Slavery basic got shit done in the middle ages, and now

Slavery basic got shit done in the middle ages, and now.
What constitutes slavery in your campaigns?

Other urls found in this thread:

Serfdom. England and France outlawed slavery in the 12th/13th century (and then created loopholes about how the colonies aren't "really" France/England so it's okay, but a few centuries later they abolished it everywhere and now they get shit for being racist slavers. No good deed goes unpunished).

>What constitutes slavery in your campaigns?
Haven't really thought about it. Which is weird now that I think about it, considering the 'main' nation in my setting is a faux-Roman Empire. I should think about a way to include slavery.

Is serfdom that much different than slavery?
sure they could have more rights as being considered people but at the end of the day they were effectively slaves.

Reminder that in Russia, you could sell and buy your serfs (with families or apart) and whip them to death.

serfs were for all intents and purposes owned by lords.

>Reminder that in Russia
In all east-europe
>you could sell and buy your serfs (with families or apart) and whip them to death
10 times at best or you get executed.

fuck off you poisonous monster, this is Veeky Forums

surfs rely on the lord to protect them and in exchange the surfs give the lord all there hard work and there not allowed to leave there serfdom

So, who the fuck are you to have slaves? Do you deserve people to work for you at a rate lower than one would charge for that kind of work?

No. I deserve to be a domestic slave, forced to clean my master's spear daily.

forgot to sage. PS: You're obviously an avid paedophile, and it's obvious.

>Slavery basic got shit done in the middle ages
corvée meant that european roadworks were utter shit for a long time.

According to the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery of 1956, serfdom is assimilated to slavery.

I think you need to step away and calm down.

Also you need to educate yourself about how serfdom actually works. They are not 'paid'. They get given land to live on and work for their own use in exchange for labour and/or agricultural produce.

Depends on where you live.

It should probably be noted that being a peasant does not necessarily mean you are a serf.

English peasants were rarely serfs by the high middle ages, and overall had a lot of rights to manage their own lives and even sue their lords in court.

French peasants had less rights than the English, but still had ok lives. Russian peasants had a lot of rights before the 15th century, but by the 18th century were probably the worst treated serfs in the world, basically slaves who could be bought and sold without any say in the matter.

Meaning what? 0 is a lower rate than anything.
Also, suck my dick. I need to calm down? writing about slavery on Veeky Forums as if any game would revolve around it. FUCK YOU!

The Black Death really screwed up serfdom in England.

There was such a shortage of labour serfs just deserted their land and moved to wherever a lord was willing to pay them in cash.

forgot to sage... yet again.

Yall need to get into a serpentine lock with each other. and never bother real humans ever again.
Who the fuck wonders about how to constitute a slavery campaign. I doubt you morons even play any games.

Congratulations, you are a troll or a crazy person. Now go away.

I'm doing a couple of nation/city-states on the more eastern end of the world that are about janissaries, combining hindu castes and islamic styled honor codes. I'm doing a few on the southern/south-eastern edge that are hard slavers. Like Brettonnian peasants but i've yet to give them an aesthetic but the cause is because a portal to (d&d) limbo exists and ain't no fucking way that shit getting mined but no way its gonna be somebody valuable.

Go away? You're on the wrong forum. Every week apparently Make me go away, oh I guess you have no life or will to affect anything, hence why you're arguing for a slavery campaign. Anyone participating in this thread is a troll. Anyone fending it off, is not.

Slavery will be present in the vast majority of historical campaigns and in most fantasy ones too if they give a damn about the period they are based on. There is no rational reason to dispute this.

Would you freak out if your character in a Greek Age of Heroes campaign had slaves in his palace like every other King and warlord? What about if you playing Pirates in the Caribbean in the 1700's? Should the GM just pretend the slave plantations do not exist?

Due to a shortage of people in the newly discovered continent, as well as the increasing number of outside agitators, Bandits are put into forced slavery I stead of death.

They are branded and marked, the full shebang, and put to work in the fields. I even let PCs take some as part of their contract.

There isn't all out war yet, mostly ship to ship combat with the occasional raiding group. Think of it as being Africa tier, with Madmax battles between armed school buses full of mercenaries.

Nobody would wonder what constitutes slavery. What's the rationale? Is this person in rags obviously a slave? Yes. Is there anything to wonder? Just write 0 next to their name. What campaign are you planning or have played in that this question came up? :s

Just some fucking snakes in this thread.

The idiot/troll in this thread raises a question.

Why do so many people get offended by the mere existence of slavery in games? Its stupid and immoral to ask the GM to whitewash history because you cannot handle a thing that existed showing up.

Yeah because you're lying. No-one's playing a slavery game with you. Are you OP? Because we clarified this last week.

It looks like you barely have the emotional capacity to add two numbers, or understand that if you're running a campaign where your heroes fight off limbo by owning slaves, it's probably not a campaign anyone will play.

>all of these triggered wage cucks

How does it feel being a modern-day slave?

Yeah Basically this, go back to /b/.

If you are of average wealth in Ancient Greece or Rome you will have at least one slave. If you are a landowner in the middle ages or a generic fantasy world you will have serfs.

The campaign is not 'about' slavery, slavery is just something that is part of the world. You cannot just pretend this is not the case without being an anti-intellectual moron.

So you came on here bragging that your entire populace is made up of slaves and your band of adventurers are mining limbo? Because the evil is so prevalent that they are now literally fighting the forces of Good? I call, you'll never run that campaign. A race to see who goes to hell the fastest, is what it seems like.

> slavery campaign
Nowhere in the OP does it mention a game revolving around slavery, it just asks about what slavery is in your games. These are two different things.

I think it's a valid question depending on circumstances. In this thread alone, people are in disagreement on what the difference is between serfdom and slavery, it seems. If you're running a game with something extra, it could further complicate things.

I ran a D&D game previously where a mostly-good party was trying to avert the end of the world, and they bought a ton of slaves in the Underdark, and proceeded to feed them to loyal aberrations to create an army.

They did this unprompted, they just assumed the Underdark had slave and figured they would be good to feed the aberrations with.

You're clearly autistic though, and I know my anecdote isn't going to stop you from further yelling at straw men, but it's nice to express my personal experience of you being wrong.

>has no idea what slavery is
>no idea what serfdom is

Peasants had different status all over Europe at different times, but were never 'slaves.'

Peasants in York often switched lords at will, meanwhile some Lords had the right to re-marry peasants at will, neither are entirely indicative of the overall institution of manorialism/'fuedalism'

A 'thought experiment' about slavery:

I know it say's "Libertarian" in the URL, but give it a try anyway

1 through 9 are slavery.
This 'thought experiment' completely ignores the concept of slavery.
Slavery isn't determined by how harsh you're treated, or who makes the decisions.
It's determined as the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised.
You can't leave? It's slavery. None of the scenarii in your link have an exit door.

God fucking dammit, philosophers ignoring the legal aspect of thing always make me mad.