Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1346: Saucy Saurians Edition

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Someone said the new digimon had a perk to stay in your most powerful form, I am not seeing that anywhere though so does anyone have any ideas how to pull that off?

Have you ever run for office?

Yes, I was president in west wing because my imported race would accept no less.

>my imported race
which was?

You poor fool.

Nah, too much work for too much responsibility.

I'd rather just whisper suggestions in the right ears.

A bunch of jojo esque mindflayers. They have glorious hair.

>whispering suggestions into someone's ear


Ebon dragon perks from exalted infernals are wonderful for this. As is that narnia perk where you know peoples desires.

Sure they weren't thinking of Sustained Evolution from the original jump that lets you stay at whatever level of digivolution you want?

Strictly speaking, Ebon Dragon charms are better for traumatizing people into following your "suggestions", and then being too ashamed of what happened to them to tell anyone or act against you. He's fairly poor at actually convincing people to do things the normal way. Cecylene's the one who's about knowing what people want and playing on that to manipulate them.

Well, that too.

What? Ten years in worlds featuring proper Semen Demons and not making a plan hit sommadat? While waiting for just above 300 years before I can take companions with me?

No Game No Life alone had Jibril, then there was Tomb Raider and Lara, not forgetting Skullgirls with Filia...after I modified Samson to have an off-switch, which I learned the basics from Naze in Medaka Box.

So. Yup. Bit of a slut I was. Since stopped, partially because I'm pretty sure Rin would explode all of my alternate selves' nuts if she caught me, Io would fuse all the demons and accidentally YVHV me, Mami would give me a disappointed look then SUDDENLY WITCH, and Saeko...woooooould prolly make me wish that she did kill me.

Positive reinforcement helps prevent cheating spouses! Am I right or am I right?

I didn't mean it in that sense, more like:
> Shit's on fire over here yo, sort it out. If you can't, I know a guy who knows a guy, for a favour as per usual.

What jump has perks for summoning equipment?
I want to be able to raise up my Evangelion at almost any time. It's the only way to be sure.

Are you around Professor Paradox? There's some questions for you in the archive.

Personally, I summon large equipment with a system using the digitizer from generic virtual world.

I keep large items digitized (which also saves on space), and keep the digitizer hooked up to a computer system in my warehouse. When I need to retrieve something, I open a portal just large enough for a digitizer beam, and use a remote to direct it to materialize therough the small portal.

And by putting a timer function on it, I can also use it to "beam" myself into my warehouse via a hole too small for most threats to follow (since the 1 day safety for sentient beings is a bit long for a jaunt to the warehouse)

Howdy /JC!

Baten Kaitos Origins Jump 080:
CP: 1000
Spirit [+300]
Malideiter [+300]
Location: Anuenue
Origin: Spiriter
Apothesis [-300]
Quest Magnus [Free]
Magnus Mixer [-100]
Heartbrace [-400]
Celestial Tree Seed [-600]

Companion Import [-200]

“Interesting,” I said as I observed the world through the Shingan, “your growth is amazingly progressive.”
“You know you’re kind of terrible at this whole tempting me to the dark side thing.”My Host laughed a little at that. “No offense.”
“No offense taken,” I would have smiled had I the ability to do so, “if anything I’m the shard of Malpercio that was mostly sympathetic and forlorn, even those of ‘evil’ nature have hearts that feel. Everyone has some level of sympathy, even your Gods who were so callous about so many things.”
“You’re fascinated by that thing aren’t you?” My Host said as I saved our Calm Conversation away in the Quest Magnus with an effort of will. My Host picked up the card without any showing of surprise and slipped it with the other seven.
“Yes,” I said as I drew out the will needed to do still silent magic and filtered it into the real world, “everything has Magnus Essence and that intrigues me beyond all other things. I wish to learn more of this world and it’s magics. I wish for my soul to grow wings.”
“You don’t seem to lack them,” My Host replied as they glanced about at the Ruhk who fluttered around us, “but that’s not the sort of wings you were speaking of.”
“No,” I said as I filtered out the information of my Shingan again, “that’s not what I meant.”

Why run when you can just take it

Are there any perks that let you copy someone's knowledge/memories without hurting or killing them?

Animorphs has a perk that lets you copy someone's memories by morphing into them. Copying them will put them in a dazed morphing trance for a minute, but it won't hurt them.

Matrix allows you to extract knowledge and skills into computer files that can presumably be copied, and using the Wireless upgrade to the Plug item you can do that in a painless and non-invasive manner.

The whole not copying other humans is just because they are squicked out over it right? There is nothing stopping them from copying other people right?

Digitalian does that, but works with allies. Get it for a companion?

Nah, it's too much work and too boring for me.

...Didn't stop me from still getting elected that one time though. That's what taught me I should probably toggle some of my charisma perks off most of the time.

Problem is, the way its written it only works on digimon.

I usually prefer turning people into loyal vampire or attach spirits to them to keep them in track.

Getting nanites inside of them that would leave them paralyzed or allow me to take control over their bodies if needed is also an option.

I can get the whole operation running in less than month after my arrival.

Like mentioned before there's Morphing Memory from Animorphs.

Also not sure if this counts, but Tsukihime has Artificer which lets you make a type of magic item that can let you read minds and copy memories.

I think it was something about them deciding it was 'immoral'. However yeah there doesn't seem to be anything preventing it. Plus that perk would be kind of a lot less useful if you couldn't.

Oh yes, user & Wilkins '01. Nothing like being the President of the United States of America to bolster a prospective overlord's CV. The campaign trail was smooth sailing, since we made a point of culling or kicking out all the dark powers who weren't down with the establishment. Wolfram & Heart browbeat a lot of special interests into line; it's much faster to conduct a blood curse than push through legislation if it's the right time of the month. Though at the time, there was a bit of a stink about the then-First Lady being a depraved hellgoddess preying on the hearts and minds of mortal men.

So there was much rejoicing when Glory devoured the Clintons' souls.

To be fair, Glories That Never Were breaks tradition a little to induce supernatural nostalgia on people. And it's just as valid as the others for enhancement by Memory Poison Mastery, Twisted Yesterday's Curse, Unreasoning Prejudice Infliction and Dark Claws Seize Dark Hearts.

Actually I thought Cecelyne's a lot better at detecting wants and needs than actually capitalising on them. Almost all her authority Charms are geared for demons (and later, gods). All I can think of for talking to anyone else is Inner Voice Betrayal. Endless Torment Emanation is just psychically making everyone around you salty.

Kirby has Royal Magic. I think MMX has a vehicle towing thing too, but it's been a while.

The Oberon guy here again. Looking for not evil companions but more amoral friends oh and more lackies, can never not have more loyal servants

Huh. Eggman's more hardcore than I ever thought. Guess this is yet another thing the animated series lied to me about.

It's lackeys.

What is a good jump to learn how to build deathbots?

Thank you for the correction

Do we have any ways to resurrect beings, without any souls or corpse since they just kinda dissolve into nothingness upon death? ...after around 4500-ish years?


At this point you're just recreating them, not resurrecting them right? I think Overlord (series) has bodyless rez. Not sure if that setting even has souls.

I suppose recreating would be the better word, yes... Overlord doesn't have a timelimit? If not, that'll do nicely.

Dragon Ball wishes

Who's the lucky son of a bitch you're trying to give a second shot?

So, in the FSN Jump, the Grail Campaign states that you and your Servant are gonna go on wonderful adventures taking on other Grail Wars. However, what if you turned down the Command Seals and therefore, the Servant?

Could you replace the Servant with the Master you allied with with the Master Alliance Perk?

2 wishes from dnd. First wish for a body then wish to resurrect them.

Overlord has souls, Ainz accidentally soul sucked some folk while trying to take exp from them.

You still need to beat all the other teams if you take the drawback, even if you turned down the Servant. You have to fight them all alone and for no reward.

No, you wouldn't get them as a Servant. You chose to turn down the Servant, thus you must do it alone.


You might need to read it again:

>*When working alongside individuals who can evolve, you can freely shift their forms back and forth along their evolutionary chain as long as the evolutionary state in question has been achieved. This occurs at no cost to the target in question.

That's still just for evolution stuff, not transformations or staying in most powerful forms in general. Much more limited then what the guy was looking for at first.

Ah, right. The 'dead for less than 1 year' rule got removed later... Interesting.

Not sure if that would work, considering his body's literally just a pattern of energy he's holding together with magic and will.

A fellow named Dreaming Steel. He was a Fae who fell in love with a human commander, then fought with her against the other fae who were trying to destroy the world.

Both of them died, and she keeps reincarnating with memories of him... But he just dissolved, since he didn't have a soul to reincarnate.

Comic Eggman is a scary motherfucker.

He would have easily conquered the world without Sonic, and depending on the timeline, he has already done it even with Sonic being there.

The early games and some of the TV series begin with Eggman already controlling the world.

Hmm, noted. I kinda reread some stuff as I was looking through my Chain and I realized I could woven the Grail Campaign drawback into Rin's background of being Zelretch's chew toy, being sent to other dimensions and such as she studied the Second Magic.

Eh, I'll figure out another narrative I guess. Thanks for the answer Val!

Oh, before I forget, one last question.

How does the Magic Core interact with Magic Circuits? Is one replaced wholesale by the other? Or is there some crazy synergy between the two?

Here is the half the perk talking about evolutions. It seems pretty clearly to work only on digimon.

In the case of Digimon however, you might come across something peculiar given enough time and training. Every so often a Digimon will gather enough energy and experience to evolve – and it isn’t uncommon to find Digimon that can evolve into multiple branches. So long as the Digimon you’re working with have achieved some sort of evolved state, you’ll be able to help them shift freely between each of the forms that they’ve already attained. As you happen to be facilitating this transformation, they’ll be able to shift their form at will without draining any of their energy to do so. With enough time and effort, adapting and evolving a basic program into a Digimon isn’t out of the question. That said however, even the most basic of Digimon is far more complex than a basic program, so you’ll probably have to exercise whatever programming muscles you have for a fair bit of time until you can cultivate a Digimon out of it. It isn’t just a matter of writing code of course – even with the code basis, you’ll still need to dedicate a fair bit of energy into breathing life into the program, as well as training the resulting Digimon.

No problem.

Magic Circuits just get incorporated into Magic Core. So you've just got one core and buying more Circuits just makes it bigger by the same amount more Circuits normally would.

Drain Knowledge from Clone Wars.


That's pretty scary that is. I wonder how many other kids' shows have nightmare fuel that passed me by...

Speaking of Digimon, have any of you checked this motherfucker? He can be create by combining two Demon Lords, and aside from being stronger that its two components, his ability allows him to ignore any damage that has any hint of malice in it.

Apparently trying to damage him counts as malice.

Read the summarized explanation of the perk at the end of the document (or check again) . It explicitly says 'individuals who can evolve', not just Digimon. That's just flavor text.

I think that the Magicka Revive can do that, but not really sure...
I mean the jump mentions that Revive doesn't really care about specifics and just does its job but...

Either way that is clearly not what was asked for, the anin above asked for something that would allow you to keep your most powerful form. In most cases that is not going to be a digimon or pokemon or something that randomly evolves.

>Dreaming Steel

Hmm, I see. Thanks again!

Well, time to make sure absolutely no one finds out about this and my First Magic, or I'm gonna have "Sealing Designation" hastily scribbled somewhere on my Files.

This should be fun!

I am pretty sure it doesn't apply to what I'm looking for though. I want to be able to stay in a super mode indefinately and I am unsure if things like frieza forms, saiyan powerups, or other such powerup forms count as evolutions. Specifically I am trying to use it with an infernal shintai to stay in a powerup form mode.

Yeah... I'm not sure that'll work after that much time.

Exalted. He's a pretty minor background mention though.

Like said you can use Dungeons and Dragons.

However the answer isn't two wishes, but True Resurrection. Unlike Raise Dead and Resurrection, True Resurrection can bring back Outsiders and Elementals.

The thing that makes this important is that Outsiders and Elementals don't have souls (or rather their bodies and souls are one unit). So killing them basically destroys their soul.

Which implies it can restore someone from soul destruction.

There's also a lower level Revive Outsider spell, but that would reply on that type of Fae counting as an outsider.

Alternatively I think I remember Tome of Magic having a process for reviving someone erased from existence.

Watch out for vampires.

What if something with no emotions attacks you?

Wanting to damage it still counts as malice as far Ogudomon's "atonement" ability is concerned.

Ah, thanks. That should work... Though looking at the SRD, True Resurrection would require a caster level of 450 after so much time.

Seems closer to an abberation than an outsider, so I guess I'll look into the Tome of Magic thing.

Sounds stupidly op and arbitrary to me. Who thought this was a good idea?

A Fork of me did in Youtube. Doing it myself would just take up too much of my time that I could spend reading.

What about environmental damage?

Well you could combo that into ising masters of magic stuff to break the spell down and cast it over time as a ritual. May take a few years but along with some help you could probably do it. Who are you resurecting?

Any damage contains malice. Even rain or lava contains malice. As do falling rocks.

Im kinda wondering if you could bless him to death by healing so much he gets digital super cancer.

Where exactly are you getting this info? All it says on the wiki is that digimon with even a small amount of malice can't beat him.

Hm, yes, that could work...

>Who are you resurecting?
Answered that one here already

Stop falling for the pathetic fallacy, user. It's pathetic, says so right there in the name. What do you mean, that's not the sort of pathos it's referring to?

It's not the first Digimon to have this kind of ability. Zeedmillenniummon can only be damaged by attacking his core from its insides. Lucemon: Satan Mode has a similar arbitrary ability to shrug off damage, since his true body is inside a nigh-indestructible sphere that repels almost all attacks and the big ass dragon is just a puppet/projection that will regenerate any damage done to it.

And he is supposed to be the incarnation of all 'sin' in the Digimon multiverse, of course he is going to have some bullshit abilities, considering how many Digimons come with a lot of similar abilities.

Damage counts as malice.

No, it doesn't. Malice is the intent to commit evil. Hurting the personification of all sin and evil in protection of good and innocent people is not evil, especially not if the person is doing it just to protect those people. So unless you can come up with some quotes, Your average paladin would straight up ignore your supposed BS defense.

It should also be said that the true Demon Lords and Ogudomon are multiversal constants, they can't be truly killed while a hint of sin still exist in the Digimon multiverse. How that works outside their native multiverse, I don't know.

Probably not, because it's unlikely that there is any natural phenom that can damage a Digimon of his level.

Wanting to hurt others still counts as a small portion of malice.

This is his current card description:

>Ogudomon is a grotesque Super Demon Lord who has seven legs and eyes, as well as an eighth eye. As it includes the whole of the Digital World's sins, and moreover, is a mysterious personification with the ability to atone for them all, the power of a Digimon with even a small amount of malice is counterbalanced, and it is impossible for it to defeat Ogudomon.

So it's only a Digimon that can't hurt him, then, since he only holds the sins of the Digital World.

If it's long enough ago that you need a caster level of 450 then you might want to try for an epic spell instead.

Since True Resurrection could revive them an epic resurrection spell with less limits should be possible.

However unless your using weird loopholes epic spells tend to be hard to cast, and tend to take a lot of time and resources to develop.

That and there's the issue of epic magic being 'Here's a toolbox. Figure out spells on your own'.

However it looks like it should be possible with the Life, Summon, and Transformation seeds. Possibly Contact and Transport as well.

No, it doesn't. If you're wanting to hurt them just to cause pain or misery or in service of your own goals, then it is evil. If you're wanting to hurt them to protect innocents that they are threatening, then it's not.

Yes, nothing in that card matches to what you say. It only says that even a small amount of malice is enough to be affected, not that trying to hurt him at all counts as malice.

I haven't yet, however I will when I hit West Wing. I try stay out of politics in most jumps, after all you're only there for 10 years on average.

It says right there that its ability makes impossible to defeat it. But hey, it's not my problem if you want to ignore it.

If you want to say that hurting others can also be seen as 'pure good', you can go with that. YHVH would be proud.

So you're an idiot unable to read? It says it's impossible directly after the part, in the same sentence, where it says the power effects digimon with even a small amount of malice. Are you so incompetent you can't recognise this means that it is impossible for digimon with even a small amount of malice, not that it means it's impossible for anyone, since that contradicts what the rest of the thing says?

No, it says it's impossible for a Digimon with any malice in it to defeat it. There are lots of things that don't fall into that category.

He's probably a shitposter looking to start something over power levels. Don't get so wound up by him.

It's not my fault that you can't read.

Something is weird about his description. It seems to me that he should be working off those sins, I mean he can atone for all the sins in the world but he just keeps making more? If you find a way to kill him are all sins forgiven as they have been atoned for? What if someone therapy-fu'd him and he decided to suicide? What then?

Being digital could you just use programming to erase him altogether?

Would being a high level technopath allow you to mentally screw over or control digimon?

If i'm going to get waifus in a gundam jump do I need to stack up on therapy perks?

Depends on the waifu. Some of them are actually fairly balanced. But yeah, a lot of those bitches be crazy.

It probably wouldn't hurt, how many therapy perks do we even have in Jump chain? I don't know of many myself. I mean I think warframe has a zen perk that can help with therapy but is not on its own a therapy perk.

Okay, shitposting, got it. Proceeding to ignore you.

Roguelike from "The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes" but you have to be careful not to drain them too much or they will die. jump also has "supreme mind" to be able to handle all the new memories

Yorokonde likes to throw those into his Jumps. FLCL has 'Swing the Bat', which works better on yourself but can help out others too. Zootopia has 'Disney Magic' which let's you therapy people while enjoying misadventures.

And of course there's Psychonaughts for pretty much all your psychic therapy needs.

Anyone know if x23 shows up in ultimate spiderman?

Gunnm, eclipse phase, G.I. joe, girl genius if you don't mind them coming out a little odd.

I think the new alterworld d. Rus jump has a reasonably good one.

>A Family reunited- 200
>You've completed a secret quest: A Friend in Need! You reunited someone kidnapped from the real world with their family. Reward: A Smile of Fortune- Luck will follow you around for one full week. It will increase your crit chances, send you rare loot and do various other things associated with good luck and Gods' assistance. The real boon of this achievement is that it allows you to see what must be done in order to help cure the mental illnesses or traumas of another, allowing you to guide them through their problems and back to sanity.

So thats a pretty good ability for 200.

...it only lasts for one week?

Not him but I did make the jump. The luck boost is a 1 week thing, the mental trauma helper is permanent. It shows you what you would need to do but not how to do it.