What is it about yugioh that is so attractive to black people, and how come magic doesn't have it?

What is it about yugioh that is so attractive to black people, and how come magic doesn't have it?

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Yugioh cards are easier to steal

Shonen loving weeb is a running theme among black people, and yugioh is close enough.
Magic is "too white". The one black kid I knew in high school who played it had to keep it a secret because his family would have ostracized him if they knew.

It's cheaper and more weeb than MTG.

>it's cheaper

Digimon is superior to pokemon

Weebiness. That's it.

About the same difficulty really at Walmart. They're both just on the shelves so anyone can just walk up to them and stuff them in their pockets.

anime tiddies

Unless you are playing budget or random M:tG decks, YGO is cheaper these days, or perhaps on par with the cheapest M:tG constructed formats like Standard.

$0-10 for budget Magic
$30-75 for budget YGO
$200-300 for average YGO
$200-300 for Standard Magic
$500+ for high end YGO
$500+ for Modern/Legacy/Vintage

Also, it's easier to just print the cards you can't buy on Yu-Gi-Oh.

I lost the count on the amount of people that I've seen playing with just copies. I never saw someone using printed copies of MTG cards before.

Black people really like anime. And not good anime, long running high-filler animes that should have ended a long time ago like One Piece, DBZ, Naruto, and whatnot. YGO fits the bill for that shit.

Ooga booga where da 2d white wimmin at?

These prices are a tad off. There's more than a few good casual YGO decks that are running $5~25. You might get shafted on ED staples, but most of those are cheap and/or have really cheap equivalents.

The rest seems about right, though I don't think we've had a $500+ deck since Nekroz was initially released and Brio was $450 for the playset.

It's basically this. Same with Mexicans, really.

They remember just enough about the anime about some dude with crazy hair fucking up people with cards. It's probably on the same level as Dragonball Z for them.

You won't be running a complete good YGO deck at $25. It costs $30 minimum for three structure decks. Even if we assume the entire deck is commons that you buy for $0.10 online, you still won't have the extra deck which is where the majority of money is. You also won't have a side deck that has expensive tech cards that are crucial to shoring up bad matchups. Cards that used to be $1 or $5 super rares become $25 sideboard staples.

Yu-gi-oh has a TV show and magic doesn't.

>but most of those are cheap and/or have really cheap equivalents.

A lot of the ridiculous rank 4's don't have good equivalents in the form of an alternative Xyz. Their literal alternative is Raigeki or just doing without. Though to be fair, most of the extra deck is "you don't NEED this to win, but having this makes winning a ton easier."

Ah, you were speaking exclusively of stuff you'd play at tournaments. Okay, in that case those prices are accurate.

You can build Cardians, Cubics, Shinobirds, Superheavies, and a few other decks for less than $15~20 these days (including sleeves), but nothing that will particularly do much against tournament-grade decks.

...then again, there's shit like Zefra that are $50 petdecks before staples.

The problem with YGO is the casual scene is much rarer/more competitive than Magic's casual scene.

Even in casual card stores you'll see fully powered tournament decks. Back when I played, the only difference between a casual deck and a fully powered deck was the casual player didn't have 3 Pot of Dualities.

they aint playing magic thats for damn sure

That's mostly because when 3 Duality was the thing, casual-grade decks were literally just "Whatever the meta decks are, minus the rare/expensive stuff", because that's all that was functional.

Nowadays we have a lot better stuff for casual play, and the casual-grade decks are much more functional and aren't just "put a bunch of cards into a stack and hope I lucksack to victory". Super Quants, Raidraptors, pure Kaiju, Cardians, Abyss Actors, Zefra (and its half a dozen variants), Buster Blader (bad example), Melodious, Lunalights, Performapals, Fluffals, Yang Zing, Ritual Beasts, Assault Blackwings, Prediction Princesses, Reds, Resonators, Ancient Gears, Superheavies, Igknights, Normal Pendulums, Dark Magicians, Magician Girls, deskbots, Aquaactresses...all of these and more are functional decks that operate perfectly at the casual level.

I mean, you can still make a decently casual deck by just shaving off the expensive cards and filling it with generic stuff, but there exists actual decks that are good, fun, and aren't as potentially overwhelming to casuals.

You're still right about there being almost nobody that actually does it, though. It's hard as hell to find people outside of simulators willing to play the game at a casual level, mostly because the casual players tend to fold and quit when a new mechanic comes out.

I believe you mean $500 for Standard Magic. $500 won't even buy you a full playset of lands in Modern.

It's because of the Egyptian stuff from the anime. WE WUZ DUELERS N SHEIT

Ahhh, my first "usable" deck was Igknights. I just continually popped them in to buy time while I could set up for a good synchro/XYZ summon. The closest I ever got in a tourney was dragging out a match against a Melodious user until they finally got me with that "you literally can't to anything to me" combo. I eventually quit and moved to casual MTG because my LGS was really fucking cancerous and like three people on my base played YGO.

For me, it was just the shit I was exposed to as a kid. Cartoon Network really raised my generation, and for some unknown reason, it just happened to fit in with black youth culture. Most eventually grew out of it because it's "white" or "nerdy", but for some of us, the autism runs deep and we genuinely love and care about these franchises more than we care about fitting into a certain culture. After I watched Yu-Gi-Oh!, I got into playing Duel Masters which, if I remember correctly, was basically Magic The Gathering's manga. Then, a friend of mine showed me Magic. It reminded me of Duel Masters, so I caught on fairly quickly. Also, as people have been saying, it's a fairly cheap hobby. A few tins can give you a tournament ready deck that can fuck everything in a few turns with Yu-Gi-Oh!'s overpowered effects.

Igknight Exodia is a stupid easy deck to make and fairly cheap.

>Melodious user using the Lockout after the fusions were released.
>Against an Igknight deck.
This is either "things that didn't happen" or "things that had no reason to happen but everyone was retarded so it happened anyway".

Well, my Igknight wasn't an Exodia one, so I think this qualifies as the stupid part. I didn't even know about that combo at the time, desu, a buddy of mine just passed off almost a full set of Igknights when I was getting into it and I just built it from there.

Depends on the deck and color combo desu

Where I'm from, out of all of the 8-10 players of MTG at my college, 3 of them are black and one is asian. Two of the MTG players play EDH exclusively, though one of them is black. Another one plays standard exclusively. Yugioh is only played by 3-4 guys, none play MTG, though one of them is black.
I know that Yugioh has the marketing advantage due to the anime, which also helps save time on grasping the rules. MTG has lore, but its not bound by game mechanics and its all either literature or UR;

>The one black kid I knew in high school who played it had to keep it a secret because his family would have ostracized him if they knew.


It's a real problem. Inner city black kids who are into """"white"""" hobbies have literally been beaten (Some to the point of death) for it.
Yugioh isn't considered white, but Magic is.

YGO's lore doesn't get bound up by the mechanics, either, at least not usually.

I wish YGO got more card lore literature, though. We only get it via the card text of normal monsters, or implied via card art. When Konami feels like actually explaining something, it's put in a book that never makes it outside of Japan.

>black on black violence is a real problem

Tell it to the media, jive turkey.

Black guy who prefers MtG here
2 things
>Blacks are weeaboos and YGO is Japanese
>White nerds have the stereotype of being incredibly racist, even if they pretend to hide it
Places like Veeky Forums prove the latter stereotype to be accurate.

>white people are racist
>people are racist

t. Occam

Niggas love anime. Magic isnt very anime at all and and uses anime only on expensive promotional items for the japanese market.

Reread the post senpai, I didn't say white people in general.
I said white NERDS

Look up Occam's Razor.

>j*ve t*rkey
There is absolutely no need to use that kind of language, sir

Go back to tumblr with that shit pusswagon.

So, they'll love the next MTG expansion, since it will have a egyptian motif.

We Puerto Ricans love this shit too

And people that dont like DBZ are too busy fapping to Yuri on Ice and Boku no Pico

Nigga, maybe in the US, but here in Brazil, the MTG store still has to deal with blacker ass guys playing Yu-Gi-Oh.

They are always the ones screaming, making a scene and fighting.

To be fair, I think it also factors in the fact that the average YGO player is younger than the average MTG player. Most people playing MTG now have been playing it for years and MTG is just isolated enough from the other card game communitites that they know how to not be loud assholes, mostly.

I can't believe these people, just dropping JT bombs!

Both points could be related, since YGO is considered to be an asian nerd's game.
>Places like Veeky Forums prove the latter stereotype to be accurate.
Can't really give you evidence to the contrary, although where I'm from there were 2 consistent standard players who are black and 1 black modern player, but that was a year ago when I stopped going to FNM. There were also two (white) females, and one is transgender, though the latter one was the only consistent one (she played modern).
Everyone seems to get along. If anything I would consider myself to be the least likable person there.

I would think that black nerds in general would be less racist than white nerds in general considering that black nerds are in a hobby that was started by mostly white nerds, whereas white nerds would at times find it surprising, though not necessarily bad, that there is a black guy that shares an interest in a hobby.

Can't say where I live other than that I am American, but we do have a significant population of black and Middle Eastern folk, so that would explain something.

>>White nerds have the stereotype of being incredibly racist, even if they pretend to hide it
We're not racist, just socially retarded. We react awkwardly to anyone who is different be it an overbearing parent, a cute girl, a security guard or a black guy.

I find this to be too true in my area. Even though I don't play MTG anymore, whenever I overhear a conversation from the MTG players it is always "The Dakota Access protestors just hate white people" or "Why isn't Ginsberg dead already?".

Hanlon's Razor

WoTC wants the extremely valuable, but untapped, KANGS market.

I could write a book about it, but I'll try to keep it short.

It isn't really a black thing. It comes down to a mixture of three key factors: Marketing, target audience and brand perception. Basically, the more mainstream a product is, the more diverse the consumer base gets.

Let's look at all the three key factors, all by one, while comparing it to its biggest rival MTG:


YGO has its roots in a popular TV show in one of the best slots on 4kids, which gave massive exposure to one of the biggest consumer markets: KIDS. The show was basically one giant marketing tool for the card game, similar to some 80's kids show, which existed for the sole purpose to sell toys. And you have to give it to YGO they did it perfectly, they taught the rules, they showed them different archetypes and they established an emotional bond with the cards, especially with the "boss" cards. Kids talked about it on the schoolyard and soon it caught on like a wildfire. We already had this kind of hype with Pokemon, but the Pokemon TCG had the problem of a way too diverse product lineup and kids don't bother with reading rules. The Pokemon TCG while performing solid, it really caught on after the TCG based game, which finally taught kids the rules.

Now let us take a look at MTG. MTG had none of it. There are books, which you only read because you play magic. There are comics, which you only consume because you play magic. There are games, which you only consume because you play magic. See a pattern here? Well, there been some advertisements in magazines, but nobody really cares about such stuff. Oh, and let's not forget the TV commercials, which been as forced and cringe as the newly Hearthstone ones: youtu.be/9QZ0YLfG9g8

Most people started MTG after they got exposed to it through a friend or family member.



I'm tired and just make a quick run-down of the other two points since the first one was actually the big one.

>Target audience

YGO = kids = one of the strongest consumer bases = big consumer base = many players = diverse player base

The MTG player base originated from the 90's nerds, which been always predominantly white, and still is based on these players. People showed their friends the game and even these days it's how it get it's players.

>Brand perception

MTG has a massive brand perception problem. MTG is the oldest TCG in the world and that feels for many people like more like a burden. They hear early on about these old, powerful and expensive cards that they feel are needed to really play MTG. A other problem is the endless sea of different formats, which are also discouraging. 25+ years of magic can be easily be overwhelming for a starting player.

This is one thing YGO has one format and that's it. People know where to start and get through the reprinting policy of Konami powerful staples in their normal starter decks.

This last point now was kinda shitty written and arguably incorrect in some details, but I'm tired, don't give a fuck and you get the idea.

MtG attracts more white nerds who are uncomfortably racist towards black people.

Source: look at how many fucking racists there are in this thread.

Weak bait. Point to the racists. the KANGZ meme and the term 'nigga' aren't racist, at least not in the context of Veeky Forums bants.

I suspect it's the same thing that makes dragon ball and fighting games popular with them.

first post best post.

YGO is a game where theft, cheating, and general niggerdom are seen as tools to win.

>the TV commercials, which been as forced and cringe
oh god, the MTG commercials.

I've noticed a lot of stores like walmart are starting to put cards like YGO and MTG behind shelves or glass like most game stores have been for a while. On the one hand it's sad to see shoplifting become such a problem that this needed to happen, but on the other hand it's about time they caught on.

Except doing those gets you banned. Good job, /pol/ack: you gave a leg to stand on.

I watch Yuri on Ice for the animation.

No, seriously, my Animation Professor has been spoonfeeding us clips from it because of what the show does with the figure skating animations.

Is it all rotoscoped well or something? I actually haven't watched any of it myself.

Because black people like to have fun and yugioh is fun, unlike magic.

>there are niggers on Veeky Forums right now

Well, they've got to spend some time away from /pol/

Yeah. And you better keep quiet about it or we'll steal your deck box, bitch.

>white people talking like they're ghetto
>"oh my god, there's niggers here!"
Fucking nerds. Go outside sometime will ya?

To nerds, anyone with more than an LCD tan has to be ethnic.

My standard deck is less than $100. It would be less than $50 if I didn't have a set of pushes.

Must be shit.

Well, he's actually right. I usually lurk here, and I'm a fellow of melanistic skin color.

> of melanistic skin color.

Everyone has melanin you dipshit, just not the same amount.

You know what's really odd? I only know like 4 white guys at my LGS that play MtG. Everyone else is Black or Latino (out of the 20 or so regulars). There's also this Asian guy who comes to FnM to trade, and two other ones who always just play Yugioh with each other in the corner. Never really thought about it until right now.

Why are nerds more prone to being racist than other types of people?

Your LGS is in the ghetto.

Why is he so smug?


Over what?

It's cheaper, more weeb, and most importantly it's much simpler.

We play with copied MTG all the time. You need 110lb cardstock, and sleeves, and a color laser printer.

You know guys, why be racists on Veeky Forums? I mean, we're already/were ostracisized due to our hobby. Why turn on each other? It doesn't matter what color, religion or nationality on Veeky Forums. Because we're already outcasts and nerds and we should stick together.

This world and the imaginary ones.

No need to get angry, bb. I know that everyone has melanin. I was just using melanistic as another way of saying that I am African American.

Had a drunk black guy come to our weekly x-wing miniatures night.

>Guy played Echo.
>Every time Echo decloaked his phone would play Deja Vu.
>I've never looked at Echo the same way.

Because ygo in general is more over the top and flashy than mtg. It also has a mythos based in whateverthefucktheywant as opposed to mtg with is mostly fantasy based. So wider appeal?

It actually may depend on where you live. I used to play Magic at smaller store that was closer to where I lived and there were quite a few black players. Two places where I've last played are a little farther out and I actually can't recall many black people.

I live in a mostly white part of southern California, and STILL about 20-30% of people playing tgs at the lgs are black college age dudes.

1. that's because we're held to incredibly stringent standards since we're not a protected species.

Some of the most racist and sexist stuff Ive ever read was said or written by black men. Don't even get a hispanic person started on the difference between mexicans, hondurans, and columbians. And american Hispanics HATE blacks, a LOT.

And a lot of this is socioeconomic. Poor people are super sexist and racist. Black and hispanic people are more often poor. White nerds are usually middle class. But since we have a large internet presence and actually have a sense of shame, we're way easier to cow with accusations of racism or sexism.

2. The culture of inner city poor people (who are very often black) is not one where white nerds are very comfortable. We do not spend our daily lives having to posture our belligerence to maintain our rep, and its shocking and discomforting to run into someone who does. It results in negative experiences. Tell a white nerdy kid who's been beat up or tormented by loud cruel macho bullies that he's supposed be nice to the ones that happen to be black, and he's going to drag his feet a bit.

I don't fucking want to have to spread my neck frill like a lizard and hiss at other dudes whenever I cross paths with them. I have better shit to spend my time on.

The SJWs and trendy social-media bloggers and shit-stirrers have been using us as a punching bag for a while now, so there's less and less reason for us to want to be conventionally left or progressive.

We tend to be overly-analytical and get irritated by what we see as emotional arguments, and get way in to over-complicated philosophies (objectivism, urk)

We define ourselves by being the sort of person who says "well, actually..."

We want to be intellectual mavericks. We wouldn't be vocal atheists if we didn't think it was edgy to be atheist. And its not cool or edgy anymore to be progressive, left, liberal, or whatever. Its edgy now to talk about markets a lot, to complain about political correctness and the histrionic virtue-signaling of moonbat idiots, to track down all the stupidest examples of uber-PC SJW behavior. To point out that actually, cops kinda kill EVERYONE disturbingly often, and given that black people are 10% of the US population but responsible for 40% of the violent crime, most of which being black people killing other black people, white cops are the LEAST of black people's worries. And now that there's a media machine that seeks out examples of black people being shot by cops and regardless of the facts, spins every incident as a cold-blooded racist killing, so black people are left with the impression that cops just love killing black people for some reason.

Stupid stuff that doesn't make sense bothers us like an un-popped pimple. The Amish bother me. Fox News bothers me. the PTA banning evolution from high school science classes bothers me. Internet Feminists and Gender Warriors bother me. Cultural relativists bother me; I swear, if an aztec priest asked them to lay down on a blood-soaked altar, they'd gladly let their heart get cut out for fear of offending someone's quaint ethnic folkways.

Part of this is where the Alt-right and that fucking Milo kid came from.

I take it you don't know what Hanlon's Razor is.
That or you didn't read the thread and just wanted to shit out a response to sound smart.

>and that fucking Milo kid came from.
Don't (You) have a campus to go burn?

This is possibly the most fedora-tipping post I've seen in years.

I am pretty sure that the left wing rioters were the ones who smashed windows in. As they usually are. The Democratic party with their race baiting rhetoric is the party of civil unrest.

...(You) as in user No.51764916

No, I'd ignore him, as one does with trolls. He's an obviously insincere person; he's a professional shitposter.

Way too many people haven't wrapped their heads around the idea that in a click-based economy, outrage sells. Half of breitbart's traffic comes from liberal people hate-sharing their stupid shit. rioting and breaking windows just gave Milo a fucking STOCKPILE of ammunition.

Sorry if my self-mocking, sarcastic tone didn't come through properly. My internet chops are rusty.

Real questions about YGO:

1- why do you guys hate keywords so much? Your card text is tiny and bloated as fuck

2- Why do you guys hate formats? Cards are fucking expensive as fuck and you have a ban list longer than the actual rule book.

3- How do you guys handle power creep ( obviously other than banning cards)

Literally this.

Most people only ever hear about MtG through their friends.

>Your card text is tiny and bloated as fuck
Translation bullshit.

>How do you guys handle power creep
The power creep gets diluted by paradigm shifts.
Instead of doing thing A better, everyone starts doing thing B.

But if A still out performs B?

What intices you to move on?

ya this basically

All I hear is you know the system is flawed but just don't think about it.

Blacks love anime for some reason