Chaotic evil?

Chaotic evil?

Lawful evil rather.

No, Neutral Evil

Meh, chaotic neutral maybe

She follows her own codex of living. She abides by her own rules, doesn't that make her a lawful evil? Just because she wants eternal war it doesn't mean she's 'kicking puppies just because' tier. Look at the two vikings she didn't kill because they tried to fuck her up.

Unpopular opinion: She's some variety of good, or neutral at worst. She does what she does to strengthen the human race and make people everywhere great again by culling the weak through war, ensuring future generations will all be wolves.

Well, she isn't directly motivated by hate or anger. She tries to be understanding of everyone, but her viewpoint is skewed badly. The observable collectibles in the campaign flesh her out pretty well. They also give a significant amount of backstory to all factions.

I can see your point
I genuinely think the story's mode actually decent.

Not GOOD, decent, 6/10 type of deal.

It's clearly an excuse plot, but as far as excuse plots go, it's not terrible.

But the problem with that is in the future whens theres peace as a result of the jarl, holden and the daimyo, It only takes a single generation for a people to become weak again.

Who's pic related? She looks neato, but I dont recognize her.

Apollyon, the driving force behind For Honor's viking/knight/samurai punch up. She basically took survival of the fittest to an extreme and then dragged the rest of the subcontinent in with her.

Ah cool thanks mate

She has a code which she follows, even into "death".

It's also a code that drenches the world in blood, causing a centuries long conflict.

Lawful Evil to a letter.

More like a decade long conflict.
Waaaaaay back when, the knights came to conquer. Then a cataclysm or two or three happened, the Samurai were driven into the area from the East, and there were centuries of resource wars, and then revenge wars. Then the Knights scampered back to the West and the Vikings fucked off to somewhere. Then the Knights came back and settled down. Then the Vikings came back and started to raid a bit. Then things settled down to casual infighting and the occasional viking raid. Then Apollyon united the Knights and counter-raided the Vikings in such a way to make them desperate and angry, and it all went downhill from there until some peace talks were negotiated after the faction leaders put the pieces together and realized that it was almost entirely her fault and not theirs.


Shes a big wolf

Everyone follows their own code of living. Doesn't make you lawful. She was as neutral evil as neutral evil gets. No law, no chaos, just strife. She didn't care how or why. She just wanted war for the sake of war. That's neutral evil.

>She just wanted war for the sake of war.

Ehm, yes?
She wanted to encite war and weed out the weak in order to perpetuate the conflict.


Did you even play the game? At one point she literally says "I am War."

What he said.

She very much cared about the hows and whys. She orchestrated the whole thing without leaving any potential for peace. Her raid was calculated, the viking response was calculated (Which is why she left so much tempting Samurai treasure at the shipyard that the Vikings were sure to use in their counter attack), the Samurai response to what happened was calculated (Which is why she followed up after the Vikings to make sure it happened the way she wanted). She's not perfect, so it didn't all go exactly according to plan (Vikings and Samurai both united faster and better than she had hoped, and the Iron Legion rebellion wasn't known until it was already at her gates), but she wasn't winging it at any point. She had strong plans and followed through with them.

>Everyone follows their own code of living.
No. I want proven statements of this.

Not what I argued. She did have a plan, but she didn't instigate the war as a way to gain something. War was its own reward. Or to make wolves, as she put it. She was insane. Neutral evil fits her the best because she didn't have any obligations or need to act within the confines of any laws or codes. She did have a twisted sense of honour to go with her selfish and evil plans.

You first.

>She just wanted war for the sake of war. That's neutral evil.
No, that's chaotic evil. Neutral evil is starting a war because you want the other side's stuff or something.

When the trailer frst hit, I thought she was supposed to be some sort of deit, possibly collaborating with NotLoki and some sort of Kitsune to sinstigate war between the factions.
Kinda wis the'd gone that route.
Still the best part of the "lore" by a countr mile though.

That's also not exactly what she wants. She wants war for the sake of making everyone stronger and making it so that the strong control the weak and not the other way around. Outside of pitched battles, she spares anyone ballsy enough to stand up to her, because she thinks they deserve to keep going under her system.

Is that the main villain from 'For Women' ?

More meat for the grinder.

Is that a no?

>Seeks to inspire chaos and break down social order
>Seeks to perpetuate eternal bloody war

She is in fact a textbook way to do CE without being the joker or a mindless animal.

>Inb4 she has her own code


Not Good; she's more than willing to sacrifice innocent people for the sake of her goals. Because her means involves bloodshed of thousands. Morally justified because of the goal is for betterment of mankind (otherwise she'd be into the Evil territory).

Neutral? Definitely. My money is on CN: help mankind achieve its true freedom by spreading war, anarchy, and strife. Only strength matters: the only hierarchy is the rule of the strongest.

>Morally justified because of the goal is for betterment of mankind

Nobody understands the law vs chaos axis.

According to D&D 5e, Apollyon would be Lawful Neutral.

Lawful Neutral translates to following the law, tradition, or personal code. This suits her character more than Lawful Evil.

Lawful Evil translates to methodically taking whatever they want, within the limits of law, tradition, or order.

You are wrong and i can't believe people have tunnel vision this much. Following a personal code does not mean lawful. Following the LAW means lawful. It means you obey the common social mores and ettiquette, more or less, of the society from which you originate or primarily relate to, and it means you promote similar behavior in an ordered manner. If Appolyon wanted to unite the kingdom's under a single iron fisted ruler, she would be lawful. But she doesn't - not only does she promote the three state fued, she actively works to destabilize those three states. This means not only is she not lawful, she is actively working against lawful forces within each of those states and contributing to the break down of social order. That makes her CHAOTIC. Hell, her last words to you are a rebuke to the concepts of duty honor or the social contract. To her it's all about strength.

The good and evil axis is more muddy because she is deluded into believing she is morally justified and isn't acting for her own benefit, she isn't acting for ANYONES benefit. At that point it's a question of whether or not her actions are so morally reprehensible they overwhelm her neutral stance. I would say she is likely chaotic nuetral or started out chaotic nuetral, but fast tracked to evil once she started causing the en masse murder of innocent people.

>Kills a Lawbringer for his sweet armour
>When she puts it on, it's suddenly Warden armour instead

Explain this shit, Ubisoft.

She actually would have started out lawful as a Warden. They have extra oaths on top of the normal knight oaths that they have to take very seriously. She stopped being a Warden when she stopped caring about that, which would have shifted her out of Lawful.

So she's a fallen paladin, possibly a blackguard

Would the protagonist Warden be a fallen paladin?

I literally paraphrased from the text of the book.

So you're wrong.

>Refuses to comply with unjust rulership and takes action to prevent the deaths of thousands at the hands of a tyrant

The protagonist was following their oaths all the way. When the oath to follow their lord no longer outweighed the oaths to uphold peace and justice, they left to do that.

>ensuring future generations will all be wolves.
But she's also sowing massive mistrust between factions, leading to long-term drawn out war which negates whatever benefits it causes. The strongest warriors will be thrown into the jaws of war time and time again, and people having children won't be on the battlefield, so the soldiers can't have families to teach their trade and ideals to.
Also, starvation and hunger as motivations to fight also means that people will be malnourished, and again, grow weaker. There's a significant difference between actively cultivating the strong and creating a war machine.

Well, it's not starvation, it's *imminent* starvation. She left enough food for at least one Viking faction to survive completely intact, but also didn't hide the fact that they have no way to grow more food in the coming year. The vikings aren't stupid, and the raider prevented further infighting, so they knew it was eat now and fight as soon as possible, or eat now, stay home, and starve. So they went and fought. And because they found evidence of the samurai being weak, but rich, they went to attack them first.

She took it to a blacksmith and had it modified.

You have seen the Lawbringer, correct?

With how little her armour resembles Lawbringer armour, melting it down and forging a whole new set of armour would be easier than "modifying" it so that not a single piece of the armour even remotely resembles the style of armour it originally was.

Modified into nails and knives?
Because otherwise she should have gone to an actual armourer.

Lawbringer armor comes in more than one form.

The more important question is: can I justify spending £40 on For Honor?

Chaotic edgy, a subset of chaotic stupid known for wanting to be evil but playing in a non-evil campaign that occasionally bleeds out of those environments when it tries to be "Baby's First Objective Morality".

Honestly the only thing I'm not disappointed with about that game is the aesthetics.

Not until they fix the network problems. Right now, it's a complete crapshoot whether you can stay in a game for more than a few minutes when even one other player is involved. I've spent the last two days playing somewhere between 10 seconds in and almost all the way through PvP matches before getting kicked back to the menu with nothing to show for my time.

Not unless...
>they somehow switch from p2p to server based
>they balance the classes to be more than "be assassin or valk if you want to win"
>they release more gametypes than duel, brawl, and "who's the best ganker"
>they stop trying to force microtransactions in a non-F2P game
>they include a decent campaign expansion

If you have any sense of forethought, then no, CE is a horrible choice.

Do you want to be ultimately selfish and have everyone consider you an immanent and persistent threat?

If you must be evil, being Lawful or Neutral gives you leeway to work well with others... for now.

>asassins in general
No, it's the Shugoki and Orochi that need to be cleaned up. They both currently have unblockable glitch moves.

Thanks for the advice.

I just want a good semi-medieval/generic fantasy-history combat game to play. Mount and Blade is great and Chivalry is good when the server isn't full of contorting, spinny glitching faggots but something with a larger playerbase would be nice.