/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

We're currently working on Expansion 3

Artistic Interpretation Edition

Here's the current worklog:
| Expac 3 |
-Header (1st Draft)
-Companion Sheet
-Loose Details

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone welcome.


Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - pastebin.com/0uCbMGx6
Spreadsheet Princess - docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12IcT_vwIHKAMz-ghvB3fgHTr7DkHvjrbu4Hzlw4XCIU/edit#gid=0

Subtitle Pending - towergirls.boards.net/
Kingdom Conquest - towerkc.blogspot.ca/

Tabletop Rulebooks:
docs.google.com/document/d/1AiYSs3a-sOL9SgVkjNNFfSRBfJxef99Ow4E7iSP6ra4/edit (Towers)
mega.nz/#!oBkXlaLa!HubjjHJRD_gdcXMqHIoh-6E1GTxZmR2djuX-d-vj4Og (Lewd Adventures)

towergirlsquest.tumblr.com/ (Gats)
towergirlschivalryedition.tumblr.com/ (Eversor)

Contact Project Lead: [email protected]

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should something be done with water princesses fetishes and dislikes? they confuse the hell outta me

I realize im asking for a kneecapping with a shotgun for this, but shes prolly the only princess where "watersports" would make sense, and maybe some sort of asphyxiation/drowning fetish

I think she used to have a different dislike and that Heat Play was actually Temperature Play.

Temperature Play probably got changed to Heat Play due to space issues and then things probably got shuffled around while finalizing her card leading to the strange like and dislike of heat.

Her first fetish should probably be Cold Play or changed to Temp. Play with a new dislike.

What started the trend of slimes having "Cores" inside of them and not just being slimes entirely throughout.

Can these "Cores" be used for anything kinky?

So maybe like

It was a video game weak point I think. Then monster girls got a hold of it, so now their kinda like a g-spot for slime girls

I liked the unusual penetration


I feel like scylla already fills that role, unless it means the opposite in which your penetrating her in unusual places


Considering her water body where you can stick your junk anywhere in her, I think that is the point.

alrighty so, aside from grammatical errors I changed a few things that either didnt make sense or were copies of other princesses on the chart


> night elf lust gift now increases power based on number of children you have rather then pregnancies for better wording

>Water princesses fetishes and dislike update to Scylla lust gift now a bath bomb style fish egg grenade that creates a sticky substance, original gift created tentacles and was in the shape of a ballgag

Those were all the major changes I did, if you think they should be reverted or fixed in some other way, please tell me! Also if see any other errors that need fixing, shout out

I never realize how many princesses were related to BDSM on this thing, the fuck?

The chart feels too constricting now that you mention it.

So is there a "Girl Princess" yet? As in a girly princess who enjoy stereotypical girly things.

In a hilariously ironic way, Boy Princess kinda fits the bill

Reposting for new thread.

Im just glad the namefags are finally doing something instead of the letting the main chart die off into nothingness, plus we did get a better princess out of it. Plus the errors to the chart finally being addressed

Night elf lust gift + goblin princess = unstoppable all father knight!


Gonna work on updating chart IV art n text, please tell me your opinions on anything in

Homunculus has too many cons in my opinion

Yeah a few of the gals actually break the pro n con limit, if you've got any ideas shoot em at me

Night Elf:
>Remove "- Won't Take no for an answer", add it to her description instead
>Figure out a + for her
Homunculus Princess:
>Remove "- Doesn't really know how to speak", add it to her description instead
>Figure out a + for her
Tiki Princess:
>Move "+ She commands enchanting spirits unseen" up one slot
Wisp Princess:
>Move "+ Tiny body made of light" down three slots
Tengu Princess:
>Move "+ Master Scholar and Loremaster" and "- In Training" down two slots
Drake Princess:
>Move both her negatives down below her positives

That's all I can really think of.

I think he said Chart 4, that old one that had a lot of errors.

So are we going to let /trash/ have her or not?Because /trash/ has been pretty careful about not wanting to make princesses that are too similar to Veeky Forums's


Hey guys! Come watch me stream!

Plans to draw:

Cave Princesses Lumen Flower
2 Random Princesses from the Old Chart 4
One 40k Princess

Then who knows?

Weve got cave princess now, and the only ones that seem to be pushing for old gemini are photo and cheese. I say let trash have her, at least their version actually looks decent.

the first con was supposed to be a +/- about cutely loose grasp on language, it kinda got lost along the way

i honestly like the formating on tiki princess but its not a huge deal

Honestly like i said i think that a saimese twins princess could be a gem if polished and refined enough... but I don't value her so highly to basically hold the thread ransom, My current plan is to redesign her as a courtier for the gen 4 side sheet,

>cold personality as well
>implying this is a minus

Just a lil savage gift for you folks!

Looks Niceu Evesor and in an unrelated post I NEED MORE DUSK ELF THAT DOESN'T"T LOOK LIKE SHE HAS DOWNS MORE ART

I can't help but imagine that there's a hidden pitfall trap behind Faun Princess.

You n that undead dragon guy have been up in arms about gettin your waifu

>You n that undead dragon guy have been up in arms about gettin your waifu

Show me his face and I'll take his head

No I mean like he wants the undead dragon, and you want dusk

Let's compromise; Undead Dragon being ridden by Dusk Elf, yeah?

How about an Undead Half-Dusk Elf Dragonborn?


plz no

I was trying to make an undead dragon princess, but I couldn't make bones for shit. Have a skull instead.

So now... we have to go on a quest to find the rest of her?

She's marrowly hanging on between life and death, and is boned without the help of expert adventurer archaeologists, after all.

Is this Cubone?

That pun was terrible and you should feel terrible.
You're fibered

Hey, numbskull, look at me,
I got a bone to pick with ye!
You ain't humerus!
Stop ribbing me!

Oh please, those puns make me feel nosseous.
At least mine have structure.
So unless you have the spine to stick around, make yourself efemural and

It looks like it'd be appropriate as a helmet for a kobold, actually.

I am working on a gen with an undead dragon

Does this mean cavern, underworld, or halloween theme?

You probably should just make the art and cards and post them instead of just saying you'll do it

no its asien themed for some readon


Side work is better than no work at least

no the theme was changed Cheese

What's the theme, then?

But main work is better than side work.
Just look at what we got these last few days just by focusing on the main project! We got frigging 10/10 Cave Princess and the Gen almost done!
Now we just need to focus on the finishing the Companions page, then get down to brass tacks and work on Gen 4 Expansion!
Or hell, maybe even work on Gen 4 a bit.
And you know what? I think I might tomorrow download the fonts and things and maybe get cracking on cutting and pasting a few things myself, just to make some progress, because honestly I'm getting bored of being blue balled for so long, and I don't even own photoshop! I'll use PowerPoint and MSPaint if I have too!

I think it says something when we're more exited to jump into a side project rather than the main project that's been planned out for so long. It tells me that some of us here prefer these things to be spontaneous rather than mapped out in advance, which is why it's taking so long to get around to the other expansions.

Gen 4 expansion got a lot of religious ladies, which is funny considering this isn't the Idol Gen.
Give me quite the boner desu

Sorry, didn't mean to quite herePhoneposting is suffering

We still planning for the other holstaur princesses?

What would a second Holstaur even be like?

unless you count buffalo as a second cow princess i don't believe so

Not sure about second holstaur, but we got a buffalo coming in G4

I remember people in a previous thread were talking of some concepts for holstaur 2 or 3

I personally don't count buffalo, it doesn't thematically feel very cow-like

There were talks in previous threads about having two additional holstaurs.
IIRC, 2 was meant to be the dumb milkslut kind of deal, and 3 was meant to be like a farmer that ran their little farm they all lived in.
Needless to say, they're pretty unnecessary and didn't seem to go over very well with anyone besides the couple of guys pushing for them.

North,East, and South with dragons representing each of those

Here, I threw something together

>Shaggy Moorland Kingdom's
Holstaur II Princess

+Motherly demeaner
+Strong enough to cradle you
+Her milk is good for you!
+/-insists you call her mama
-self conscious about infertility

>Love 3
>Lust 4
>Wealth 3
>Power 4

Whichever Gen stuff goes here

>"Cursed by a jealous witch with infertility, she desires to find some way to vent and fulfill here maternal instincts"

Still not sure on lust item. Considered some kind of Fertility enhancer, or womb repopulater, but figured that was already done

Thoughts? Any critique at all? Was thinking she could look like a shaggy highland cow, that way you can have fun with the long hair bangs

Or we could just turn Farmer into a cow

I'm still quite displeased that farmer princess isn't still something fawned over

She was. Was fucking glorious.
Then she just sorta.. was forgotten.

I like her
The only reason she isn't mentioned more is because her Gen isn't currently being worked on or out yet

Did you rip up your theme because of your strife with Ento?
I made this a while back. It's a dragonlich, or yeah undead dragon princess. It's part of a comic series about a young woman who's accidentally fallen into the universe of Towergirls in the mythical island of Fantasia, whole ages after Sir Knight's life. An ancient evil has awakened. Here, she's fighting a dragon princess as part of her quest.

I kind of strayed from this project completely to focus on the writefag. Do you still have my request in mind, Cheese?

It looks really good so far, maybe some concept art? A highland holostaur could have bangs similar to the bovine in that image.

I'm still a fan even without fantasizing about fusing her with Holstaur

>maybe some concept art?
Someone else will have to, because I'm phoneposting, and have the artistic capability of a hagfish

Though I'm glad you like it. I had considered giving her more extreme fetishes, but figured that it would only make the people without the fetish throw a fit, since not even I like it and get disgusted by it.

A farmer's life is a peaceful life, likewise. I just want a life with her. Us throwing hay, dipping snuff or chewing cud, getting moonshine, tending to the chickens, yelling "Git!" at the dog Princess?, tearin' up the acres, and at the end of the day sit out on the porch listening to the field crickets falling asleep wrapped in a roughspun blanket together.

For shame.

>the no cricket princess to do leg locking and mating press with

It seems alright

I was thinking more of a generic docile, huge-breasted, ditsy cow, but your way is a bit more creative than that

So you just want literally Holstaur 1, after giving her her lust item or some other item to remove her dick?

In his defense, holstaur isn't really implied to be docile, ditsy, or huge breasted (unless she gets backed up)

No I changed the theme for more variety

Cave item done! Pros n cons reorganized



art update, and major masque princess update

for those wanting a shy gal princess, dont worry her along with other vidya game related gals will be gettin their own gen at some point most likely

death note seems a tad op, as well as ill fitting as a lust item.
Perhaps some kind of magical dance pole, or other kind of mask instead?

Yeah, honestly I like the old Gen IV chart just fine.

Nothing changed, the art was updated. Only major change was masque into something that wasn't a shy gal

Yeah I can change that, was leaning towards something like the knight blade for kicks at first but it's OP now that mention it

anyone got the full of this? It was made by Dworven I think

i mean considering gen 4 is packed full of webcomic chars and gen five has "girl venom" i don't think the shygal was an especially big issue, and should have stayed

I don't think many find the weird venom princess appealing
Perhaps taking shygal,accountant, and fitness princesses and just put them in their own gen where they belong

my problem is honestly i dont think that gen is ever going to happen, i would love if it did but i doubt it will

>I don't think many find the weird venom princess appealing
Says you cockfag, and I'm the guy who just wrote up Holstaur 2, and did Buffalo and some of the work on Cave.

no need for that, not saying she's bad just that she's well weird her fusion bonus is cool though

I'm sorry, but, Venom Princess?

Symbiote Princess garnered enough hate already. And didn't people stir up shit because Holstaur was a trap?

Hey cheesey, do you still have my drawing request in mind??

Yeah, not a fan of Masque's lust item, but otherwise it's petty good. Never did like how Masque was literally just a shygal as much as I like them, so I'm glad that got changed.

Gen 5 symbiotic princess, can fuse princesses together and likes kinky cocoon ceiling sex.
I think she's pretty damn hot

Yeah it's weird having straight up references in the charts l, especially ones that were as unashamed as Isabelle and the wii fit trainer

As for symbiote, I think if her sprite was redesigned into something that didn't resemble venom she'd be perfectly good