that.

Too cliche?

You ask ComStar very nicely to build one on your planet. If they do, you pay them. That's how it works

pretty much your only options for running an HPG are to either deal with the robes or to somehow find a clanner than can operate it.
first option is unlikely, second would be pretty much impossible.

Looks like some final form Inbit boss from Mospeada Climber. Biggening up the Head would make it a little less anime. Also, reply to my new email, I'm dying to know what you think.

Got you senpai

looks similar to a Cylon. Like it, lose the horns though.

So does that mean that JumpShips and WarShips with mobile HPGs are CS/WoB-only ships?

What about ground-mobile ones?

I always thought this dude's helmet looked fucking ace

is it a Combine suit? Those little nub horns scream Oni mask

Cool beans, thanks! I wasn't sure if Comstar was still doing it, as I vaguely remember something about the RotS eventually taking a dislike to them and hunting them down?

Pretty sure the Clans have some mobile HPGs on their warships too. And I think the Society had some ground-mobile HPG mechs.

>So does that mean that JumpShips and WarShips with mobile HPGs are CS/WoB-only ships?
Outside the Clans, yes. The FWL had teams of WoB techs aboard specifically to work the mobile HBGs, and everyone else who had them used ComStar to the same end

Are there any particularly Christian factions in BT?

Not really. Of all the terrible things FASA did when it was building factions, getting rid of as many Christians as possible was one of the things they did the most right.

It's 3038 and I'm about to fucking die.

My AWS-8Q is a beautiful machine but I've got a Crab that's under-run my minimal range and a Locust snapping at my heels.

My armor is open all over my left side and I'm hot as an oven.

The worst part though is the fucking Marauder about to turn the rest of my lance into dead meat. I'm in the big guy, it's my job to handle threats like that. So I stagger forward sixty meters and do the only thing I can.

I punch the son of a bitch

It's a beautiful hit. His armor shatters like glass and he nearly falls down. Almost makes it worth it when the crab shoots me with every fucking laser in Inner Sphere. My heat gets even higher and my left leg lights up like a Christmas tree of dead actuators. I'm going nowhere and the Marauder steps out of reach and starts blasting my lance.

One thing still works though. A Diverse Optics baby laser. He's got his back to me and I've got one shot..

Right though the hole I left in the Left Rear Torso armor. Right into an almost full bin of AC/5 ammo.

He fucking Stakepoles right there.

Next turn I'm ejecting and watching from the sidelines, but my lance cleans up with no more losses.

Not really. Religion, like ethnicity, was one of the things that over the hundreds of years of expanding out and colonizing and whatnot in BT history to just get spread all over. It's not something that tends to get associated specifically on a per-faction basis.

No, but if you look through some of the House handbooks and sourcebooks, you will find a bit of info on religious beliefs that are predominant in that realm. Also, check out Clan Cloud Cobra.

Davions used to be before the Unfinished Book movement, if you stripped out the old Hindu Collective worlds and the Draconis Rift Buddists anyway.

Quality. pic not really related.

So i've got a 4-way free for all coming up this weekend. Our merc company is between contracts, and while our logistics guy does all the repair rolls and expenditure maths for an entire reinforced company of mechs, we do a free for all custom-mech mashup of everyone bringing the meanest cheesiest shit they can come up with.

This time, the force allocation is for 2 heavies or 1 assault and 1 medium. Level 3 tech IS, any era. This is my assault. Designed to set the heat to 9 to turn on the TSM and then be heat neutral every turn while running and firing all 4 snub nosed PPCs, or firing 3 and a smattering of the lesser guns if I don't run. Left arm has no major guns so it can TSM punch things if need be.

And this is my medium. Basically designed to be a pop-tarting pest, jumping 8 and unloading with pulse lasers for the accuracy to offset to jump, and then jumping back into cover once the heat is up.


I seem to recall a pdf that had various generic infantry record sheets (clan foot point, jump platoon, mechanized hover platoon, etc.) that could be built using TW and SO. Not the specific infantry from TRO 3085.

Does anyone know what I am talking about? If so, can anyone upload it?

Why not just use 2 MXPLs instead of LPLs?

Probably save a lot of tonnage on that tarcomp

I'd worry mostly about anybody that stays out of reach, but snubs have a surprisingly high range for a 'short' range PPC. A guasswall could End Fun Forever, if your map doesn't have enough stuff on it for you to avoid LOS.

>LPL and t-comp.

Well, you are a dick.